public static void executeWorkOrder(GCodeWorkOrder wo) { // finally, the rubber meets the road! GCodeGenerator gpin = new GCodeGenerator(wo); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(, wo.fileInfo.fileName), gpin.generateMainMill(!wo.useToothMill)); if (wo.useToothMill) { File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(, wo.fileInfo.toothFileName), gpin.generateToothMill()); } }
private GCodeWorkOrder[] makeWorkOrders() { string error = ""; string kind = "pinion"; GCodeWorkOrder woPinion = new GCodeWorkOrder(); GCodeWorkOrder woGear = new GCodeWorkOrder(); if (!gatherWorkOrder(true, ref woPinion)) { goto showError; } Control errControl; if (!verifyWorkOrder(woPinion, ref error, out errControl)) { if (errControl is TextBox) { (errControl as TextBox).SelectAll(); } goto showError; } kind = "gear"; error = ""; if (!gatherWorkOrder(false, ref woGear)) { goto showError; } if (!verifyWorkOrder(woGear, ref error, out errControl)) { if (errControl != null) { if (errControl is TextBox) { (errControl as TextBox).SelectAll(); } } goto showError; } return(new GCodeWorkOrder[] { woPinion, woGear }); showError: MessageBox.Show( "Cannot create Gcode for the " + kind + " because of incorrect parameters.\nPlease correct the error and try again.\n" + error, "Incorrect parameter"); return(null); }
internal bool gatherWorkOrder(bool pinion, ref GCodeWorkOrder wo) { wo.ok = false; = info_; if (! { return(false); } wo.calc = pinion ? calcPinion_ : calcGear_; if (!wo.calc.ok) { return(false); } wo.profile = pinion ? profileA_ : profileB_; if (wo.profile == null) { return(false); } wo.numTeeth = pinion ? info_.aNumTeeth : info_.bNumTeeth; if (!getDimensions(ref wo.dimensions)) { return(false); } if (!getMillInfo(ref wo.mainMill)) { return(false); } wo.useToothMill = checkUseToothMill.Checked; if (wo.useToothMill) { if (!getToothMillInfo(ref wo.toothMill)) { return(false); } } getFileInfo(pinion, ref wo.fileInfo); wo.ok = true; return(true); }
internal bool verifyWorkOrder(GCodeWorkOrder wo, ref string error, out Control errControl) { errControl = null; error = ""; // verify that the various circular features can fit double baseDiameter = wo.calc.radius - wo.calc.dedendum; double circularSum = wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin + wo.dimensions.ridgeThickness + wo.dimensions.holeWallThickness + wo.dimensions.holeDiameter * 0.5f; if (circularSum > baseDiameter) { error = "The specified ridge, wall, hole and margin thicknesses sum up (" + circularSum.ToString("#.##") + ") to more than the base diameter (" + baseDiameter.ToString("#.##") + ")."; errControl = textRidgeThickness; return(false); } // verify that the end mill can cut deep enough if (wo.dimensions.holeDiameter > 0 && wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth < wo.dimensions.stockThickness) { error = "The end mill cannot cut through the stock, and a hole is specified."; errControl = textHoleDiameter; return(false); } double ridgeTop = wo.dimensions.plateThickness + wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight; if (wo.dimensions.stockThickness - ridgeTop > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down to the top of the ridge features or teeth."; errControl = textMaxCuttingDepth; return(false); } if (wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of the ridge height."; errControl = textRidgeHeight; return(false); } if (wo.dimensions.toothThickness > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of the teeth."; errControl = textToothThickness; return(false); } if (wo.dimensions.plateThickness + wo.dimensions.toothThickness > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of the plate and tooth depth."; errControl = textPlateThickness; return(false); } if (wo.dimensions.plateThickness + wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight - wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of ridge plus tooth plus plate, " + "and enough ridge margin is not specified."; errControl = textRidgeMargin; return(false); } // verify that face milling will work if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling != FaceMilling.DoNotMill) { if (wo.calc.radius - wo.calc.dedendum - wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin - wo.dimensions.ridgeThickness - wo.dimensions.holeWallThickness - wo.dimensions.holeDiameter * 0.5f < wo.mainMill.diameter) { error = "The end mill is bigger than the face width, and face milling is specified."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return(false); } } if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling == FaceMilling.MillToPlate && wo.dimensions.plateThickness == 0) { error = "Face milling is set to mill to plate, but no plate thickness is specified."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return(false); } if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling == FaceMilling.MillToPlate && wo.dimensions.holeWallThickness > 0 && wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth < wo.dimensions.stockThickness - wo.dimensions.plateThickness) { error = "Face milling is set to mill to plate, and a hole wall is specified, but the end mill cannot cut the stock down to the plate."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return(false); } if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling == FaceMilling.MillToPlate && wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight + wo.dimensions.toothThickness > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "Face milling is set to mill to plate, but the end mill cannot cut the extent of the ridge height plus tooth height."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return(false); } // verify that hole milling will work if (wo.dimensions.holeDiameter > 0 && wo.mainMill.diameter > wo.dimensions.holeDiameter) { error = "The end mill is bigger than the specified hole."; errControl = textHoleDiameter; return(false); } // verify that tooth milling has a chance of working double oneThirdToothSpacing = (wo.calc.radius - wo.calc.dedendum) * 2 * Math.PI / wo.calc.numTeeth / 3; if (!wo.useToothMill && wo.mainMill.diameter > oneThirdToothSpacing) { error = "The end mill is bigger than one-third the tooth spacing (" + oneThirdToothSpacing.ToString("#.##") + "), and no tooth specific mill is specified."; errControl = textBoxEndMillDiameter; return(false); } if (!wo.useToothMill && wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth + wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin < wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight) { error = "There is not sufficient clearance for the mill between the tooth and the ridge."; errControl = textRidgeMargin; return(false); } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.diameter > oneThirdToothSpacing) { error = "The tooth mill is bigger than one-third the tooth spacing (" + oneThirdToothSpacing.ToString("#.##") + ") and cannot reliably mill tooth shapes."; errControl = textToothMillDiameter; return(false); } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.cuttingDepth < wo.dimensions.toothThickness) { error = "The tooth mill cannot cut the full tooth thickness."; errControl = textToothCuttingDepth; return(false); } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.cuttingDepth + wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin < wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight) { error = "There is not sufficient clearance for the tooth mill to the ridge."; errControl = textRidgeMargin; return(false); } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.diameter.ToString(".##") == wo.mainMill.diameter.ToString(".##")) { error = "The tooth mill diameter is the same as the main mill diameter."; errControl = textToothMillDiameter; return(false); } // verify feeds and speeds (just loosely) if (wo.mainMill.feed < 0.1f || wo.mainMill.feed > 50) { error = "The feed is out of range [0.1, 50]."; errControl = textMillFeed; return(false); } if (wo.mainMill.speed < 250 || wo.mainMill.speed > 25000) { error = "The speed is out of range [250, 25000]."; errControl = textMillSpeed; return(false); } if (wo.useToothMill && (wo.mainMill.feed < 0.1f || wo.mainMill.feed > 50)) { error = "The tooth mill feed is out of range [0.1, 50]."; errControl = textToothFeed; return(false); } if (wo.useToothMill && (wo.mainMill.speed < 250 || wo.mainMill.speed > 25000)) { error = "The tooth mill speed is out of range [250, 25000]."; errControl = textToothSpeed; return(false); } if (!Directory.Exists( { error = "The output directory does not exist.\n" +; errControl = buttonDirectory; return(false); } return(true); }
internal bool gatherWorkOrder(bool pinion, ref GCodeWorkOrder wo) { wo.ok = false; = info_; if (! { return false; } wo.calc = pinion ? calcPinion_ : calcGear_; if (!wo.calc.ok) { return false; } wo.profile = pinion ? profileA_ : profileB_; if (wo.profile == null) { return false; } wo.numTeeth = pinion ? info_.aNumTeeth : info_.bNumTeeth; if (!getDimensions(ref wo.dimensions)) { return false; } if (!getMillInfo(ref wo.mainMill)) { return false; } wo.useToothMill = checkUseToothMill.Checked; if (wo.useToothMill) { if (!getToothMillInfo(ref wo.toothMill)) { return false; } } getFileInfo(pinion, ref wo.fileInfo); wo.ok = true; return true; }
internal bool verifyWorkOrder(GCodeWorkOrder wo, ref string error, out Control errControl) { errControl = null; error = ""; // verify that the various circular features can fit double baseDiameter = wo.calc.radius - wo.calc.dedendum; double circularSum = wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin + wo.dimensions.ridgeThickness + wo.dimensions.holeWallThickness + wo.dimensions.holeDiameter * 0.5f; if (circularSum > baseDiameter) { error = "The specified ridge, wall, hole and margin thicknesses sum up (" + circularSum.ToString("#.##") + ") to more than the base diameter (" + baseDiameter.ToString("#.##") + ")."; errControl = textRidgeThickness; return false; } // verify that the end mill can cut deep enough if (wo.dimensions.holeDiameter > 0 && wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth < wo.dimensions.stockThickness) { error = "The end mill cannot cut through the stock, and a hole is specified."; errControl = textHoleDiameter; return false; } double ridgeTop = wo.dimensions.plateThickness + wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight; if (wo.dimensions.stockThickness - ridgeTop > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down to the top of the ridge features or teeth."; errControl = textMaxCuttingDepth; return false; } if (wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of the ridge height."; errControl = textRidgeHeight; return false; } if (wo.dimensions.toothThickness > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of the teeth."; errControl = textToothThickness; return false; } if (wo.dimensions.plateThickness + wo.dimensions.toothThickness > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of the plate and tooth depth."; errControl = textPlateThickness; return false; } if (wo.dimensions.plateThickness + wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight - wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "The end mill cannot cut down the extent of ridge plus tooth plus plate, " + "and enough ridge margin is not specified."; errControl = textRidgeMargin; return false; } // verify that face milling will work if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling != FaceMilling.DoNotMill) { if (wo.calc.radius - wo.calc.dedendum - wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin - wo.dimensions.ridgeThickness - wo.dimensions.holeWallThickness - wo.dimensions.holeDiameter * 0.5f < wo.mainMill.diameter) { error = "The end mill is bigger than the face width, and face milling is specified."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return false; } } if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling == FaceMilling.MillToPlate && wo.dimensions.plateThickness == 0) { error = "Face milling is set to mill to plate, but no plate thickness is specified."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return false; } if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling == FaceMilling.MillToPlate && wo.dimensions.holeWallThickness > 0 && wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth < wo.dimensions.stockThickness - wo.dimensions.plateThickness) { error = "Face milling is set to mill to plate, and a hole wall is specified, but the end mill cannot cut the stock down to the plate."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return false; } if (wo.dimensions.faceMilling == FaceMilling.MillToPlate && wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight + wo.dimensions.toothThickness > wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth) { error = "Face milling is set to mill to plate, but the end mill cannot cut the extent of the ridge height plus tooth height."; errControl = comboFaceMilling; return false; } // verify that hole milling will work if (wo.dimensions.holeDiameter > 0 && wo.mainMill.diameter > wo.dimensions.holeDiameter) { error = "The end mill is bigger than the specified hole."; errControl = textHoleDiameter; return false; } // verify that tooth milling has a chance of working double oneThirdToothSpacing = (wo.calc.radius - wo.calc.dedendum) * 2 * Math.PI / wo.calc.numTeeth / 3; if (!wo.useToothMill && wo.mainMill.diameter > oneThirdToothSpacing) { error = "The end mill is bigger than one-third the tooth spacing (" + oneThirdToothSpacing.ToString("#.##") +"), and no tooth specific mill is specified."; errControl = textBoxEndMillDiameter; return false; } if (!wo.useToothMill && wo.mainMill.cuttingDepth + wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin < wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight) { error = "There is not sufficient clearance for the mill between the tooth and the ridge."; errControl = textRidgeMargin; return false; } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.diameter > oneThirdToothSpacing) { error = "The tooth mill is bigger than one-third the tooth spacing (" + oneThirdToothSpacing.ToString("#.##") + ") and cannot reliably mill tooth shapes."; errControl = textToothMillDiameter; return false; } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.cuttingDepth < wo.dimensions.toothThickness) { error = "The tooth mill cannot cut the full tooth thickness."; errControl = textToothCuttingDepth; return false; } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.cuttingDepth + wo.dimensions.ridgeMargin < wo.dimensions.toothThickness + wo.dimensions.ridgeHeight) { error = "There is not sufficient clearance for the tooth mill to the ridge."; errControl = textRidgeMargin; return false; } if (wo.useToothMill && wo.toothMill.diameter.ToString(".##") == wo.mainMill.diameter.ToString(".##")) { error = "The tooth mill diameter is the same as the main mill diameter."; errControl = textToothMillDiameter; return false; } // verify feeds and speeds (just loosely) if (wo.mainMill.feed < 0.1f || wo.mainMill.feed > 50) { error = "The feed is out of range [0.1, 50]."; errControl = textMillFeed; return false; } if (wo.mainMill.speed < 250 || wo.mainMill.speed > 25000) { error = "The speed is out of range [250, 25000]."; errControl = textMillSpeed; return false; } if (wo.useToothMill && (wo.mainMill.feed < 0.1f || wo.mainMill.feed > 50)) { error = "The tooth mill feed is out of range [0.1, 50]."; errControl = textToothFeed; return false; } if (wo.useToothMill && (wo.mainMill.speed < 250 || wo.mainMill.speed > 25000)) { error = "The tooth mill speed is out of range [250, 25000]."; errControl = textToothSpeed; return false; } if (!Directory.Exists( { error = "The output directory does not exist.\n" +; errControl = buttonDirectory; return false; } return true; }
private GCodeWorkOrder[] makeWorkOrders() { string error = ""; string kind = "pinion"; GCodeWorkOrder woPinion = new GCodeWorkOrder(); GCodeWorkOrder woGear = new GCodeWorkOrder(); if (!gatherWorkOrder(true, ref woPinion)) { goto showError; } Control errControl; if (!verifyWorkOrder(woPinion, ref error, out errControl)) { if (errControl is TextBox) { (errControl as TextBox).SelectAll(); } goto showError; } kind = "gear"; error = ""; if (!gatherWorkOrder(false, ref woGear)) { goto showError; } if (!verifyWorkOrder(woGear, ref error, out errControl)) { if (errControl != null) { if (errControl is TextBox) { (errControl as TextBox).SelectAll(); } } goto showError; } return new GCodeWorkOrder[] { woPinion, woGear }; showError: MessageBox.Show( "Cannot create Gcode for the " + kind + " because of incorrect parameters.\nPlease correct the error and try again.\n" + error, "Incorrect parameter"); return null; }
private bool executeWorkOrders(GCodeWorkOrder[] orders) { try { foreach (GCodeWorkOrder wo in orders) { executeWorkOrder(wo); } } catch (System.Exception x) { MessageBox.Show( "Could not export gcode.\n" + x.Message, "Error Exporting"); return false; } return true; }
public GCodeGenerator(GCodeWorkOrder wo) { = wo; }