static void Main() { // add global exception handler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException; DebugHelper.WriteTraceEntry("-------------------- Start programm --------------------"); Process[] proc = Process.GetProcesses(); int i = 0; foreach (Process process in proc) { if (process.ProcessName == "VKontakteWM.exe") { i++; if (i > 1) { Application.Exit(); return; } } } SystemConfiguration.Init("ВКонтакте", "sysconfig.xml"); if (PlatformDetection.IsSmartphone() || !(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor >= 1)) //5.2 - WM6+, 5.1 - WM5)) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.PlatformSupport, SystemConfiguration.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } Cache.InitPath(SystemConfiguration.AppInstallPath + "\\Cache"); ////make sure we have enough memory to run CoreHelper.FreeProgramMemoryIfNeeded(4000); // make sure device does not go to sleep during startup CoreHelper.KeepDeviceAwake(); MobileDevice.Hibernate += MobileDevice_Hibernate; // Инициализация синглтона бизнес-логики Globals.Init(new BaseLogic(new DataLogic(), new CommunicationLogic())); // init master form MasterForm form = new MasterForm(); form.Closing += form_Closing; form.Initialize(); Application.Run(form); }
public MasterForm() { _master = this; _startTick = Environment.TickCount; InitializeComponent(); }