コード例 #1
        public bool RemoveVariableEditorPlanning(string key)
            //Remove the target variable from the agent planning editors
            //Used when a blackboard variable is removed

            bool ret = false;

            //Iterate the agent action nodes
            for (int k = 0; k < NodeEditor_GS.Instance.action_node_editors_num; k++)
                //Focused action node
                ActionNode_GS_Editor target_node = NodeEditor_GS.Instance.action_node_editors[k];

                //Iterate the action node conditions
                for (int n = 0; n < target_node.condition_editors_num; n++)
                    Property_GS target_condition = target_node.condition_editors[n].target_property;
                    //Check if the condition uses the target variable
                    if (string.Compare(key, target_condition.A_key) == 0 || string.Compare(key, target_condition.B_key) == 0)
                        //Delete the condition if the target variable is in
                        ret = true;

                //Iterate the action node effects
                for (int n = 0; n < target_node.effect_editors_num; n++)
                    Property_GS target_effect = target_node.effect_editors[n].target_property;
                    //Check if the effect uses the target variable
                    if (string.Compare(key, target_effect.A_key) == 0 || string.Compare(key, target_effect.B_key) == 0)
                        //Delete the effect if the target variable is in
                        ret = true;

コード例 #2
        private void DrawInShow()

            //Edit button, swap between edit and show state(hide on play)
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                if (GUILayout.Button("O", GUILayout.Width(30), GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
                    //Initialize value
                    value = _target_property.value;
                    //Change UI mode
                    _UI_mode = EditorUIMode.EDIT_STATE;
                    //Allocate B var dropdown
                    _B_variable_dropdown = new ProTools.DropDownData_GS();
                    //Allocate operator dropdown
                    _operator_dropdown = new ProTools.DropDownData_GS();

                    //Get dropdown slots
                    _operator_dropdown.dropdown_slot   = ProTools.GetDropdownSlot();
                    _B_variable_dropdown.dropdown_slot = ProTools.GetDropdownSlot();

                    //Generate operators dropdown data
                    _operator_dropdown.paths = _valid_operators.ToShortStrings();
                    for (int k = 0; k < _valid_operators.Length; k++)
                        if (_valid_operators[k] == _target_property.operator_type)
                            ProTools.SetDropdownIndex(_operator_dropdown.dropdown_slot, k);
                            _operator_dropdown.selected_index = k;

                    //Get local blackboard variables keys with the same type
                    string[] local_keys = NodeEditor_GS.Instance.selected_agent.blackboard.GetKeysByVariableType(_target_property.variable_type);
                    //Get global blackboard variables keys with the same type
                    string[] global_keys = GlobalBlackboard_GS.blackboard.GetKeysByVariableType(_target_property.variable_type);

                    //Generate paths
                    _B_variable_dropdown.paths = new string[local_keys.Length + global_keys.Length];

                    //Add the local keys with a prefix for the dropdown
                    for (int k = 0; k < local_keys.Length; k++)
                        _B_variable_dropdown.paths[k] = "Local/" + local_keys[k];
                    //Add the global keys with a prefix for the dropdown
                    for (int k = local_keys.Length, i = 0; k < _B_variable_dropdown.paths.Length; k++, i++)
                        _B_variable_dropdown.paths[k] = "Global/" + global_keys[i];

                    //Search and set the already selected B key index
                    //Iterate avaliable B keys
                    for (int k = 0; k < _B_variable_dropdown.paths.Length; k++)
                        if (string.Compare(_B_variable_dropdown.paths[k], _target_property.B_key) == 0)
                            //When key is found save index and break the iteration
                            ProTools.SetDropdownIndex(_B_variable_dropdown.dropdown_slot, k);
                            _B_variable_dropdown.selected_index = k;

            //A key label
            GUILayout.Label(_target_property.A_key, UIConfig_GS.center_normal_style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(200.0f), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            //Operator label
            GUILayout.Label(" " + _target_property.operator_type.ToShortString() + " ", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30.0f), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            //B value label
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_target_property.B_key))
                //Value case
                GUILayout.Label(_target_property.display_value, UIConfig_GS.center_normal_style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(200.0f), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
                //Variable case
                GUILayout.Label(_target_property.B_key, UIConfig_GS.center_normal_style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(200.0f), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

            //Delete button(hide on play)
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("X", "Remove"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(25.0f)))
                    //We need to check if the target property is a condition or an effect to delete it from the correct container
                    switch (_property_UI_mode)
                    case PropertyUIMode.IS_CONDITION:
                        //Add remove the current property from target action node conditions
                        SecurityAcceptMenu_GS.on_accept_delegate += () => _target_action_node_editor.target_action_node.RemoveCondition(_target_property);
                        //Add remove current property editor from target acton node editor conditions editors
                        SecurityAcceptMenu_GS.on_accept_delegate += () => _target_action_node_editor.RemoveConditionEditor(this);

                    case PropertyUIMode.IS_EFFECT:
                        //Add remove the current property from target action node effects
                        SecurityAcceptMenu_GS.on_accept_delegate += () => _target_action_node_editor.target_action_node.RemoveEffect(_target_property);
                        //Add remove current property editor from target acton node editor effects editors
                        SecurityAcceptMenu_GS.on_accept_delegate += () => _target_action_node_editor.RemoveEffectEditor(this);
                    //Get mouse current position
                    Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
                    //Open security accept menu on mouse position
                    PopupWindow.Show(new Rect(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, 0), new SecurityAcceptMenu_GS());
