//Reject Post public static bool RejectPostedArticle(int post_id, string rejected_by, string poster_email, string reject_reason) { bool process_status = false; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { PostReviewsModel reject = new PostReviewsModel { PostID = post_id, ReviewedBy = rejected_by, AddressedBy = poster_email, ReviewComments = reject_reason, ReviewStatus = 0, ReviewDate = DateTime.Now }; db.PostReviews.Add(reject); try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, rejected_by, "RejectPostedArticle", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Add Review Comment public static bool AddReviewArticleComment(int post_review_id, string reviewer_comment) { bool process_status = false; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { var query = from review in db.PostReviews where review.ID == post_review_id select review; foreach (PostReviewsModel review_data in query) { review_data.AddressedByComments = reviewer_comment; review_data.ReviewStatus = 1; } try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, null, "AddReviewArticleComment", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Approve Post public static bool ApprovePostedArticle(int post_id, string approved_by) { bool process_status = false; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { var query = from post in db.NewsArticles where post.ID == post_id select post; foreach (NewsArticlesModel post_data in query) { post_data.ReviewedBy = approved_by; post_data.ReviewStatus = 1; } try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, approved_by, "ApprovePostedArticle", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Update media file public static bool UpdateMediaFile(int article_id, string file_type, string file_name, string file_caption) { bool process_status = false; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { var query = from media in db.ArticleMediaUploads where media.ID == article_id select media; foreach (ArticleMediaUploadsModel media_data in query) { media_data.FileType = file_type; media_data.FileName = file_name; media_data.FileCaption = file_caption; } try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, null, "UpdateMediaFile", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Add Medai File To DB public static bool AddMediaFile(int article_id, string file_type, string file_name, string file_caption) { bool process_status = false; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { ArticleMediaUploadsModel media = new ArticleMediaUploadsModel { ArticleID = article_id, FileType = file_type, FileName = file_name, FileCaption = file_caption, DateAdded = DateTime.Now }; db.ArticleMediaUploads.Add(media); try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, null, "AddMediaFile", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Add new subscriber public static bool AddNewSubscriber(string subscriber_email) { bool process_status = false; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { // Create a new object. SubscribersModel subscriber = new SubscribersModel { SubscriberEmail = subscriber_email, Status = 1 // … }; // Add the new object to the collection. db.Subcribers.Add(subscriber); // Submit the change to the database. try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); //Log error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, subscriber_email, "AddNewSubscriber", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Add Page Visit public static bool AddArticlePageVisitOld(int article_id) { bool process_status = false; string user_email; user_email = (HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionEmail"] != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionEmail"].ToString() : null; string ip_address = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; string country = RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.DisplayName; bool device = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice; string machineType = "Unknown"; if (device) { machineType = "Mobile"; } else if (device == false) { machineType = "Desktop"; } string browser = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type; string device_details = null; using (var db = new DBConnection()) { PageVisitsModel visits = new PageVisitsModel { ArticleID = article_id, UserEmail = user_email, IpAddress = ip_address, Country = country, Browser = browser, Device = machineType, VisitDate = DateTime.Now, DeviceDetails = device_details // … }; db.PageVisits.Add(visits); try { db.SaveChanges(); process_status = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, user_email, "AddArticlePageVisit", null); } } return(process_status); }
//Delete File public static bool DeleteFile(string file_path) { // Delete a file by using File class static method... if (System.IO.File.Exists(file_path)) { try { System.IO.File.Delete(file_path); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { //Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, null, "DeleteFile", null); } } return(false); }
public static void SendEmail(string from_email, string from_name, string to_email, string to_name, string to_subject, string h1_text, string h2_text, string paragraph_1, string paragraph_2, string salutation, string sender_name, string sender_position, string sender_number, string sender_email) { string button_css = @"border: none; color: white; padding: 15px 32px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer;"; string dev_enviroment = Enviroment("Testing"); //Testing OR Production String todays_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd"); //Send Email GMailer.GmailUsername = GMailer.GetSMTPUserName(); GMailer.GmailPassword = GMailer.GetSMTPPassword(); GMailer mailer = new GMailer(); mailer.ToEmail = to_email; mailer.Subject = to_subject; var message_body = ""; message_body += "<table rules='all' cellpadding='10' border='1' style='border:2px solid #FFEBCD; max-width:600px; '>"; message_body += "<tr><td><a href='#' target='_blank'><div align='center' style='border:2px solid #f5deb3; background-color:#855927; color:white; '><img src='https://via.placeholder.com/728x90.png/09f/fff?text=Gambia+Review' alt='GambiaReview Logo'></div></a></td></tr>"; //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(h1_text)) { message_body += "<tr style='background: #f5f5f5;'><td colspan='2'> <h2 style='color:#000000; text-align: center;'>" + h1_text + "</h2> </td></tr>"; message_body += "<br/> "; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(h2_text)) { message_body += "<h4 style='color:#000000'>" + h2_text + "</h4>"; message_body += "<br/> "; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(to_name)) { message_body += "Dear <strong style='color:#000000'>" + to_name + ",</strong> "; message_body += "<br/><br/> "; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paragraph_1)) { message_body += "<p>" + paragraph_1 + "</p>"; message_body += "<br/> "; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paragraph_2)) { message_body += "<p>" + paragraph_2 + "</p> "; message_body += "<br/> "; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salutation)) { message_body += "<p>" + salutation + "</p>"; } else { message_body += "<p> Regards, <br/> Development Team</p>"; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sender_name)) { message_body += "<p> Regards, <br/> " + sender_name + "</p>"; } else { message_body += "<p>Gambia Review Team</p>"; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sender_position)) { message_body += "<p>" + sender_position + "</p>"; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sender_number)) { message_body += "<p> Tel. " + sender_number + "</p>"; } else { message_body += "<p>Tel. +90 531 49 50226</p>"; } //--//--// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sender_email)) { message_body += "<p> Tel. " + sender_email + "</p>"; } else { message_body += "<p>Email. <a href='mailto:[email protected]?Subject=User%20Enquiry' target='_top'>[email protected]</a></p>"; } message_body += "<p>Website. <a href='https://www.gambiareview.com' target='_blank'>https://www.gambiareview.com</a></p>"; message_body += "<br/> "; message_body += "<br/> "; message_body += "<a href='#'><button style='" + button_css + " background-color: #3b5998;'>Facebook</button></a>"; message_body += "<a href='#'><button style='" + button_css + " background-color: #c08d64;'>Instagram</button></a>"; message_body += "</table>"; message_body += "</body></html>"; mailer.Body = message_body; mailer.IsHtml = true; try { mailer.Send(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, from_email, "SendEmail", null); } }
//Add Page Visit public static bool AddArticlePageVisit(int article_id) { bool process_status = false; string user_email; user_email = (HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionEmail"] != null) ? HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionEmail"].ToString() : null; string ip_address = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; string country = RegionInfo.CurrentRegion.DisplayName; bool device = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice; string machineType = "Unknown"; if (device) { machineType = "Mobile"; } else if (device == false) { machineType = "Desktop"; } string browser = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type; string device_details = null; string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnection"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = new SqlConnection(connString); conn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) { //Insert record to db cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO [PageVisits] ([ArticleID] ,[UserEmail] ,[IpAddress] ,[Country] ,[Browser] ,[Device] ,[VisitDate] ,[DeviceDetails]) VALUES (@var0, @var1, @var2, @var3, @var4, @var5, @var6, @var7)" ; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var0", article_id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var1", ((object)user_email) ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var2", ((object)ip_address) ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var3", ((object)country) ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var4", ((object)browser) ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var5", ((object)machineType) ?? DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var6", DateTime.Now); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var7", ((object)device_details) ?? DBNull.Value); int rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rowsAffected == 1) { process_status = true; } else { process_status = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); // Log Error SecurityFunctions.LogError(ex, user_email, "AddArticlePageVisit", null); } finally { if (conn != null) { //cleanup connection i.e close conn.Close(); } } return(process_status); }