/// <summary> /// Reloads the file content view. /// You can optionally pass if you want to add the current navigated path to the stack. /// </summary> public void Reload(string path, bool addToStack) { try { List <GBase> files = SystemCalls.returnFiles(path); List <GBase> folders = SystemCalls.returnFolders(path); if (addToStack && !(stack.Exists((String str) => { return(str.Equals(path)); }))) { stack.Add(path); } controller.getUI.UpdatePathField(path); CurrentSelectedFile = null; Clear((item) => { components.Remove(item.GetComponent <GComponent>()); }); switch (GFileBrowser.FileOrder) { case GFileBrowser.Order.FirstFiles: inst(files, addToComponents); inst(folders, addToComponents); break; case GFileBrowser.Order.FirstFolders: inst(folders, addToComponents); inst(files, addToComponents); break; } recalculateContentSize(files.Count + folders.Count); } catch (Exception e) { controller.getUI.DisplayError(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Will delete the file-folder you provide. /// </summary> public static void DeleteGBase(GBase b) { if (b.GetType() == typeof(GFolder)) { Directory.Delete(b.Path); } else if (b.GetType() == typeof(GFile)) { File.Delete(b.Path); } }
void addToComponents(GBase b, GameObject go) { GComponent com = go.GetComponent <GComponent>(); components.Add(com); com.Load(b); if (com.Type == typeof(GFile)) { go.GetComponent <UIClickListener>().AddDownListener(UIClickListener.Type.LeftClick, () => { controller.getUI.onFileLeftClicked(com); }); } else if (com.Type == typeof(GFolder)) { go.GetComponent <UIClickListener>().AddDownListener(UIClickListener.Type.LeftClick, () => { controller.getUI.onFolderLeftClicked(com); }); } }