void gvLineNums_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { var ulo_org_code = (string)((DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem)[12]; var line_num = (int)((DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem)[1]; var line_organization = (string)((DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem)[17]; var reviewer_id = (int)((DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem)[13]; var chk_reassign = (HtmlInputCheckBox)e.Row.FindControl("chk_reassign"); if (chk_reassign != null) { if (BlnForUpdate && LineNum.AvailableForUpdate(false, false, lblOrganization.Text, line_organization, LineNum.LineOnReassignRequest(OItemID, line_num, ulo_org_code, reviewer_id), reviewer_id, User, CurrentUserOrganization, CurrentUserID)) { chk_reassign.AddOnClick("javascript:line_selected(this," + line_num.ToString() + ");"); btnReviewer.Disabled = false; btnReviewer.Visible = true; lblReassignLines.Visible = true; } else { chk_reassign.Disabled = true; } } for (var i = 2; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; i++) { //if (LoadID != 11) // this needs to be corrected ?????? //{ // e.Row.Cells[i].AddOnClick("javascript:get_line_details('LineNumDetails.aspx?id=" + OItemID.ToString() + "&num=" + line_num.ToString() + "');"); //} //else //{ // e.Row.Cells[i].AddOnClick("javascript:get_line_details('OIBA53Review.aspx?id=" + OItemID.ToString() + "&num=" + line_num.ToString() + "');"); //} e.Row.Cells[i].AddOnClick("javascript:get_line_details('LineNumDetails.aspx?id=" + OItemID.ToString() + "&num=" + line_num.ToString() + "');"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ex); } }
protected override void PageLoadEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (!IsPostBack) { ApplicationAssert.CheckCondition((Request.QueryString["id"] != null && Request.QueryString["num"] != null), "Missing parameters. Please reload the page."); OItemID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); base.LineNum = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["num"]); if (LoadID == 0) { if (Request.QueryString["load_id"] != null) { LoadID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["load_id"]); } else { LoadID = 0; } } var line_item = LineNum.GetLineNum(OItemID, base.LineNum); if (LoadID == 0 || OItemID == 0) { throw new Exception("Your session has beed expired. Please logout from the application and login again."); } var open_item = Item.GetOpenItem(OItemID, LoadID, line_item.ULOOrgCode, line_item.ReviewerUserID); InitControls(open_item.IsArchived); bool bln_update; bool line_on_reassign; line_on_reassign = LineNum.LineOnReassignRequest(OItemID, base.LineNum, line_item.ULOOrgCode, line_item.ReviewerUserID); if (line_on_reassign) { lblHeaderLabel.Text = lblHeaderLabel.Text + " unavailable for update, waiting for reassignment."; } else if (open_item.Organization != line_item.Organization) { lblHeaderLabel.Text = lblHeaderLabel.Text + " (belong " + line_item.Organization + ")"; //? } bln_update = LineNum.AvailableForUpdate(open_item.IsArchived, (open_item.ParentLoadID > 0), open_item.Organization, line_item.Organization, line_on_reassign, open_item.ReviewerUserID, User, CurrentUserOrganization, CurrentUserID); //if (OrgCode != line_item.ULOOrgCode) // bln_update = false; //else // bln_update = Item.AvailableForUpdate(open_item.IsArchived, (open_item.ParentLoadID > 0), open_item.Organization, open_item.ReviewerUserID, User, CurrentUserOrganization, CurrentUserID); if (Errors.Count == 0) { LoadOpenItemDetails(open_item, bln_update); LoadLineNumDetails(line_item, bln_update, open_item.IsArchived); } if (!bln_update) { btnSave.Enabled = false; btnSave.Visible = false; ctrlContacts.Enabled = false; ctrlAttachments.ShowEmailIcon(false, txtReviewerEmail.Value, lblDocNumber.Text); ctrlAttachments.ShowAddAttBtn(false); } else { ctrlAttachments.ShowAddAttBtn(true); if (lblValid.Text.ToLower().Trim() == "valid" || lblValid.Text.ToLower().Trim() == "invalid") { ctrlAttachments.ShowEmailIcon(true, txtReviewerEmail.Value, lblDocNumber.Text); } else { ctrlAttachments.ShowEmailIcon(false, txtReviewerEmail.Value, lblDocNumber.Text); } ctrlContacts.Enabled = true; } if (open_item.ReviewerUserID == 0) { //lblError.Text = lblError.Text + "<br>Item is not assigned yet, therefore can't be edited. If you have admin rights, please return to the Open Items list page and assign the item."; } } } catch (Exception ex) { AddError(ex); } finally { //if (Errors.Count > 0) // lblError.Text = GetErrors(); } }