public Angels() { name = "Hells Angels"; type = Type.Angels; location = new Vector3(72f, 3709.72f, 39.32f); addVehicle(VehicleHash.Hexer, VehicleHash.Bagger, VehicleHash.Daemon, VehicleHash.Sovereign); addModel(PedHash.GentransportSMM, PedHash.OldMan1aCutscene, PedHash.Salton01AMO, PedHash.Lost03GMY, PedHash.TerryCutscene, PedHash.Lost02GMY, PedHash.ExArmy01, PedHash.Lost01GMY, PedHash.Taphillbilly, PedHash.Salton01AMY, PedHash.JohnnyKlebitzCutscene, PedHash.Lost01GMY); addMeleeWeapon(WeaponHash.KnuckleDuster, WeaponHash.Hammer, WeaponHash.Nightstick); addRangedWeapon(WeaponHash.CarbineRifle, WeaponHash.DoubleBarrelShotgun, WeaponHash.AssaultShotgun); }
/// <summary> /// Start fire at the position. Stop after the specified time has passed. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <param name="timeoutAfterDeath"></param> public bool AddTimedScriptFire(Vector3 position, int timeout) { if (activeFires.Count > 30) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { activeFires[i].StopFire(); activeFires.RemoveAt(i); } } activeFires.Add(new ScriptFire(position, 0, true, timeout)); return true; }
public Yakuza() { name = "Asian Yakuza"; type = Type.Yakuza; location = new Vector3(1134.89f, -1289.24f, 34.16f); addVehicle(VehicleHash.Cognoscenti, VehicleHash.Jackal, VehicleHash.Superd);//TODO niet zeker over Superd (moet zijn Enus Super Diamond) addModel(PedHash.ChiCold01GMM, //PedHash.Ktown01GMO, //TODO bestaat niet? PedHash.Vinewood01AFY, PedHash.Ktown02AMY, PedHash.KorBoss01GMM, PedHash.TaosTranslatorCutscene, PedHash.KorLieut01GMY, PedHash.ChiGoon01GMM, PedHash.TaoChengCutscene, PedHash.Korean02GMY, PedHash.WeiCheng, PedHash.ChiBoss01GMM, PedHash.Business01AMY, PedHash.Ktown01AMM, PedHash.HaoCutscene, PedHash.Jewelass01); addMeleeWeapon(WeaponHash.Dagger, WeaponHash.Hatchet); addRangedWeapon(WeaponHash.VintagePistol, WeaponHash.CombatPistol, WeaponHash.SMG); }
public Maffia() { name = "Italian Maffia"; type = Type.Maffia; location = new Vector3(-1859.85f, 221.71f, 84.29f); addVehicle(VehicleHash.Monroe, VehicleHash.Ztype, VehicleHash.Peyote, VehicleHash.Casco, VehicleHash.BType, VehicleHash.JB700); addModel(PedHash.Bestmen, PedHash.PaperCutscene, PedHash.GroomCutscene, PedHash.MoviePremMaleCutscene, PedHash.Bankman, PedHash.Hacker, PedHash.MiltonCutscene, PedHash.Bankman01, PedHash.PrologueMournMale01, PedHash.Movprem01SMM, PedHash.JewelThief, PedHash.Abner, PedHash.ArmBoss01GMM, PedHash.ArmGoon01GMM); addMeleeWeapon(WeaponHash.SwitchBlade, WeaponHash.Crowbar); addRangedWeapon(WeaponHash.Gusenberg, WeaponHash.VintagePistol, WeaponHash.MG); }
public Gangsters() { name = "American Gangsters"; type = Type.Gang; location = new Vector3(102.02f, -1939.01f, 20.39f); addVehicle(VehicleHash.Picador, VehicleHash.Chino, VehicleHash.Blade, VehicleHash.Manana, VehicleHash.Cruiser, VehicleHash.Bmx); addModel(PedHash.BallaOrig01GMY, PedHash.BallaSout01GMY, PedHash.Families01GFY, PedHash.PrisMuscl01SMY, PedHash.Famfor01GMY, PedHash.Claypain, PedHash.Ballasog, PedHash.RampGangCutscene, PedHash.Soucent04AMM, PedHash.Soucent03AMY, PedHash.Stbla01AMY, PedHash.Dealer01SMY, PedHash.RampGang, PedHash.Highsec01SMM, PedHash.BallaEast01GMY, PedHash.StrPunk01GMY); addMeleeWeapon(WeaponHash.Bat, WeaponHash.Knife, WeaponHash.SwitchBlade); addRangedWeapon(WeaponHash.Pistol, WeaponHash.MicroSMG, WeaponHash.PumpShotgun, WeaponHash.AssaultRifle); }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether the world event can start at the position depending on available peds. /// </summary> /// <param name="position"> /// The position. /// </param> /// <returns> /// True if yes, otherwise false. /// </returns> public override bool CanStart(Vector3 position) { // Look for peds meeting our requirements. Note that it is also completely fine to just always return true here and create the peds yourself. // But since we don't want to stress the game too much I'm using this approach for all world events, so they can only occur if the game has // created ambient peds anyway. foreach (Ped ped in World.GetAllPeds()) { if (ped != null && ped.Exists()) { if (ped.Position.DistanceTo(position) < 30f) { LPed tempPed = LPed.FromGTAPed(ped); if (!Functions.DoesPedHaveAnOwner(tempPed) && !tempPed.IsPlayer && tempPed.IsAliveAndWell && !tempPed.IsOnStreet && !ped.isInVehicle()) { if (this.firstGuy == null) { this.firstGuy = tempPed; } else { this.secondGuy = tempPed; return true; } } } } } return false; }
public void AddSequentialBomb() { if (bombs.Count < 1) { var rot = new Vector3(80.0f, 0.0f, vehicle.Heading + 180.0f); var mBomb = new Bomb(vehicle.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(dropOffset), rot); mBomb.Velocity = vehicle.Velocity + new Vector3(0, 0, -5f); bombs.Add(mBomb); } else { var prevRot = bombs[bombs.Count - 1].Rotation; if (prevRot.X < 79.1) { prevRot.X += 4.0f; if (prevRot.X > 79.1) prevRot.X = 79.1f; bombs[bombs.Count - 1].Rotation = prevRot; } var rot = new Vector3(80.0f, 0.0f, vehicle.Heading + 180.0f); var mBomb = new Bomb(vehicle.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(dropOffset), rot); mBomb.Velocity = bombs[bombs.Count - 1].Velocity; bombs.Add(mBomb); } }
public DeliveryStep(Vector3 l, params MyEntity[] entity) { location = l; foreach (MyEntity e in entity) { AddTarget(e); } }
public StreamedVehicle(VehicleStreamer streamer, string model, Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation) : base(streamer) { this.model = model; this.position = position; spawn_position = position; this.orientation = orientation; spawn_orientation = orientation; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize the class /// </summary> /// <param name="baseVehicle">Target vehicle</param> /// <param name="dropInterval">Interval between flares</param> /// <param name="maxDropTime">Max time to drop flares</param> /// <param name="dropOffset">Spawn offset relative to base vehicle</param> /// <param name="forceType">The type of directional force to apply on spawn</param> /// <param name="forceMultiplier">Force multiplier</param> public IRFlareSequence(Vehicle baseVehicle, int dropInterval, int maxDropTime, Vector3 dropOffset, ForceType forceType, float forceMultiplier) { this.baseVehicle = baseVehicle; this.dropInterval = dropInterval; this.maxDropTime = maxDropTime; this.dropOffset = dropOffset; this.forceType = forceType; this.forceMultiplier = forceMultiplier; }
public CarpetBomb(Vehicle vehicle, Vector3 dropOffset) { this.vehicle = vehicle; this.dropTimer = new Timer(300); this.dropOffset = dropOffset; this.updatedVel = new Vector3(); this.bombs = new List<Bomb>(); this.bombsDropped = 0; this.bombSoundID = -1; }
// Exemple: // DemagoMenu.drawText( "Hello world", 0.14, 0.49, 2.9, true, 1, 255, 0, 0 ); public UITextElement( string text, double x, double y, double scale, bool center, Font font, Vector3 color ) { this.text = text; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.scale = scale; = center; this.font = (int)font; this.color = color; }
public void Launch(Vector3 targetPosition) { var missile = new HomingMissile(targetPosition); if (missile.Exists) { _missiles.Add(missile); } else { missile.Dispose(); } }
public static BlipObject QuestArea(string name, Vector3 position) { var blip = World.CreateBlip(position); var blipObj = new BlipObject(name, blip); RPG.WorldData.AddBlip(blipObj); blip.Scale = 3f; blip.Sprite = BlipSprite.GTAOMission; blip.Color = BlipColor.Green; blip.Alpha = 180; return blipObj; }
private static int Create(Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation) { var model = new Model("prop_ld_bomb_01"); if (!model.IsLoaded) model.Request(1000); var mBomb = World.CreateProp(model, position, false, false); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_RECORDS_COLLISIONS, mBomb.Handle, true); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_LOAD_COLLISION_FLAG, mBomb.Handle, true); Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_LOD_DIST, mBomb.Handle, 1000); mBomb.Rotation = rotation; return mBomb.Handle; }
public static Ped SpawnCompanion(PedHash pedHash, Vector3 location, int groupId) { var ped = GTA.World.CreatePed(pedHash, location); ped.IsPersistent = true; ped.RelationshipGroup = groupId; ped.NeverLeavesGroup = true; var blip = ped.AddBlip(); blip.IsFriendly = true; blip.Scale = 0.5f; return ped; }
public HUDText(string text, int value, Entity ent, Vector3 position, Color mainColor, Color textColor, GTA.Font font = GTA.Font.Monospace, Vector3? startOffset = null) { this.text = text; this.value = value; this.entity = ent; this.position = position; this.mainColor = mainColor; this.textColor = textColor; this.font = font; this.startOffset = startOffset; this.moveOffset = new PointF(0.0f, 0.005f); this.displayTimer = new Timer(100); this.fadeTimer = new Timer(1000); this.display = true; displayTimer.Start(); }
public void Draw() { if (startOffset != null) position += startOffset.Value; Function.Call(Hash.SET_DRAW_ORIGIN, position.X, position.Y, position.Z, 0); var uiText = new UIText(string.Format("x{0}", value), Point.Empty, 0.8f, mainColor, font, false); uiText.Draw(); if (text != null) { uiText = new UIText(text, new Point(0, 29), 0.66F, textColor, Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, false); uiText.Draw(); } Function.Call(Hash.CLEAR_DRAW_ORIGIN); }
public override bool NeedRestream() { if (gameReference.Health == 0 && !will_respawn) { will_respawn = true; var timer = new Timer(6000); timer.Tick += (o, e) => { position = spawn_position; orientation = spawn_orientation; if (IsStreamedIn()) StreamOut(); timer.Stop(); }; timer.Start(); } return false; }
public Rival(Vector3 pos, float heading, Model car) { Character = World.CreateRandomPed(pos); Vehicle = World.CreateVehicle(car, pos, heading); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE, Character.Handle, Vehicle.Handle, (int)VehicleSeat.Driver); Vehicle.IsPersistent = false; Vehicle.FreezePosition = true; Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Vehicle.Handle, 0); Vehicle.SetMod(VehicleMod.Engine, 3, false); Vehicle.SetMod(VehicleMod.Brakes, 2, false); Vehicle.SetMod(VehicleMod.Transmission, 2, false); Vehicle.SetMod(VehicleMod.Suspension, 3, false); Character.MaxDrivingSpeed = 500f; Character.DrivingStyle = (DrivingStyle)MainDrivingStyle; Character.DrivingSpeed = 200f; Function.Call(Hash.SET_DRIVER_ABILITY, Character.Handle, 100f); }
public Cartel() { name = "Mexican Cartel"; type = Type.Cartel; location = new Vector3(848.31f, -2342.78f, 30.33f); addVehicle(VehicleHash.Patriot, VehicleHash.Rebel, VehicleHash.Technical, VehicleHash.Sandking, VehicleHash.Sandking2, VehicleHash.Guardian, VehicleHash.Bison); addModel(PedHash.SalvaGoon03GMY, PedHash.MexGoon01GMY, PedHash.SalvaGoon01GMY, PedHash.MexThug01AMY, PedHash.MexGoon02GMY, PedHash.SalvaGoon02GMY, PedHash.MexBoss02GMM, PedHash.PoloGoon01GMY, PedHash.Azteca01GMY, PedHash.SalvaBoss01GMY, PedHash.MexGoon03GMY, PedHash.PoloGoon02GMY, PedHash.MexGang01GMY, PedHash.ArmGoon02GMY, PedHash.Beachvesp02AMY, PedHash.OscarCutscene, PedHash.RampMexCutscene, PedHash.VagosSpeak); addMeleeWeapon(WeaponHash.Bottle); addRangedWeapon(WeaponHash.SawnOffShotgun, WeaponHash.VintagePistol, WeaponHash.AssaultRifle, WeaponHash.SniperRifle); }
public Teammate(Vector3 spawnpoint) { World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Respect, NOOSEGroup, Game.Player.Character.RelationshipGroup); World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Hate, NOOSEGroup, Enemy.EnemyGroup); World.SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(Relationship.Hate, Enemy.EnemyGroup, NOOSEGroup); var swatmodel = new Model(PedHash.Swat01SMY); int counter = 0; do { swatmodel.Request(); Script.Yield(); counter++; } while (!swatmodel.IsLoaded && counter < 10000); Character = Function.Call<Ped>(Hash.CREATE_PED, 26, swatmodel.Hash, spawnpoint.X, spawnpoint.Y, spawnpoint.Z, 0f, false, false); Character.Health = 200; Character.Armor = 200; Character.RelationshipGroup = NOOSEGroup; Character.AlwaysDiesOnLowHealth = false; Function.Call(Hash.REMOVE_PED_FROM_GROUP, Character.Handle); Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_AS_GROUP_MEMBER, Character.Handle, Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_GROUP_INDEX, Game.Player.Character.Handle)); }
public Bomb(Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation) : base(Create(position, rotation)) { }
public Member CreateMember(Vector3 p, Member.WeaponType w, bool d, Vehicle v = null) { return CreateMember(this, p, w, d, v); }
/// <summary> /// Remove the particle FX in range /// </summary> public void Remove(Vector3 position, float radius) { if (Handle == -1) return; Function.Call(Hash.REMOVE_PARTICLE_FX_IN_RANGE, position.X, position.Y, position.Z, radius); Handle = -1; }
public void LookAt(Vector3 position) { if (camera == null) createCamera(); camera.LookAt(position); }
public InterpolatingCamera(Vector3 position) { mainCamera = World.CreateCamera(position, new Vector3(), 50f); mainCamera.Position = position; }
public TravelStep(Vector3 l) : base(l) { }
public void StartConvoyDrivingRoutine(Vector3 destination) { leader.DriveTo(destination); for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) children[i].StartFollow(leader); else children[i].StartFollow(children[i - 1]); } }
public void Update() { if (dropTimer.Enabled && Game.GameTime > dropTimer.Waiter) { if (bombsDropped < 10) { AddSequentialBomb(); bombsDropped++; if (bombsDropped == 10) bombs[bombs.Count - 1].IsVisible = false; dropTimer.Reset(); } else { dropTimer.Enabled = false; bombsDropped = 0; } } if (bombs.Count < 2) return; for (int i = 0; i < bombs.Count; i++) { if (!Function.Call<bool>((Hash)0xE9676F61BC0B3321, bombs[i].Handle)) { Function.Call(Hash.REQUEST_COLLISION_AT_COORD, bombs[i].Position.X, bombs[i].Position.Y, bombs[i].Position.Z); } if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.HAS_ENTITY_COLLIDED_WITH_ANYTHING, bombs[i].Handle) || bombs[i].IsInWater) { DestroyActiveSounds(); if (bombs[i].Position.DistanceTo(vehicle.Position) > 15f) PlayExplosion(bombs[i]); bombs[i].Delete(); bombs.RemoveAt(i); continue; } if (i == bombs.Count - 1) break; OutputArgument arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4; arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = arg4 = new OutputArgument(); float velocityZ = -60.0f; float velMultiplier = -5.0f; if (bombs[i + 1].HeightAboveGround > 150.0f) { velocityZ = -70.0f; velMultiplier = -10.0f; } if (!bombs[i + 1].IsDead) { updatedVel = bombs[i + 1].Velocity; Function.Call(Hash.GET_ENTITY_MATRIX, bombs[i + 1].Handle, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } var result = arg3.GetResult<Vector3>(); var vMag = Function.Call<float>(Hash.VMAG, result.X, result.Y, result.Z); if (vMag != 0.0) result *= 1.0f / vMag; updatedVel += result * velMultiplier; if (updatedVel.Z <= velocityZ) updatedVel.Z = velocityZ; if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.DOES_ENTITY_HAVE_PHYSICS, bombs[i].Handle)) Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_MAX_SPEED, bombs[i].Handle, 90.0f); bombs[i].Velocity = updatedVel; } }