void endHittingGameHandler(object sender, HittingGameEventArgs e) //this handler could be edited to be the handler of both games,using typeof sender object to determine which game is ended { int scoreRec = 0, targetsDestroyedRec = 0; float avgTimeToKillRec = 0, accuracyRec = 0, killsPerSecRec = 0; targetsDestroyedH = e.TargetsDestroyed; clicksH = e.Clicks; scoreH = e.Score; killsPerSecH = (float)Math.Round((float)targetsDestroyedH / e.TotalTime, 2); if (clicksH != 0) { accuracyH = (float)Math.Round((100 * ((float)targetsDestroyedH / clicksH)), 2); } else { accuracyH = -1; } if (targetsDestroyedH != 0) { avgTimeToKillH = (float)Math.Round(((float)e.TotalTime / targetsDestroyedH), 2); } else { avgTimeToKillH = -1; } ManageFile(filePath, ref scoreRec, ref targetsDestroyedRec, ref avgTimeToKillRec, ref accuracyRec, ref killsPerSecRec); statistics = new Pentagon(pentagono, graphicPos, scoreH, targetsDestroyedH, avgTimeToKillH, killsPerSecH, accuracyH, 0.8f, freccia, font, scoreRec, targetsDestroyedRec, accuracyRec, avgTimeToKillRec, killsPerSecRec); }
protected virtual void HittingGameEnded(HittingGameEventArgs e) { endHittingGame?.Invoke(this, e); }