public GedcomMultimediaRecord(GedcomDatabase database) : this() { Database = database; Level = 0; XRefID = database.GenerateXref("OBJE"); database.Add(XRefID, this); }
public GedcomSubmitterRecord(GedcomDatabase database) : this() { Database = database; Level = 0; XRefID = database.GenerateXref("S"); database.Add(XRefID, this); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new parse state object /// </summary> public GedcomParseState() { _Records = new Stack<GedcomRecord>(); _Database = new GedcomDatabase(); // max level of 99, pre alloc size of stack _PreviousTags = new Stack<Pair<string,int>>(100); _PairPool = new Pair<string,int>[100]; }
public GedcomNoteRecord(GedcomDatabase database) : this() { Level = 0; Database = database; XRefID = database.GenerateXref("NOTE"); Text = string.Empty; database.Add(XRefID, this); }
public GedcomRepositoryRecord(GedcomDatabase database) : this() { Database = database; Level = 0; Name = "New Repository"; XRefID = database.GenerateXref("REPO"); database.Add(XRefID, this); }
private void Read(string file) { string dir = "/home/david/Projects/Gedcom.NET/Data/tests"; string gedcomFile = Path.Combine(dir,file); _reader = new GedcomRecordReader(); _reader.ReadGedcom(gedcomFile); _database = _reader.Database; NUnit.Framework.Assert.Greater(_reader.Database.Count,0,"No records read"); }
public GedcomFamilyRecord(GedcomDatabase database, GedcomIndividualRecord indi1, GedcomIndividualRecord indi2) : this() { Level = 0; Database = database; XRefID = database.GenerateXref("FAM"); if (indi1 != null) { GedcomFamilyLink link = new GedcomFamilyLink(); link.Database = database; link.Family = XRefID; link.Indi = indi1.XRefID; indi1.SpouseIn.Add(link); if (indi2 != null) { link = new GedcomFamilyLink(); link.Database = database; link.Family = XRefID; link.Indi = indi2.XRefID; indi2.SpouseIn.Add(link); } switch (indi1.Sex) { case GedcomSex.Female: Wife = indi1.XRefID; if (indi2 != null) { Husband = indi2.XRefID; } break; default: // got to put some where if not male or female, // go with same as male Husband = indi1.XRefID; if (indi2 != null) { Wife = indi2.XRefID; } break; } } database.Add(XRefID, this); }
public static void FindDuplicates(GedcomDatabase databaseA, GedcomDatabase databaseB, float matchThreshold, DuplicateFoundFunc foundFunc) { int total = databaseA.Individuals.Count; int potential = 0; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord indi in databaseA.Individuals) { List<GedcomIndividualRecord> matches = FindDuplicates(indi, databaseB, matchThreshold); if (matches.Count > 0) { if (potential == 0) Console.WriteLine("Match in " + databaseA.Name + " to " + databaseB.Name); foundFunc(indi, matches); potential ++; } } }
public GedcomSourceRecord (GedcomDatabase database) : this() { Database = database; Level = 0; Title = "New Source"; // default to filer being current user #if __MonoCS__ // bug in mono code, doesn't correctly get the real name, need to strip off , chars FiledBy = UnixUserInfo.GetRealUser().RealName.Trim(new char[] { ',' }); #endif if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FiledBy)) { FiledBy = Environment.UserName; } XRefID = database.GenerateXref("SOURCE"); database.Add(XRefID, this); }
public static List<GedcomIndividualRecord> FindDuplicates(GedcomIndividualRecord indi, GedcomDatabase databaseB, float matchThreshold) { List<GedcomIndividualRecord> matches = new List<GedcomIndividualRecord>(); foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord matchIndi in databaseB.Individuals) { // can't match self, databaseB could be the same database as indi.Database // so we can check this //if (matchIndi != indi) { float match = indi.IsMatch(matchIndi); if (match > matchThreshold) { matches.Add(matchIndi); //System.Console.WriteLine(indi.Names[0].Name + " matches " + matchIndi.Names[0].Name + " at " + match + "%"); } } } return matches; }
public GedcomChangeDate(GedcomDatabase database) : base(database) { }
public GedcomDate(GedcomDatabase database) : this() { _database = database; }
public GedcomIndividualRecord(GedcomDatabase database, string surname) : this() { Database = database; Level = 0; Sex = GedcomSex.Undetermined; XRefID = database.GenerateXref("I"); if (!surname.Equals("unknown")) { GedcomName name = new GedcomName(); name.Level = 1; name.Database = database; name.Name = "unknown /" + surname + "/"; name.PreferedName = true; Names.Add(name); } database.Add(XRefID, this); }
public GedcomIndividualRecord(GedcomDatabase database) : this(database, "unknown") { }
/// <summary> /// Combines the given database with this one. /// This is literally what it says, no duplicate removal is performed /// combine will not take place if there are duplicate xrefs. /// </summary> /// <param name="database"> /// A <see cref="GedcomDatabase"/> /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="System.Boolean"/> /// </returns> public virtual bool Combine(GedcomDatabase database) { // check the databases can be combined, i.e. unique xrefs bool canCombine = true; foreach (GedcomRecord record in database.Table.Values) { if (Contains(record.XRefID)) { canCombine = false; break; } } if (canCombine) { foreach (GedcomRecord record in database.Table.Values) { Add(record.XRefID, record); } } return canCombine; }
public static GedcomAge Parse(string str, GedcomDatabase database) { GedcomAge age = null; if (string.Compare(str, "INFANT", true) == 0) { age = new GedcomAge(); age.Database = database; age.Equality = -1; age.Years = 1; } else if (string.Compare(str, "CHILD", true) == 0) { age = new GedcomAge(); age.Database = database; age.Equality = -1; age.Years = 8; } else if (string.Compare(str, "STILLBORN", true) == 0) { age = new GedcomAge(); age.Database = database; age.Equality = 0; age.Years = 0; age.Months = 0; age.Days = 0; } else { int equality = 0; int off = 0; if (str[0] == '<') { equality = -1; off = 1; } else if (str[0] == '>') { equality = 1; off = 1; } int val = -1; bool isAge = true; int year = -1; int month = -1; int day = -1; while ((isAge) && (off < str.Length)) { char c = str[off]; if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { bool isDigit = char.IsDigit(c); if (val == -1 && !isDigit) { isAge = false; } else if (isDigit) { int thisVal = val = (((int)c) - ((int)'0')); if (val == -1) { val = thisVal; } else { val *= 10; val += thisVal; } } else if (c == 'Y' || c == 'y') { if (year != -1) { isAge = false; } else { year = val; val = -1; } } else if (c == 'M' || c == 'm') { if (month != -1) { isAge = false; } else { month = val; val = -1; } } else if (c == 'D' || c == 'd') { if (day != -1) { isAge = false; } else { day = val; val = -1; } } else { isAge = false; } } off ++; } isAge &= (year != -1 || month != -1 || day != -1); if (isAge) { age = new GedcomAge(); age.Database = database; age.Equality = equality; age.Years = year; age.Months = month; age.Days = day; } } return age; }
/// <summary> /// Outputs a GedcomDatabase to the given file /// </summary> /// <param name="database">The GedcomDatabase to write</param> /// <param name="file">The filename to write to</param> public void WriteGedcom(GedcomDatabase database, string file) { lock (database) { Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding(); using (GedcomStreamWriter w = new GedcomStreamWriter(file, false, enc)) { w.AllowInformationSeparatorOneSave = AllowInformationSeparatorOneSave; w.AllowLineTabsSave = AllowLineTabsSave; w.AllowTabsSave = AllowTabsSave; // write header GedcomHeader header = database.Header; header.Test = Test; header.Filename = file; header.ApplicationName = ApplicationName; header.ApplicationSystemID = ApplicationSystemID; header.ApplicationVersion = ApplicationVersion; header.Corporation = Corporation; header.CorporationAddress = CorporationAddress; header.Output(w); // write records foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in database) { GedcomRecord record = entry.Value as GedcomRecord; record.Output(w); //w.Write(Environment.NewLine); } w.WriteLine(); w.WriteLine("0 TRLR"); //w.Write(Environment.NewLine); } } }
protected virtual void OnNewDatabase_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { GedcomDatabase database; database = new GedcomDatabase(); // create an initial person as we need one to work properly GedcomIndividualRecord indi = new GedcomIndividualRecord(database); database.Name = "Unsaved"; SetGedcomDatabase(database); }
public void controller(string[] args) { if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-FTDNA")) { FamilyTreeDNA.FamilyTreeDNA ftd = new FamilyTreeDNA.FamilyTreeDNA(); ftd.Login("169551", "D3742"); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-compare")) { GedcomDatabase gd1 = new GedcomDatabase(); GedcomIndividualRecord record = new GedcomIndividualRecord(gd1, "Robert Warthen"); record.Sex = GedcomSex.Male; //record.Birth = new GedcomIndividualEvent().Date.; GedcomParser.GedcomRecordWriter grw = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordWriter(); grw.WriteGedcom(gd1, "C:\\Temp\\Rob.ged"); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-compdir")) { sw = new StreamWriter(args[1] + "\\match.csv"); sw.WriteLine("File1,File2,Exact Match,Given1,Surname1,Birth Date1,Birth Place1,Death Date1,Death Place1,Given2,Surname2,Birth Date2,Birth Place2,Death Date2,Death Place2"); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Equals("-file")) { files = new string[1]; files[0] = args[3]; } if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Equals("-dir")) { files2 = Directory.GetFiles(args[3], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } foreach (string gdf1 in files) { string gedcomFile1 = gdf1.ToUpper(); if (!gedcomFile1.EndsWith(".GED")) continue; swFile1 = Path.GetFileName(gedcomFile1); //Console.WriteLine("Loading " + ); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; try { grr1.ReadGedcom(); } catch { continue; } GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; foreach (string gdf2 in files2) { string gedcomFile2 = gdf2.ToUpper(); if (!gedcomFile2.EndsWith(".GED")) continue; if (gedcomFile2.Equals(gedcomFile1)) continue; swFile2 = Path.GetFileName(gedcomFile2); //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " and " + gedcomFile2); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr2 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr2.GedcomFile = gedcomFile2; try { grr2.ReadGedcom(); } catch { continue; } GedcomDatabase gd2 = grr2.Database; GedcomDuplicate.DuplicateFoundFunc found = new GedcomDuplicate.DuplicateFoundFunc(FoundDuplicate); float matchThreshold = 95; GedcomDuplicate.FindDuplicates(gd1, gd2, matchThreshold, found); } sw.Flush(); } sw.Close(); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-surname")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string surname = args[2].ToUpper(); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { if (!gedcomFile1.ToUpper().EndsWith(".GED")) continue; //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " for surname " + surname); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; bool foundfile = false; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { try { if (rec.Names.Count > 0 && rec.Names[0].Surname.ToUpper().Equals(surname)) { if (!foundfile) { Console.WriteLine("File " + gedcomFile1); foundfile = true; } Console.Write(" Found " + rec.Names[0].Given + " " + rec.Names[0].Surname); try { Console.Write(" Born: " + rec.Birth.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" in " + rec.Birth.Place.Name); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" Died: " + rec.Death.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" at " + rec.Death.Place.Name); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Can't read"); } } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-soundex")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string surname = args[2].ToUpper(); string sunameSoundex = Util.GenerateSoundex(surname); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { if (!gedcomFile1.ToUpper().EndsWith(".GED")) continue; //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " for surname " + surname); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; bool foundfile = false; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { if (rec.Names[0].SurnameSoundex.Equals(sunameSoundex)) { if (!foundfile) { Console.WriteLine("File " + gedcomFile1); foundfile = true; } Console.Write(" Found " + rec.Names[0].Given + " " + rec.Names[0].Surname); try { Console.Write(" Born: " + rec.Birth.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" in " + rec.Birth.Place.Name); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" Died: " + rec.Death.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" at " + rec.Death.Place.Name); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(); } } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-loaddir")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { Console.WriteLine("Loading " + gedcomFile1); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord matchIndi in gd1.Individuals) { SaveDatabase(matchIndi); } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-GEDMATCH")) { GedMatch.GedMatch gm = new GedMatch.GedMatch(); gm.WorkDir = args[1]; gm.DoMatch = true; gm.DoGed = true; gm.loadGedMatch(args[2],true); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-GETGEDMATCH")) { GedMatch.GedMatch gm = new GedMatch.GedMatch(); gm.WorkDir = args[1]; gm.DoGed = true; gm.loadGedMatch(args[2], true); } }
private void GetGedMatch(string nKitNbr, string html, string pre, string sex, int attempt = 0) { if (!html.Equals(" ") && !html.Equals(String.Empty) && (html.IndexOf("<a href") >= 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Loading GED Kit number " + nKitNbr); _gd1 = new GedcomDatabase(); GedcomHeader gh = new GedcomHeader(); string GedName = String.Empty; gh.Filename = "GM_" + nKitNbr + ".ged"; _gd1.Header = gh; htIndi = new System.Collections.Hashtable(50); html = html.Replace(" ", " "); html = html.Replace("<a href='", ""); string geds = String.Empty; try { geds = html.Trim().Substring(0, html.IndexOf(" title") - 2); } catch { } int ifam = html.IndexOf("id_family="); int ifame = html.IndexOf("' title"); string nfamily = html.Substring(ifam + 10,ifame-ifam-10); GetHTML(geds, WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME" + nKitNbr + ".html", pre); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME" + nKitNbr + ".html"); string line = reader.ReadLine(); bool found = false; while (line != null) { if (line.StartsWith("ANCESTORS OF: ")) { int ig = line.IndexOf("&id_ged"); int ige = line.IndexOf("'>"); int ine = line.IndexOf("</a>"); try { GedName = line.Substring(ige + 2, ine - ige - 2).Replace(" ", " ").Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", ""); } catch { } try { string nindi = line.Substring(ig + 8, ige - ig - 8); if (!Directory.Exists(WorkIndiDir + nfamily)) Directory.CreateDirectory(WorkIndiDir + nfamily); GedcomIndividualRecord gir = GetGedIndi(nindi, nfamily, nKitNbr, geds, sex); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace); } found = true; break; } line = reader.ReadLine(); } reader.Close(); if (!found && attempt++ < 2) { GetHTML("" + nfamily, WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME_LIST_" + nKitNbr + ".html", geds); StreamReader freader = new StreamReader(WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME_LIST_" + nKitNbr + ".html"); string fline = freader.ReadLine(); { //Try try { GetHTML("" + nfamily, WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME_LIST_A_" + nKitNbr + ".html", geds); StreamReader f1reader = new StreamReader(WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME_LIST_A_" + nKitNbr + ".html"); string f1line = f1reader.ReadLine(); while (f1line != null) { if (f1line.IndexOf("id_familyname=") > 0) { int ifamname = f1line.IndexOf("id_familyname="); int ige = f1line.IndexOf("&"); string nfamilyname = f1line.Substring(ifamname + 14, ige - ifamname - 14); //Get GetHTML("" + nfamilyname + "&id_family=" + nfamily, WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME_DETAIL_" + nKitNbr + ".html", geds); StreamReader dreader = new StreamReader(WorkDir + "\\GM_SURNAME_DETAIL_" + nKitNbr + ".html"); string dline = dreader.ReadLine(); while (dline != null) { if (dline.IndexOf("id_ged=") > 0) { int iged = dline.IndexOf("id_ged="); int ie = dline.IndexOf("'>"); string nindi = dline.Substring(iged + 7,ie-7-iged); html = dline.Substring(iged, ie + 4 - iged); //Call if (!Directory.Exists(WorkIndiDir + nfamily)) Directory.CreateDirectory(WorkIndiDir + nfamily); GetGedIndi(nindi, nfamily, nKitNbr, geds, sex); found = true; } dline = dreader.ReadLine(); } } f1line = f1reader.ReadLine(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace); } } reader.Close(); } if (found) lock (gedfile) { gedfile = WorkDir + "\\GM_" + GedName + nKitNbr + ".ged"; Console.WriteLine("Writting " + gedfile); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordWriter grw = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordWriter(); try { grw.WriteGedcom(_gd1, gedfile); } catch { try { gedfile = WorkDir + "\\GM_" + nKitNbr + ".ged"; grw.WriteGedcom(_gd1, gedfile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't write out " + gedfile + ": " + ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace); } } gedfile = string.Empty; } } }
private void SetGedcomDatabase(GedcomDatabase database) { _database = null; _record = null; _database = database; _record = _database.Individuals[0]; if (_currentView != null) { _currentView.Database = _database; _currentView.Record = _record; } ViewNotebook.Sensitive = true; Merge.Sensitive = true; Save.Sensitive = true; SaveAs.Sensitive = true; PropertiesAction.Sensitive = true; // get all report related actions, make sensitive foreach (Gtk.Action action in _reportsGroup.ListActions()) { action.Sensitive = true; } // get all tools related actions, make sensitive foreach (Gtk.Action action in _toolsGroup.ListActions()) { action.Sensitive = true; } // get all view related actions, make sensitive foreach (Gtk.Action action in _viewGroup.ListActions()) { action.Sensitive = true; } NewIndividual.Sensitive = true; NewMedia.Sensitive = true; NewRepository.Sensitive = true; NewSource.Sensitive = true; NewNote.Sensitive = true; }
public void controller(string[] args) { if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-FTDNA")) { FamilyTreeDNA.FamilyTreeDNA ftd = new FamilyTreeDNA.FamilyTreeDNA(); if (args.Length >= 3) ftd.Login(args[1], args[2]); else ftd.Login("169551", "D3742"); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-23")) { MeAnd23.MeAnd23 m23 = new MeAnd23.MeAnd23(); if (args.Length >= 3) m23.Login(args[1], args[2]); else m23.Login("*****@*****.**", "nurse1"); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-CSV")) { } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-compare")) { GedcomDatabase gd1 = new GedcomDatabase(); GedcomIndividualRecord record = new GedcomIndividualRecord(gd1, "Robert Warthen"); record.Sex = GedcomSex.Male; //record.Birth = new GedcomIndividualEvent().Date.; GedcomParser.GedcomRecordWriter grw = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordWriter(); grw.WriteGedcom(gd1, "C:\\Temp\\Rob.ged"); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-surlist")) { swsn = new StreamWriter(args[1] + "\\surname.csv", false); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Equals("-file")) { files = new string[1]; files[0] = args[3]; } if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Equals("-dir")) { files2 = Directory.GetFiles(args[3], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } foreach (string gdf1 in files) { string gedcomFile1 = gdf1.ToUpper(); if (!gedcomFile1.EndsWith(".GED")) continue; swFile1 = Path.GetFileName(gedcomFile1); //Console.WriteLine("Loading " + ); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; try { grr1.ReadGedcom(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't read file " + gedcomFile1); continue; } GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; System.Collections.Generic.List<string> sv = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); sv.Clear(); foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { try { foreach (GedcomName sname in rec.Names) { string sn = sname.Surname.ToUpper(); if (sn.Length == 0) continue; if (!sv.Contains(sname.Surname.ToUpper())) { sv.Add(sname.Surname.ToUpper()); swsn.WriteLine(gedcomFile1 + ",\"" + sname.Surname.ToUpper().Replace("\"", "_") + "\""); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Can't read"); } } } swsn.Close(); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-compdir")) { sw = new StreamWriter(args[1] + "\\match.csv"); sw.WriteLine("File1,File2,Exact Match,Given1,Surname1,Birth Date1,Birth Place1,Death Date1,Death Place1,Given2,Surname2,Birth Date2,Birth Place2,Death Date2,Death Place2"); swsn = new StreamWriter(args[1] + "\\surname.csv",false); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Equals("-file")) { files = new string[1]; files[0] = args[3]; } if (args.Length >= 3 && args[2].Equals("-dir")) { files2 = Directory.GetFiles(args[3], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } foreach (string gdf1 in files) { string gedcomFile1 = gdf1.ToUpper(); if (!gedcomFile1.EndsWith(".GED")) continue; swFile1 = Path.GetFileName(gedcomFile1); //Console.WriteLine("Loading " + ); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; try { grr1.ReadGedcom(); } catch { continue; } GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; System.Collections.Generic.List<string> sv = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { try { foreach (GedcomName sname in rec.Names) { if (!sv.Contains(sname.Surname.ToUpper())) { sv.Add(sname.Surname.ToUpper()); swsn.WriteLine(gedcomFile1 + ",\"" + sname.Surname.ToUpper().Replace("\"","_") + "\""); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Can't read"); } } foreach (string gdf2 in files2) { string gedcomFile2 = gdf2.ToUpper(); if (!gedcomFile2.EndsWith(".GED")) continue; if (gedcomFile2.Equals(gedcomFile1)) continue; swFile2 = Path.GetFileName(gedcomFile2); //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " and " + gedcomFile2); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr2 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr2.GedcomFile = gedcomFile2; try { grr2.ReadGedcom(); } catch { continue; } GedcomDatabase gd2 = grr2.Database; GedcomDuplicate.DuplicateFoundFunc found = new GedcomDuplicate.DuplicateFoundFunc(FoundDuplicate); float matchThreshold = 95; GedcomDuplicate.FindDuplicates(gd1, gd2, matchThreshold, found); } sw.Flush(); swsn.Flush(); } sw.Close(); swsn.Close(); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-surname")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string surname = args[2].ToUpper(); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { if (!gedcomFile1.ToUpper().EndsWith(".GED")) continue; //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " for surname " + surname); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); try { grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; bool foundfile = false; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { try { if (rec.Names.Count > 0 && rec.Names[0].Surname.ToUpper().Equals(surname)) { if (!foundfile) { Console.WriteLine("File " + gedcomFile1); foundfile = true; } Console.Write(" Found " + rec.Names[0].Given + " " + rec.Names[0].Surname); try { Console.Write(" Born: " + rec.Birth.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" in " + rec.Birth.Place.Name); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" Died: " + rec.Death.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" at " + rec.Death.Place.Name); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Can't read"); } } } catch { } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-surfile")) { List<string> lstSurname = new List<string>(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); //string surname = args[2].ToUpper(); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { if (!gedcomFile1.ToUpper().EndsWith(".GED")) continue; //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " for surname " + surname); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); try { grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; bool foundfile = false; if (!Directory.Exists(args[1] + "\\Surname")) Directory.CreateDirectory(args[1] + "\\Surname"); foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { try { StreamWriter sw; if (rec.Names.Count > 0) { string surname = rec.Names[0].Surname.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("_", "").Replace("?", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("\'", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("/", ""); if (!lstSurname.Contains(surname)) { sw = new StreamWriter(args[1] + "\\Surname\\Surname_" + surname + ".csv", false); sw.WriteLine("File,Given,Surname,Birth Date,Birth Place,Death Date,Death Place"); lstSurname.Add(surname); } else sw = new StreamWriter(args[1] + "\\Surname\\Surname_" + surname + ".csv", true); sw.Write("\"" + gedcomFile1 + "\"," + "\"" + rec.Names[0].Given + "\"," + "\"" + rec.Names[0].Surname + "\","); try { sw.Write("\"" + rec.Birth.Date.DateString + "\"," + "\"" + rec.Birth.Place.Name + "\","); } catch { sw.Write(",,"); } try { sw.WriteLine( "\"" + rec.Death.Date.DateString + "\"," + "\"" + rec.Death.Place.Name + "\"");} catch { sw.WriteLine(","); } sw.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Can't read: " + ex.Message + "-" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { if (sw != null) sw.Close(); } } } catch { } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-birth")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string surname = args[2].ToUpper(); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { if (!gedcomFile1.ToUpper().EndsWith(".GED")) continue; //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " for surname " + surname); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; bool foundfile = false; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { try { if (rec.Birth != null && rec.Birth.Place != null && rec.Birth.Place.Name != null && rec.Birth.Place.Name.ToUpper().Contains(surname)) { if (!foundfile) { Console.WriteLine("File " + gedcomFile1); foundfile = true; } Console.Write(" Found " + rec.Names[0].Given + " " + rec.Names[0].Surname); try { Console.Write(" Born: " + rec.Birth.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" in " + rec.Birth.Place.Name); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" Died: " + rec.Death.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" at " + rec.Death.Place.Name); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Can't read:" + ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-soundex")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string surname = args[2].ToUpper(); string sunameSoundex = Util.GenerateSoundex(surname); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { if (!gedcomFile1.ToUpper().EndsWith(".GED")) continue; //Console.WriteLine("Comparing " + gedcomFile1 + " for surname " + surname); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; bool foundfile = false; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord rec in gd1.Individuals) { if (rec.Names[0].SurnameSoundex.Equals(sunameSoundex)) { if (!foundfile) { Console.WriteLine("File " + gedcomFile1); foundfile = true; } Console.Write(" Found " + rec.Names[0].Given + " " + rec.Names[0].Surname); try { Console.Write(" Born: " + rec.Birth.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" in " + rec.Birth.Place.Name); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" Died: " + rec.Death.Date.DateString); } catch { } try { Console.Write(" at " + rec.Death.Place.Name); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(); } } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].Equals("-loaddir")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(args[1], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string gedcomFile1 in files) { Console.WriteLine("Loading " + gedcomFile1); GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader grr1 = new GedcomParser.GedcomRecordReader(); grr1.GedcomFile = gedcomFile1; grr1.ReadGedcom(); GedcomDatabase gd1 = grr1.Database; foreach (GedcomIndividualRecord matchIndi in gd1.Individuals) { SaveDatabase(matchIndi); } } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-GEDMATCH")) { GedMatch.GedMatch gm = new GedMatch.GedMatch(); gm.WorkDir = args[1]; gm.DoMatch = true; gm.DoGed = true; gm.loadGedMatch(args[2],true); } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[0].ToUpper().Equals("-GETGEDMATCH")) { GedMatch.GedMatch gm = new GedMatch.GedMatch(); gm.WorkDir = args[1]; gm.DoGed = true; gm.loadGedMatch(args[2], true); } }