public async Task help( [Remainder] [Summary("The specific command or module to send info about. Enter 'list' if you want a list of commands under their respective modules. Add a space and a number at the end for the index of the result.")] string all = "" ) { string target = all; if (int.TryParse(all.Split(" ").Last(), out int result)) { result--; target = string.Join(" ", all.Split(" ").SkipLast(1)); } List <CommandInfo> commands = _commands.Commands.ToList(); List <ModuleInfo> modules = _commands.Modules.ToList(); EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new (); // If list is specified, send the command list if (target == "list") { // Chunk modules by groups of 25 to fit on an embed var group = modules.ChunkedBy(25)[result]; embedBuilder.Title = $"Command List (Page {result + 1}):"; embedBuilder.Description = "The prefix for this server is " + Prefix.returnPrefix(Context.Guild != null ? Context.Guild.Id.ToString() : ""); // Loop through module in chunk foreach (var module in group) { embedBuilder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = module.Name, Value = string.Join(", ", module.Commands.Select(FormatCommand)), IsInline = true }); } } else if (target != "") // If there was an argument given, send info about that argument { var matchedCommands = commands.FindAll(cmd => cmd.Aliases.Contains(target, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || FormatCommand(cmd) == target); var matchedModules = modules.FindAll(m => m.Name.Equals(target, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (matchedCommands.Count > 0 && matchedCommands.Count > result) // Try matching a command first { var command = matchedCommands[result]; var fields = command.Parameters; embedBuilder.Title = FormatCommand(command); // Command name embedBuilder.Description = command.Summary; // Command description embedBuilder.AddField("Usage:", $"{command.Name} {string.Join(" ", fields.Select(FormatParameter))}"); // Command usage if (fields.Count > 0) { embedBuilder.AddField("Parameters:", string.Join("\n", fields.Select(FormatParameterLong))); // Detailed parameter explanations } embedBuilder.AddField("Module:", command.Module.Name); // Parent module } else if (matchedModules.Count > 0 && matchedModules.Count > result - matchedCommands.Count) // Check modules { var module = matchedModules[result - matchedCommands.Count]; embedBuilder.Title = module.Name; // Module name embedBuilder.Description = module.Summary; // Module description embedBuilder.AddField("Commands:", string.Join(", ", module.Commands.Select(FormatCommand))); // Children commands } else if (matchedModules.Count > 0 || matchedCommands.Count > 0) // If something was found, but index was out of range { await ReplyAsync($"Matched {matchedCommands.Count} command(s) and {matchedModules.Count} module(s), but index {result} was out of range"); return; } else // Otherwise, nothing was found { await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(@"..\..\..\message.gif"); return; } } else // If no argument was given, send the generic help text { embedBuilder.Title = "geckobot" + Globals.names[Globals.CurrentName] + " 4/13/2021 instruction manual"; embedBuilder.Description = "my prefix is " + Prefix.returnPrefix(Context.Guild != null ? Context.Guild.Id.ToString() : "") + " and [prefix]i for inline commands." + Environment.NewLine + "if there's a problem, ping a geckobot admin " + Environment.NewLine + "links: [trello]( [github]( [invite](" + Environment.NewLine + "'[prefix]what do you do?' quick start guide" + Environment.NewLine + "'[prefix]help [command]' cool help command, use 'list' in [command] for a full command list."; } embedBuilder.WithColor(180, 212, 85); await ReplyAsync(embed : embedBuilder.Build()); }
public async Task instructions() { List <CommandInfo> commands = _commands.Commands.ToList(); List <ModuleInfo> modules = _commands.Modules.ToList(); //constructing long list string final = ""; string prefix = Prefix.returnPrefix(Context.Guild != null ? Context.Guild.Id.ToString() : ""); //logo final += @" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " + "\n" + @" /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\_\ /\ \ / /\ /\ \ /\ \ " + "\n" + @" / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / / / _ / \ \ / / \ / \ \ \_\ \ " + "\n" + @" / /\ \_\ / /\ \ \ / /\ \ \ / / / /\_\ / /\ \ \ / / /\ \ / /\ \ \ /\__ \ " + "\n" + @" / / /\/_/ / / /\ \_\ / / /\ \ \ / / /__/ / / / / /\ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / /_ \ \ " + "\n" + @" / / / ______ / /_/_ \/_/ / / / \ \_\ / /\_____/ / / / / \ \_\ / / /\ \_\ \ / / / \ \_\ / / /\ \ \ " + "\n" + @" / / / /\_____\ / /____/\ / / / \/_/ / /\_______/ / / / / / // / /\ \ \___\ / / / / / // / / \/_/ " + "\n" + @" / / / \/____ // /\____\/ / / / / / /\ \ \ / / / / / // / / \ \ \__/ / / / / / // / / " + "\n" + @" / / /_____/ / // / /______ / / /________ / / / \ \ \ / / /___/ / // / /____\_\ \ / / /___/ / // / / " + "\n" + @"/ / /______\/ // / /_______\/ / /_________\/ / / \ \ \ / / /____\/ // / /__________\/ / /____\/ //_/ / " + "\n" + @"\/___________/ \/__________/\/____________/\/_/ \_\_\\/_________/ \/_____________/\/_________/ \_\/ " + "\n" + "\n\n"; //intro final += "geckobot" + Globals.names[Globals.CurrentName] + " 4/22/2021 instruction manual:\n" + " If there's a problem, ping a geckobot admin\n" + " quick links: \n" + " trello: \n" + " github: \n" + " invite: \n" + " '" + prefix + "what do you do?' quick start guide\n" + " '" + prefix + "help [command]' cool help command\n" + " The default prefix is `, the prefix set for this server is " + prefix + ".\n\n"; //'`what do you do?' note final += "NOTE: '`what do you do?' remains constant in every server and can be used to retrieve the local prefix for said server.\n\n"; //quick module/command list final += "Modules and their respective commands:\n"; foreach (var module in modules) { final += " " + module.Name + ": " + string.Join(", ", module.Commands.Select(FormatCommand)) + "\n"; } final += "\n"; //long command list final += "Command List:\n"; foreach (var command in commands) { var fields = command.Parameters; final += " " + FormatCommand(command) + (command.Aliases.Count == 1 ? "" : " (aliases: " + string.Join(", ", command.Aliases) + ")") + ": " + command.Summary.Replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n" + " Usage: " + $"{prefix}{command.Name} {string.Join(" ", fields.Select(FormatParameter))}\n"; if (fields.Count > 0) { final += " Parameters:\n " + string.Join("\n ", fields.Select(FormatParameterLong)) + "\n"; } final += " Module: " + command.Module.Name + "\n\n"; } //setup final += "setup:\n" + " Download the code from the github and FFmpeg which is linked below. \n" + " Create a Top.cs in the main directory, put the following text in the file and fill out the information \nˇˇˇˇ\n" + " public class Top\n" + " {\n" + " public static string secret = \"[token here]\";\n" + " public static string SecretName = \"[instance name]\";\n" + " }\n^^^^\n" + " Move the extracted FFmpeg folder into the main directory. \n" + " Then open and build the solution in an ide (Visual Studios recommended). \n" + " After building for the first time, copy libsodium.dll and opus.dll into your runtime folder for voice features to work. \n" + " Recommended setup is to use Task Scheduler or something similar to run the bot in the background. \n" + " If you get an error stating there are duplicate files, go to Geckobot.csproj and remove the last two item blocks. Then rebuild, then add them back and build normally. \n" + "\n"; //references & full link list final += "Links and references:\n" + " trello: \n" + " github: \n" + " discord bot invite: \n" + " Quantum component library: \n" + " DECtalk resources: \n" + " DECtalk idea credit: \n" + " Gecko Collection: \n" + " FFmpeg:" + " FFmpeg download shortcut: \n" + " \n" + " Google Drive API: \n" + " Tutorials: \n" + " Text generator: \n" + " Contributors: \n" + " Other cool bots: \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "\n"; //ending final += "Thanks and credits: \n" + " Special thanks to :lemonthink:, crested geckos and viewers like you who have the attention span to scroll to the bottom of the page. \n" + " Sponsored by lemonth inc. in partnership with F Period Bio"; //saving and sending file using (StreamWriter file = new(@"../../cache/commands.txt")) { await file.WriteAsync(final); } await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync( @"../../cache/commands.txt", "Click the 'View Whole File' button next to the 'Expand' option for the best viewing experience. If you are on mobile, use '" + Prefix.returnPrefix(Context.Guild != null ? Context.Guild.Id.ToString() : "") + "help' for help."); }