partial void DeletePostHistory(PostHistory instance);
partial void UpdatePostHistory(PostHistory instance);
partial void InsertPostHistory(PostHistory instance);
private void detach_PostHistories(PostHistory entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.User = null; }
private void postStatusToPing() { GamervineDataContext dataContext = new GamervineDataContext(); try { var users = from u in dataContext.Users join up in dataContext.UserPrefs on u.UserId equals up.UserId join gt in dataContext.Gamertags on u.UserId equals gt.UserId where gt.State != 2 select new { u.UserId, u.PingFmKey, up.PublishGameFrequency, up.PublishInterval, up.PublishStatus, up.PublishUniqueStatus, up.StatusFormat, gt.TagId, gt.State, gt.Type }; foreach (var user in users) { var latestData = from xd in dataContext.XboxData where xd.TagId == user.TagId orderby xd.RetrieveDate descending select xd; string status = bcXboxData.GetStatusString(user.StatusFormat, latestData.First()); var lastPost = from ph in dataContext.PostHistories where ph.UserId == user.UserId orderby ph.PostDate descending select ph; string strLastPost = string.Empty; if(lastPost.Count() > 0) strLastPost = lastPost.First().PostString; if (strLastPost.Equals(string.Empty) || !status.ToLower().Equals(strLastPost.ToLower())) { if ((strLastPost.ToLower().Contains(" is currently offline. last seen ") && !status.ToLower().Contains(" is currently offline. last seen ")) || (!strLastPost.ToLower().Contains(" is currently offline. last seen ") && status.ToLower().Contains(" is currently offline. last seen ")) || (!strLastPost.ToLower().Contains(" is currently offline. last seen ") && !status.ToLower().Contains(" is currently offline. last seen "))) { //Hit the service PingFMApi.api_key = "29e2b905210c5a0cf77f74e2462f8ea4"; PingFMApi ping = new PingFMApi(user.PingFmKey); PingFMApi.PingResponse pr = ping.Post(new PingFMApi.OutgoingMessage(status)); //Record the post history in the database PostHistory ph = new PostHistory(); ph.PostDate = DateTime.UtcNow; ph.PostHistoryId = _nextPostHistoryID++; ph.PostString = status; ph.UserId = user.UserId; dataContext.PostHistories.InsertOnSubmit(ph); } } } } finally { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void DoWork() { GamervineDataContext dataContext = new GamervineDataContext(); try { //Get all jobs where the user & gamertags are active and the next run time is in the past or now var jobs = from j in dataContext.Jobs join gt in dataContext.Gamertags on j.TagId equals gt.TagId join u in dataContext.Users on gt.UserId equals u.UserId where gt.State == State.Active.GetHashCode() && u.State == State.Active.GetHashCode() && j.NextRunTime <= DateTime.UtcNow select j; foreach (Job job in jobs) { try { IJobHandler jobHandler = JobHandlerFactory.GetHandlerForType(job.Type); string post = jobHandler.GetPost(dataContext, job); if (!post.Equals(string.Empty)) { var socialConnectors = from sc in dataContext.UserSocialConnections join gtsc in dataContext.GamertagSocialConnections on sc.UserSocialConnectionId equals gtsc.UserSocialConnectionId where gtsc.TagId == job.TagId select sc; if (socialConnectors.Count() > 0) { foreach (UserSocialConnection conn in socialConnectors) { ISocialConnector socialConnector = SocialConnectorFactory.GetSocialConnectorForType(conn.Type); socialConnector.Post(conn, post); } } else { //TODO: Perform logic to flag the account that it doesn't have social connectors and they should sign up } //Do any post work that the handler may need to do jobHandler.PostWork(dataContext, job); //Record the post history in the database PostHistory ph = new PostHistory(); ph.PostDate = DateTime.UtcNow; ph.PostHistoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ph.PostString = post; ph.PostType = job.Type; ph.TagId = job.TagId; dataContext.PostHistories.InsertOnSubmit(ph); } job.NextRunTime = job.CalculateNextRunTime(); job.LastRunTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception occurred in PostService.DoWork processing Job ID #" + job.JobId + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } finally { try { dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception occurred in PostService.DoWork -> dataContext.SubmitChanges for Job ID #" + job.JobId + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception occurred in PostService.DoWork:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); } finally { Debug.WriteLine("PostService DoWork completed at " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } }