public void setIsPushedByArcaneLevitator(bool isPushedWanted) { if (isPushedWanted && !this.MovementInfo.IsPushedByArcaneLevitator) { ArcaneLevitatorSpeed.StartLevitation(); } if (!isPushedWanted) { GravitySpeed.Reset(); } this.MovementInfo.IsPushedByArcaneLevitator = isPushedWanted; this.mMesh.AnimMgr.DeleteAllAnims(); }
private void OnFall(bool isFalling) { if (isFalling) { this.mMesh.JumpLoop(); GravitySpeed.Reset(); } else { if (GravitySpeed.GetTimeSinceFall() >= 600) { this.Hit(GravitySpeed.GetSpeed() / GravitySpeed.SPEED_TMAX * VanillaPlayer.DEFAULT_PLAYER_LIFE * 0.8f); } if (this.mCharInfo.IsPlayer) { ((Sinbad)this.mMesh).EndJump(); } } }
public void teleport(Vector3 loc) { this.MovementInfo.ClearInfo(); GravitySpeed.Reset(); this.MovementInfo.IsFalling = false; this.MovementInfo.IsJumping = false; this.MovementInfo.IsPushedByArcaneLevitator = false; this.MovementInfo.IsMovementForced = false; this.mPreviousDirection = Vector3.ZERO; this.mForcedDestination.Clear(); this.WaitForRemove = false; Vector3 prevBlockPos = this.BlockPosition; this.FeetPosition = loc; Vector3 actBlockPos = this.BlockPosition; if (prevBlockPos != actBlockPos) { this.mCharacMgr.World.onBlockLeave(prevBlockPos, this); this.mCharacMgr.World.onBlockEnter(actBlockPos, this); } }
public void Update(float frameTime) { Vector3 translation = Vector3.ZERO; if (this.mCharInfo.Life > 0) { if (this.mFollow != null && this.mFollow.IsOnFloor() && this.mForcedDestination.Count == 0 && (this.mFollow.FeetPosition - this.mDestination).SquaredLength > this.mStaySqrDistToGoal) { this.FindPathTo(this.mFollow.FeetPosition); } if (this.mPathFinder != null) { this.mForcedDestination = this.mPathFinder.ContinuePathFinding(); if (this.mForcedDestination.Count > 0) { this.mPathFinder = null; this.ComputeNextYaw(); this.mLastSquaredDist = -1; this.MovementInfo.IsMovementForced = true; this.mWasAllowedToMove = this.MovementInfo.IsAllowedToMove; this.MovementInfo.IsAllowedToMove = false; } else if (this.mPathFinder.HaveGiveUp) { this.mPathFinder = null; this.mDestination = Vector3.ZERO; Console.WriteLine("forget path"); } } Degree distToYawGoal = this.mYawGoal - this.GetYaw(); float absDiffYaw = System.Math.Abs((((int)distToYawGoal.ValueAngleUnits) + 360) % 360); if (this.MovementInfo.IsMovementForced && this.mForcedDestination.Count == 0 && absDiffYaw < 1) { this.MovementInfo.IsAllowedToMove = this.mWasAllowedToMove; this.MovementInfo.IsMovementForced = false; } if (this.MovementInfo.IsMovementForced) { this.MovementInfo.YawValue = YAW_SPEED * YawFactor.GetFactor(distToYawGoal); if (this.mForcedDestination.Count > 0) { Vector3 diff = this.mForcedDestination.Peek() - this.FeetPosition; float squaredDistance = diff.x * diff.x + diff.z * diff.z; if ((this.mDestination - this.FeetPosition).SquaredLength < this.mStaySqrDistToGoal) { while (this.mForcedDestination.Count > 0) { this.PopForcedDest(false); } } else if (this.mLastSquaredDist == -1 || squaredDistance > SQUARED_DIST_PRECISION) { if (absDiffYaw < 20) { float factor = 6 / absDiffYaw; this.MovementInfo.MoveDirection = this.mMesh.MoveForwardDir * (factor <= 1 ? factor : 1); if (this.mForcedDestination.Peek().y > this.FeetPosition.y || this.mIsBlocked) { this.MovementInfo.MoveDirection += Vector3.UNIT_Y; } } this.mLastSquaredDist = squaredDistance; } else { this.PopForcedDest(); } } } if (this.mCharInfo.IsPlayer) { ((VanillaPlayer)this).Update(frameTime); } else { ((VanillaNonPlayer)this).Update(frameTime); } if (this.MovementInfo.IsPushedByArcaneLevitator) { translation.y = ArcaneLevitatorSpeed.GetSpeed(); } else if (this.MovementInfo.IsJumping) { translation.y = JumpSpeed.GetSpeed(); } else { translation.y = GravitySpeed.GetSpeed(); } translation += WALK_SPEED * this.MovementInfo.MoveDirection * new Vector3(1, 0, 1) * (this.MovementInfo.Sprint ? SPRINT_FACTOR : 1); // Ignores the y axis translation here this.mNode.Yaw(this.MovementInfo.YawValue * frameTime); this.Translate(translation * frameTime); // Apply the translation if (this.MovementInfo.IsAllowedToMove) { this.mYawGoal = this.GetYaw(); } if (!this.MovementInfo.IsJumping && !this.MovementInfo.IsFalling && !this.MovementInfo.IsPushedByArcaneLevitator) { int zDirSign = this.mMesh.Zdir(this.MovementInfo.MoveDirection); int prevZDirSign = this.mMesh.Zdir(this.mPreviousDirection); if (zDirSign != 0 && zDirSign != prevZDirSign) { this.mMesh.Walk(true, zDirSign); } else if (zDirSign == 0 && prevZDirSign != 0) { this.mMesh.Walk(false); } } this.mPreviousDirection = this.MovementInfo.MoveDirection; if (this.mMesh.AnimMgr.CurrentAnims.Count == 0) // By default apply idle anim { this.mMesh.Idle(); this.mPreviousDirection = Vector3.ZERO; } } else { this.mTimeSinceDead += frameTime; if (this.mTimeSinceDead >= 2) { this.WaitForRemove = true; } } this.mMesh.Update(frameTime); this.MovementInfo.ClearInfo(); if (this.FeetPosition.y < 0) { this.WaitForRemove = true; } }