private int GroupedNLEx_CheckSolution(USuperLink GNL_Result, ref int contDiscontF) { bool SolFound = false; GroupedLink GLKnxt = GNL_Result.resultGLK; if (GLKnxt == null) { return(-1); //Not established } List <GroupedLink> SolLst = Convert_ChainToList_GNL(GNL_Result); if (SolLst == null || SolLst.Count < 2) { return(-1); //Not established } GroupedLink GLKorg = SolLst[0]; bool SolType = Check_SuperLinkSequence(GLKnxt, GLKorg); //true:Continuous false:DisContinuous contDiscontF = SolType? 1: 2; if (SolType) //==================== continuous ==================== { Bit81 UsedCs = SolLst.Aggregate(new Bit81(), (Q, P) => Q | P.UGCellsB.B81); foreach (var LK in SolLst.Where(P => (P.type == W))) { int noB = 1 <<; Bit81 SolBP = new Bit81(); LK.UGCellsA.ForEach(P => { if ((P.FreeB & noB) > 0) { SolBP.BPSet(P.rc); } }); LK.UGCellsB.ForEach(P => { if ((P.FreeB & noB) > 0) { SolBP.BPSet(P.rc); } }); if (SolBP.BitCount() <= 1) { continue; } foreach (var P in pBDL.Where(p => (p.FreeB & noB) > 0)) { if (UsedCs.IsHit(P.rc)) { continue; } if (!(SolBP - ConnectedCells[P.rc]).IsZero()) { continue; } if ((P.FreeB & noB) == 0) { continue; } P.CancelB |= noB; �@�@//exclusion digit
//RCC public int Get_AlsAlsRcc(UALS UA, UALS UB) { if ((UA.FreeB & UB.FreeB) == 0) { return(0); //no common digit } if (!(UA.B81 & UB.B81).IsZero()) { return(0); //overlaps } if ((UA.rcbFilter & UB.B81).IsZero()) { return(0); //no contact } int RCC = 0, Dir = UA.rcbDir & UB.rcbDir; //[definition] rcbDir |= ( (1<<(P.b+18)) | (1<<(P.c+9)) | (1<<(P.r)) ); foreach (int tfx in Dir.IEGet_BtoNo(27)) { Bit81 ComH = pHouseCells[tfx]; int FrAi = 0, FrAo = 0, FrBi = 0, FrBo = 0; UA.UCellLst.ForEach(P => { if (ComH.IsHit(P.rc)) { FrAi |= P.FreeB; } else { FrAo |= P.FreeB; } }); UB.UCellLst.ForEach(P => { if (ComH.IsHit(P.rc)) { FrBi |= P.FreeB; } else { FrBo |= P.FreeB; } }); RCC |= (FrAi.DifSet(FrAo)) & (FrBi.DifSet(FrBo)); //RCC } return(RCC); }
private IEnumerable <Bit81[]> _GetXYChain(List <int> LKRec) { List <UCell> TBDbv = pBDL.FindAll(p => (p.FreeBC == 2)); //Extract BV_Cell(BV:bivalue). foreach (var PS in TBDbv) //Choose one BV_Cell(=>PS) { int rcS = PS.rc; foreach (var no in PS.FreeB.IEGet_BtoNo()) //Choose one digit(in PS) { int noB = (1 << no); Bit81[] CRL = new Bit81[2]; CRL[0] = new Bit81(); //Position of the target digit to be concatenated CRL[1] = new Bit81(); //Position of other digits to be connected CRL[0].ID = rcS; CRL[1].ID = no; Bit81 CnctdCs = ConnectedCells[rcS]; //Associated cells group of starting cell Queue <int> rcQue = new Queue <int>(); int no0 = pBDL[rcS].FreeB.BitReset(no).BitToNum(); //The other digit of the starting cell rcQue.Enqueue((no0 << 8) | rcS); LKRec.Clear(); while (rcQue.Count > 0) //Extend the chain step by step { int rcX = rcQue.Dequeue(); int no1 = rcX >> 8, rc1 = rcX & 0xFF; foreach (var LK in CeLKMan.IEGetRcNoType(rc1, no1, 1)) //strongLink connected with rc1, #no { int rc2 = LK.rc2; if (pBDL[rc2].FreeBC != 2) { continue; //bivalue? } if (CRL[0].IsHit(rc2) || CRL[1].IsHit(rc2)) { continue; //Different from colored cells? } //Exclude cells associated with the starting cell and having the same digit if (CnctdCs.IsHit(rc2) && (pBDL[rc2].FreeB & noB) > 0) { continue; } int no2 = (pBDL[rc2].FreeB.BitReset(no1)).BitToNum(); //other digit int nx = (no2 == no)? 0: 1; CRL[nx].BPSet(rc2); rcQue.Enqueue((no2 << 8) | rc2); //Put the next [Digit&Cell] in Queue LKRec.Add((rc1 << 8 | rc2)); //Record Link } } if (CRL[0].Count > 0 || CRL[1].Count > 0) { yield return(CRL); } } } yield break; }
private bool CheckUsed(Bit81 UsedPre, GroupedLink GLKnxt) { Bit81 BP = GLKnxt.UGCellsB.B81; if (GLKnxt is ALSLink) { BP -= (GLKnxt.UGCellsA.B81); } return(UsedPre.IsHit(BP)); //Overlap Check }
private bool _NL_Search(UCellLink LK0, UCellLink LKpre, Stack <UCellLink> SolStack, Bit81 UsedCells, int szCtrl) { if (szCtrl <= 0) { return(false); } foreach (var LKnxt in CeLKMan.IEGet_CeCeSeq(LKpre)) //links that satisfy concatenation conditions { int rc2Nxt = LKnxt.rc2; if (UsedCells.IsHit(rc2Nxt)) { continue; //UsedCells does not include Origin Cell } { //===== Chain Search ===== SolStack.Push(LKnxt); //___Debug_Print_NLChain(SolStack); if (rc2Nxt == LK0.rc1 && szCtrl == 1) { if (SolStack.Count > 2) //Loop was formed (the next cell matches the Origin Cell) { int SolType = _NL_CheckSolution(LK0, LKnxt, SolStack, UsedCells); //Solved? if (SolType > 0) { if (SolInfoB) { _NL_SolResult(LK0, LKnxt, SolStack, SolType); } if (__SimpleAnalizerB__) { return(true); } if (!pAnMan.SnapSaveGP(false)) { return(true); } } } } else { Bit81 UsedCellsNxt = UsedCells | (new Bit81(rc2Nxt)); //Create a new bit expression of used cell _NL_Search(LK0, LKnxt, SolStack, UsedCellsNxt, szCtrl - 1); //Next step Search(recursive call if (SolCode > 0) { return(true); } } SolStack.Pop(); //Failure(Cancel link extension processing) } //----------------------------- } return(false); }
private IEnumerable <Bit81[]> _RPColoring( ) { if (BVCellLst.Count < 4) { yield break; } Bit81 TBD = new Bit81(); BVCellLst.ForEach(p => TBD.BPSet(p.rc)); int rc1; while ((rc1 = TBD.FindFirstrc()) >= 0) { Bit81[] CRL = new Bit81[2]; CRL[0] = new Bit81(); CRL[1] = new Bit81(); Queue <int> rcQue = new Queue <int>(); rcQue.Enqueue(rc1 << 1); CRL[0].BPSet(rc1); int FreeB = pBDL[rc1].FreeB; CRL[0].ID = FreeB; while (rcQue.Count > 0) { int rcX = rcQue.Dequeue(); int kx = 1 - (rcX & 1); rc1 = rcX >> 1; TBD.BPReset(rc1); Bit81 Chain = TBD & ConnectedCells[rc1]; foreach (var rc2 in Chain.IEGet_rc()) { if (!TBD.IsHit(rc2)) { continue; } if (pBDL[rc2].FreeB != FreeB) { continue; } rcQue.Enqueue((rc2 << 1) | kx); CRL[kx].BPSet(rc2); TBD.BPReset(rc2); } } yield return(CRL); } yield break; }
private void _DeathBlossom_SolResult(List <LinkCellALS> LKCAsol, UCell SC, int no, bool stmLink = false) { string st0 = "ALS Death Blossom"; if (stmLink) { st0 += "Ext"; } Color cr = _ColorsLst[0];////Colors.Gold; SC.SetNoBBgColor(SC.FreeB, AttCr3, cr); string st = $"\r Cell r{(SC.r+1)}c{(SC.c+1)} #{SC.FreeB.ToBitStringNZ(9)}"; bool Overlap = false; Bit81 OV = new Bit81(); int k = 0, noB = (1 << no); foreach (var LK in LKCAsol) { int noB2 = 1 << LK.nRCC; cr = _ColorsLst[++k]; LK.ALS.UCellLst.ForEach(P => { P.SetNoBBgColor(noB, AttCr, cr); P.SetNoBBgColor(noB2, AttCr3, cr); if (OV.IsHit(P.rc)) { Overlap = true; } OV.BPSet(P.rc); }); st += $"\r -#{(LK.nRCC+1)}-ALS{k} {LK.ALS.ToStringRCN()}"; } if (Overlap) { st0 += " [overlapping]"; } Result = st0; if (SolInfoB) { ResultLong = st0 + st; } }
private IEnumerable <Bit81[]> _Coloring(int no) { Bit81[] CRL = new Bit81[2]; CRL[0] = new Bit81(); CRL[1] = new Bit81(); Bit81 TBD = new Bit81(pBDL, (1 << no)); int rc1 = TBD.FindFirstrc(); while (rc1 >= 0) { Queue <int> rcQue = new Queue <int>(); rcQue.Enqueue(rc1 << 1); CRL[0].BPSet(rc1); TBD.BPReset(rc1); while (rcQue.Count > 0) { rc1 = rcQue.Dequeue(); int kx = 1 - (rc1 & 1); rc1 >>= 1; TBD.BPReset(rc1); foreach (var P in CeLKMan.IEGetRcNoType(rc1, no, 1)) { int rc2 = P.rc2; if (!(CRL[0] | CRL[1]).IsHit(rc2) && TBD.IsHit(rc2)) { CRL[kx].BPSet(rc2); rcQue.Enqueue((rc2 << 1) | kx); } } } yield return(CRL); if ((rc1 = TBD.FindFirstrc()) < 0) { yield break; } CRL = new Bit81[2]; CRL[0] = new Bit81(); CRL[1] = new Bit81(); } yield break; }
public int GetBitPattern_tfnx(int n, int tfx) { Bit81 P = _BQ[n]; int r = 0, c = 0, tp = tfx / 9, fx = tfx % 9, bp = 0; for (int nx = 0; nx < 9; nx++) { switch (tp) { case 0: r = fx; c = nx; break; //row case 1: r = nx; c = fx; break; //column case 2: r = (fx / 3) * 3 + nx / 3; c = (fx % 3) * 3 + nx % 3; break; //block } if (P.IsHit(r * 9 + c)) { bp |= 1 << nx; } } return(bp); }
public bool IsLinked9(Bit81 HB81) { Bit81 Colored = new Bit81(), Processed = new Bit81(); int rc0 = HB81.FindFirstrc(); Colored.BPSet(rc0); while (true) { Bit81 T = Colored - Processed; if ((rc0 = T.FindFirstrc()) < 0) { break; } Processed.BPSet(rc0); Colored |= HB81 & pConnectedCells[rc0]; if (HB81.IsHit(rc0)) { Colored.BPSet(rc0); } } return((HB81 - Colored).IsZero()); }
public bool ExtKrFishSub(int sz, int no, int FMSize, bool FinnedF) { int BaseSel = 0x7FFFFFF, CoverSel = 0x7FFFFFF; int noB = (1 << no); string krfSolMsg = ""; FishMan FMan = new FishMan(this, FMSize, no, sz, (sz >= 3)); foreach (var Bas in FMan.IEGet_BaseSet(BaseSel, FinnedF:FinnedF)) //Generate BaseSet { foreach (var Cov in FMan.IEGet_CoverSet(Bas, CoverSel, FinnedF)) //Generate CoverSet { Bit81 FinB81 = Cov.FinB81; //dbCC++;//############## if (FinnedF != FinB81.IsZero()) { //WriteLine( $"dbCC:{dbCC} \rbas:{Bas.BaseB81}\rCov:{Cov.CoverB81}" );//###### //WriteLine( $"Bas.HouseB:{Bas.HouseB.ToBitString27()}"); //WriteLine( $"Cov.HouseB:{Cov.HouseC.ToBitString27()}"); Bit81 UsedB = Bas.BaseB81; foreach (var Hb in Bas.HouseB.IEGet_BtoNo(27)) { Bit81 E = Bas.BaseB81 & HouseCells[Hb]; if (FinnedF) { E |= FinB81; //Finned } if (E.IsZero()) { continue; } foreach (var P in pBDL.Where(p => !UsedB.IsHit(p.rc))) { foreach (var noZ in P.FreeB.IEGet_BtoNo()) { int noZb = (1 << noZ); USuperLink USLK = pSprLKsMan.get_L2SprLK(P.rc, noZ, FullSearchB: false, DevelopB: false); //##### //WriteLine( $" USuperLink rc:{P.rc} no:{noZ+1}" ); if (!USLK.SolFound) { continue; } Bit81 Ef = E - USLK.Qfalse[no]; if (!Ef.IsZero()) { continue; } //Accurate analysis USLK = pSprLKsMan.get_L2SprLK(P.rc, noZ, FullSearchB: true, DevelopB: false); //##### Ef = E - USLK.Qfalse[no]; if (!Ef.IsZero()) { continue; } P.CancelB |= noZb; SolCode = 2; if (SolInfoB) { _KrFish_FishResult(no, sz, Bas, Cov); krfSolMsg += $"\r{_krfMsg} r{(P.r+1)}c{(P.c+1)}/{(noZ+1)} is false"; foreach (var rc in E.IEGet_rc()) { krfSolMsg += "\r" + pSprLKsMan._GenMessage2false(USLK, pBDL[rc], no); } } //goto LSolFound; } } // LSolFound: if (SolCode > 0) { if (SolInfoB) { extRes = krfSolMsg; } if (__SimpleAnalizerB__) { return(true); } if (!pAnMan.SnapSaveGP(false)) { return(true); } } } } } } return(false); }
//Skyscraper is an algorithm consisting of two StrongLinks. // public bool Skyscraper() { Prepare(); CeLKMan.PrepareCellLink(1); //Generate StrongLink for (int no = 0; no < 9; no++) { int noB = (1 << no); var SSLst = CeLKMan.IEGetNoType(no, 1).ToList(); //select only StrongLink of #no if (SSLst.Count <= 2) { continue; } var prm = new Permutation(SSLst.Count, 2); int nxtX = 99; while (prm.Successor(nxtX)) { UCellLink UCLa = SSLst[prm.Index[0]], UCLb = SSLst[prm.Index[1]]; nxtX = 1; if (UCLa.ID > UCLb.ID) { nxtX = 0; continue; } //next permutation data skip_generation(nxtX=0) if ((UCLa.B81 | UCLb.B81).Count != 4) { continue; //All cells are different? } Bit81 ConA1 = ConnectedCells[UCLa.rc1]; //ConA1:cell group related to cell rc1 if (!ConA1.IsHit(UCLb.rc1) || ConA1.IsHit(UCLb.rc2)) { continue; } Bit81 ConA2 = ConnectedCells[UCLa.rc2]; //ConA2:cell group related to cell rc1 if (ConA2.IsHit(UCLb.rc1) || ConA2.IsHit(UCLb.rc2)) { continue; } //Only UCLa.rc1 and UCLb.rc1 belong to the same house. Bit81 ELM = ConA2 & ConnectedCells[UCLb.rc2]; ELM -= (ConA1 | ConnectedCells[UCLb.rc1]); //ELM:eliminatable cells bool SSfound = false; foreach (UCell P in ELM.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, noB)) { P.CancelB = P.FreeB & noB; SSfound = true; } if (!SSfound) { continue; //Skyscraper found } #region Result SolCode = 2; if (SolInfoB) { pBDL[UCLa.rc1].SetNoBBgColor(noB, AttCr, SolBkCr); pBDL[UCLa.rc2].SetNoBBgColor(noB, AttCr, SolBkCr); pBDL[UCLb.rc1].SetNoBBgColor(noB, AttCr, SolBkCr); pBDL[UCLb.rc2].SetNoBBgColor(noB, AttCr, SolBkCr); string msg = "\r", msg2 = ""; msg += $" on {(no+1)} in {UCLa.rc1.ToRCNCLString()} {UCLb.rc1.ToRCNCLString()}"; msg += $"\r connected by {UCLa.rc2.ToRCNCLString()} {UCLb.rc2.ToRCNCLString()}"; msg += "\r eliminated "; foreach (UCell P in ELM.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, noB)) { msg2 += " " + P.rc.ToRCString(); } msg2 += " " + msg2.ToString_SameHouseComp(); ResultLong = "Skyscraper" + msg + msg2; Result = $"Skyscraper #{(no+1)} in {msg2}"; } else { Result = $"Skyscraper #{(no+1)}"; } #endregion Result if (__SimpleAnalizerB__) { return(true); } if (!pAnMan.SnapSaveGP(true)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
private void SearchGroupedLink() { try{ UGrCells[] LQ = new UGrCells[3]; for (int no = 0; no < 9; no++) { int noB = 1 << no; Bit81 BPnoB = new Bit81(pBDL, noB); //------------------------------------------ for (int tfx = 0; tfx < 18; tfx++) { Bit81 BPnoB2 = BPnoB & pHouseCells[tfx]; List <Bit81> houseLst = new List <Bit81>(); List <int> tfxLst = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { int hx = (tfx < 9)? (k + 9): k; Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[hx]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(hx); } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int hx = (tfx < 9)? (tfx / 3 * 3 + k): ((tfx - 9) / 3 + k * 3); hx += 18; Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[hx]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(hx); } if (houseLst.Count < 2) { continue; } Permutation prm = new Permutation(houseLst.Count, 2); while (prm.Successor()) { int na = prm.Index[0], nb = prm.Index[1]; Bit81 HA = houseLst[na]; Bit81 HB = houseLst[nb]; if (!(HA & HB).IsZero()) { continue; } UGrCells LA = new UGrCells(tfxLst[na], no); UGrCells LB = new UGrCells(tfxLst[nb], no); foreach (var P in HA.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LA.Add(P); } foreach (var P in HB.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LB.Add(P); } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], W, no, LA, LB); if (!(BPnoB2 - (HA | HB)).IsZero()) { continue; } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], S, no, LA, LB); } } //------------------------------------------ for (int tfx = 18; tfx < 27; tfx++) { int bx = tfx - 18; int b0 = (bx / 3 * 27 + (bx % 3) * 3); //Cell number at the top left of the block Bit81 BPnoB2 = BPnoB & pHouseCells[tfx]; List <Bit81> houseLst = new List <Bit81>(); List <int> tfxLst = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int r0 = (b0 / 9 + k); Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[r0]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(r0); } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int c0 = (b0 % 9) + k; Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[c0 + 9]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(c0 + 9); } if (houseLst.Count >= 2) { Permutation prm = new Permutation(houseLst.Count, 2); while (prm.Successor()) { int na = prm.Index[0], nb = prm.Index[1]; Bit81 HA = houseLst[na]; Bit81 HB = houseLst[nb] - HA; if (HB.IsZero()) { continue; } UGrCells LA = new UGrCells(tfxLst[na], no); UGrCells LB = new UGrCells(tfxLst[nb], no); foreach (var P in HA.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LA.Add(P); } foreach (var P in HB.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LB.Add(P); } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], W, no, LA, LB); if (!(BPnoB2 - (HA | HB)).IsZero()) { continue; } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], S, no, LA, LB); } } if (houseLst.Count >= 1) { for (int na = 0; na < houseLst.Count; na++) { Bit81 HA = houseLst[na]; UGrCells LA = new UGrCells(tfxLst[na], no); foreach (var P in HA.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LA.Add(P); } foreach (var rc in BPnoB2.IEGet_rc()) { if (HA.IsHit(rc)) { continue; } UGrCells LB = new UGrCells(-9, no, pBDL[rc]); SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[na], W, no, LA, LB); SetGroupedLink(-9, W, no, LB, LA); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteLine(ex.Message); WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
private bool _XYZwingALSSub(int wsz) //simple UVWXYZwing { List <UCell> FBCX = pBDL.FindAll(p => p.FreeBC == wsz); if (FBCX.Count == 0) { return(false); } foreach (var P0 in FBCX) //Forcused Cell { int b0 = P0.b; //Forcused Block for (int no = 0; no < 9; no++) { int noB = 1 << no; Bit81 P0con = (new Bit81(pBDL, noB)) & ConnectedCells[P0.rc]; Bit81 Pin = P0con & HouseCells[18 + b0]; for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) //dir 0:row 1:col { int rcDir = (dir == 0)? P0.r: (9 + P0.c); Bit81 Pin2 = Pin - HouseCells[rcDir]; //ALS candidate position in the block if (Pin2.IsZero()) { continue; } Bit81 Pout = (P0con & HouseCells[rcDir]) - HouseCells[18 + P0.b]; //ALS candidate position outside the block foreach (var ALSout in ALSMan.IEGetCellInHouse(1, noB, Pout, rcDir)) //ALS out of Forcused Block { int FreeBOut2 = ALSout.FreeB.DifSet(noB); Bit81 EOut = new Bit81(); //#no existence position(outer-ALS) foreach (var P in ALSout.UCellLst.Where(p => (p.FreeB & noB) > 0)) { EOut.BPSet(P.rc); } foreach (var ALSin in ALSMan.IEGetCellInHouse(1, noB, Pin2, 18 + b0)) { int FreeBin2 = ALSin.FreeB.DifSet(noB); Bit81 Ein = new Bit81(); //#no existence position(inner-ALS) foreach (var P in ALSin.UCellLst.Where(p => (p.FreeB & noB) > 0)) { Ein.BPSet(P.rc); } int Cover = P0.FreeB.DifSet(ALSout.FreeB | ALSin.FreeB); if (Cover != 0) { continue; //Numbers in inner-ALS and outer-ALS cover numbers in the Forcused cell } Bit81 Epat = EOut | Ein; //Cells covered by excluded Cells&Digit if (Epat.IsZero()) { continue; } bool SolFound = false; string msg3 = ""; int FreeBin3 = P0.FreeB.DifSet(FreeBOut2 | FreeBin2); foreach (var E in pBDL.Where(p => (p.FreeB & noB) > 0)) { if (E.rc == P0.rc || Pout.IsHit(E.rc) || Pin2.IsHit(E.rc)) { continue; } if (!(Epat - ConnectedCells[E.rc]).IsZero()) { continue; } if (FreeBin3 > 0 && !ConnectedCells[E.rc].IsHit(P0.rc)) { continue; } E.CancelB = noB; SolFound = true; msg3 += " " + E.rc.ToRCString(); } if (SolFound) { SolCode = 2; string[] xyzWingName = { "XYZ-Wing", "WXYZ-Wing", "VWXYZ-Wing", "UVWXYZ-Wing" }; string SolMsg = xyzWingName[wsz - 3] + "(ALS)"; if (SolInfoB) { P0.SetNoBBgColor(P0.FreeB, AttCr, SolBkCr2); foreach (var P in ALSin.UCellLst) { P.SetNoBBgColor(P.FreeB, AttCr, SolBkCr); } foreach (var P in ALSout.UCellLst) { P.SetNoBBgColor(P.FreeB, AttCr, SolBkCr); } string msg0 = " Pivot: " + P0.rc.ToRCString(); string st = ""; foreach (var P in ALSin.UCellLst) { st += " " + P.rc.ToRCString(); } string msg1 = " in: " + st.ToString_SameHouseComp(); st = ""; foreach (var P in ALSout.UCellLst) { st += " " + P.rc.ToRCString(); } string msg2 = " out: " + st.ToString_SameHouseComp(); st = ""; foreach (var rc in Pin2.IEGet_rc()) { st += " " + rc.ToRCString(); } Result = SolMsg + msg0 + msg1 + msg2; ResultLong = SolMsg + "\r" + msg0 + "\r " + msg1 + "\r " + msg2 + "\r Eliminated: " + msg3.ToString_SameHouseComp(); } if (__SimpleAnalizerB__) { return(true); } if (!pAnMan.SnapSaveGP(true)) { return(true); } foreach (var E in pBDL.Where(p => (p.FreeB & noB) > 0)) { E.CancelB = 0; } SolFound = false; } } } } } } return(false); }
private int _GroupedNL_CheckSolution(GroupedLink GLK0, GroupedLink GLKnxt, Stack <GroupedLink> SolStack, Bit81 UsedCs) { bool SolFound = false; int SolType = pSprLKsMan.Check_SuperLinkSequence(GLKnxt, GLK0)? 1: 2; //1:Continuous 2:DisContinuous if (SolType == 1) //<>continuous { List <GroupedLink> SolLst = SolStack.ToList(); //___Debug_Print_GNLChain(SolStack); SolLst.Reverse(); SolLst.Add(GLK0); Bit81 UsedCsTmp = new Bit81(UsedCs); SetUsed(ref UsedCsTmp, GLKnxt); foreach (var LK in SolLst.Where(P => (P.type == W))) { int noB = 1 <<; Bit81 SolBP = new Bit81(); LK.UGCellsA.ForEach(P => { if ((P.FreeB & noB) > 0) { SolBP.BPSet(P.rc); } }); LK.UGCellsB.ForEach(P => { if ((P.FreeB & noB) > 0) { SolBP.BPSet(P.rc); } }); if (SolBP.BitCount() <= 1) { continue; } foreach (var P in pBDL.Where(p => (p.FreeB & noB) > 0)) { if (UsedCsTmp.IsHit(P.rc)) { continue; } if (!(SolBP - ConnectedCells[P.rc]).IsZero()) { continue; } if ((P.FreeB & noB) == 0) { continue; } P.CancelB |= noB; //exclusion digit SolFound = true; } } var LKpre = SolLst[0]; foreach (var LK in SolLst.Skip(1)) { if (LKpre.type == S && LK.type == S && LK.UGCellsA.Count == 1) { var P = pBDL[LK.UGCellsA[0].rc]; //(for MultiAns code) int noB2 = P.FreeB - ((1 << LKpre.no2) | (1 <<; if (noB2 > 0) { P.CancelB |= noB2; SolFound = true; } } LKpre = LK; } if (SolFound) { SolCode = 1; } } else { //<>discontinuous int dcTyp = GLK0.type * 10 + GLKnxt.type; UCell P = pBDL[GLK0.UGCellsA[0].rc]; //(for MultiAns code) switch (dcTyp) { case 11: P.FixedNo = + 1; //Cell number determination P.CancelB = P.FreeB.DifSet(1 << (; SolCode = 1; SolFound = true; //(1:Fixed) break; case 12: P.CancelB = 1 <<; SolCode = 2; SolFound = true; break;//(2:Exclude from candidates) case 21: P.CancelB = 1 <<; SolCode = 2; SolFound = true; break; case 22: if ( == { P.CancelB = 1 <<; SolFound = true; SolCode = 2; } break; } } if (SolFound) { return(SolType); } return(-1); }
private int _NL_CheckSolution(UCellLink LK0, UCellLink LKnxt, Stack <UCellLink> SolStack, Bit81 UsedCells) { bool SolFound = false; int SolType = CeLKMan.Check_CellCellSequence(LKnxt, LK0)? 1: 2; //1:Continuous 2:DisContinuous if (SolType == 1) //===== continuous ===== //=== Change WeakLink to StrongLink { List <UCellLink> SolLst = SolStack.ToList(); Bit81 UsedCellsT = UsedCells | (new Bit81(LK0.rc1)); foreach (var L in SolLst) { int noB = 1 <<; foreach (var P in pBDL.IEGetCellInHouse(L.tfx, noB)) { if (UsedCellsT.IsHit(P.rc)) { continue; } P.CancelB |= noB; SolFound = true; } } //=== S-S (There are no other numbers) SolLst.Reverse(); SolLst.Add(LK0); var LKpre = SolLst[0]; foreach (var LK in SolLst.Skip(1)) { if (LKpre.type == 1 && LK.type == 1) //S-S { UCell P = pBDL[LK.rc1]; int noB = P.FreeB.DifSet((1 << | (1 <<; if (noB > 0) { P.CancelB = noB; SolFound = true; } } LKpre = LK; } if (SolFound) { SolCode = 2; } } else if (SolType == 2) //===== discontinuous ===== { UCell P = pBDL[LK0.UCe1.rc]; //(for MultiAns code) int dcTyp = LK0.type * 10 + LKnxt.type; switch (dcTyp) { case 11: P.FixedNo = + 1; //Cell number determination P.CancelB = P.FreeB.DifSet(1 << (; SolCode = 1; SolFound = true; //(1:Fixed) break; case 12: P.CancelB = 1 <<; SolCode = 2; SolFound = true; break;//(2:Exclude from candidates) case 21: P.CancelB = 1 <<; SolCode = 2; SolFound = true; break; case 22: if ( == { P.CancelB = 1 <<; SolFound = true; SolCode = 2; } break; } } if (SolFound) { return(SolType); } return(-1); }