public ChunkGenerator(LevelConfig config, LevelObjectsPool pool, int length, int width) { levelConfig = config; levelObjectsPool = pool; this.length = Mathf.Max(length, LevelGraph.MinLength); this.width = Mathf.Max(width, LevelGraph.MinWidth); }
/// <summary> /// Generate chunk cells by graph nodes /// </summary> /// <param name="graph"></param> /// <param name="levelConfig"></param> /// <param name="pool"></param> /// <param name="chunkPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <LevelObject> GenerateCells(LevelGraph graph, LevelConfig levelConfig, LevelObjectsPool pool, Vector3 chunkPosition) { const int cellsPerNode = LevelGraph.CellsPerNode; var chunkLength = graph.length * cellsPerNode; var chunkWidth = graph.width; var obstaclePlaces = new List <Vector2Int>(); // Fill grid by wall and floor random configs var cells = new Grid <CellConfig>(chunkWidth, chunkLength); for (var l = 0; l < graph.length; l++) { for (var x = 0; x < graph.width; x++) { var node = graph.nodes.Get(x, l); var end = l * cellsPerNode + cellsPerNode; if (node.passable) { var y = l * cellsPerNode; var coordinates = new Vector2Int(x, y); // Store passable coordinate for placing some obstacle obstaclePlaces.Add(coordinates); for (; y < end; y++) { cells.Set(x, y, GetRandom(levelConfig.floors)); } } else { var y = l * cellsPerNode; cells.Set(x, y, levelConfig.walls[Random.Range(0, levelConfig.walls.Length)]); y++; if (graph.nodes.TryGet(x, l + 1, out var nextNode) && !nextNode.passable) { for (; y < end; y++) { cells.Set(x, y, GetRandom(levelConfig.walls)); } } else { for (; y < end; y++) { cells.Set(x, y, GetRandom(levelConfig.floors)); } } } } } // Try to place random obstacle config in previously founded coordinates foreach (var coordinates in obstaclePlaces) { var chance = Random.value; var obstacleConfigs = Shuffle <CellConfig> .ToQueue(levelConfig.obstacles); while (obstacleConfigs.Count > 0) { var config = obstacleConfigs.Dequeue(); // Check if obstacle placement restrictions passed if (!config.CheckPlacement(chance, coordinates, cells)) { continue; } cells.Set(coordinates, config); break; } } // Setup instances var gameObjects = new List <LevelObject>(cells.items.Length); gameObjects.AddRange(cells.items.Select((t, i) => t.SetupInstance(pool.CreateFor(t.prefab), ToVector3(cells.GetIndexCoordinates(i)), chunkPosition))); return(gameObjects); }
/// <summary> /// Generate chunk items by graph nodes /// </summary> /// <param name="graph"></param> /// <param name="levelConfig"></param> /// <param name="pool"></param> /// <param name="chunkPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static List <LevelObject> GenerateItems(LevelGraph graph, LevelConfig levelConfig, LevelObjectsPool pool, Vector3 chunkPosition) { const int itemsCount = 5; const int itemsCountOffset = 1; var levelObjects = new List <LevelObject>(); var orderedItems = levelConfig.items.OrderBy(item => item.generateChance).ToArray(); // Generate one items chain per graph row in random lane for (var y = 0; y < graph.length; y++) { var xShuffle = Shuffle <int> .ToQueue(Enumerable.Range(0, graph.width)); while (xShuffle.Count > 0) { var x = xShuffle.Dequeue(); var node = graph.nodes.Get(x, y); if (!node.passable) { continue; } var target = GetRandom(node.exits); // Build smooth items "path" by Bezier curve var offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f); var a = new Vector3(node.position.x, 0, node.position.y * LevelGraph.CellsPerNode) + offset; var d = new Vector3(target.x, 0, target.y * LevelGraph.CellsPerNode) + offset; var middle = new Vector3(0, 0, d.z - a.z) * 0.5f; var b = a + middle; var c = d - middle; var bezier = new Bezier(a, b, c, d); // Place items on curve in some range var from = Random.Range(0, itemsCountOffset + 1); var to = Random.Range(0, itemsCountOffset + 1) + itemsCount - itemsCountOffset; for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { var chance = Random.value; var inChunkPosition = bezier.GetPoint(1f / itemsCount * i); foreach (var itemConfig in orderedItems) { if (!itemConfig.CheckChance(chance)) { continue; } levelObjects.Add(itemConfig.SetupInstance(pool.CreateFor(itemConfig), inChunkPosition, chunkPosition)); break; } } break; } } return(levelObjects); }