public SkillResponse Handle(Intent intent) { var binDate = intent.Slots["binDate"].Value; var localBindDate = NodaTime.AmazonDate.AmazonDateParser.Parse(binDate); var dateFrom = localBindDate.From.ToDateTimeUnspecified(); var dateTo = localBindDate.To.ToDateTimeUnspecified(); var nextBeans = TrashCalendar.TrashMonthInfos .Where(x => x.Date >= dateFrom && x.Date <= dateTo).OrderBy(x => x.Date).ToList(); var response = ""; foreach (var trashMonthInfo in nextBeans) { response += $"Prepare {trashMonthInfo.TrashType} for {trashMonthInfo.Date.DayOfWeek} on {trashMonthInfo.Date.ToShortDateString()}."; } return(nextBeans.Any() ? AlexaResponseBuilder.MakeSkillResponse(response, false, response) : AlexaResponseBuilder.MakeSkillResponse("During this period, they don't take any trash. ", true)); }
public SkillResponse Handle(LaunchRequest inputRequest, ILambdaContext context) { return(AlexaResponseBuilder.MakeSkillResponse("Welcome on TrashCalendar. You can ask when you should be ready with your trash", false)); }