コード例 #1
         * Calculates the maximum available fitness by multiplying the amount of block pairs with the amount of reward points.
        int GetMaxFitness(ConnectedBlocksGraph connectedBlocks, GeneticOptions geneticOptions)
            int maxFitness = 0;

            foreach (var a in connectedBlocks.Blocks)
                foreach (var i in a)
            return(maxFitness * geneticOptions.PositiveFitnessPoints);
コード例 #2
         * Creates a new population by recombining the parents to create children. Selects the parents to stay in the new population with roulette wheel selection.
         * @see ParentRecombination()
        Population RefreshPopulation(Population population, ConnectedBlocksGraph connectedBlocks, GeneticOptions geneticOptions, Random random)
            RouletteWheelSelection rouletteWheelSelection = new RouletteWheelSelection();
            int childrenAmount = (int)(geneticOptions.PopulationSize * geneticOptions.PopulationRefreshing);

            Individual[] children = new Individual[geneticOptions.PopulationSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < childrenAmount; i++)
                int[,] parents = ParentSelection(population, random);
                children[i]    = ParentRecombination(new Individual(Util.GetRow(parents, 0)), new Individual(Util.GetRow(parents, 1)), random);
                children[i].CalculateFitness(connectedBlocks, geneticOptions);
            for (int i = 0; i < geneticOptions.PopulationSize - childrenAmount; i++)
                children[i + childrenAmount] = population.Individuals[rouletteWheelSelection.Selection(population.GetFitness(), random)];
            return(new Population(children));
コード例 #3
 ///A method that calculates the fitness of the individual based on the reward and punishment values.
 public void CalculateFitness(ConnectedBlocksGraph connectedBlocks, GeneticOptions geneticOptions)
     Fitness = 0;
     for (int j = 0; j < connectedBlocks.Blocks.Count; j++)
         for (int k = 0; k < connectedBlocks.Blocks[j].Length; k++)
             if (Sequence[j] == (connectedBlocks.Blocks[j][k] - 1))
                 Fitness += geneticOptions.NegativeFitnessPoints;
                 Fitness += geneticOptions.PositiveFitnessPoints;
コード例 #4
         * The method that combines the methods below to actually compute the result of the genetic algorithm.
         * It initializes the population at first. Then, it calculates the fitness, and checks if the maximum fitness has been reached.
         * Continues until the max fitness has been reached, by creating a new population with recombination and mutation.
        public void StartGeneticAlgorithmProcess(GeneticOptions geneticOptions, string graphPath, Random random)
            int iterations = 0;
            ConnectedBlocksGraph connectedBlocks = new ConnectedBlocksGraph(graphPath);
            Population           population      = InitializePopulation(geneticOptions, connectedBlocks.Blocks.Count, random);

            foreach (var i in population.Individuals)
                i.CalculateFitness(connectedBlocks, geneticOptions);
            while (!CanEnd(connectedBlocks, population, geneticOptions))
                Population newPopulation = RefreshPopulation(population, connectedBlocks, geneticOptions, random);
                newPopulation = ApplyMutation(newPopulation, random, geneticOptions, connectedBlocks);
                population    = newPopulation;
            int maxFitness = GetMaxFitness(connectedBlocks, geneticOptions);

            ResultPrinting(iterations, population, maxFitness);
コード例 #5
  * Applies mutation to the whole population based on the mutation chance.
  * @return Returns a population object with the mutated individuals.
 Population ApplyMutation(Population population, Random random, GeneticOptions geneticOptions, ConnectedBlocksGraph connectedBlocks)
     for (int i = 0; i < population.Individuals.Length; i++)
         if (random.NextDouble() < geneticOptions.MutationChance)
             population.Individuals[i].Mutate(random, geneticOptions);
             population.Individuals[i].CalculateFitness(connectedBlocks, geneticOptions);
コード例 #6
  * Checks if the maximum fitness value has been reached, by checking if the population has an individual with the maximum amount of fitness.
 bool CanEnd(ConnectedBlocksGraph connectedBlocks, Population population, GeneticOptions geneticOptions)
     return(GetMaxFitness(connectedBlocks, geneticOptions) == population.GetFitness().Max());