static void Main(string[] args) { int Year = 0; Manage manage = new Manage(3000, 1000, 100); Sell sell = new Sell(); Trade baySell = new Trade(manage, sell); Ate foodpeople = new Ate(manage); Plant growing = new Plant(manage); Mortality mortality = new Mortality(foodpeople); Rats rats = new Rats(manage); Area area = new Area(manage); Conclusion conclusion = new Conclusion(area); // Rats rats = new Rats(manage); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (manage.People > 20) { Year++; Console.WriteLine($"Year of the Board {Year}"); sell.Display(); Console.WriteLine($"Сost of a piece of land in this year:{sell.Price}"); Console.WriteLine($"how many will you buy or sell lands? Now lands {manage.Land}"); int acr = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); baySell.TradingBay(acr); Console.WriteLine($"Select the amount of corn per person, need 20 per one..., now people {manage.People}"); int corn = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); foodpeople.FeedPeople(corn); Console.WriteLine($"How much will you grow corn {manage.Corn}, now lend {manage.Land}"); int grow = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); growing.Growing(grow); rats.RatsEat(); if (i == 10) { Console.WriteLine("You win"); Console.WriteLine(mortality.Amount()); Console.WriteLine(area.Sation()); conclusion.OutputLend(); conclusion.OutputManagement(); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("You were overthrown"); break; } } }
public Mortality(Ate mans) { this.mans = mans; }