static bool CreateTileAssets(TSX.Tile[] tiles, bool singleImageTileset, string tilesetName, int pixelsPerUnit, Sprite[] tileSprites, string[] tileTargetPaths, out ImportedTile[] outputTiles) { AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing(); Debug.Assert(tileSprites != null && tileTargetPaths != null); outputTiles = new ImportedTile[tileTargetPaths.Length]; if (tileSprites.Length != tileTargetPaths.Length) { Debug.Log("We have " + tileSprites.Length + " sprites but trying to create " + tileTargetPaths.Length + " tiles"); AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing(); return(false); } bool success = true; for (int i = 0; i < tileTargetPaths.Length; i++) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Importing " + tilesetName + " tileset tiles", null, (float)i / (float)tileTargetPaths.Length); if (tileSprites[i] != null) { Tile.ColliderType colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.None; // Tile Collision if (!singleImageTileset && tiles != null) { TSX.Tile tile = tiles[i]; if (tile.HasCollisionData()) { colliderType = Tile.ColliderType.Sprite; } } // Tile Animation TSX.Tile animationTile = null; if (tiles != null) { if (singleImageTileset) { // Have to find relevant tile foreach (TSX.Tile tile in tiles) { if ( == i && tile.animation != null) { animationTile = tile; break; } } } else if (tiles[i].animation != null) { animationTile = tiles[i]; } } if (animationTile != null) { TSX.Frame[] frames = animationTile.animation.frames; Sprite[] animationSprites = new Sprite[frames.Length]; for (int f = 0; f < frames.Length; f++) { animationSprites[f] = tileSprites[frames[f].tileid]; } //Just have to assume a constant animation speed ATM due to how Unity's Tilemap animation works :( float animationSpeed = 1.0f / (frames[0].duration / 1000.0f); ImportedTile newTile = CreateAnimatedTileAsset(tileSprites[i], animationSprites, animationSpeed, tileTargetPaths[i], colliderType); success = newTile != null; if (!success) { break; } outputTiles[i] = newTile; } else { ImportedTile newTile = CreateTileAsset(tileSprites[i], tileTargetPaths[i], colliderType); success = newTile != null; if (!success) { break; } outputTiles[i] = newTile; } } else { Debug.LogError("Sprite for tile " + tileTargetPaths[i] + " is null when creating Tile"); } } AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing(); return(success); }
public static void FindTileDataAndMatrix(uint gid, ImportedTileset[] importedTilesets, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, out ImportedTile importedTile, out TSX.Tile tilesetTile, out Matrix4x4 matrix) { importedTile = null; tilesetTile = null; matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; bool flippedHorizontally = (gid & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) != 0; bool flippedVertically = (gid & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) != 0; bool flippedDiagonally = (gid & FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) != 0; gid &= ~(FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG); ImportedTileset tilesetContainingID = null; for (int j = importedTilesets.Length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { int firstGID = importedTilesets[j].firstGID; if (firstGID <= gid) { tilesetContainingID = importedTilesets[j]; break; } } if (tilesetContainingID != null) { int relativeID = (int)gid - tilesetContainingID.firstGID; if (tilesetContainingID.tileset.IsSingleImageTileset()) { // A single-image-tileset will just order tiles from 0-n importedTile = tilesetContainingID.tiles[relativeID]; tilesetTile = null; } else { for (int t = 0; t < tilesetContainingID.tileset.tiles.Length; t++) { TSX.Tile tile = tilesetContainingID.tileset.tiles[t]; int id =; if (id == relativeID) { importedTile = tilesetContainingID.tiles[t]; tilesetTile = tile; break; } } } if (importedTile != null) { if (importedTile.tile == null) // Load the tile asset if we haven't already { importedTile.tile = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Tile>(importedTile.path); } if (flippedHorizontally || flippedVertically || flippedDiagonally) { if (flippedDiagonally) { matrix = Matrix4x4.Rotate(Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f)); matrix = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f)) * matrix; } if (flippedHorizontally) { matrix = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) * matrix; } if (flippedVertically) { matrix = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f)) * matrix; } Rect rect = importedTile.tile.sprite.rect; rect.x = -cellWidth * 0.5f; rect.y = -cellHeight * 0.5f; Vector2[] corners = new Vector2[4] { new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y), new Vector2(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y), new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height), new Vector2(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height) }; for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++) { corners[i] = matrix * corners[i]; } Vector2 bottomLeftCorner = corners[0]; for (int i = 1; i < corners.Length; i++) { if (corners[i].x < bottomLeftCorner.x) { bottomLeftCorner.x = corners[i].x; } if (corners[i].y < bottomLeftCorner.y) { bottomLeftCorner.y = corners[i].y; } } Vector2 offsetNeededUnits = new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f) - new Vector2(bottomLeftCorner.x / (float)cellWidth, bottomLeftCorner.y / (float)cellHeight); matrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(offsetNeededUnits) * matrix; } } } }