コード例 #1
 public WebFormEditAdminViewModel(StoreFront storeFront, UserProfile userProfile, WebForm webForm, string activeTab, bool isStoreAdminEdit = false, bool isReadOnly = false, bool isDeletePage = false, bool isCreatePage = false, string sortBy = "", bool? sortAscending = true)
     if (storeFront == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFront");
     if (userProfile == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("userProfile");
     if (webForm == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("webForm", "Web form cannot be null");
     this.IsStoreAdminEdit = isStoreAdminEdit;
     this.IsActiveDirect = webForm.IsActiveDirect();
     this.IsActiveBubble = webForm.IsActiveBubble();
     this.IsReadOnly = isReadOnly;
     this.IsDeletePage = isDeletePage;
     this.IsCreatePage = isCreatePage;
     this.ActiveTab = activeTab;
     this.SortBy = sortBy;
     this.SortAscending = sortAscending;
     LoadValues(storeFront, userProfile, webForm);
コード例 #2
ファイル: WebFormSysAdmin.cs プロジェクト: berlstone/GStore
        public ActionResult Create(WebForm webForm)
            Client client = GStoreDb.Clients.FindById(webForm.ClientId);
            if (client.WebForms.Any(wf => wf.Name.ToLower() == webForm.Name.ToLower()))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "A Web Form with the name '" + webForm.Name + "' already exists. Change the name here or edit the conflicting web form.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                webForm = GStoreDb.WebForms.Create(webForm);
                webForm = GStoreDb.WebForms.Add(webForm);
                AddUserMessage("Web Form Created", "Web Form '" + webForm.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + webForm.WebFormId + "] Created Successfully", UserMessageType.Success);
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            int? clientId = null;
            if (webForm.ClientId != default(int))
                clientId = webForm.ClientId;

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.WebFormBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, webForm.ClientId, webForm);
            return View(webForm);
コード例 #3
        protected void LoadValues(StoreFront storeFront, UserProfile userProfile, WebForm webForm)
            if (webForm == null)

            this.WebForm = webForm;
            this.Client = webForm.Client;
            this.ClientId = (webForm.Client == null ? 0 : webForm.ClientId);
            this.CreateDateTimeUtc = webForm.CreateDateTimeUtc;
            this.CreatedBy = webForm.CreatedBy;
            this.CreatedBy_UserProfileId = webForm.CreatedBy_UserProfileId;
            this.Description = webForm.Description;
            this.DisplayTemplateName = webForm.DisplayTemplateName;
            this.EndDateTimeUtc = webForm.EndDateTimeUtc;
            this.FieldMdColSpan = webForm.FieldMdColSpan;
            this.FormFooterAfterSubmitHtml = webForm.FormFooterAfterSubmitHtml;
            this.FormFooterBeforeSubmitHtml = webForm.FormFooterBeforeSubmitHtml;
            this.FormHeaderHtml = webForm.FormHeaderHtml;
            this.IsPending = webForm.IsPending;
            this.LabelMdColSpan = webForm.LabelMdColSpan;
            this.Name = webForm.Name;
            this.Order = webForm.Order;
            this.Pages = webForm.Pages;
            this.StartDateTimeUtc = webForm.StartDateTimeUtc;
            this.SubmitButtonClass = webForm.SubmitButtonClass;
            this.SubmitButtonText = webForm.SubmitButtonText;
            this.Title = webForm.Title;
            this.UpdateDateTimeUtc = webForm.UpdateDateTimeUtc;
            this.UpdatedBy = webForm.UpdatedBy;
            this.UpdatedBy_UserProfileId = webForm.UpdatedBy_UserProfileId;
            this.WebFormFields = webForm.WebFormFields;
            this.WebFormId = webForm.WebFormId;
            this.WebFormResponses = webForm.WebFormResponses;
            this._webFormFieldViewModels = null;
コード例 #4
 public void UpdateWebForm(WebForm webForm)
     this.WebForm = webForm;
コード例 #5
 public void FillFieldsFromViewModel(WebForm webFormToUpdate, WebFormFieldEditAdminViewModel[] webFormFields)
     this.WebForm = webFormToUpdate;
     this.WebFormFields = webFormToUpdate.WebFormFields;
     this.webFormFieldPostData = webFormFields;
     this._webFormFieldViewModels = null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ClientExtensions.cs プロジェクト: berlstone/GStore
        public static void SetDefaultsForNew(this WebFormField webFormField, WebForm webForm)
            if (webForm != null)
                webFormField.WebForm = webForm;
                webFormField.WebFormId = webForm.WebFormId;
                webFormField.ClientId = webForm.ClientId;
                webFormField.Order = webForm.WebFormFields.Count == 0 ? 100 : webForm.WebFormFields.Max(wf => wf.Order) + 10;
                webFormField.Name = "New Field";
                bool nameIsDirty = webForm.WebFormFields.Any(wf => wf.Name.ToLower() == webFormField.Name.ToLower());
                int counter = 1;
                    webFormField.Name = "New Field " + counter;
                    nameIsDirty = webForm.WebFormFields.Any(wf => wf.Name.ToLower() == webFormField.Name.ToLower());
                } while (nameIsDirty);

                webFormField.LabelText = webFormField.Name;
                webFormField.Description = webFormField.Name;
            webFormField.Watermark = webFormField.Name;
            webFormField.Description = webFormField.Name;
            webFormField.DataType = GStoreValueDataType.SingleLineText;
            webFormField.DataTypeString = webFormField.DataType.ToDisplayName();
            webFormField.IsPending = false;
            webFormField.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(100);
            webFormField.StartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
コード例 #7
ファイル: WebFormSysAdmin.cs プロジェクト: berlstone/GStore
        public ActionResult Edit(WebForm webForm)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                webForm = GStoreDb.WebForms.Update(webForm);
                AddUserMessage("Web Form Updated", "Changes saved successfully to Web Form '" + webForm.Name.ToHtml() + "' [" + webForm.WebFormId + "]", UserMessageType.Success);
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            this.BreadCrumbsFunc = htmlHelper => this.WebFormBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, webForm.ClientId, webForm);
            var errors = this.ModelState.Where(v => v.Value.Errors.Any());

            return View(webForm);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Not Dupe-safe
        /// </summary>
        private static WebFormField CreateSeedWebFormField(this IGstoreDb storeDb, WebForm webForm, string name, int order = 1000, string description = null, bool isRequired = false, string helpLabelBottomText = "", string helpLabelTopText = "", GStoreValueDataType? dataType = null)
            if (webForm == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("webForm");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

            WebFormField webFormField = storeDb.WebFormFields.Create();
            webFormField.Client = webForm.Client;

            webFormField.Name = name;
            webFormField.Description = description ?? name;
            webFormField.IsRequired = isRequired;
            webFormField.LabelText = name;
            webFormField.Order = order;
            webFormField.Watermark = webFormField.LabelText + (webFormField.IsRequired ? " (Required)" : "");
            webFormField.HelpLabelBottomText = helpLabelBottomText;
            webFormField.HelpLabelTopText = helpLabelTopText;
            if (dataType.HasValue)
                webFormField.DataType = dataType.Value;
                webFormField.DataTypeString = dataType.ToDisplayName();

            storeDb.SaveChangesEx(true, false, false, false);

            return webFormField;
コード例 #9
 public CheckoutWebFormInfo(CheckoutViewModelBase checkoutViewModel, WebForm webForm, WebFormResponse webFormResponse)
     this.CheckoutViewModel = checkoutViewModel;
     this.WebForm = webForm;
     this.WebFormResponse = webFormResponse;
コード例 #10
 protected MvcHtmlString WebFormFieldsBreadcrumb(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, WebForm webForm, bool ShowAsLink = false)
     return new MvcHtmlString(
         WebFormBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, webForm.ClientId, webForm, true).ToHtmlString()
         + " -> "
         + (ShowAsLink ? htmlHelper.ActionLink("Fields", "FieldIndex", "WebFormSysAdmin", new { id = webForm.WebFormId }, null).ToHtmlString() : "Fields")
コード例 #11
 protected MvcHtmlString WebFormBreadcrumb(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int? clientId, WebForm webForm, bool ShowAsLink = false)
     RouteValueDictionary routeData = null;
     string name = "(unknown)";
     bool showLink = false;
     if (webForm != null)
         if (webForm.WebFormId == 0)
             name = "New";
             showLink = ShowAsLink;
             routeData = new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = webForm.WebFormId });
             name = "'" + webForm.Name + "' [" + webForm.WebFormId + "]";
     return new MvcHtmlString(
         WebFormsBreadcrumb(htmlHelper, clientId, true).ToHtmlString()
         + " -> "
         + (showLink ? htmlHelper.ActionLink(name, "Details", "WebFormSysAdmin", routeData, null).ToHtmlString() : name)