コード例 #1
ファイル: ShpOperate.cs プロジェクト: TsaiYoung/iSGMS
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建树木位置
        /// </summary>
        public List <Tree> createTreePosition(DEMOperate dem, int i)
            Console.WriteLine("Create trees of feature " + i);

            if (oLayer == null)

            string      forestType = "人工林";
            string      distributeType = "";
            double      density = 0;
            double      standArea = 0;
            double      treeNum = 0;
            double      D = 0, Dg = 0;
            List <Tree> trees    = new List <Tree>();
            Feature     oFeature = oLayer.GetFeature(i);

            // 获得森林类型
            for (int iField = 0; iField < m_FeildList.Count; iField++)
                if (m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "F_QIYUAN" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "TYPE" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "FOREST_TYPE" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "STAND_TYPE")
                    forestType = GetFeildContent(iField, oFeature);
                if (m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "F_DWZS" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "DENSITY" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "FOREST_DENSITY" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "STAND_DENSITY")
                    density = Convert.ToDouble(GetFeildContent(iField, oFeature));
                if (m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "DISTRIBUTE" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "F_FBLX")
                    distributeType = GetFeildContent(iField, oFeature);
                if (m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "MEAN_DBH")//算数平均胸径
                    D = Convert.ToDouble(GetFeildContent(iField, oFeature));
                if (m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "QUADRATIC_MEAN_DBH" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "Q_MEAN_DBH")//平均胸径(二次平均胸径)
                    Dg = Convert.ToDouble(GetFeildContent(iField, oFeature));
                if (m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "F_ZHUSHU" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "TREE_NUMBER" || m_FeildList[iField].ToUpper() == "TREENUMBER")//林木数量
                    treeNum = Convert.ToDouble(GetFeildContent(iField, oFeature));
            if (density == 0)
                if (treeNum != 0)
                    standArea = oFeature.GetGeometryRef().GetArea();
                    density   = treeNum / standArea / 10000;
                    Console.WriteLine("DATA ERROR: The Stand density is lacked.");

            // 人工林
            if (forestType == "人工林" || forestType == "Plantation")
                Geometry geom = oFeature.GetGeometryRef();
                Envelope env  = new Envelope();

                double xMax, xMin, yMax, yMin, xCen, yCen;
                xMax = env.MaxX;
                xMin = env.MinX;
                yMax = env.MaxY;
                yMin = env.MinY;
                xCen = (xMax + xMin) / 2;
                yCen = (yMax + yMin) / 2;

                List <double> tempX = new List <double>();
                List <double> tempY = new List <double>();

                double sideLength = Math.Sqrt(density / 10000 * ((xMax - xMin) * (yMax - yMin)));//边长
                double offsetX    = (xMax - xMin) / sideLength;
                double offsetY    = (yMax - yMin) / sideLength;
                double diagonal   = Math.Sqrt((xMax - xMin) * (xMax - xMin) + (yMax - yMin) * (yMax - yMin)); //对角线
                double xAdd       = (diagonal - (xMax - xMin)) / 2;
                double yAdd       = (diagonal - (yMax - yMin)) / 2;

                Random rand = new Random();
                if (distributeType.Contains("Diamond") || distributeType.Contains("Interlaced"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Diamond distribution");
                    int row = 0;
                    for (double j = xMin - xAdd; j < xMax + xAdd; j += offsetX)
                        if (row % 2 == 0)
                            for (double k = yMin - yAdd; k < yMax + yAdd; k += offsetY)
                                tempX.Add(j + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetX / 4);
                                tempY.Add(k + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetY / 4);
                            for (double k = yMin - yAdd + offsetY / 2; k < yMax + yAdd; k += offsetY)
                                tempX.Add(j + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetX / 4);
                                tempY.Add(k + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetY / 4);
                // 环形均匀分布
                else if (distributeType.Contains("Circular"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Circular distribution");

                    double r             = diagonal / 2;
                    double A             = Math.PI * r * r;
                    double N             = density / 10000 * A;
                    int    roundNum      = (int)((Math.Sqrt(1 + 4.0 / 3 * N) - 1) / 2);
                    double roundDistance = Math.Sqrt(A / Math.PI) / roundNum;

                    for (int j = 0; j < roundNum; j++)
                        double radius = j * roundDistance;      //极矩

                        for (int k = 0; k < 6 * j; k++)
                            double angle = k * 2 * Math.PI / 6 / j;         //极径

                            tempX.Add(radius * Math.Cos(angle) + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * roundDistance / 4 + xCen + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * roundDistance / 4);
                            tempY.Add(radius * Math.Sin(angle) + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * roundDistance / 4 + yCen + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * roundDistance / 4);
                // 井型均匀分布
                else if (distributeType.Contains("Rectangular"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Rectangular distribution");

                    for (double j = xMin - xAdd; j < xMax + xAdd; j += offsetX)
                        for (double k = yMin - yAdd; k < yMax + yAdd; k += offsetY)
                            tempX.Add(j + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetX / 4);
                            tempY.Add(k + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetY / 4);
                    Console.WriteLine("Rectangular distribution (default)");
                    // 默认井型
                    for (double j = xMin - xAdd; j < xMax + xAdd; j += offsetX)
                        for (double k = yMin - yAdd; k < yMax + yAdd; k += offsetY)
                            tempX.Add(j + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetX / 4);
                            tempY.Add(k + rand.Next(10) / 10.0 * offsetY / 4);

                dem.getColRow(xCen, yCen);
                double aspect = dem.CalcuAspect();
                for (int j = 0; j < tempX.Count; j++)
                    double x = (tempX[j] - xCen) * Math.Cos(aspect) + (tempY[j] - yCen) * Math.Sin(aspect);
                    double y = (tempY[j] - yCen) * Math.Cos(aspect) - (tempX[j] - xCen) * Math.Sin(aspect);
                    tempX[j] = x + xCen;
                    tempY[j] = y + yCen;

                string     temppath    = "temp" + i + ".shp";
                DataSource pDataSource = oDriver.CreateDataSource(temppath, null);

                if (pDataSource == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("DataSource Creation Error");

                string outname   = "point_out" + i;
                Layer  tempLayer = pDataSource.CreateLayer(outname, null, wkbGeometryType.wkbPoint, null);
                if (tempLayer == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Layer Creation Failed");

                FieldDefn oField1 = new FieldDefn("TREE_ID", FieldType.OFTInteger);
                tempLayer.CreateField(oField1, 1);

                Feature mFeature = new Feature(tempLayer.GetLayerDefn());

                // 创建点
                Geometry mPoint = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbPoint);
                for (int j = 0; j < tempX.Count; j++)
                    mFeature.SetField(0, j);
                    mPoint.AddPoint(tempX[j], tempY[j], 0);


                string clipLyrname = "ClipLayer" + i;
                Layer  clipLayer   = pDataSource.CreateLayer(clipLyrname, null, wkbGeometryType.wkbPolygon, null);

                string treePosition = "treePosition" + i;
                Layer  result       = pDataSource.CreateLayer(treePosition, null, wkbGeometryType.wkbPoint, null);
                tempLayer.Clip(clipLayer, result, new string[] { "SKIP_FAILURES=YES" }, null, null);

                // 删除临时temp.shp

                int     rFeatureCount = (int)result.GetFeatureCount(0);
                Feature rFeature      = null;
                for (int k = 0; k < rFeatureCount; k++)
                    Tree tree = new Tree();
                    tree.ForestID = i; //标注所属树林
                    tree.ID       = k; //树木编号

                    rFeature = result.GetFeature(k);
                    Geometry geometry = rFeature.GetGeometryRef();
                    tree.X = geometry.GetX(0);
                    tree.Y = geometry.GetY(0);
                Console.WriteLine("Get trees' locations");

                List <double> boundX = new List <double>();
                List <double> boundY = new List <double>();
                boundX.Add(xMin - offsetX); boundX.Add(xMin - offsetX); boundX.Add(xMax + offsetX); boundX.Add(xMax + offsetX);
                boundY.Add(yMin - offsetY); boundY.Add(yMax + offsetY); boundY.Add(yMax + offsetY); boundY.Add(yMin - offsetY);
                Geometry      oGeometry = new Geometry(wkbGeometryType.wkbPolygon);
                List <double> treeX     = new List <double>();
                List <double> treeY     = new List <double>();
                List <double> Area      = new List <double>();
                for (int t = 0; t < trees.Count; t++)
                    Area.Add(0);              //初始化
                int      t_num = trees.Count; //此树林树木棵数
                double[] treex = treeX.ToArray(); double[] treey = treeY.ToArray();
                double[] boundx = boundX.ToArray(); double[] boundy = boundY.ToArray();
                double[] area = Area.ToArray();
                CreateThiessen(treex, treey, t_num, boundx, boundy, 4, area);
                for (int t = 0; t < trees.Count; t++)
                    trees[t].WVA = area[t];

                WeibullDistribute(trees, trees.Count, D, Dg);

                // 删除临时
