protected override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); var Content = GameRef.Content; states = SaveDataParser.SaveStates; if (StartMenuScreen.Background is PictureBox) { background = StartMenuScreen.Background as PictureBox; ControlManager.Add(background); } else backgroundAnim = StartMenuScreen.Background as Animation; Texture2D arrowTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI\\leftarrowUp"); arrowImage = new PictureBox(arrowTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, arrowTexture.Width, arrowTexture.Height)); ControlManager.Add(arrowImage); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { LinkLabel label = new LinkLabel(); if (SaveDataParser.GetSaveAtIndex(i) == null) { label.Text = "-- No Save Game Found --"; label.Enabled = false; label.Color = Color.DarkGray; } else label.Text = SaveDataParser.GetSaveAtIndex(i).Name + " -- " + SaveDataParser.GetSaveAtIndex(i).Time; label.Size = label.SpriteFont.MeasureString(label.Text); label.Selected += new EventHandler(menuItem_Selected); label.Effect = ControlEffect.GLOW; labels.Add(label); ControlManager.Add(label); } ControlManager.NextControl(); ControlManager.FocusChanged += new EventHandler(ControlManager_FocusChanged); Vector2 position = new Vector2(ProjectElements.Data.ProjectData.GameWidth / 2, 100); foreach (Control c in ControlManager) { if (c is LinkLabel) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(c.Size.X / 2, 0); if (c.Size.X > maxItemWidth) maxItemWidth = c.Size.X; c.Position = position - offset; position.Y += c.Size.Y + 10f; } } ControlManager_FocusChanged(labels[0], null); }
protected override void SetTexture() { Texture2D[] imgsRight = new Texture2D[] { EntityManager.koopaSheet.GetSubImage(0, 0), EntityManager.koopaSheet.GetSubImage(1, 0) }; movRight = new Animation(imgsRight, 300f); imgRight = new Image(imgsRight[0]); width = 24; height = 32; }
public override void SetAnimation() { var sheet = SheetManager.SpriteSheets["player"]; Texture2D[] imgsUp = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(0, 3), sheet.GetSubImage(1, 3), sheet.GetSubImage(2, 3) }; Texture2D[] imgsDown = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(0, 0), sheet.GetSubImage(1, 0), sheet.GetSubImage(2, 0) }; Texture2D[] imgsLeft = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(0, 1), sheet.GetSubImage(1, 1), sheet.GetSubImage(2, 1) }; Texture2D[] imgsRight = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(0, 2), sheet.GetSubImage(1, 2), sheet.GetSubImage(2, 2) }; animUp = new Animation(imgsUp); animDown = new Animation(imgsDown); animLeft = new Animation(imgsLeft); animRight = new Animation(imgsRight); }
public override void SetAnimation() { var sheet = SheetManager.SpriteSheets["allEntities"]; Texture2D[] imgsUp = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(6, 3), sheet.GetSubImage(7, 3), sheet.GetSubImage(8, 3) }; Texture2D[] imgsDown = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(6, 0), sheet.GetSubImage(7, 0), sheet.GetSubImage(8, 0) }; Texture2D[] imgsLeft = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(6, 1), sheet.GetSubImage(7, 1), sheet.GetSubImage(8, 1) }; Texture2D[] imgsRight = new Texture2D[3] { sheet.GetSubImage(6, 2), sheet.GetSubImage(7, 2), sheet.GetSubImage(8, 2) }; animUp = new Animation(imgsUp); animDown = new Animation(imgsDown); animLeft = new Animation(imgsLeft); animRight = new Animation(imgsRight); }
public Player(ContentManager content) : base(new Vector2(AsteroidGame.ScreenBounds.Width / 2, AsteroidGame.ScreenBounds.Height / 2)) { topSpeed = 4; SetTexture(content, "player"); gameContent = content; _scale = 0.65f; _mass = 40; // Load the explosion spritesheet and explosion animation explosionSheet = new SpriteSheet(content.Load<Texture2D>("explosion_sheet"), 90, 90,; explosion = new Animation(new Texture2D[] {explosionSheet.GetSubImage(0, 0), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(1, 0), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(2, 0), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(3, 0), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(4, 0), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(0, 1), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(1, 1), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(2, 1), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(3, 1), explosionSheet.GetSubImage(4, 1), content.Load<Texture2D>("Blank") , content.Load<Texture2D>("Blank")}, 100f); }
public Citizen(Vector2 pos) : base("Citizen", pos) { var rand = new Random(); var nameIndex = rand.Next(names.Length); Name = names[nameIndex]; Texture2D[] imgs1, imgs2, imgs3; imgs1 = new Texture2D[2]; imgs2 = new Texture2D[2]; imgs3 = new Texture2D[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { imgs1[i] = nameIndex % 2 == 0 ? ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Up" + i.ToString()) : ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Up" + i.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { imgs2[i] = nameIndex % 2 == 0 ? ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Left" + i.ToString()) : ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Left" + i.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { imgs3[i] = nameIndex % 2 == 0 ? ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Down" + i.ToString()) : ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Down" + i.ToString()); } movingUp = new Animation(imgs1); movingRight = new Animation(imgs2); movingDown = new Animation(imgs3); avatarUp = new Image(imgs1[0]); avatarRight = new Image(imgs2[0]); avatarDown = new Image(imgs3[0]); dialogue = genericPhrases[rand.Next(genericPhrases.Length)]; }
protected override void SetTexture() { //var tempTexture = new DrawableRectangle(ProjectData.GraphicsDevice, new Vector2(48, 48), Color.Black, true); //imgLeft = new Image(tempTexture.Texture); //imgRight = new Image(tempTexture.Texture); //width = imgLeft.Width; //height = imgLeft.Height; imgRight = new Image(ProjectData.Content.Load<Texture2D>("megaman")); var imagesRight = new Texture2D[] { EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(0, 0), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(0, 1), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(0, 2), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(0, 3), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(0, 4) }; var imagesLeft = new Texture2D[] { EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(1, 0), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(1, 1), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(1, 2), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(1, 3), EntityManager.runningSheet.GetSubImage(1, 4) }; var jumpsRight = new Texture2D[] { EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 0), EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 1), EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 2), EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 2),EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 2), EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 2),EntityManager.jumpSheet.GetSubImage(0, 2),}; movLeft = new Animation(imagesLeft, 65f); movRight = new Animation(imagesRight, 65f); jumpRight = new Animation(jumpsRight, 150f); width = 44; height = 42; }
public static void Initialize(Texture2D particleTexture, Animation explosionFrame) { ParticleTexture = particleTexture; ExplosionFrames.Clear(); foreach (Texture2D frame in explosionFrame.Images) { ExplosionFrames.Add(frame); } }
protected override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); ContentManager Content = Game.Content; Color selectedColor = Color.Navy; int selectedWallpaper = new Random().Next(4); // Choose between four backgrounds switch (selectedWallpaper) { case 0: // This is the animation. Hence, the texture2d array { Texture2D[] images = new Texture2D[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { images[i] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Backgrounds\\exploded_bg\\water" + i.ToString()); } backGround = new Animation(images); Background = backGround; break; } case 1: { Texture2D bg1 = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Backgrounds\\bamboo"); picBackGround = new PictureBox(bg1, new Rectangle(0, 0, ProjectData.GameWidth, ProjectData.GameHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, bg1.Width, bg1.Height)); picBackGround.Position = new Vector2(0, 0); ControlManager.Add(picBackGround); break; } case 2: { Texture2D bg2 = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Backgrounds\\temple"); picBackGround = new PictureBox(bg2, new Rectangle(0, 0, ProjectData.GameWidth, ProjectData.GameHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, bg2.Width, bg2.Height)); picBackGround.Position = new Vector2(0, 0); ControlManager.Add(picBackGround); break; } case 3: { Texture2D bg3 = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Backgrounds\\marketplace"); picBackGround = new PictureBox(bg3, new Rectangle(0, 0, bg3.Width, ProjectData.GameHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, bg3.Width, bg3.Height)); picBackGround.Position = new Vector2(0, 0); ControlManager.Add(picBackGround); break; } } if (selectedWallpaper > 0) Background = picBackGround; Texture2D arrowTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI\\leftarrowUp"); arrowImage = new PictureBox(arrowTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, arrowTexture.Width, arrowTexture.Height)); arrowImage.Effect = ControlEffect.FLASH; ControlManager.Add(arrowImage); title = new Label(); title.SpriteFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\titleFont"); title.Text = "O R I G I N S"; title.Size = title.SpriteFont.MeasureString(title.Text); if (selectedWallpaper == 0) title.Color = Color.Black; title.Position = new Vector2(ProjectElements.Data.ProjectData.GameWidth / 2 - title.Size.X / 2, ProjectData.GameHeight / 8); ControlManager.Add(title); continueGame = new LinkLabel(); continueGame.Enabled = (ProjectData.cachedSave != null); continueGame.Text = "Continue..."; continueGame.Size = continueGame.SpriteFont.MeasureString(continueGame.Text); continueGame.Selected += new EventHandler(menuItem_Selected); if (!continueGame.Enabled) continueGame.Color = new Color(30, 30, 30); ControlManager.Add(continueGame); startGame = new LinkLabel(); startGame.Text = "New Game"; startGame.Size = startGame.SpriteFont.MeasureString(startGame.Text); startGame.Selected += menuItem_Selected; ControlManager.Add(startGame); loadGame = new LinkLabel(); loadGame.Enabled = SaveDataParser.SaveStates.Count > 0; loadGame.Text = "Load Game"; loadGame.Size = loadGame.SpriteFont.MeasureString(loadGame.Text); loadGame.Selected += menuItem_Selected; if (!loadGame.Enabled) loadGame.Color = new Color(30, 30, 30); ControlManager.Add(loadGame); exitGame = new LinkLabel(); exitGame.Text = "Quit"; exitGame.Size = exitGame.SpriteFont.MeasureString(exitGame.Text); exitGame.Selected += menuItem_Selected; ControlManager.Add(exitGame); ControlManager.NextControl(); ControlManager.FocusChanged += new EventHandler(ControlManager_FocusChanged); Vector2 position = new Vector2(ProjectElements.Data.ProjectData.GameWidth / 2, ProjectData.GameHeight / 1.75f); foreach (Control c in ControlManager) { if (c is LinkLabel) { Vector2 offset = new Vector2(c.Size.X / 2, 0); if (c.Size.X > maxItemWidth) maxItemWidth = c.Size.X; c.Position = position - offset; position.Y += c.Size.Y + 10f; c.Effect = ControlEffect.GLOW; c.FlashDuration = 300; if (selectedWallpaper == 0) { c.Color = Color.Black; ((LinkLabel)c).SelectedColor = selectedColor; } } } if (continueGame.Enabled) ControlManager_FocusChanged(continueGame, null); else ControlManager_FocusChanged(startGame, null); }
protected override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); Art.Load(gameRef.Content); backgroundoverlay = new DrawableRectangle(GraphicsDevice, new Vector2(Game1.GAME_WIDTH, Game1.GAME_HEIGHT), Color.White, true).Texture; SpriteSheet explosionSs = new SpriteSheet(content.Load<Texture2D>("explosion"), 32, 32, gameRef.GraphicsDevice); Texture2D[] imgs = new Texture2D[] { explosionSs.GetSubImage(0, 0), explosionSs.GetSubImage(1, 0), explosionSs.GetSubImage(2, 0) }; var explode = new Animation(imgs); EffectManager.Initialize(content.Load<Texture2D>("particle"), explode); if (singlePlayer) backgroundImage = content.Load<Texture2D>("Screen Images\\apocalypselondon"); }
protected override void LoadContent() { base.LoadContent(); var Content = gameRef.Content; IOManager.Init(); blackOverlay = new DrawableRectangle(GraphicsDevice, new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH, MainGame.GAME_HEIGHT), Color.White, true).Texture; blurOverlay = new GaussianBlur(gameRef); blurOverlay.ComputeKernel(7, 2.0f); titleImage = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images\\title"); title = new Label(); title.SpriteFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\title"); title.Text = ""; title.Color = Color.White; title.Position = new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2 - title.Width / 2, 90); controls.Add(title); Texture2D[] images = new Texture2D[8]; for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { images[i] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images\\waterfall\\water" + i.ToString()); } anim = new Animation(images); #region Menu State menuControls = new ControlManager(gameRef, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\default")); var start = new LinkLabel(0) { Name = "lnklblStart", Text = "New Game" }; var load = new LinkLabel(1) { Name = "lnklblLoad", Text = "Load Game" }; var options = new LinkLabel(2) { Name = "lnklblOptions", Text = "Options" }; var quit = new LinkLabel(3) { Name = "lnklblQuit", Text = "Quit Game" }; menuControls.Add(start); menuControls.Add(load); menuControls.Add(options); menuControls.Add(quit); Vector2 startPos = new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2, MainGame.GAME_HEIGHT / 1.8f); foreach (Control c in menuControls) { if (c is LinkLabel) { var l = (LinkLabel)c; var offset = new Vector2(c.Width / 2, 0); c.Position = startPos - offset; c.Selected += new EventHandler(LinkLabel_Selected); c.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; c.Color = Color.Black; ((LinkLabel)c).SelectedColor = Color.DarkBlue; l.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; startPos.Y += c.Height + 10f; } } menuControls.SelectControl(0); #endregion #region New Game State newGameControls = new ControlManager(gameRef, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\default")); Label prompt = new Label(); prompt.Text = "Enter your name"; prompt.Name = "lblNamePrompt"; prompt.Position = new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2 - prompt.SpriteFont.MeasureString(prompt.Text).X / 2, 200); newGameControls.Add(prompt); TextBox name = new TextBox(GraphicsDevice); name.Name = "txtName"; name.Position = new Vector2(prompt.Position.X + 40, prompt.Position.Y + prompt.Height + 10); name.BackColor = Color.Transparent; name.ForeColor = Color.White; newGameControls.Add(name); LinkLabel startGame = new LinkLabel(2) { Name = "lnklblNewGame", Text = "Start" }; startGame.Position = new Vector2(prompt.Position.X, name.Position.Y + 44); startGame.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; startGame.Selected += (o, e) => { Config.currentlyPlaying = newGameControls[1].Text; SwitchStateWithFade(new LoadingState(gameRef, StateManager, new GameplayState(gameRef, StateManager))); }; startGame.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; LinkLabel cancel = new LinkLabel(3) { Name = "lnklblCancel", Text = "Cancel" }; cancel.Position = new Vector2(prompt.Position.X + prompt.Width - cancel.Width, startGame.Position.Y); cancel.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; cancel.Selected += (o, e) => { currentState = State.Menu; }; cancel.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; newGameControls.Add(startGame); newGameControls.Add(cancel); #endregion #region Load Game State loadGameControls = new ControlManager(gameRef, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\default")); List<EntityProperties> saves = new List<EntityProperties>(); saves = IOManager.GetAllPlayerDatas(); startPos = new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2, 0); int counter = 0; foreach (EntityProperties ep in saves) { var lnklblLoadSave = new LinkLabel(counter++); lnklblLoadSave.AutoSize = true; lnklblLoadSave.Name = "lnklblLoadSave"; lnklblLoadSave.Text = ep.Name + " | " + ep.TimeOfSave; lnklblLoadSave.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; lnklblLoadSave.Selected += (o, e) => { SwitchStateWithFade(new LoadingState(gameRef, StateManager, new GameplayState(gameRef, StateManager, ep))); }; lnklblLoadSave.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; var offset = new Vector2(lnklblLoadSave.Width / 2, 0); lnklblLoadSave.Position = startPos - offset; startPos.Y += lnklblLoadSave.Height + 10; loadGameControls.Add(lnklblLoadSave); } var goBack_Load = new LinkLabel(loadGameControls.Count); goBack_Load.Name = "lnklblGoBackLoad"; goBack_Load.Text = "Go Back"; goBack_Load.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; goBack_Load.Position = new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2 - goBack_Load.Width / 2, MainGame.GAME_HEIGHT - goBack_Load.Height - 100); goBack_Load.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; goBack_Load.Selected += (o, e) => { currentState = State.Menu; }; loadGameControls.Add(goBack_Load); #endregion #region Options Game State #endregion #region Quit State quitControls = new ControlManager(gameRef, Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\default")); Label areYouSure1 = new Label(); areYouSure1.Name = "lblAreYouSure?"; areYouSure1.Text = "Are you sure you want to quit?"; areYouSure1.Position = new Vector2(MainGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2 - areYouSure1.SpriteFont.MeasureString( areYouSure1.Text).X / 2, 140); quitControls.Add(areYouSure1); LinkLabel yes = new LinkLabel(1) { Name = "lnklblYes", Text = "Yes" }; yes.Position = new Vector2(areYouSure1.Position.X + 40, areYouSure1.Position.Y + areYouSure1.Height + 50); yes.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; yes.Selected += (o, e) => { gameRef.Exit(); }; yes.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; LinkLabel no = new LinkLabel(2) { Name = "lnklblNo", Text = "No" }; no.Position = new Vector2(areYouSure1.Position.X + areYouSure1.Width - no.Width - 40, yes.Position.Y); no.OnMouseIn += LinkLabel_OnMouseIn; no.Selected += (o, e) => { currentState = State.Menu; }; no.Effect = ControlEffect.PULSE; quitControls.Add(yes); quitControls.Add(no); #endregion debugFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts\\version"); }
public Player(PlayerIndex playerIndex) : base(Vector2.Zero) { this.playerIndex = playerIndex; // Initialize the player based on playerIndex // --------------------------------------------------------------- // I seperate the initialization of players into two if statements: // PlayerIndex.One and PlayerIndex.Two. As of right now, I won't // add any more (for laziness sake) and will keep initialization // like this. I'm sorry if this code offends you. // --------------------------------------------------------------- if (playerIndex == PlayerIndex.One) { // Set the position to be on the left side of the screen Position = new Vector2(0, Game1.GAME_HEIGHT / 2 - height / 2); // Set the shooting key based on playerIndex shootingKey = Keys.Tab; // Organize the moving keys movingKeys = new Keys[4] { Keys.W, Keys.S, Keys.A, Keys.D }; // Tint is chosen from the IntroState tint = IntroState.player1Color; sprite.Tint = tint; // First player will be facing right dir = 1; flipped = false; GunOffset = new Vector2(width / 2, 0); } else if (playerIndex == PlayerIndex.Two) { // Set the position to be on the right side of the screen Position = new Vector2(Game1.GAME_WIDTH - width, Game1.GAME_HEIGHT / 2 - height / 2); // Set the shooting key based on playerIndex shootingKey = Keys.RightControl; // Organize the moving keys movingKeys = new Keys[4] { Keys.Up, Keys.Down, Keys.Left, Keys.Right }; // Tint is chosen from the IntroState tint = IntroState.player2Color; sprite.Tint = tint; // Second player will be facing left dir = -1; flipped = true; GunOffset = new Vector2(-width / 2, 0); } else { // Remember how I said I only support PlayerIndex One and Two? // This is where I kindly remind you if you forget. // ---------------------------------------------------------- throw new Exception("Unsupported PlayerIndex - please only use indeces one and two"); } // Default weapons will be Pistols. If you wanna change it, go ahead // ------------------------------------------------------------------ equippedWeapon = new Shotgun(this, shootingKey); // This font is used for the player information that is on screen // -------------------------------------------------------------- font = Game1.content.Load<SpriteFont>("defaultFont"); // And here I make the animation for the player. Easy Peasy. // --------------------------------------------------------- Texture2D[] imgs = new Texture2D[] { Game1.content.Load<Texture2D>("helicopter1"), Game1.content.Load<Texture2D>("helicopter2") }; playerAnim = new Animation(imgs, 20f); // And here I have the basic rectangles used for the life bar. // The life bar stuff is pretty basic right now // ---------------------------------------------------------- var tex = new DrawableRectangle(, new Vector2(10, 10), Color.White, true).Texture; lifeBg = tex; lifeFg = tex; // Set the force field size to be bigger than the player // ----------------------------------------------------- forceFieldWidth = width + 30; forceFieldHeight = height + 30; // Temporary setting the force field texture to a white rectangle // -------------------------------------------------------------- forceFieldTex = new DrawableRectangle(, new Vector2(forceFieldWidth, forceFieldHeight), Color.White, true).Texture; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the animations and avatars of an entity . . . /// Follow the guidelines for making spritesheets /// </summary> /// <param name="start">Start position on the sprite sheet</param> /// <param name="sheetName">Key for spritesheet dictionary</param> /// <param name="realWidth"></param> /// <param name="realHeight"></param> protected void SetTexture(Vector2 start, string sheetName, int realWidth = 0, int realHeight = 0) { SpriteSheet sheet = SpriteSheetManager.EntitySprites[sheetName]; int x = (int)start.X; int y = (int)start.Y; avatarDown = new Image(sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y)); avatarUp = new Image(sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y + 3)); avatarRight = new Image(sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y + 2)); Texture2D[] imagesDown = new Texture2D[] { sheet.GetSubImage(x, y), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 2, y)}; Texture2D[] imagesLeft = new Texture2D[] { sheet.GetSubImage(x, y + 1), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y + 1), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 2, y + 1)}; Texture2D[] imagesRight = new Texture2D[] {sheet.GetSubImage(x, y + 2), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y + 2), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 2, y + 2) }; Texture2D[] imagesUp = new Texture2D[] { sheet.GetSubImage(x, y + 3), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 1, y + 3), sheet.GetSubImage(x + 2, y + 3)}; movingDown = new Animation(imagesDown); movingRight = new Animation(imagesRight); movingUp = new Animation(imagesUp); spriteWidth = avatarDown.Width; spriteHeight = avatarDown.Height; if (realWidth != 0) this.realWidth = realWidth; else this.realWidth = spriteWidth; if (realHeight != 0) this.realHeight = realHeight; else this.realHeight = spriteHeight; }
protected void SetCustomTexture(Vector2 start, string sheetName, int frames, int realWidth = 0, int realHeight = 0, float duration = 100f) { SpriteSheet sheet = SpriteSheetManager.EntitySprites[sheetName]; int x = (int)start.X; int y = (int)start.Y; avatarDown = new Image(sheet.GetSubImage(x + frames - 1, y)); avatarUp = new Image(sheet.GetSubImage(x + frames - 1, y + 1)); avatarRight = new Image(sheet.GetSubImage(x, y + 2)); Texture2D[] imagesDown = new Texture2D[frames]; Texture2D[] imagesRight = new Texture2D[frames]; Texture2D[] imagesUp = new Texture2D[frames]; for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++) { imagesDown[i] = sheet.GetSubImage(x + i, y); imagesUp[i] = sheet.GetSubImage(x + i, y + 1); imagesRight[i] = sheet.GetSubImage(x + i, y + 2); } movingDown = new Animation(imagesDown, duration); movingRight = new Animation(imagesRight, duration); movingUp = new Animation(imagesUp, duration); spriteWidth = avatarDown.Width; spriteHeight = avatarDown.Height; if (realWidth != 0) this.realWidth = realWidth; else this.realWidth = spriteWidth; if (realHeight != 0) this.realHeight = realHeight; else this.realHeight = spriteHeight; }
protected void SetCustomAttackingAnimCustom(string sheetName, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, int frames, float duration = 100f) { SpriteSheet sheet = SpriteSheetManager.EntitySprites[sheetName]; int x = 0; int y = 0; Texture2D[] imagesDown = new Texture2D[frames]; Texture2D[] imagesRight = new Texture2D[frames]; Texture2D[] imagesUp = new Texture2D[frames]; for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++) { imagesDown[i] = sheet.GetSubImage(x + i, y); imagesUp[i] = sheet.GetSubImage(x + i, y + 1); imagesRight[i] = sheet.GetSubImage(x + i, y + 2); } attackingDown = new Animation(imagesDown, duration); attackingRight = new Animation(imagesRight, duration); attackingUp = new Animation(imagesUp, duration); spriteWidth = avatarDown.Width; spriteHeight = avatarDown.Height; }