コード例 #1
        internal static bool GetShippingPreparationValidationMessage(float quantity, float stockLevel, string partNr, out ShippingPreparationValidationMessage shippingPreparationValidationMessage)
            var newInstance = new ShippingPreparationValidationMessage();

            newInstance.PartNr = partNr;

            var valid = true;

            if ((quantity >= 0 && stockLevel >= 0) && (quantity > stockLevel))
                newInstance.Message = string.Format("The stock level for part with nr {0} is too low. Ordered quantity: {1}, actual stock level: {2}", partNr, quantity, stockLevel);
                valid = false;

            shippingPreparationValidationMessage = newInstance;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the shipping json.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult PrepareShippingJSON()
            _logger.LogDebug("User {0} chose to display the Shipping Preparation Interface.", User.Identity.Name);

                // create lists for picking, packaging and validations
                var packagingList      = new List <OrderLine>();
                var pickingList        = new List <Picking>();
                var bomList            = new List <dynamic>();
                var validationMessages = new List <ShippingPreparationValidationMessage>();

                // retrieve shipping GTS meta data from the database
                var activeShippingPreparations = getActiveShippingPreparations();

                // do an old-school Sql Cmd approach
                var connection = new SqlConnection(SAGE_CONN_STR);
                using (connection)
                    var SqlCmd = new SqlCommand(SAGE_SQL_STR, connection);


                    using (SqlDataReader oReader = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (oReader.Read())

                            // create a list of BOM nrs
                                BomNr    = oReader["PickingBOM"].ToString(),
                                IsActive = activeShippingPreparations.Where(x => x.BOMNr == oReader["PickingBOM"].ToString()).Count() > 0

                            // filter out data for non-activated Shippings (activation starts / stops are done in this page as well)
                            if (activeShippingPreparations.Where(x => x.BOMNr == oReader["PickingBOM"].ToString()).Count() == 0)

                            // Use query result row to cast to internal DTO classes
                            var packagingDTO = new OrderLine(oReader, User.Identity.Name);


                if (packagingList.Count > 0)
                    // ensure ClientRef and SalesOrder are found on every line
                    var clientRef       = packagingList.Where(order => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.SalesOrder)).First().ClientRef;
                    var salesOrder      = packagingList.Where(order => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.SalesOrder)).First().SalesOrder;
                    var colorTagIndex   = 0;
                    var isCommercialBom = false;
                    packagingList.ForEach(order =>
                        if (order.CommercialBOM == "O")
                            isCommercialBom = true;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.CommercialBOM))
                            isCommercialBom = false;

                        if (!isCommercialBom)
                            colorTagIndex = (colorTagIndex + 1) % 6;
                        else if (order.CommercialBOM != "O")
                            order.DoIndent = true;

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.PartNr))
                            order.ColorTag = _colorTable[colorTagIndex];

                        order.ClientRef  = clientRef;
                        order.SalesOrder = salesOrder;

                // when we're done creating an picking list, regroup the orderlist according to BOM nr
                var tempOrderList = new List <OrderLine>();
                packagingList.OrderBy(x => x.PickingBOM).ToList().ForEach(order =>
                    var currentorderQuantity = order.Quantity;
                    if (currentorderQuantity > 1 && order.UoM == "PCE")
                        for (var c = 0; c < currentorderQuantity; c++)
                            //order.Quantity = 1;

                var groupedOrderList = tempOrderList.GroupBy(order => order.PickingBOM);

                // create a picking list from the list of orders made in the previous step
                packagingList.ToList().ForEach(packagingDTO =>
                    var existingItemInPickingList = pickingList.Where(item => item.PartNr == packagingDTO.PartNr).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (existingItemInPickingList == null)
                        existingItemInPickingList          = new Picking(packagingDTO);
                        existingItemInPickingList.Quantity = 0; // set quantity to null, we will recalculate this below

                        // create a fake stock location if needed
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagingDTO.StockLocation) && packagingDTO.StockLevel > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagingDTO.UoM))
                            existingItemInPickingList.StockLocation = "";


                    if (/*packagingDTO.UoM == "PCE" && */ packagingDTO.Quantity > 0)
                        existingItemInPickingList.Quantity += packagingDTO.Quantity;

                // check stock levels to create a picking issue summary
                ShippingPreparationValidationMessage shippingPrepValidationMessage = null;
                pickingList.ForEach(shippingDTO =>
                    if (ShippingPreparationValidationMessage.GetShippingPreparationValidationMessage(shippingDTO.Quantity, shippingDTO.StockLevel, shippingDTO.PartNr, out shippingPrepValidationMessage)
                        == false)

                _logger.LogInfo("User {0} successfully requested Shipping Preparation data.", User.Identity.Name);


                // try to retrieve existing orderLines with the BOM from the database
                var searchCriteria = UnitOfWorkSession.CreateCriteria <OrderLine>()
                                     .Add(Expression.Eq("PickingBOM", packagingList.Count > 0 ? packagingList[0]?.PickingBOM : ""));

                // put the results in a list
                var existingPackagingEntities = searchCriteria.List <OrderLine>().ToList();

                // for every collection of order lines with the same BOM
                foreach (var item in packagingList)
                    // iterate over all current oderlines and use the previously created list to check if the current line
                    // is already in the database and create it, if not
                    var potentiallyExistingOrderLines = existingPackagingEntities.Where(entity => entity.OrderLineNr == item.OrderLineNr);
                    if (potentiallyExistingOrderLines.Count() > 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("More then 1 row was found in the database for the current Picking BOM {0} and Order Line Nr {1}", item.PickingBOM, item.OrderLineNr));

                    if (potentiallyExistingOrderLines.Count() == 0)
                        item.Id       = Guid.NewGuid();
                        item.EditedBy = User.Identity.Name;
                        GTSDataRepository.Create <OrderLine>(item);
                    else // at this point we can assume there's only orderline found in the database, retrieve any input value if possible
                        item.FieldInput = potentiallyExistingOrderLines.First().FieldInput;

                    Picking = pickingList,
                    Packing = groupedOrderList,
                    BomList = bomList.Distinct().ToList(),
                    ValidationMessages = validationMessages,
                    TotalToPick = pickingList.Where(picking => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(picking.StockLocation)).DistinctBy(picking => picking.PartNr).Count()
            catch (Exception ex)