コード例 #1
        // Gets a market target otherwise
        public void GetMarketTarget(TileManager tileManager)
            // List of market positions
            List<Vector2> marketPositions = tileManager.MarketPositions;

            // Loop through them to find the village
            foreach (var position in marketPositions)
                // Check if the market type is village
                if (tileManager.GetMarketType(position) == MarketType.Village)
                    // Set the target to the position of the village
                    merchant.Target = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, 0.0f);

                    // Break out of the loop since we found a village
                } // end if
            } // end foreach
コード例 #2
        // Gets a resource target if possible
        public void GetResourceTarget(TileManager tileManager)
            // Value of the target resource
            int resourceValue = 0;

            // Get all objects within move distance sphere on layer 9  (resource layer)
            float radius = GPSM.GetDist() * TileUtils.PlayerMoveDistance;
            Collider2D[] hitColliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(merchant.Position, radius,
                1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Resources"));

            // Determine highest value if possible
            for (int index = 0; index < hitColliders.Length; index++)
                // Get ResourceType of resource hit
                ResourceType resourceType = tileManager.GetResourceType(hitColliders[index].gameObject.name);

                // Get worth/value of the resource
                Resource resource = (Resource)ItemDatabase.Instance.Items.Find(tempItem =>
                    tempItem.Type == resourceType.ToString());

                // Check if the AI can carry the resource
                if (((Merchant)Entity).TotalWeight + resource.Weight <= ((Merchant)Entity).MaxWeight)
                    // If the value is higher than current target, replace it as the new target
                    if (resourceValue < resource.Worth)
                        merchant.Target = hitColliders[index].transform.position;
                        resourceValue = resource.Worth;
                    } // end if resourceValue < resource.Worth
                } // end if
            } //end for

            // Verify there is a target, otherwise set it to a village
            if (merchant.Target == Vector3.zero)
                // Get the proper market target
            } //end if
コード例 #3
        // Runs when the object if first instantiated, because this object will occur once through the game,
        // these values are the beginning of game values
        // Note: Values should be updated at the EndTurn State
        void Start()
            // Get the reference to the tile manager
            tileManager = GameObject.Find("TileManager").GetComponent<TileManager>();
            // Generate the map

            // Get HUD elements
            CurrentPlayer = GameObject.Find ("Canvas/CurrentPlayer");
            AllPlayers = GameObject.Find("Canvas/AllPlayers");
            BKG = GameObject.Find ("Canvas/Background");
            guiPlayerName = GameObject.Find("CurrentPlayer/PlayerNamePanel/PlayerName").GetComponent<Text>();
            guiTurnText = GameObject.Find("CurrentPlayer/TurnPhasePanel/TurnPhase").GetComponent<Text>();
            guiGold = GameObject.Find("CurrentPlayer/WeightGold/Gold").GetComponent<Text>();
            guiWeight = GameObject.Find("CurrentPlayer/WeightGold/Weight").GetComponent<Text>();
            actionButton = GameObject.Find("CurrentPlayer/ActionButton").GetComponent<Button>();
            actionButtonText = GameObject.Find("CurrentPlayer/ActionButton").GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
            acceptPanel = GameObject.Find("Accept");
            pauseMenu = GameObject.Find ("PauseMenu");
            instructionsSet = GameObject.Find ("Instructions");
            audioSet = GameObject.Find ("Options");
            imageParent = GameObject.Find("AllPlayers/ImageOrganizer");
            textParent = GameObject.Find("AllPlayers/TextOrganizer");
            inventory = GameObject.Find("PlayerInventory").GetComponent<PlayerInventory>();
            allyInventory = GameObject.Find("AllyInventory").GetComponent<AllyInventory>();
            recycleInventory = GameObject.Find("RecycleBin").GetComponent<RecycleBin>();
            allyTable = GameObject.Find("Allies").GetComponent<AllyTable>();
            GameObject.Find ("Canvas").transform.Find ("Instructions").gameObject.SetActive (false);
            HUDToggle = true;
            actionButtonActive = true;
            isPaused = false;
            instructionsProgress = 1;

            // Disable the other panels by default
            pauseMenu.SetActive (false);
            audioSet.SetActive (false);

            // Running the end stuff defaults to true
            canRunEndStuff = true;

            // The movement class is not initialised
            isMovementInitialized = false;

            // The ally window are closed by default
            isAlliesOpen = false;

            // Get the number of players
            guiNumOfPlayers = GameMaster.Instance.NumPlayers;

            // Set the turn
            guiPlayerTurn = GameMaster.Instance.Turn;

            // Set starting values
            guiDiceDistVal = 0;
            movementCooldown = 0.0f;

            // The player is not an AI by default
            isPlayerAI = false;

            // Create a die
            die = new Die();

            // Get movement and map event components
            guiMovement = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent<GUIMovement> ();
            guiMapEvent = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent<MapEvent> ();

            // There isn't a map event in the beginning
            mapEventResultString = string.Empty;

            // Initialise other things after Start() runs
            canInitAfterStart = true;

            // Set the state to the BeginTurn state
            gamePlayState = GamePlayState.BeginTurn;