public Matrix3f(Matrix3f rm) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { m_elements[i] = rm.getElement(i); } }
//TODO: cross linear and rotational public void Integrate() { //linear //set position first ns_position = position + m_linearVelocity * Time.fixedDeltaTime; //set the velocity ns_m_linearVelocity = m_linearVelocity + inv_mass * this.forces * Time.fixedDeltaTime; //set the acceleration //ns_m_linearAcceleration += forces * inv_mass; //rotational GK.Matrix3f skewedAngurlar = new GK.Matrix3f(); skewedAngurlar = skewedAngurlar.SkewSymmetry(m_AngularVelocity); ns_orientation = orientation + skewedAngurlar * Time.fixedDeltaTime * orientation; Debug.Log("Orientation"); ns_orientation.print(); ns_AngularMomentum = AngularMomentum + Time.fixedDeltaTime * Torque; GK.Matrix3f transposedOrientation = new GK.Matrix3f(); transposedOrientation = ns_orientation.Transposed(); ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor = (ns_orientation * BodyInertiaInverseTensor) * transposedOrientation; Debug.Log("WorldInertia"); ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor.print(); ns_orientation.OrthonormalizeOrientation(); ns_m_AngularVelocity = ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor * ns_AngularMomentum; }
// Use this for initialization //define the intital values here public RigidBody() { inv_mass = 1.0f / this.Mass; //position = transform.position; orientation = new GK.Matrix3f(); m_linearVelocity = new Vector3(); m_AngularVelocity = new Vector3(); Torque = new Vector3(); AngularMomentum = new Vector3(); forces = new Vector3(); //LinearMomentum = new Vector3(); m_AngularAccelration = new Vector3(); WorldInertiaInverseTensor = new GK.Matrix3f(); BodyInertiaInverseTensor = new GK.Matrix3f(); //position = transform.position; ns_orientation = new GK.Matrix3f(); ns_m_linearVelocity = new Vector3(); ns_m_AngularVelocity = new Vector3(); ns_Torque = new Vector3(); ns_AngularMomentum = new Vector3(); ns_forces = new Vector3(); //ns_LinearMomentum = new Vector3(); ns_m_AngularAccelration = new Vector3(); ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor = new GK.Matrix3f(); }
public bool intersect(MRay ray, MHit hit, float tmin) { Vector3 R0 = ray.origin; Vector3 Rd = ray.direction; Vector3 e1 = b - a; Vector3 e2 = c - a; //R0-a=beta*e1+gamma*e2-t*Rd Matrix3f A = new Matrix3f(-e1, -e2, Rd, true); Matrix3f betaM = new Matrix3f(a - R0, -e2, Rd, true); Matrix3f gammaM = new Matrix3f(-e1, a - R0, Rd, true); Matrix3f tM = new Matrix3f(-e1, -e2, a - R0, true); float beta = betaM.determinant() / A.determinant(); float gamma = gammaM.determinant() / A.determinant(); float result_t = tM.determinant() / A.determinant(); float alpha = 1.0f - beta - gamma; if (beta + gamma > 1 || beta < 0 || gamma < 0) { return(false); } if (result_t >= tmin && result_t < hit.t) { Vector3 newNormal = (alpha * normals[0] + beta * normals[1] + gamma * normals[2]).normalized; hit.set(result_t, newNormal); return(true); } return(false); }
//code adapted from public Matrix3f QuaterniontoMatrix3(Quaternion q) { Matrix3f m = new Matrix3f(); float sqw = q.w * q.w; float sqx = q.x * q.x; float sqy = q.y * q.y; float sqz = q.z * q.z; float inverse = 1 / (sqw + sqy + sqz + sqw); m.setMELEMENT(0, 0, (sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw) * inverse); m.setMELEMENT(1, 1, (-sqx + sqy - sqz + sqw) * inverse); m.setMELEMENT(2, 2, (-sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw) * inverse); float temp1 = q.x * q.y; float temp2 = q.z * q.w; m.setMELEMENT(1, 0, 2.0f * (temp1 + temp2) * inverse); m.setMELEMENT(0, 1, 2.0f * (temp1 - temp2) * inverse); float temp3 = q.x * q.z; float temp4 = q.y * q.w; m.setMELEMENT(2, 0, 2.0f * (temp3 - temp4) * inverse); m.setMELEMENT(0, 2, 2.0f * (temp1 + temp2) * inverse); float temp5 = q.y * q.z; float temp6 = q.x * q.w; m.setMELEMENT(2, 1, 2.0f * (temp5 + temp6) * inverse); m.setMELEMENT(1, 2, 2.0f * (temp5 - temp6) * inverse); return(m); }
public Matrix3f SkewSymmetry(Vector3 v) { Matrix3f m = new Matrix3f(); m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] = 0.0f; m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 1)] = -v.z; m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 2)] = v.y; m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 0)] = v.z; m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)] = 0.0f; m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 2)] = -v.x; m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 0)] = -v.y; m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 1)] = v.x; m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)] = 0.0f; return(m); }
public Matrix3f Identity() { Matrix3f m = new Matrix3f(); m.getElements()[GetIndex(0, 0)] = 1.0f; m.getElements()[GetIndex(1, 1)] = 1.0f; m.getElements()[GetIndex(2, 2)] = 1.0f; return(m); }
// static public Matrix3f Ones() { Matrix3f m = new Matrix3f(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { m.getElements()[i] = 1; } return(m); }
// public void CollisionResponce(Rigidbody grb,float e=0.5F) { // //coefficient of restitution: ratio of speed after/before // // // // // // vector_3 Velocity = Configuration.CMVelocity + // // CrossProduct(Configuration.AngularVelocity,R); // // // // real ImpulseNumerator = -(r(1) + Body.CoefficientOfRestitution) * // // DotProduct(Velocity,CollisionNormal); // // // // real ImpulseDenominator = Body.OneOverMass + // // DotProduct(CrossProduct(Configuration.InverseWorldInertiaTensor * // // CrossProduct(R,CollisionNormal),R), // // CollisionNormal); // // // // vector_3 Impulse = (ImpulseNumerator/ImpulseDenominator) * CollisionNormal; // // // // // apply impulse to primary quantities // // Configuration.CMVelocity += Body.OneOverMass * Impulse; // // Configuration.AngularMomentum += CrossProduct(R,Impulse); // // // // // compute affected auxiliary quantities // // Configuration.AngularVelocity = Configuration.InverseWorldInertiaTensor * // // Configuration.AngularMomentum; // // float ma = grb.mass; // //manually set first // // Vector3 n = hitNormal; // // // grb.velocity; // // grb.angularVelocity =; // // grb.Sleep (); // // // print (grb.velocity); // // Vector3 vai = grb.velocity; // // Vector3 wai = grb.angularVelocity; // // Vector3 ita = grb.inertiaTensor; // // Quaternion itra = grb.inertiaTensorRotation; // // Matrix3f Qa = Matrix3f.rotation (grb.inertiaTensorRotation); // Matrix3f QaT = Qa.Transposed (); // // // Matrix3f Ia = new Matrix3f (ita); // // print (Aa+" ita:"+ita+" itra:"+itra+" Qa:"+Qa+" QaT:"+QaT); // // Matrix3f Ia = Qa * Aa * QaT; // Ia.print(); // Matrix3f IaInverse = Ia.inverse(); // print ("Pos:"+grb.position+" CM:" + grb.centerOfMass); // // Vector3 ra = grb.position - grb.worldCenterOfMass; // Vector3 velocity = vai + Vector3.Cross (wai, ra); // float impulsenumerator = -(e + 1) * Vector3.Dot (velocity, n); // float impulsedenominator = 1 / ma + Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (IaInverse * Vector3.Cross (ra, n), ra), n); // Vector3 J = (impulsenumerator / impulsedenominator) * n; // Vector3 vaii = grb.velocity; // print ((1 / ma) * J); // grb.velocity += (1/ma)*J; // grb.angularVelocity = IaInverse * Vector3.Cross (ra,J); // Debug.Log ("initial is"+vaii+"final is"+grb.velocity); // // // // // //// IaInverse.print (); // // Vector3 normal = n.normalized; // // Vector3 angularVelChangea = normal; // start calculating the change in abgular rotation of a // // angularVelChangea=Vector3.Cross(angularVelChangea,ra); // // // // Vector3 vaLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IaInverse*angularVelChangea, ra); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a // // float scalar = 1/ma + Vector3.Dot(vaLinDueToR,normal); // // // // // // float Jmod = -(e+1)*(vai).magnitude/scalar; // // Vector3 J = normal*Jmod; // // Vector3 vaf = vai - J*(1/ma); // // grb.velocity = vaf; // // Debug.Log ("initial is"+vai+"final is"+vaf); // // grb.angularVelocity = wai - angularVelChangea; // } public void CollisionResponce(Rigidbody grb, Rigidbody trb, float e = 0.5F) { float mb = trb.mass; float ma = grb.mass; //manually set first Vector3 n = hitNormal; Vector3 vai = grb.velocity; Vector3 vbi = trb.velocity; Vector3 wai = grb.angularVelocity; Vector3 wbi = trb.angularVelocity; Vector3 ita = grb.inertiaTensor; Vector3 itb = trb.inertiaTensor; Matrix3f Qa = Matrix3f.rotation(grb.inertiaTensorRotation); Matrix3f QaT = Qa.Transposed(); Matrix3f Qb = Matrix3f.rotation(trb.inertiaTensorRotation); Matrix3f QbT = Qb.Transposed(); Matrix3f Aa = new Matrix3f(ita); Matrix3f Ab = new Matrix3f(itb); Matrix3f Ia = Qa * Aa * QaT; Matrix3f Ib = Qb * Ab * QbT; Vector3 ra = grb.position - grb.worldCenterOfMass; Vector3 rb = trb.position - trb.worldCenterOfMass; Matrix3f IaInverse = Ia.inverse(); Vector3 normal = n.normalized; Vector3 angularVelChangea = normal; // start calculating the change in abgular rotation of a angularVelChangea = Vector3.Cross(angularVelChangea, ra); Vector3 vaLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IaInverse * angularVelChangea, ra); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a float scalar = 1 / ma + Vector3.Dot(vaLinDueToR, normal); Matrix3f IbInverse = Ib.inverse(); Vector3 angularVelChangeb = normal; // start calculating the change in abgular rotation of b angularVelChangeb = Vector3.Cross(angularVelChangeb, rb); Vector3 vbLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IbInverse * angularVelChangeb, rb); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on b due to rotation of b scalar += 1 / mb + Vector3.Dot(vbLinDueToR, normal); float Jmod = (e + 1) * (vai - vbi).magnitude / scalar; Vector3 J = normal * Jmod; Vector3 vaf = vai - J * (1 / ma); grb.velocity = vaf; Debug.Log("initial is" + vai + "final is" + vaf); trb.velocity = vbi - J * (1 / mb); grb.angularVelocity = wai - angularVelChangea; trb.angularVelocity = wbi - angularVelChangeb; }
public Matrix3f Transposed() { Matrix3f m = new Matrix3f(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { m.getElements()[GetIndex(j, i)] = this.getElements()[GetIndex(i, j)]; } } return(m); }
public void CollisionResponce(Rigidbody grb, Rigidbody trb, Vector3 v, Vector3 hitNormal, float e = 0.3F) { //coefficient of restitution: ratio of speed after/before float ma = grb.mass; float mb = trb.mass; Vector3 n = hitNormal.normalized; Vector3 vai = grb.velocity; Vector3 vbi = trb.velocity; Vector3 wai = grb.angularVelocity; Vector3 wbi = trb.angularVelocity; Vector3 ita = grb.inertiaTensor; Matrix3f Ia = new Matrix3f(ita); // print (Aa+" ita:"+ita+" itra:"+itra+" Qa:"+Qa+" QaT:"+QaT); // Matrix3f Ia = Qa * Aa * QaT; // Ia.print(); Matrix3f IaInverse = Ia.inverse(); // print ("Pos:"+v+" CM:" + grb.centerOfMass); // //need to change, this is point of impact Vector3 ra = (v - grb.worldCenterOfMass); Vector3 itb = trb.inertiaTensor; Matrix3f Ib = new Matrix3f(itb); Matrix3f IbInverse = Ib.inverse(); Vector3 rb = impactpt - trb.worldCenterOfMass; Vector3 normal = n.normalized; Vector3 angularVelChangea = Vector3.Cross(normal, ra); Vector3 vaLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IaInverse * angularVelChangea, ra); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a Vector3 angularVelChangeb = Vector3.Cross(normal, rb); Vector3 vbLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IbInverse * angularVelChangeb, rb); // float scalar = 1 / ma + 1 / mb + Vector3.Dot(vaLinDueToR, normal) + Vector3.Dot(vbLinDueToR, normal); float Jmod = -(e + 1) * (vai - vbi).magnitude / scalar; Vector3 J = normal * Jmod; Vector3 vaf = vai - J * (1 / ma); grb.velocity = vaf; trb.velocity = -vbi + J * (1 / mb); Vector3 deltawa = IaInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, ra); Vector3 deltawb = IbInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, rb); grb.angularVelocity = wai - deltawa; trb.angularVelocity = wbi - deltawb; }
// RIGIDBODY FUNCTIONS public void SetVariables() { position = ns_position; //m_linearAcceleration = ns_m_linearAcceleration; //position = transform.position; orientation = ns_orientation; m_linearVelocity = ns_m_linearVelocity; m_AngularVelocity = ns_m_AngularVelocity; Torque = ns_Torque; AngularMomentum = ns_AngularMomentum; //LinearMomentum = ns_LinearMomentum; m_AngularAccelration = ns_AngularMomentum; WorldInertiaInverseTensor = ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor; }
public static Matrix3f operator +(Matrix3f x, Matrix3f y) { Matrix3f product = new Matrix3f(); // zeroes for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { product.m_elements[product.GetIndex(i, j)] = (x.getElement(i, j) + y.getElement(i, j)); //product.setElement(i, k, product.getElement(i, k) + x.getElement(i, j) * y.getElement(j, k)); } } return(product); }
public void CollisionResponce(RigidBody grb, Rigidbody trb, Vector3 v, Vector3 hitNormal, float e = 0.5F) { //coefficient of restitution: ratio of speed after/before Vector3 targetNormal = hitNormal.normalized; Vector3 n = hitNormal.normalized; float ma = grb.Mass; float mb = trb.mass; Vector3 vai = grb.m_linearVelocity; Vector3 vbi = trb.velocity; Vector3 wai = grb.m_AngularVelocity; Vector3 wbi = trb.angularVelocity; Vector3 ita = grb.GetInertiaTensor(); Matrix3f IaInverse = grb.WorldInertiaInverseTensor; Vector3 ra = (v - grb.ns_position); Vector3 itb = trb.inertiaTensor; Matrix3f Ib = new Matrix3f(itb); Matrix3f IbInverse = Ib.inverse(); Vector3 rb = v - trb.worldCenterOfMass; Vector3 normal = -n.normalized; Vector3 angularVelChangea = Vector3.Cross(normal, ra); // start calculating the change in angular rotation of a Vector3 vaLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IaInverse * angularVelChangea, ra); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a Vector3 angularVelChangeb = Vector3.Cross(normal, rb); Vector3 vbLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IbInverse * angularVelChangeb, rb); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a float scalar = 1 / ma + 1 / mb + Vector3.Dot(vaLinDueToR, normal) + Vector3.Dot(vbLinDueToR, normal); float Jmod = -(e + 1) * (vai - vbi).magnitude / scalar; Vector3 J = normal * Jmod; Vector3 vaf = vai - J * grb.inv_mass; grb.m_linearVelocity = vaf; trb.velocity = -vbi + J * (1 / mb); Vector3 deltawa = IaInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, ra); Vector3 deltawb = IbInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, rb); grb.m_AngularVelocity = wai - deltawa; trb.angularVelocity = wbi - deltawb; }
// UNITY DEFINED FUNCTIONS void Start() { //initialise the initial conditions /* * InverseInertiaTensor * */ ns_position = transform.position; ns_orientation = orientation.QuaterniontoMatrix3(transform.rotation); float halfX = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.x; float halfY = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.y; float halfZ = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.extents.z; BodyInertiaInverseTensor.setMELEMENT(0, 0, 12f / (Mass * (halfY * halfY + halfZ * halfZ))); BodyInertiaInverseTensor.setMELEMENT(1, 1, 12f / (Mass * (halfX * halfX + halfZ * halfZ))); BodyInertiaInverseTensor.setMELEMENT(2, 2, 12f / (Mass * (halfX * halfX + halfY * halfY))); }
public static Matrix3f operator *(Matrix3f x, float y) { Matrix3f product = new Matrix3f(); // zeroes for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { product.m_elements[product.GetIndex(i, k)] *= y; //product.setElement(i, k, product.getElement(i, k) + x.getElement(i, j) * y.getElement(j, k)); } } } return(product); }
void Integrate() { for (int counter = 0; counter < NumberOfBodies; counter++) { //get the gameobject GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)allBodies[counter]; //get the rigidbody of the object RigidBody rigidBody = gameObject.GetComponent <RigidBody>(); //linear //set position first if (rigidBody.position != rigidBody.transform.position) { rigidBody.position = rigidBody.transform.position; } rigidBody.ns_position = rigidBody.position + rigidBody.m_linearVelocity * Time.fixedDeltaTime; //set the velocity rigidBody.ns_m_linearVelocity = rigidBody.m_linearVelocity + rigidBody.inv_mass * rigidBody.forces * Time.fixedDeltaTime; //set the acceleration //rigidBody.ns_m_linearAcceleration += rigidBody.forces * rigidBody.inv_mass; //rotational GK.Matrix3f skewedAngurlar = new GK.Matrix3f(); skewedAngurlar = skewedAngurlar.SkewSymmetry(rigidBody.m_AngularVelocity); rigidBody.ns_orientation = rigidBody.orientation + skewedAngurlar * Time.fixedDeltaTime * rigidBody.orientation; rigidBody.ns_AngularMomentum = rigidBody.AngularMomentum + Time.fixedDeltaTime * rigidBody.Torque; GK.Matrix3f transposedOrientation = new GK.Matrix3f(); transposedOrientation = rigidBody.ns_orientation.Transposed(); rigidBody.ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor = (rigidBody.ns_orientation * rigidBody.BodyInertiaInverseTensor) * transposedOrientation; rigidBody.ns_orientation.OrthonormalizeOrientation(); rigidBody.ns_m_AngularVelocity = rigidBody.ns_WorldInertiaInverseTensor * rigidBody.ns_AngularMomentum; } }
public Quaternion matrixs3fToQuaternion(Matrix3f m) { Quaternion q = new Quaternion(); float trace = m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)]; if (trace > 0) { float s = 0.5f / Mathf.Sqrt(trace + 1.0f); q.w = 0.25f / s; q.x = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 1)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 2)]) * s; q.y = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 2)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 0)]) * s; q.z = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 0)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 1)]) * s; } else { if (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] > m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)] && m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] > m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)]) { float s = 2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f + m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)]); q.w = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 1)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 2)]) / s; q.x = 0.25f * s; q.y = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 1)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 0)]) / s; q.z = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 2)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 0)]) / s; } else if (m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)] > m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)]) { float s = 2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f + m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)]); q.w = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 2)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 0)]) / s; q.x = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 1)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 0)]) / s; q.y = 0.25f * s; q.z = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 2)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 1)]) / s; } else { float s = 2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f + m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 2)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 0)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 1)]); q.w = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 0)] - m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 1)]) / s; q.x = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(0, 2)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 0)]) / s; q.y = (m.m_elements[GetIndex(1, 2)] + m.m_elements[GetIndex(2, 1)]) / s; q.z = 0.25f * s; } } return(q); }
public void SetRotation(GK.Matrix3f Orientation) { float sy = Mathf.Sqrt(Orientation.getElement(0, 0) * Orientation.getElement(0, 0) + Orientation.getElement(1, 0) * Orientation.getElement(1, 0)); bool singular = sy < 1e-6; // If float x, y, z; if (!singular) { x = Mathf.Atan2(Orientation.getElement(2, 1), Orientation.getElement(2, 2)); y = Mathf.Atan2(-Orientation.getElement(2, 0), sy); z = Mathf.Atan2(Orientation.getElement(1, 0), Orientation.getElement(0, 0)); } else { x = Mathf.Atan2(-Orientation.getElement(1, 2), Orientation.getElement(1, 1)); y = Mathf.Atan2(-Orientation.getElement(2, 0), sy); z = 0; } Debug.Log("euler" + new Vector3(x, y, z)); transform.Rotate(new Vector3(x, y, z)); }
public void CollisionResponce(RigidBody grb, Rigidbody trb, Vector3 v, Vector3 hitNormal, float e = 0.5F) { //coefficient of restitution: ratio of speed after/before Vector3 targetNormal = hitNormal.normalized; Vector3 n = hitNormal.normalized; //Debug.Log("targetnormal"); //Debug.Log(targetNormal); //Vector3 ra = v - grb.position; //Debug.Log("ra"); //Debug.Log(ra); //Vector3 Velocity = grb.m_linearVelocity + Vector3.Cross(grb.m_AngularVelocity, ra); //Debug.Log("velocity"); //Debug.Log(Velocity); //float ImpulseNumerator = -(1.0f + e) * Vector3.Dot(Velocity, targetNormal); //Debug.Log("ImpulseNumerator"); //Debug.Log(ImpulseNumerator); //float ImpulseDenominator = grb.inv_mass + Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(grb.WorldInertiaInverseTensor * Vector3.Cross(ra, targetNormal), ra), hitNormal); //Debug.Log("ImpulseDenominator"); //Debug.Log(ImpulseDenominator); //Vector3 J = (ImpulseNumerator * 1.0f / ImpulseDenominator * 1.0f) * targetNormal; //Debug.Log("J"); //Debug.Log(J); //grb.m_linearVelocity += grb.inv_mass * J; //grb.AngularMomentum += Vector3.Cross(ra, J); //grb.m_AngularVelocity = grb.WorldInertiaInverseTensor * grb.AngularMomentum; float ma = grb.Mass; float mb = trb.mass; Vector3 vai = grb.m_linearVelocity; Vector3 vbi = trb.velocity; Vector3 wai = grb.m_AngularVelocity; Vector3 wbi = trb.angularVelocity; Vector3 ita = grb.GetInertiaTensor(); Matrix3f IaInverse = grb.WorldInertiaInverseTensor; //need to change, this is point of impact Vector3 ra = (v - grb.ns_position); Vector3 itb = trb.inertiaTensor; Matrix3f Ib = new Matrix3f(itb); Matrix3f IbInverse = Ib.inverse(); Vector3 rb = v - trb.worldCenterOfMass; Vector3 normal = -n.normalized; Vector3 angularVelChangea = Vector3.Cross(normal, ra); // start calculating the change in angular rotation of a Vector3 vaLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IaInverse * angularVelChangea, ra); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a Vector3 angularVelChangeb = Vector3.Cross(normal, rb); Vector3 vbLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IbInverse * angularVelChangeb, rb); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a float scalar = 1 / ma + 1 / mb + Vector3.Dot(vaLinDueToR, normal) + Vector3.Dot(vbLinDueToR, normal); float Jmod = -(e + 1) * (vai).magnitude / scalar; Vector3 J = normal * Jmod; Vector3 vaf = vai - J * grb.inv_mass; grb.m_linearVelocity = vaf; trb.velocity = -vbi + J * (1 / mb); Vector3 deltawa = IaInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, ra); Vector3 deltawb = IbInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, rb); grb.m_AngularVelocity = wai - deltawa; trb.angularVelocity = wbi - deltawb; //float ma = grb.Mass; //float mb = trb.Mass; //Vector3 vai = grb.m_linearVelocity; //Vector3 vbi = trb.m_linearVelocity; //Vector3 wai = grb.m_AngularVelocity; //Vector3 wbi = trb.m_AngularVelocity; //Vector3 ita = grb.GetInertiaTensor(); //Matrix3f IaInverse = grb.WorldInertiaInverseTensor; ////need to change, this is point of impact //Vector3 ra = (v - grb.ns_position); ////Vector3 itb = trb.World; ////Matrix3f Ib = new Matrix3f(itb); //Matrix3f IbInverse = trb.WorldInertiaInverseTensor; //Vector3 rb = v - trb.ns_position; //Vector3 normal = n.normalized; //Vector3 angularVelChangea = Vector3.Cross(normal, ra); // start calculating the change in angular rotation of a //Vector3 vaLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IaInverse * angularVelChangea, ra); // calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a //Vector3 angularVelChangeb = Vector3.Cross(normal, rb); //Vector3 vbLinDueToR = Vector3.Cross(IbInverse * angularVelChangeb, rb); //// calculate the linear velocity of collision point on a due to rotation of a //float scalar = 1 / ma + 1 / mb + Vector3.Dot(vaLinDueToR, normal) + Vector3.Dot(vbLinDueToR, normal); //float Jmod = -(e + 1) * (vai).magnitude / scalar; //Vector3 J = normal * Jmod; //Vector3 vaf = vai - J * grb.inv_mass; //grb.m_linearVelocity = vaf; //trb.m_linearVelocity = -vbi + J * (1 / mb); //Vector3 deltawa = IaInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, ra); //Vector3 deltawb = IbInverse * Vector3.Cross(J, rb); //grb.m_AngularVelocity = wai - deltawa; //trb.m_AngularVelocity = wbi - deltawb; }