コード例 #1
        public static void RenderMenu()
            // Clear the screen
            graphics.SetClearColor (0.6f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.0f);
            graphics.Clear ();

            elf1 = new Sprite(graphics, elf1Tex);
            elf1.Position = new Vector3(600, 100, 0);

            elf2 = new Sprite(graphics, elf2Tex);
            elf2.Position = new Vector3(50, 100, 0);

            elf2.Render ();
            elf1.Render ();

            menuDisplay.Announcement = "Destructive Santa!";
            menuDisplay.Announcement2 = "Press Enter to play the game.";
            menuDisplay.Announcement3 = "Press Select to See the High Score.";
            menuDisplay.Announcement4 = "Press Back to quit the game.";

            // Present the screen
            graphics.SwapBuffers ();
コード例 #2
        public static void RenderHighScoreView()
            graphics.SetClearColor (0.3f, 0.5f, 0.7f, 0.0f);
            graphics.Clear ();

            tree = new Sprite(graphics, treeTex);
            tree.Position = new Vector3(50, 200, 0);
            tree.Render ();

            menuDisplay.Announcement = null;
            menuDisplay.Announcement2 = holder + ": " + highscore;
            menuDisplay.Announcement3 = null;
            menuDisplay.Announcement4 = "Press Enter to restart or Back to quit.";

            // Present the screen
            graphics.SwapBuffers ();