public void Iterate() { int start = -state.GetLength(0) / 2; root = root.NextGeneration(state, start, start).Expand(); generation += PowerTwos.Get(root.Level - 2); }
public static Node Lookup(Node node) { int index = node.HashValue % TABLE_SIZE; if (index < 0) { index = -index; } Node current = nodeTable[index]; if (current == null) { return null; } while (true) { // If the node is in the table, return the node. if (current.DeepEqualTo(node)) { return current; } if (current.Next == null) { return null; } current = current.Next; } }
private void CreateEmptyGrid() { state = new bool[16, 16]; int top = 6; int left = 6; state[top, left] = true; state[top + 1, left] = true; state[top, left + 1] = true; state[top + 1, left + 1] = false; root = CreateNode(state); generation = 0; }
// Level 0 constructor. public Node(bool childValue) { this.level = 0; this.childValue = childValue; this.topLeft = null; this.topRight = null; this.bottomLeft = null; this.bottomRight = null; this.population = childValue ? 1 : 0; this.hashValue = GetHashCode(); }
public Node(Node topLeft, Node topRight, Node bottomLeft, Node bottomRight, int level) { Debug.Assert(level > 0, "Cannot create a child node with children."); this.level = level; this.topLeft = NodeTable.Find(topLeft); this.topRight = NodeTable.Find(topRight); this.bottomLeft = NodeTable.Find(bottomLeft); this.bottomRight = NodeTable.Find(bottomRight); this.population = topLeft.population + topRight.population + bottomLeft.population + bottomRight.population; this.hashValue = GetHashCode(); }
// Returns a pointer to an equivalent node in the hashtable. The node is // stored and returned if it is not stored in the hashtable. public static Node Find(Node node) { int index = node.HashValue % TABLE_SIZE; if (index < 0) { index = -index; } Node current = nodeTable[index]; if (current == null) { nodeTable[index] = node; return node; } while (true) { // If the node is in the table, return the node. if (current.DeepEqualTo(node)) { return current; } // If the table does not contain the node, add it to the table // and return it. if (current.Next == null) { current.LinkTo(node); return node; } current = current.Next; } }
private void CreateGlider() { int l = 7; int size = PowerTwos.Get(l); state = new bool[size, size]; int top = 1; int left = 16; state[top + 0, left + 1] = true; state[top + 1, left + 2] = true; state[top + 2, left + 0] = true; state[top + 2, left + 1] = true; state[top + 2, left + 2] = true; top = 1; left = 1; state[top + 0, left + 1] = true; state[top + 1, left + 2] = true; state[top + 2, left + 0] = true; state[top + 2, left + 1] = true; state[top + 2, left + 2] = true; top = 1; left = 10; state[top + 0, left + 1] = true; state[top + 1, left + 2] = true; state[top + 2, left + 0] = true; state[top + 2, left + 1] = true; state[top + 2, left + 2] = true; root = CreateNode(state); generation = 0; }
private void CreateSwitchEngine() { state = new bool[256, 256]; int top = 130; int left = 130; state[top + 5, left] = true; state[top + 5, left + 2] = true; state[top + 4, left + 2] = true; state[top + 1, left + 4] = true; state[top + 2, left + 4] = true; state[top + 3, left + 4] = true; state[top, left + 6] = true; state[top + 1, left + 6] = true; state[top + 2, left + 6] = true; state[top + 1, left + 7] = true; root = CreateNode(state); generation = 0; }
private void CreateGosperGliderGun() { state = new bool[128, 128]; int top = 30; int left = 30; state[top + 4, left + 0] = true; state[top + 4, left + 1] = true; state[top + 5, left + 0] = true; state[top + 5, left + 1] = true; state[top + 2, left + 12] = true; state[top + 2, left + 13] = true; state[top + 3, left + 11] = true; state[top + 4, left + 10] = true; state[top + 5, left + 10] = true; state[top + 6, left + 10] = true; state[top + 7, left + 11] = true; state[top + 8, left + 12] = true; state[top + 8, left + 13] = true; state[top + 5, left + 14] = true; state[top + 3, left + 15] = true; state[top + 4, left + 16] = true; state[top + 5, left + 16] = true; state[top + 5, left + 17] = true; state[top + 6, left + 16] = true; state[top + 7, left + 15] = true; state[top + 0, left + 24] = true; state[top + 1, left + 24] = true; state[top + 1, left + 22] = true; state[top + 2, left + 20] = true; state[top + 2, left + 21] = true; state[top + 3, left + 20] = true; state[top + 3, left + 21] = true; state[top + 4, left + 20] = true; state[top + 4, left + 21] = true; state[top + 5, left + 22] = true; state[top + 5, left + 24] = true; state[top + 6, left + 24] = true; state[top + 2, left + 34] = true; state[top + 2, left + 35] = true; state[top + 3, left + 34] = true; state[top + 3, left + 35] = true; root = CreateNode(state); generation = 0; }
public bool DeepEqualTo(Node a) { if (level != a.level) { return false; } if (level == 0) { return childValue == a.childValue; } return topLeft == a.topLeft && topRight == a.topRight && bottomLeft == a.bottomLeft && bottomRight == a.bottomRight; }
private Node CenteredVerticalSubNodeForward(Node top, Node bottom, bool[,] state, int x, int y) { Debug.Assert(top.level == bottom.level, "Must have equal levels."); Debug.Assert(top.level > 1, "Level must be greater than 1."); return new Node(top.bottomLeft, top.bottomRight, bottom.topLeft, bottom.topRight, top.level).NextGeneration(state, x, y); }
private Node CenteredHorizontalSubNodeForward(Node left, Node right, bool[,] state, int x, int y) { Debug.Assert(left.level == right.level, "Must have equal levels."); Debug.Assert(left.level > 1, "level must be greater than 1."); return new Node(left.topRight, right.topLeft, left.bottomRight, right.bottomLeft, left.level).NextGeneration(state, x, y); }
// Return a new node 1 level down, centered at this node // and 2^(k - 2) generations forward if super speed is enabled. // x and y are the coordinates of state grid of this node. public Node NextGeneration(bool[,] state, int x, int y) { Debug.Assert(level >= 2, "Can only be called on a node at level 2 or above."); if (result == null) { // Check if the result is stored in the hash table. Node hashed = NodeTable.Lookup(this); if (hashed != null && hashed.result != null) { result = hashed.result; } } if (result != null) { // Recurse into the children to set the state. if (state != null) { int offset = PowerTwos.Get(level - 2); result.Flatten(state, x + offset, y + offset); } return result; } if (level == 2) { bool n00 = topLeft.topLeft.childValue; bool n01 = topLeft.topRight.childValue; bool n02 = topLeft.bottomLeft.childValue; bool n03 = topLeft.bottomRight.childValue; bool n10 = topRight.topLeft.childValue; bool n11 = topRight.topRight.childValue; bool n12 = topRight.bottomLeft.childValue; bool n13 = topRight.bottomRight.childValue; bool n20 = bottomLeft.topLeft.childValue; bool n21 = bottomLeft.topRight.childValue; bool n22 = bottomLeft.bottomLeft.childValue; bool n23 = bottomLeft.bottomRight.childValue; bool n30 = bottomRight.topLeft.childValue; bool n31 = bottomRight.topRight.childValue; bool n32 = bottomRight.bottomLeft.childValue; bool n33 = bottomRight.bottomRight.childValue; // Create four nodes at level 0, 1 generation forward. Node resultTopLeft = new Node(IsAlive(n03, new bool[] { n00, n01, n02, n10, n12, n20, n21, n30 })); Node resultTopRight = new Node(IsAlive(n12, new bool[] { n01, n03, n10, n11, n13, n21, n30, n31 })); Node resultBottomLeft = new Node(IsAlive(n21, new bool[] { n02, n03, n12, n20, n22, n23, n30, n32 })); Node resultBottomRight = new Node(IsAlive(n30, new bool[] { n03, n12, n13, n21, n23, n31, n32, n33 })); // Return a new node at level 1 which is the center 2 by 2 of this level 2 node // 1 generation forward. result = new Node(resultTopLeft, resultTopRight, resultBottomLeft, resultBottomRight, 1); // Set state. if (state != null) { state[y + 1, x + 1] = result.topLeft.childValue; state[y + 1, x + 2] = result.topRight.childValue; state[y + 2, x + 1] = result.bottomLeft.childValue; state[y + 2, x + 2] = result.bottomRight.childValue; } return result; } int k3 = PowerTwos.Get(level - 3); int k23 = (k3 << 1) + k3; // Create the nine sub nodes. Node t00 = topLeft.NextGeneration(null, 0, 0); Node t01 = CenteredHorizontalSubNodeForward(topLeft, topRight, null, 0, 0); Node t02 = topRight.NextGeneration(null, 0, 0); Node t10 = CenteredVerticalSubNodeForward(topLeft, bottomLeft, null, 0, 0); Node t11 = CentredSubNodeForward(null, 0, 0); Node t12 = CenteredVerticalSubNodeForward(topRight, bottomRight, null, 0, 0); Node t20 = bottomLeft.NextGeneration(null, 0, 0); Node t21 = CenteredHorizontalSubNodeForward(bottomLeft, bottomRight, null, 0, 0); Node t22 = bottomRight.NextGeneration(null, 0, 0); // Return a centered sub node 1 level down, 2^(level - 2) generations forward. result = new Node( new Node(t00, t01, t10, t11, level - 1).NextGeneration(state, x + k3, y + k3), new Node(t01, t02, t11, t12, level - 1).NextGeneration(state, x + k23, y + k3), new Node(t10, t11, t20, t21, level - 1).NextGeneration(state, x + k3, y + k23), new Node(t11, t12, t21, t22, level - 1).NextGeneration(state, x + k23, y + k23), level - 1); return result; }
public void LinkTo(Node next) { Debug.Assert( == null, "This node item is already linked."); = next; }