private string getFormBase(int currentPages,int pageSize,FormBase fb) { string search = ""; search += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb.FormName) ? " and FormName='" + fb.FormName + "'" : ""; search += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb.FormDesc) ? " and FormDesc='" + fb.FormDesc + "'" : ""; search += fb.FormTypeID !=0 ? " and FormTypeID='" + fb.FormTypeID + "'" : ""; DataTable dtFormBase = DbHelper.GetInstance().GetDBRecords("*", "Workflow_FormBase", "Useflag='1'" +search, "DisplayOrder", pageSize, currentPages); string total = DbHelper.GetInstance().ExecSqlResult("select count(*) from Workflow_FormBase where Useflag='1'"+search); List<FormBase> lft = new List<FormBase>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtFormBase.Rows) { FormBase ft = new FormBase(); ft.FormID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FormID"]); ft.FormName = dr["FormName"].ToString(); ft.FormDesc = dr["FormDesc"].ToString(); ft.FormTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FormTypeID"]); ft.DisplayOrder = Convert.ToInt32(dr["DisplayOrder"]); ft.Useflag = dr["Useflag"].ToString(); lft.Add(ft); } var griddata = new { Rows = lft,Total=total }; string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(griddata); return json; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string type = context.Request["type"]; if (type == "toHtml") { int workflowID =Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["WorkflowID"]); string Html= DBtoHtml(workflowID); context.Response.Write(Html); } else if (type == "CheckWorkflowName") { string WorkflowName = context.Request["WorkflowName"]; string sql = "select count(*) from Workflow_Base where WorkflowName='"+WorkflowName+"';"; int result = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelper.GetInstance().ExecSqlResult(sql)); context.Response.Write(result); } else if (type == "FormBase") { string FormName= context.Request["FormName"]; string FormDesc = context.Request["FormDesc"]; int FormTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["FormTypeID"]); int currentPages =Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]); int pagesize =Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["pagesize"]); FormBase fb = new FormBase(); fb.FormName = FormName; fb.FormDesc = FormDesc; fb.FormTypeID = FormTypeID; string json = getFormBase(currentPages,pagesize,fb); context.Response.Write(json); } else if (type == "FlowTypeID") { string json= getFormType(); context.Response.Write(json); } else if(type=="workflowBase") { string jsonStr = context.Request["json"]; int result = CreateWorkFlow(jsonStr); //增加工作流 context.Response.Write(result); } else //流程 { string flowNode = context.Request["flownode"]; string nodeLink = context.Request["nodeLink"]; string WorkflowID = context.Request["WorkflowID"]; Dictionary<string, int> dic_wfn = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int startNode = 0; delWorkFlow(WorkflowID); //删除现有的 int nodeFlag= AddFlowNode(flowNode, dic_wfn,ref startNode); //增加节点 if (nodeFlag == 0) { nodeFlag= AddNodeLink(nodeLink, dic_wfn,startNode); //增加连线 } context.Response.Write(nodeFlag); } }