コード例 #1
        private DNA[] CreateDNAs(int populationSize, int generation)
            if (generation == 1)
                return(new DNA[populationSize]
                       .Select(t => new DNA((uint)CreatureCreator.NumGenesRequired))
            var numFromHallOfFame = Mathf.RoundToInt(populationSize * FractionFromHallOfFame);

            // 1) select DNAs to breed new population from
            var parentDNAs = new DNA[populationSize];

            // 1a) add some DNA from Hall of Fame
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < HallOfFame.Count && i < numFromHallOfFame; i++)
                parentDNAs[i] = HallOfFame.Values[i];

            // 1b) add some DNA from previous generation, based on fitness
            for (; i < populationSize; ++i)
                parentDNAs[i] =
                        new DNA((uint)CreatureCreator.NumGenesRequired)).Item2;

            FileLogger.Log("  parentDNAs: [{0}]", parentDNAs
                           .Select(t => t.ToString())
                           .Aggregate((s, t) => string.Format("{0}, {1}", s, t)));

            // 2) breed new population
            var dnas = new DNA[populationSize];

            // 2a) add some of the best DNA from the hall of fame directly
            for (i = 0; i < numFromHallOfFame; ++i)
                dnas[i] = HallOfFame.Values[i];

            // 2b) breed the rest of the DNA from the prev. selected parent DNAs
            for (; i < populationSize; i += 2)
                var parents = parentDNAs.GetRandom(2);
                var tuple   = DNA.Breed(parents[0], parents[1]);
                dnas[i] = tuple.Item1;
                if (i + 1 < populationSize)
                    dnas[i + 1] = tuple.Item2;

            // 3) mutate new creatures
            dnas.ForEach(dna => {

            FileLogger.Log("  population: [{0}]", dnas
                           .Select(t => t.ToString())
                           .Aggregate((s, t) => string.Format("{0}, {1}", s, t)));
