コード例 #1
 private static Vector2 Project(Polygon polygon, Vector2 axis)
     var vertices = polygon.Vertices;
     double min = Vector2.Dot(axis, vertices[0]);
     double max = min;
     for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Length; i++)
         // NOTE: the axis must be normalized to get accurate projections
         double p = Vector2.Dot(axis, vertices[i]);
         if (p < min)
             min = p;
         else if (p > max)
             max = p;
     var proj = new Vector2((float)min, (float)max);
     return proj;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// http://www.codezealot.org/archives/55
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p1">The polygon that should be moved if there is a collision</param>
        /// <param name="p2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector2 PolygonCollision(Polygon p1, Polygon p2)
            float overlap = 999999999; // really large value;
            Vector2 smallest = new Vector2(0, 0);
            var axes1 = GetAxes(p1);
            var axes2 = GetAxes(p2);
            var distinctAxes = axes1.Concat(axes2).Distinct();
            var axes = distinctAxes.ToArray();

            // loop over the axes of the first polygon
            for (int i = 0; i < axes.ToArray().Length; i++)

                Vector2 axis = axes[i];

                // project both shapes onto the axis
                Vector2 projection1 = Project(p1, axis);
                Vector2 projection2 = Project(p2, axis);

                // do the projections overlap?
                if (!DoOverlap(projection1, projection2))
                    // then we can guarantee that the shapes do not overlap
                    return Vector2.Zero;
                    // get the overlap
                    float o = GetOverlap(projection1, projection2);
                    // check for minimum
                    if (o < overlap)
                        // then set this one as the smallest
                        overlap = o;
                        smallest = axis;

            //// loop over the axes of the second polygon
            //for (int i = 0; i < axes2.Length; i++)
            //    var axis = axes2[i];
            //    // project both shapes onto the axis
            //    Vector2 projection1 = Project(p1, axis);
            //    Vector2 projection2 = Project(p2, axis);

            //    // do the projections overlap?
            //    if (!DoOverlap(projection1, projection2))
            //    {
            //        // then we can guarantee that the shapes do not overlap
            //        return Vector2.Zero;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // get the overlap
            //        float o = GetOverlap(projection1, projection2);
            //        // check for minimum
            //        if (o < overlap)
            //        {
            //            // then set this one as the smallest
            //            overlap = o;
            //            smallest = axis;
            //        }
            //    }

            Vector2 mtv = smallest * overlap;
            // if we get here then we know that every axis had overlap on it
            // so we can guarantee an intersection

            // If the dot between p1 and p2 is negative we have to switch
            if (Vector2.Dot(mtv, p1.Center - p2.Center) < 0)
                mtv *= -1;

            return mtv;
コード例 #3
        private static Vector2[] GetAxes(Polygon polygon)
            var vertices = polygon.Vertices;
            var axes = new List<Vector2>();
            HashSet<Vector2> normals = new HashSet<Vector2>();
            // loop over the vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                // get the current vertex
                var p1 = vertices[i];
                // get the next vertex
                var p2 = vertices[i + 1 == vertices.Length ? 0 : i + 1];
                // subtract the two to get the edge vector
                var edge = p1 - p2;
                // get the normal
                var normal = new Vector2(-edge.Y, edge.X);
                // the perp method is just (x, y) => (-y, x) for clockwise-wound polygons or (y, -x) for ccw
                // If we already have this normal, or one pointing in the opposite direction then
                // we don't need to add this axis
                if (normals.Contains(normal) || normals.Contains(normal * -1))


            return axes.ToArray();