コード例 #1
        void DrawLineBox(Gdk.GC gc, Cairo.Context ctx, int right, int top, int line, Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Drawable window)
            layout.SetMarkup("<small>" + line.ToString() + "</small>");
            int tw, th;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out tw, out th);

            int dy = (lineHeight - th) / 2;

            ctx.Rectangle(right - tw - 2 + 0.5, top + dy - 1 + 0.5, tw + 2, th + 2);
            ctx.LineWidth = 1;

            window.DrawLayout(gc, right - tw - 1, top + dy, layout);
コード例 #2
        void DrawCodeSegmentBorder(Gdk.GC gc, Cairo.Context ctx, double x, int width, BlockInfo firstBlock, BlockInfo lastBlock, string[] lines, Gtk.Widget widget, Gdk.Drawable window)
            int shadowSize    = 2;
            int spacing       = 4;
            int bottomSpacing = (lineHeight - spacing) / 2;

            ctx.Rectangle(x + shadowSize + 0.5, firstBlock.YStart + bottomSpacing + spacing - shadowSize + 0.5, width - shadowSize * 2, shadowSize);
            ctx.LineWidth = 1;

            ctx.Rectangle(x + shadowSize + 0.5, lastBlock.YEnd + bottomSpacing + 0.5, width - shadowSize * 2, shadowSize);

            ctx.Rectangle(x + 0.5, firstBlock.YStart + bottomSpacing + spacing + 0.5, width, lastBlock.YEnd - firstBlock.YStart - spacing);

            string text = lines[firstBlock.FirstLine].Replace("@", "").Replace("-", "");

            text = "<span size='x-small'>" + text.Replace("+", "</span><span size='small'>➜</span><span size='x-small'> ") + "</span>";

            int tw, th;

            layout.GetPixelSize(out tw, out th);

            int dy = (lineHeight - th) / 2;

            ctx.Rectangle(x + 2 + LeftPaddingBlock - 1 + 0.5, firstBlock.YStart + dy - 1 + 0.5, tw + 2, th + 2);
            ctx.LineWidth = 1;

            window.DrawLayout(gc, (int)(x + 2 + LeftPaddingBlock), firstBlock.YStart + dy, layout);
コード例 #3
ファイル: CData.cs プロジェクト: huppertt/NIRSdotNET
            public void draw(Gdk.Drawable da, string datasubtype, bool autoscale = false, double tMin = 0, bool manualscaleMin = false, double manualMin = -999999, bool manualscaleMax = false, double manualMax = 99999999)
                try {
                    if (data == null)

                    if (time.Count < 5)

                    int width, height;
                    da.GetSize(out width, out height);

                    double maxY, minY;
                    minY = 99999; maxY = -99999;

                    int startIdx = 0;
                    for (int sIdx = 0; sIdx < this.time.Count; sIdx++)
                        if (this.time[sIdx] <= tMin)
                            startIdx = sIdx;

                    int skip = (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Floor((double)((this.time.Count - startIdx) / 1000)));

                    if (this.probe.measlistAct == null)
                        this.probe.measlistAct = new bool[this.probe.ChannelMap.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; i++)
                            this.probe.measlistAct[i] = false;
                        this.probe.measlistAct[0] = true;

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; i++)
                        for (int j = startIdx; j < this.data[i].Count; j++)
                            if (this.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype.ToLower().Equals(datasubtype.ToLower()))
                                if (this.probe.measlistAct[i])
                                    double d = this.data[i][j]; // Only shown data will define the scale
                                    if (maxY < d)
                                        maxY = d;
                                    if (minY > d)
                                        minY = d;
                                else if (!autoscale)   // This will include all the data in defining the scale
                                    double d = this.data[i][j];
                                    if (maxY < d)
                                        maxY = d;
                                    if (minY > d)
                                        minY = d;

                    if (manualscaleMax)
                        maxY = manualMax;
                    if (manualscaleMin)
                        minY = manualMin;
                    double rangeY  = maxY - minY;
                    double rangeX  = this.time[this.time.Count - 1] - this.time[startIdx];
                    int    xoffset = 50;
                    int    yoffset = 1;

                    height = height - 31;
                    width  = width - 51;

                    Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(da);

                    gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    Rectangle rarea = new Rectangle();
                    rarea.X      = xoffset - 1;
                    rarea.Y      = yoffset - 1;
                    rarea.Height = height + 2;
                    rarea.Width  = width + 2;
                    da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                    gc.RgbBgColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Color(255, 255, 255);
                    rarea         = new Rectangle();
                    rarea.X       = xoffset;
                    rarea.Y       = yoffset;
                    rarea.Height  = height;
                    rarea.Width   = width;
                    da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                    gc.SetLineAttributes(2, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Projecting, JoinStyle.Round);

                    // Draw stim events

                    for (int j = 0; j < stimulus.Count; j++)
                        gc.RgbFgColor = stimcolor[j];
                        Rectangle area = new Rectangle();

                        for (int k = 0; k < stimulus[j].onsets.Count; k++)
                            if (stimulus[j].amplitude[k] > 0 & stimulus[j].onsets[k] + stimulus[j].duration[k] >= this.time[startIdx])
                                area.Width = (int)(stimulus[j].duration[k] / rangeX * width);
                                if (area.Width == 0)
                                    area.Width = 1;
                                area.Height = height;
                                area.X      = (int)(xoffset + Math.Max((stimulus[j].onsets[k] - this.time[startIdx]), 0) / rangeX * width);
                                area.Y      = yoffset;
                                da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, area);

                    gc.SetLineAttributes(1, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Projecting, JoinStyle.Round);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; i++)
                        if (this.probe.measlistAct[i] & this.probe.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype.Equals(datasubtype))
                            gc.RgbFgColor = this.probe.colormap[i];
                            for (int j = 0; j < this.probe.ChannelMap.Length; j++)
                                if (this.probe.ChannelMap[i].sourceindex == this.probe.ChannelMap[j].sourceindex &
                                    this.probe.ChannelMap[i].detectorindex == this.probe.ChannelMap[j].detectorindex &
                                    gc.RgbFgColor = this.probe.colormap[j];

                            for (int j = startIdx + skip; j < Math.Min(this.data[i].Count, this.time.Count); j = j + skip)
                                double y2 = (this.data[i][j] - minY) / rangeY * height;
                                double y1 = (this.data[i][j - skip] - minY) / rangeY * height;

                                double x2 = (this.time[j] - this.time[startIdx]) / rangeX * width;
                                double x1 = (this.time[j - skip] - this.time[startIdx]) / rangeX * width;

                                da.DrawLine(gc, (int)x1 + xoffset, (int)(height - y1 + yoffset), (int)x2 + xoffset, (int)(height - y2 + yoffset));

                    if (stimulus.Count > 0)
                        // add legend to window
                        int w = 0;
                        int h = 0;

                        int maxw = 0;

                        for (int j = 0; j < stimulus.Count; j++)
                            Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                            gc.RgbFgColor = stimcolor[j];
                            lab.Text      = stimulus[j].name;
                            da.DrawLayout(gc, xoffset + 10, yoffset + j * 10 + 10, lab.Layout);
                            lab.Layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h);
                            if (w > maxw)
                                maxw = w;
                        gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                        gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                        rarea         = new Rectangle();
                        rarea.X       = xoffset + 4;
                        rarea.Y       = yoffset + 4;
                        rarea.Height  = stimulus.Count * 10 + 12;
                        rarea.Width   = maxw + 12;
                        da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                        gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                        gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
                        rarea         = new Rectangle();
                        rarea.X       = xoffset + 5;
                        rarea.Y       = yoffset + 5;
                        rarea.Height  = stimulus.Count * 10 + 10;
                        rarea.Width   = maxw + 10;
                        da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);
                        for (int j = 0; j < stimulus.Count; j++)
                            Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                            gc.RgbFgColor = stimcolor[j];
                            lab.Text      = stimulus[j].name;
                            da.DrawLayout(gc, xoffset + 10, yoffset + j * 10 + 10, lab.Layout);

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    int numxlabels = 10;
                    int numylabels = 5;

                    // Add Xtick marks to the graph
                    double tstart, tend, dt;
                    tstart = this.time[startIdx];
                    tend   = this.time[this.time.Count - 1];
                    dt     = Math.Round((tend - tstart) / (1 + numxlabels));

                    if (dt < 1)
                        dt = 1;

                    for (double i = 0; i < rangeX; i += dt)
                        double    x   = i / rangeX * width;
                        Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                        lab.Text = String.Format("{0}", Math.Round((tstart + i) * 10) / 10);
                        da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x + xoffset, (int)height + 2, lab.Layout);

                    double dy;
                    dy = rangeY / (1 + numylabels);

                    if (dy == 0.0)
                        dy = 1;

                    for (double i = 0; i < rangeY; i += dy)
                        double    y   = height - i / rangeY * height;
                        Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                        lab.Text = String.Format("{0}", Math.Round((i + minY) * 10) / 10);
                        da.DrawLayout(gc, 10, (int)y + yoffset, lab.Layout);
                    Console.WriteLine("Internal data draw failed");
コード例 #4
        protected override bool OnExposeEvent(Gdk.EventExpose e)
            Gdk.Drawable  draw = e.Window;
            Gdk.Rectangle area = e.Area;
            if (this.categories.Count == 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomMessage))
                Pango.Layout messageLayout = new Pango.Layout(this.PangoContext);
                messageLayout.Alignment = Pango.Alignment.Center;
                messageLayout.Width     = (int)(Allocation.Width * 2 / 3 * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomMessage))
                    messageLayout.SetText(MonoDevelop.Core.GettextCatalog.GetString("There are no tools available for the current document."));
                draw.DrawLayout(Style.TextGC(StateType.Normal), Allocation.Width * 1 / 6, 12, messageLayout);

            Cairo.Context cr = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(e.Window);
            draw.DrawRectangle(Style.BaseGC(StateType.Normal), true, area);
            int xpos        = (this.hAdjustement != null ? (int)this.hAdjustement.Value : 0);
            int vadjustment = (this.vAdjustement != null ? (int)this.vAdjustement.Value : 0);
            int ypos        = -vadjustment;

            Iterate(ref xpos, ref ypos, delegate(Category category, Gdk.Size itemDimension) {
                const int foldSegmentHeight = 8;

                if (category == SelectedItem)
                                       new Gdk.Rectangle(xpos,
                    cr.MoveTo(xpos, ypos);
                    cr.RelLineTo(itemDimension.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, itemDimension.Height);
                    cr.RelLineTo(-itemDimension.Width, 0);
                    cr.RelLineTo(0, -itemDimension.Height);
                    using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient(xpos, ypos, xpos, ypos + itemDimension.Height)) {
                        Cairo.Color ccol = Convert(Style.Mid(StateType.Normal));
                        ccol.A           = 0.2;
                        pat.AddColorStop(0, ccol);
                        ccol.A = 1;
                        pat.AddColorStop(1, ccol);
                        cr.Pattern = pat;
                DrawFoldSegment(draw, xpos + 2, ypos + (itemDimension.Height - foldSegmentHeight) / 2, foldSegmentHeight, foldSegmentHeight, category.IsExpanded, category == mouseOverItem && mouseX < xpos + 2 + 12);
                int width, height;
                layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
                draw.DrawLayout(Style.TextGC(category != this.SelectedItem ? StateType.Normal : StateType.Selected), xpos + 2 + 12, ypos + (itemDimension.Height - height) / 2, headerLayout);
                if (category == mouseOverItem)
                                       new Gdk.Rectangle(xpos,
                                                         itemDimension.Width - 1,
                                                         itemDimension.Height - 1));
            }, delegate(Category curCategory, Item item, Gdk.Size itemDimension) {
                if (item == SelectedItem)
                                       new Gdk.Rectangle(xpos,
                if (listMode || !curCategory.CanIconizeItems)
                                    item.Icon, 0, 0,
                                    xpos + 4,
                                    ypos + 1 + (itemDimension.Height - item.Icon.Height) / 2,
                                    item.Icon.Width, item.Icon.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                    int width, height;
                    layout.GetPixelSize(out width, out height);
                    draw.DrawLayout(Style.TextGC(item != this.SelectedItem ? StateType.Normal : StateType.Selected), xpos + IconSize.Width + 4, ypos + (itemDimension.Height - height) / 2, layout);
                                    item.Icon, 0, 0,
                                    xpos + (itemDimension.Width - item.Icon.Width) / 2,
                                    ypos + (itemDimension.Height - item.Icon.Height) / 2,
                                    item.Icon.Width, item.Icon.Height, Gdk.RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                if (item == mouseOverItem)
                                       new Gdk.Rectangle(xpos,
コード例 #5
        protected override void Render(Gdk.Drawable drawable,
                                       Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area,
                                       Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, Gdk.Rectangle expose_area,
                                       CellRendererState flags)
            StateType state = RendererStateToWidgetState(flags);
            int       text_indent = 6;
            int       text_layout_width, text_layout_height;

            Gdk.Pixbuf     render_icon = radio_icon;
            Track          track       = null;
            RadioTrackInfo radio_track = null;
            string         text        = Text;

            if (widget is TreeView)
                TreePath path;
                if ((widget as TreeView).GetPathAtPos(cell_area.X, cell_area.Y, out path))
                    track       = model.GetTrack(path);
                    radio_track = model.GetRadioTrackInfo(path);

            FontDescription font_description = widget.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy();

            if (playing_icon != null && track != null && PlayerEngineCore.CurrentTrack is RadioTrackInfo &&
                (PlayerEngineCore.CurrentTrack as RadioTrackInfo).XspfTrack.Title == track.Title &&
                (PlayerEngineCore.CurrentTrack as RadioTrackInfo).XspfTrack.Annotation == track.Annotation)
                render_icon             = playing_icon;
                font_description.Style  = Pango.Style.Normal;
                font_description.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold;
            else if (radio_track != null && radio_track.ParsingPlaylist)
                render_icon             = loading_icon;
                font_description.Style  = Pango.Style.Italic;
                font_description.Weight = Pango.Weight.Normal;
                text = String.Format("{0}: {1}", Catalog.GetString("Loading"), Text);
            else if (radio_track != null && radio_track.PlaybackError != TrackPlaybackError.None)
                render_icon             = error_icon;
                font_description.Style  = Pango.Style.Italic;
                font_description.Weight = Pango.Weight.Normal;
                string prefix = null;

                switch (radio_track.PlaybackError)
                case TrackPlaybackError.ResourceNotFound:
                    prefix = Catalog.GetString("Missing");

                case TrackPlaybackError.CodecNotFound:
                    prefix = Catalog.GetString("No Codec");

                case TrackPlaybackError.Unknown:
                    prefix = Catalog.GetString("Unknown Error");


                if (prefix != null)
                    text = String.Format("({0}) {1}", prefix, Text);

                if (!(CellRendererState.Selected & flags).Equals(CellRendererState.Selected))
                    state = StateType.Insensitive;

                if (track != null)
                    track.Title = String.Empty;
                font_description.Style  = Pango.Style.Normal;
                font_description.Weight = Pango.Weight.Normal;

            Gdk.GC main_gc = widget.Style.TextGC(state);

            if (track != null)
                drawable.DrawPixbuf(main_gc, render_icon, 0, 0,
                                    cell_area.X - render_icon.Width,
                                    cell_area.Y + ((cell_area.Height - render_icon.Height) / 2),
                                    render_icon.Width, render_icon.Height,
                                    RgbDither.None, 0, 0);
                text_indent = 0;

            Pango.Layout text_layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
            text_layout.FontDescription = font_description;
            text_layout.GetPixelSize(out text_layout_width, out text_layout_height);

                                cell_area.X + text_indent,
                                cell_area.Y + ((cell_area.Height - text_layout_height) / 2),
コード例 #6
            public void draw1020(Gdk.Drawable da)
                if (!this.isregistered)

                double headcirc = 0;

                double[,] lsrcpos = project1020(this.SrcPos3D, this.numSrc, out headcirc);
                double[,] ldetpos = project1020(this.DetPos3D, this.numDet, out headcirc);

                int width, height;

                da.GetSize(out width, out height);

                double dx, dy;

                dx     = 10;
                dy     = 10;
                width  = width - 20;
                height = height - 20;

                double maxX = headcirc * 1.2;
                double minX = -1 * headcirc * 1.2;
                double maxY = headcirc * 1.2;
                double minY = -1 * headcirc * 1.2;

                ROIdrawPos = new double[ROIs.Count, 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < ROIs.Count; i++)
                    ROIdrawPos[i, 0] = minX - .1 * headcirc;
                    ROIdrawPos[i, 1] = minY - .2 * (i) * headcirc;
                if (ROIs.Count > 0)
                    minY = minY - (ROIs.Count) * .2 * headcirc;
                    minX = minX - .1 * headcirc;

                double rangeX = maxX - minX;
                double rangeY = maxY - minY;

                Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(da);

                gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                Rectangle rarea = new Rectangle();

                rarea.Height = height + 20;
                rarea.Width  = width + 20;
                da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
                rarea         = new Rectangle();
                rarea.Height  = height + 18;
                rarea.Width   = width + 18;
                rarea.X       = 1;
                rarea.Y       = 1;

                da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                int sz = 10;

                if (this.measlistAct == null)
                    this.measlistAct = new bool[this.ChannelMap.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.ChannelMap.Length; i++)
                        this.measlistAct[i] = false;
                    this.measlistAct[0] = true;

                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                gc.SetLineAttributes(3, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Projecting, JoinStyle.Round);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.numChannels; i++)
                    if (this.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype.Equals(this.ChannelMap[0].datasubtype))
                        if (this.measlistAct[i])
                            gc.RgbFgColor = colormap[i]; //new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0);
                            gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(230, 230, 230);
                        int si = this.ChannelMap[i].sourceindex;
                        int di = this.ChannelMap[i].detectorindex;

                        double x1 = (ldetpos[di, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + dx;
                        double y1 = (ldetpos[di, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height + dy;
                        double x2 = (lsrcpos[si, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + dx;
                        double y2 = (lsrcpos[si, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height + dy;
                        da.DrawLine(gc, (int)x1, (int)y1, (int)x2, (int)y2);
                        //pts[cnt]=new Gdk.Point((int)x,(int)y);

                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 255, 0);
                gc.SetLineAttributes(3, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Round, JoinStyle.Round);
                //  Gdk.Point[] pts = new Gdk.Point[this.numdet+this.numsrc];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.numDet; i++)
                    double x = (ldetpos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + dx - sz / 2;
                    double y = (ldetpos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height + dy - sz / 2;
                    da.DrawArc(gc, true, (int)x, (int)y, sz, sz, 0, 360 * 64);
                    //pts[cnt]=new Gdk.Point((int)x,(int)y);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.numDet; i++)
                    double x = (ldetpos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + dx - sz / 2;
                    double y = (ldetpos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height + dy - sz / 2;

                    Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                    lab.Text = string.Format("D{0}", i + 1);
                    da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x, (int)y, lab.Layout);

                gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 255, 0);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 0);
                gc.SetLineAttributes(3, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Round, JoinStyle.Round);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.numSrc; i++)
                    double x = (lsrcpos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + dx - sz / 2;
                    double y = (lsrcpos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height + dy - sz / 2;
                    da.DrawArc(gc, true, (int)x, (int)y, sz, sz, 0, 360 * 64);

                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.numSrc; i++)
                    double x = (lsrcpos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + dx - sz / 2;
                    double y = (lsrcpos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height + dy - sz / 2;

                    Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                    lab.Text = string.Format("S{0}", i + 1);
                    da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x, (int)y, lab.Layout);

                gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                double xx = (0) / rangeX * width + dx;
                double yy = (0) / rangeY * height + dy;

                da.DrawArc(gc, false, (int)xx, (int)yy, (int)(width), (int)(height), 0, 360 * 64);

                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 255);
                for (int i = 0; i < ROIs.Count; i++)
                    double x = (ROIdrawPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + sz / 2;
                    double y = height - ((ROIdrawPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) + dy;
                    da.DrawArc(gc, true, (int)x, (int)y, sz, sz, 0, 360 * 64);

                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < ROIs.Count; i++)
                    double    x   = (ROIdrawPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + sz;
                    double    y   = height - ((ROIdrawPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) + dy;
                    Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                    lab.Text = ROIs[i].name;
                    da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)(x), (int)y, lab.Layout);

                Gtk.Label lab2 = new Gtk.Label();
                lab2.Text = "R";
                da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)(width - 5), (int)(height - 5), lab2.Layout);
コード例 #7
            public void draw2D(Gdk.Drawable da)
                if (SrcPos == null)
                    int width, height;
                    da.GetSize(out width, out height);

                    double dx, dy;
                    dx     = 20;
                    dy     = 20;
                    width  = width - 2 * (int)dy;
                    height = height - 2 * (int)dx;

                    double maxX, minX, maxY, minY;
                    maxX = -999; maxY = -999;
                    minX = 999; minY = 999;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numDet; i++)
                        if (maxX < this.DetPos[i, 0])
                            maxX = this.DetPos[i, 0];
                        if (maxY < this.DetPos[i, 1])
                            maxY = this.DetPos[i, 1];
                        if (minX > this.DetPos[i, 0])
                            minX = this.DetPos[i, 0];
                        if (minY > this.DetPos[i, 1])
                            minY = this.DetPos[i, 1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numSrc; i++)
                        if (maxX < this.SrcPos[i, 0])
                            maxX = this.SrcPos[i, 0];
                        if (maxY < this.SrcPos[i, 1])
                            maxY = this.SrcPos[i, 1];
                        if (minX > this.SrcPos[i, 0])
                            minX = this.SrcPos[i, 0];
                        if (minY > this.SrcPos[i, 1])
                            minY = this.SrcPos[i, 1];

                    ROIdrawPos = new double[ROIs.Count, 2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ROIs.Count; i++)
                        ROIdrawPos[i, 0] = minX - .15 * (maxX - minX);
                        ROIdrawPos[i, 1] = minY - .25 * (i + 1) * (maxY - minY);
                    if (ROIs.Count > 0)
                        minY = minY - (ROIs.Count + 1) * .25 * (maxY - minY);
                        minX = minX - .15 * (maxX - minX);

                    double rangeX = maxX - minX;
                    double rangeY = maxY - minY;

                    Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC(da);

                    gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    Rectangle rarea = new Rectangle();
                    rarea.Height = height + 2 * (int)dy;
                    rarea.Width  = width + 2 * (int)dx;
                    da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                    gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 255, 255);
                    rarea         = new Rectangle();
                    rarea.Height  = height - 2 + 2 * (int)dx;;
                    rarea.Width   = width - 2 + 2 * (int)dx;;
                    rarea.X       = 1;
                    rarea.Y       = 1;

                    da.DrawRectangle(gc, true, rarea);

                    int sz = 10;

                    if (this.measlistAct == null)
                        this.measlistAct = new bool[this.ChannelMap.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.ChannelMap.Length; i++)
                            this.measlistAct[i] = false;
                        this.measlistAct[0] = true;

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    gc.SetLineAttributes(3, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Projecting, JoinStyle.Round);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numChannels; i++)
                        if (this.ChannelMap[i].datasubtype.Equals(this.ChannelMap[0].datasubtype))
                            if (this.measlistAct[i])
                                gc.RgbFgColor = colormap[i]; //new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0);
                                gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(230, 230, 230);
                            int si = this.ChannelMap[i].sourceindex;
                            int di = this.ChannelMap[i].detectorindex;

                            double x1 = (this.DetPos[di, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width;
                            double y1 = height - ((this.DetPos[di, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) + dy;
                            double x2 = (this.SrcPos[si, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width;
                            double y2 = height - ((this.SrcPos[si, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) + dy;
                            da.DrawLine(gc, (int)x1, (int)y1, (int)x2, (int)y2);
                            //pts[cnt]=new Gdk.Point((int)x,(int)y);

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 255, 0);
                    gc.SetLineAttributes(3, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Round, JoinStyle.Round);
                    //  Gdk.Point[] pts = new Gdk.Point[this.numdet+this.numsrc];
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numDet; i++)
                        double x = (this.DetPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width - sz / 2;
                        double y = height - ((this.DetPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) - sz / 2 + dy;
                        da.DrawArc(gc, true, (int)x, (int)y, sz, sz, 0, 360 * 64);
                        //pts[cnt]=new Gdk.Point((int)x,(int)y);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numDet; i++)
                        double x = (this.DetPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width - sz / 2;
                        double y = height - ((this.DetPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) - sz / 2 + dy;

                        Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                        lab.Text = string.Format("D{0}", i + 1);
                        da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x, (int)y, lab.Layout);

                    gc.RgbBgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 255, 0);
                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 0);
                    gc.SetLineAttributes(3, LineStyle.Solid, CapStyle.Round, JoinStyle.Round);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numSrc; i++)
                        double x = (this.SrcPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width - sz / 2;
                        double y = height - ((this.SrcPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) - sz / 2 + dy;
                        da.DrawArc(gc, true, (int)x, (int)y, sz, sz, 0, 360 * 64);

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.numSrc; i++)
                        double x = (this.SrcPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width - sz / 2;
                        double y = height - ((this.SrcPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) - sz / 2 + dy;

                        Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                        lab.Text = string.Format("S{0}", i + 1);
                        da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)x, (int)y, lab.Layout);

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 0, 255);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ROIs.Count; i++)
                        double x = (ROIdrawPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + sz / 2;
                        double y = height - ((ROIdrawPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) + dy;
                        da.DrawArc(gc, true, (int)x, (int)y, sz, sz, 0, 360 * 64);

                    gc.RgbFgColor = new Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ROIs.Count; i++)
                        double    x   = (ROIdrawPos[i, 0] - minX) / rangeX * width + sz;
                        double    y   = height - ((ROIdrawPos[i, 1] - minY) / rangeY * height) + dy;
                        Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label();
                        lab.Text = ROIs[i].name;
                        da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)(x), (int)y, lab.Layout);

                    Gtk.Label lab2 = new Gtk.Label();
                    lab2.Text = "L";
                    da.DrawLayout(gc, (int)(width - 5), (int)(height - 5), lab2.Layout);
                catch { }

コード例 #8
        protected override void Render (Gdk.Drawable drawable, Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area,
            Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, Gdk.Rectangle expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
            if (source == null) {

            view = widget as SourceView;
            bool path_selected = view != null && view.Selection.PathIsSelected (path);
            StateType state = RendererStateToWidgetState (widget, flags);

            RenderSelection (drawable, background_area, path_selected, state);

            int title_layout_width = 0, title_layout_height = 0;
            int count_layout_width = 0, count_layout_height = 0;
            int max_title_layout_width;

            bool hide_counts = source.Count <= 0;

            Pixbuf icon = SourceIconResolver.ResolveIcon (source, RowHeight);

            if (state == StateType.Insensitive) {
                // Code ported from gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_render()
                var icon_source = new IconSource () {
                    Pixbuf = icon,
                    Size = IconSize.SmallToolbar,
                    SizeWildcarded = false

                icon = widget.Style.RenderIcon (icon_source, widget.Direction, state,
                    (IconSize)(-1), widget, "SourceRowRenderer");

            FontDescription fd = widget.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy ();
            fd.Weight = (ISource)ServiceManager.PlaybackController.NextSource == (ISource)source
                ? Pango.Weight.Bold
                : Pango.Weight.Normal;

            if (view != null && source == view.NewPlaylistSource) {
                fd.Style = Pango.Style.Italic;
                hide_counts = true;

            Pango.Layout title_layout = new Pango.Layout (widget.PangoContext);
            Pango.Layout count_layout = null;

            if (!hide_counts) {
                count_layout = new Pango.Layout (widget.PangoContext);
                count_layout.FontDescription = fd;
                count_layout.SetMarkup (String.Format ("<span size=\"small\">{0}</span>", source.Count));
                count_layout.GetPixelSize (out count_layout_width, out count_layout_height);

            max_title_layout_width = cell_area.Width - (icon == null ? 0 : icon.Width) - count_layout_width - 10;

            if (!hide_counts && max_title_layout_width < 0) {
                hide_counts = true;
            title_layout.FontDescription = fd;
            title_layout.Width = (int)(max_title_layout_width * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
            title_layout.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
            title_layout.SetText (source.Name);
            title_layout.GetPixelSize (out title_layout_width, out title_layout_height);

            Gdk.GC main_gc = widget.Style.TextGC (state);

            drawable.DrawLayout (main_gc,
                cell_area.X + (icon == null ? 0 : icon.Width) + 6,
                Middle (cell_area, title_layout_height),

            if (icon != null) {
                drawable.DrawPixbuf (main_gc, icon, 0, 0,
                    cell_area.X, Middle (cell_area, icon.Height),
                    icon.Width, icon.Height, RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

            if (hide_counts) {

            Gdk.GC mod_gc = widget.Style.TextGC (state);
            if (state == StateType.Normal || (view != null && state == StateType.Prelight)) {
                Gdk.Color fgcolor = widget.Style.Base (state);
                Gdk.Color bgcolor = widget.Style.Text (state);

                mod_gc = new Gdk.GC (drawable);
                mod_gc.Copy (widget.Style.TextGC (state));
                mod_gc.RgbFgColor = Hyena.Gui.GtkUtilities.ColorBlend (fgcolor, bgcolor);
                mod_gc.RgbBgColor = fgcolor;

            drawable.DrawLayout (mod_gc,
                cell_area.X + cell_area.Width - count_layout_width - 2,
                Middle (cell_area, count_layout_height),
コード例 #9
        protected override void Render(Gdk.Drawable drawable, Widget widget, Gdk.Rectangle background_area,
                                       Gdk.Rectangle cell_area, Gdk.Rectangle expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
            if (source == null || source is SourceManager.GroupSource)

            view = widget as SourceView;
            bool      selected = view != null && view.Selection.IterIsSelected(iter);
            StateType state    = RendererStateToWidgetState(widget, flags);

            RenderSelection(drawable, background_area, selected, state);

            int title_layout_width = 0, title_layout_height = 0;
            int count_layout_width = 0, count_layout_height = 0;
            int max_title_layout_width;

            int  img_padding           = 6;
            int  expander_icon_spacing = 3;
            int  x      = cell_area.X;
            bool np_etc = (source.Order + Depth * 100) < 40;

            if (!np_etc)
                x += Depth * img_padding + (int)Xpad;
                // Don't indent NowPlaying and Play Queue as much
                x += Math.Max(0, (int)Xpad - 2);

            Gdk.GC main_gc = widget.Style.TextGC(state);

            // Draw the expander if the source has children
            double exp_h = (cell_area.Height - 2.0 * Ypad) / 3.2;
            double exp_w = exp_h * 1.6;

            if (view != null && view.Cr != null && source.Children != null && source.Children.Count > 0)
                var r = new Gdk.Rectangle(x, cell_area.Y + (int)((cell_area.Height - exp_h) / 2.0), (int)exp_w, (int)exp_h);
                view.Theme.DrawArrow(view.Cr, r, source.Expanded ? Math.PI / 2.0 : 0.0);

            if (!np_etc)
                x += (int)exp_w;
                x += 2; // a little spacing after the expander
                expander_right_x = x;

            // Draw icon
            Pixbuf icon = SourceIconResolver.ResolveIcon(source, RowHeight);

            bool dispose_icon = false;

            if (state == StateType.Insensitive)
                // Code ported from gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_render()
                var icon_source = new IconSource()
                    Pixbuf         = icon,
                    Size           = IconSize.SmallToolbar,
                    SizeWildcarded = false

                icon = widget.Style.RenderIcon(icon_source, widget.Direction, state,
                                               (IconSize)(-1), widget, "SourceRowRenderer");

                dispose_icon = true;

            if (icon != null)
                x += expander_icon_spacing;
                drawable.DrawPixbuf(main_gc, icon, 0, 0,
                                    x, Middle(cell_area, icon.Height),
                                    icon.Width, icon.Height, RgbDither.None, 0, 0);

                x += icon.Width;

                if (dispose_icon)

            // Setup font info for the title/count, and see if we should show the count
            bool            hide_count = source.EnabledCount <= 0 || source.Properties.Get <bool> ("SourceView.HideCount");
            FontDescription fd         = widget.PangoContext.FontDescription.Copy();

            fd.Weight = (ISource)ServiceManager.PlaybackController.NextSource == (ISource)source
                ? Pango.Weight.Bold
                : Pango.Weight.Normal;

            if (view != null && source == view.NewPlaylistSource)
                fd.Style   = Pango.Style.Italic;
                hide_count = true;

            Pango.Layout title_layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
            Pango.Layout count_layout = null;

            // If we have a count to draw, setup its fonts and see how wide it is to see if we have room
            if (!hide_count)
                count_layout = new Pango.Layout(widget.PangoContext);
                count_layout.FontDescription = fd;
                count_layout.SetMarkup(String.Format("<span size=\"small\">{0}</span>", source.EnabledCount));
                count_layout.GetPixelSize(out count_layout_width, out count_layout_height);

            // Hide the count if the title has no space
            max_title_layout_width = cell_area.Width - x - count_layout_width;//(icon == null ? 0 : icon.Width) - count_layout_width - 10;
            if (!hide_count && max_title_layout_width <= 0)
                hide_count = true;

            // Draw the source Name
            title_layout.FontDescription = fd;
            title_layout.Width           = (int)(max_title_layout_width * Pango.Scale.PangoScale);
            title_layout.Ellipsize       = EllipsizeMode.End;
            title_layout.GetPixelSize(out title_layout_width, out title_layout_height);

            x += img_padding;
            drawable.DrawLayout(main_gc, x, Middle(cell_area, title_layout_height), title_layout);


            // Draw the count
            if (!hide_count)
                if (view != null && view.Cr != null)
                    view.Cr.Color = state == StateType.Normal || (view != null && state == StateType.Prelight)
                        ? view.Theme.TextMidColor
                        : view.Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Text, state);

                        cell_area.X + cell_area.Width - count_layout_width - 2,
                        cell_area.Y + 0.5 + (double)(cell_area.Height - count_layout_height) / 2.0);
                    PangoCairoHelper.ShowLayout(view.Cr, count_layout);

