コード例 #1
        // pass in current control and its upper left screen location, and it will set up the mouse events args for you
        private void SetControlLocation(ref GLMouseEventArgs e, GLBaseControl cur)
            // record control, bounds, and client location
            e.Control = cur;

            Point ctrlloc = cur.FindScreenCoords(new Point(0, 0));                                                             // we need to find this each time, the control may have been dragged, can't cache it like previous goes at this code!

            e.Bounds         = cur.Bounds;                                                                                     // in parent co-ords
            e.BoundsLocation = new Point(e.ScreenCoord.X - ctrlloc.X, e.ScreenCoord.Y - ctrlloc.Y);                            // to location in bounds
            e.Location       = new Point(e.BoundsLocation.X - cur.ClientLeftMargin, e.BoundsLocation.Y - cur.ClientTopMargin); // to location in client rectangle co-ords

            // determine logical area
            if (e.Location.X < 0)
                e.Area = GLMouseEventArgs.AreaType.Left;
            else if (e.Location.X >= cur.ClientWidth)
                if (e.Location.Y >= cur.ClientHeight)
                    e.Area = GLMouseEventArgs.AreaType.NWSE;
                    e.Area = GLMouseEventArgs.AreaType.Right;
            else if (e.Location.Y < 0)
                e.Area = GLMouseEventArgs.AreaType.Top;
            else if (e.Location.Y >= cur.ClientHeight)
                e.Area = GLMouseEventArgs.AreaType.Bottom;
                e.Area = GLMouseEventArgs.AreaType.Client;

            //   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Pos {e.WindowLocation} VP {e.ViewportLocation} SC {e.ScreenCoord} BL {e.BoundsLocation} loc {e.Location} {e.Area} {cur.Name} {cur.Bounds}");