コード例 #1
        //private Dictionary<string, string> linkToPageContent = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        public void OnRSSPageDownloaded(object sender, PageCompletedEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (AQPublisher == null && !DownloadTextOnly) {
                    AddEvent("Active MQ publisher is null. Unable to post the event to the queue.");
                if (!CanRun)

                int currentForumId = AccountInfoList[_currentAccountIndex].ForumId;
                XmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.XmlDocument();

                foreach (HtmlNode item in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//channel/item") ?? new HtmlNodeCollection(null)) {
                    string link = item.Element("link").InnerText.DecodeXMLString();
                    if (link.LastIndexOf('#') >= 0)
                        link = link.Substring(0, link.LastIndexOf('#'));
                    Dictionary<string, string> nameValueCollection = Utility.ParseQueryArguments(link);
                    string itemId = "";
                    if (!nameValueCollection.ContainsKey("p")) {
                        AddEvent("A post in the RSS feed didn't contain post id. Ignoring the post. RSS feed: " + e.SmallUri.GetString());

                    itemId = nameValueCollection["p"];
                    lock (_postHashLock) {
                        if (_forumIdToImportedIdH[currentForumId].Contains(itemId))

                    WebGetter.DownloadPageAsync(this, item, new GenLib.Web.SmallUri(link), OnPostPageDownloaded);
                //AddEvent("Parsed RSS page: " + e.SmallUri.GetString());
                //Trace.WriteLine("Parsed RSS page: " + e.SmallUri.GetString());
                GenLib.Log.LogService.LogInfo("Parsed RSS page " + e.SmallUri.GetString());
                if (CanRun)
            catch (Exception ex) {
                AddEvent("Exception while publishing new data: " + ex.Message);
                GenLib.Log.LogService.LogException("ForumSensorDialog.OnPostPageDownloaded Exception while publishing new data: ", ex);
コード例 #2
 private void Foo(object sender, PageCompletedEventArgs e)
コード例 #3
        public void OnPostPageDownloaded(object sender, PageCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (!CanRun)
            try {
                HtmlNode item = e.UserState as HtmlNode;

                string link = e.SmallUri.GetString();
                Dictionary<string, string> nameValueCollection = GenLib.Web.Utility.ParseQueryArguments(link);
                int postId = -1;
                int threadId = -1;
                int forumId = -1;
                if (nameValueCollection.ContainsKey("p"))
                    postId = int.Parse(nameValueCollection["p"]);
                if (nameValueCollection.ContainsKey("t"))
                    threadId = int.Parse(nameValueCollection["t"]);
                if (nameValueCollection.ContainsKey("f"))
                    forumId = int.Parse(nameValueCollection["f"]);

                //if (!linkToPageContent.ContainsKey(link))
                //    linkToPageContent[link] = e.PageContent;

                HtmlAgilityPack.XmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.XmlDocument();
                var bodyNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("//div[@id='article{0}']", postId));
                if (bodyNode == null) {
                    ReportError("Body for post page was null. Error downloading post information.");
                string body = bodyNode.InnerHtml;
                body = body.StripHtml();		// todo: test if this removes everything ok
                //body = body.Replace("\n", " ");
                //body = Regex.Replace(body, "<br[ ]*[/]?>", Environment.NewLine);
                //body = body.Replace(" \r\n", "\r\n");
                //body = body.DecodeXMLString();
                //body = RemoveBlockQuotes(body);

                //body = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(body);

                // use item and body to create an event that is sent
                string subject = item.Element("title").InnerText;
                string author = item.Element("author").InnerText;
                string category = item.Element("category").InnerText;
                string dateStr = item.Element("pubDate").InnerText;
                string postIdStr = nameValueCollection["p"];
                DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(dateStr);

                //AddEvent("Parsed post with id " + postId);
                //Trace.WriteLine("Parsed post " + postId);
                AccountInfo account = AccountInfoList[_currentAccountIndex];

                string eventData = Defaults.BuildNewForumItem(account.ForumId, account.ForumName, forumId, postId, threadId, link, date, subject, body, author, category);

                if (DownloadTextOnly) {
                    string fileName = Path.Combine(DownloadPath, postId.ToString());
                    File.WriteAllText(fileName, eventData);
                else {
                    lock (_publisherLock) {
                        StoreEventData(_activeMQSettings.TopicNameForumSensorPublishForumPost, eventData, false);
                    GenLib.Log.LogService.LogInfo("Parsed post with id " + postId);

                lock (_postHashLock) {

                if (postId % 10 == 0)
                    AddEvent("downloaded post with id " + postId);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                AddEvent("Exception while publishing new data: " + ex.Message);
                GenLib.Log.LogService.LogException("ForumSensorDialog.OnPostPageDownloaded Exception while publishing new data: ", ex);

            //string currentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(currentFolder, itemIdStr + ".xml"), eventData);

            //this.Invoke((Action)(() => { LabelStatus.Text = String.Format("Sent {0} posts", _totalSentCount); }));