Mesh item which will reside inside a collection.
Inheritance: ResourceItem
コード例 #1
        public ResourceItem Convert(object input, String collection)
            if (input == null)
                return null;

            MeshObject obj = (MeshObject) input;
            MeshItem ret = new MeshItem(this._graphics);

            if (obj.Indexes == null) obj.Indexes = SystemCore.Environment.CreateUInt16Array(0);
            if (obj.Vertices == null) obj.Vertices = SystemCore.Environment.CreateFloat32Array(0);
            if (obj.Normals == null) obj.Normals = SystemCore.Environment.CreateFloat32Array(0);
            if (obj.UVs == null) obj.UVs = SystemCore.Environment.CreateFloat32Array(0);

            ret.Indexes = SystemCore.Environment.CreateUInt16ArrayFromArray(obj.Indexes);
            ret.Mesh = SystemCore.Environment.CreateFloat32Array((ulong) (obj.Vertices.Length + obj.Normals.Length + obj.UVs.Length));
            ret.OffsetPosition = 0;
            ret.OffsetNormal = obj.Vertices.Length;
            ret.OffsetUv = obj.Vertices.Length + obj.Normals.Length;

            /*mesh data*/
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.Vertices.Length; i++) ret.Mesh[i] = obj.Vertices[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.Normals.Length; i++)  ret.Mesh[i + ret.OffsetNormal] = obj.Normals[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.UVs.Length; i++)      ret.Mesh[i + ret.OffsetUv] = obj.UVs[i];
            /*bounding volume*/

            return ret;
コード例 #2
        public bool Test(CullInfo cullInfo, Node node, MeshItem meshItem)
            float x = meshItem.BoundingVolume.Center.Elements[0];
            float y = meshItem.BoundingVolume.Center.Elements[1];
            float z = meshItem.BoundingVolume.Center.Elements[2];

            /*First: we transform our coordinate into eye coordinates from model-view.*/
            float xp = x * cullInfo.ModelView[0] + y * cullInfo.ModelView[4] + z * cullInfo.ModelView[8] + cullInfo.ModelView[12];
            float yp = x * cullInfo.ModelView[1] + y * cullInfo.ModelView[5] + z * cullInfo.ModelView[9] + cullInfo.ModelView[13];
            float zp = x * cullInfo.ModelView[2] + y * cullInfo.ModelView[6] + z * cullInfo.ModelView[10] + cullInfo.ModelView[14];

            /*then we transform the furthest away vertex to mv to comute sphere radius*/
            float xv = meshItem.Mesh[meshItem.BoundingVolume.VertexIndex * 3];
            float yv = meshItem.Mesh[meshItem.BoundingVolume.VertexIndex * 3 + 1];
            float zv = meshItem.Mesh[meshItem.BoundingVolume.VertexIndex * 3 + 2];

            float xpv = xv * cullInfo.ModelView[0] + yv * cullInfo.ModelView[4] + zv * cullInfo.ModelView[8] + cullInfo.ModelView[12];
            float ypv = xv * cullInfo.ModelView[1] + yv * cullInfo.ModelView[5] + zv * cullInfo.ModelView[9] + cullInfo.ModelView[13];
            float zpv = xv * cullInfo.ModelView[2] + yv * cullInfo.ModelView[6] + zv * cullInfo.ModelView[10] + cullInfo.ModelView[14];

            /*now we compute the radius*/
            float r = Math.Sqrt((xp - xpv) * (xp - xpv) + (yp - ypv) * (yp - ypv) + (zp - zpv) * (zp - zpv));

            if (xp + r < -this._regionX) return false;
            if (xp - r > this._regionX) return false;
            if (yp + r < -this._regionY) return false;
            if (yp - r > this._regionY) return false;
            return true;
コード例 #3
        public bool Test(CullInfo cullInfo, Node node, MeshItem meshItem)
            float x = meshItem.BoundingVolume.Center.Elements[0];
            float y = meshItem.BoundingVolume.Center.Elements[1];
            float z = meshItem.BoundingVolume.Center.Elements[2];

            /*First: we transform our coordinate into eye coordinates from model-view.*/
            float xp = x * cullInfo.ModelView[0] + y * cullInfo.ModelView[4] + z * cullInfo.ModelView[8] + cullInfo.ModelView[12];
            float yp = x * cullInfo.ModelView[1] + y * cullInfo.ModelView[5] + z * cullInfo.ModelView[9] + cullInfo.ModelView[13];
            float zp = x * cullInfo.ModelView[2] + y * cullInfo.ModelView[6] + z * cullInfo.ModelView[10] + cullInfo.ModelView[14];

            /*then we transform the furthest away vertex to mv to comute sphere radius*/
            float xv = meshItem.Mesh[meshItem.BoundingVolume.VertexIndex * 3];
            float yv = meshItem.Mesh[meshItem.BoundingVolume.VertexIndex * 3 + 1];
            float zv = meshItem.Mesh[meshItem.BoundingVolume.VertexIndex * 3 + 2];

            float xpv = xv * cullInfo.ModelView[0] + yv * cullInfo.ModelView[4] + zv * cullInfo.ModelView[8] + cullInfo.ModelView[12];
            float ypv = xv * cullInfo.ModelView[1] + yv * cullInfo.ModelView[5] + zv * cullInfo.ModelView[9] + cullInfo.ModelView[13];
            float zpv = xv * cullInfo.ModelView[2] + yv * cullInfo.ModelView[6] + zv * cullInfo.ModelView[10] + cullInfo.ModelView[14];

            /*now we compute the radius*/
            float r = Math.Sqrt((xp - xpv) * (xp - xpv) + (yp - ypv) * (yp - ypv) + (zp - zpv) * (zp - zpv));

             /*Now - we apply the "plane equation" of each clip plane to see how far from the clip plane our point is.
             The clip planes are directed: positive number distances mean we are INSIDE our viewing area by some distance;
             negative means outside.  So ... if we are outside by less than -r, the ENTIRE sphere is out of bounds.
             We are not visible!  We do the near clip plane, then sides, then far, in an attempt to try the planes
             that will eliminate the most geometry first...half the world is behind the near clip plane, but not much is
             behind the far clip plane on sunny day.*/
            if ((xp * cullInfo.NearClip [0] + yp * cullInfo.NearClip [1] + zp * cullInfo.NearClip [2] + cullInfo.NearClip [3] + r) < 0) return false;
            if ((xp * cullInfo.BotClip  [0] + yp * cullInfo.BotClip  [1] + zp * cullInfo.BotClip  [2] + cullInfo.BotClip  [3] + r) < 0) return false;
            if ((xp * cullInfo.TopClip  [0] + yp * cullInfo.TopClip  [1] + zp * cullInfo.TopClip  [2] + cullInfo.TopClip  [3] + r) < 0) return false;
            if ((xp * cullInfo.LeftClip [0] + yp * cullInfo.LeftClip [1] + zp * cullInfo.LeftClip [2] + cullInfo.LeftClip [3] + r) < 0) return false;
            if ((xp * cullInfo.RightClip[0] + yp * cullInfo.RightClip[1] + zp * cullInfo.RightClip[2] + cullInfo.RightClip[3] + r) < 0) return false;
            if ((xp * cullInfo.FarClip  [0] + yp * cullInfo.FarClip  [1] + zp * cullInfo.FarClip  [2] + cullInfo.FarClip  [3] + r) < 0) return false;
            return true;
コード例 #4
        private void RenderLight(ShaderGroup lightShader, LightComponent component, MeshItem lightVolume)
            LightItem light = (LightItem) this._library.GetResource(component.LightHandle);

            if(light == null)

            float intensity = (float) light.Properties["intensity"];

            /*update sphere scale matrix*/
            this._scaleMatrix.Elements[0] = intensity * 2;
            this._scaleMatrix.Elements[5] = intensity * 2;
            this._scaleMatrix.Elements[10] = intensity * 2;
            this._scaleMatrix.Elements[15] = 1.0f;

            this._vMatrix.MultiplyM2(component.Parent.World, this._mvMatrix);
            this._mvMatrix.MultiplyM2(this._scaleMatrix, this._mvMatrix);

            Vector3 pos = this._mvMatrix.TransformV(new Vector3(new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}));

            /*check view occlusion*/

            /*test for view occlusion*/
            if (this._occluder != null && !this._occluder.Test(this._cullInfo, null, lightVolume))

            /*bind shader, mesh and buffers*/
            lightShader.ShaderBinder.BindLight(pos, light, this._mvMatrix, this._pMatrix);
            this._context.DrawElements(WebGLE.Triangles, this._lightSphereVolume.Indexes.Length, WebGLE.UnsignedShortT, 0);
コード例 #5
        public bool DealocateMesh(MeshItem mesh)

            return true;
コード例 #6
        public bool AllocateMesh(MeshItem mesh)
            /*vertex position buffer*/
            IBuffer meshBuffer = this._context.CreateBuffer();

            this._context.BindBuffer(WebGLE.ArrayBuffer, meshBuffer);
            this._context.BufferData(WebGLE.ArrayBuffer, mesh.Mesh, WebGLE.StaticDraw);

            /*index buffer*/
            IBuffer indexBuffer = this._context.CreateBuffer();
            this._context.BindBuffer(WebGLE.ElementArrayBuffer, indexBuffer);
            this._context.BufferData(WebGLE.ElementArrayBuffer, mesh.Indexes, WebGLE.StaticDraw);

            mesh.IndexBuffer = indexBuffer;
            mesh.MeshBuffer = meshBuffer;

            return true;
コード例 #7
        public void BindLightMesh(MeshItem lightVolume)
            if (this._parent.LightPassShader == null) return;

            /*bind the vbo's*/
            this._graphics.BindBuffer(WebGLE.ArrayBuffer, lightVolume.MeshBuffer);
            this._graphics.VertexAttribPointer(_parent.LightPassShader.Attributes["aVertexPosition"], 3, WebGLE.FloatT, false, 0, lightVolume.OffsetPosition * 4);

            this._graphics.BindBuffer(WebGLE.ElementArrayBuffer, lightVolume.IndexBuffer);
コード例 #8
        public void BindGeometryMesh(MeshItem mesh)
            if (this._parent.GeometryPassShader == null) return;

            this._graphics.BindBuffer(WebGLE.ArrayBuffer, mesh.MeshBuffer);

            this._graphics.VertexAttribPointer(this._parent.GeometryPassShader.Attributes["aVertexPosition"], 3, WebGLE.FloatT, false, 0, mesh.OffsetPosition * 4);
            this._graphics.VertexAttribPointer(this._parent.GeometryPassShader.Attributes["aNormalPosition"], 3, WebGLE.FloatT, false, 0, mesh.OffsetNormal * 4);
            this._graphics.VertexAttribPointer(this._parent.GeometryPassShader.Attributes["aUVPosition"], 2, WebGLE.FloatT, false, 0, mesh.OffsetUv * 4);

            /*index array*/
            this._graphics.BindBuffer(WebGLE.ElementArrayBuffer, mesh.IndexBuffer);