public WAPPopulation(int size, WAPChromosome ancestor, IFitnessFunction Func, ISelectionMethod sel) : base(size, ancestor, Func, sel) { AddAlternativeRate = 0.01; DropConditionRate = 0.6; rand = new Random(); parallelism = false; epoch = 0; }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { int numLines = 1473; int maxIter = 1500; int[][] examples = new int[numLines][]; readFile("", examples); IFitnessFunction f = new FitnessFunction(examples, true); int method = 0, best_method = method; ISelectionMethod[] methods = new ISelectionMethod[]{new RouletteWheelSelection(), new RankSelection(), new EliteSelection()}; WAPChromosome c = new WAPChromosome(5 * 44); WAPChromosome legend = c; legend.Evaluate(f); double bestMR = 0, bestSP = 0, bestDC = 0, bestAA = 0; WAPPopulation pop = new WAPPopulation(100, c, f, methods[0]); pop.parallelism = true; Random rand = new Random(); while (true) { pop.RandomSelectionPortion = rand.NextDouble() * 0.7; pop.MutationRate = 0.1 + rand.NextDouble() * 0.3; pop.SelectionMethod = methods[method]; pop.DropConditionRate = rand.NextDouble() * 0.5; pop.AddAlternativeRate = rand.NextDouble() * 0.5; method = (method + 1) % methods.Length; Console.WriteLine("Entrenando: Metodo:{0}, DC:{1}, AA:{2}, SP:{3}, MR:{4}", method, pop.DropConditionRate, pop.AddAlternativeRate, pop.RandomSelectionPortion, pop.MutationRate); pop.Regenerate(); for (int i = 0; i < maxIter; i++) { pop.RunEpoch(); int prom = 0; for (int j = 0; j < pop.Size; j++) prom += ((WAPChromosome)pop[j]).numRules; prom = prom / pop.Size; //Console.WriteLine("Generacion {0} Mejor Fitness {1} prom: {2}, reglas:{3}", i, pop.BestChromosome.Fitness, pop.FitnessAvg, prom); if (pop.BestChromosome.Fitness > legend.Fitness) { legend = (WAPChromosome)pop.BestChromosome; best_method = method; bestAA = pop.AddAlternativeRate; bestDC = pop.DropConditionRate; bestMR = pop.MutationRate; bestSP = pop.RandomSelectionPortion; } } Console.WriteLine("\n\nMejor Cromosoma de la ultima generacion:"); Console.WriteLine("Fitness {0}", pop.BestChromosome.Fitness); Console.WriteLine("Clasificados {0}", Math.Sqrt(pop.BestChromosome.Fitness) + (double)((WAPChromosome)pop.BestChromosome).numRules / (double)examples.Length / 2.0); Console.WriteLine("Reglas {0}", ((WAPChromosome)pop.BestChromosome).numRules); //Console.WriteLine(legend); Console.WriteLine("\nMejor Cromosoma de todas las generaciones:"); Console.Write("Parm: Metodo:{0}, DC:{1}, AA:{2}, SP:{3}, MR:{4}", best_method, bestDC, bestAA, bestSP, bestMR); Console.WriteLine("Fitness {0}", legend.Fitness); Console.WriteLine("Clasificados {0}", Math.Sqrt(legend.Fitness) + (double)((WAPChromosome)legend).numRules / (double)examples.Length / 2.0); Console.WriteLine("Reglas {0}", legend.numRules); Console.WriteLine(legend); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public override IChromosome CreateNew() { WAPChromosome n = new WAPChromosome(length); return n; }
public override IChromosome Clone() { WAPChromosome r = new WAPChromosome(this); return r; }
/* Initializes a new instance of the WAPChromosome class. * This is a copy constructor, which creates the exact copy of specified chromosome. */ protected WAPChromosome(WAPChromosome source) : base(source) { maxValue = source.maxValue; nRules = source.nRules; }
public testExamplesContext(WAPChromosome chromosome, int begin, int end) { this.chromosome = chromosome; this.begin = begin; this.begin = begin; this.end = end; this.classified = 0; }