/// <summary> /// 查询需要我审批的项目 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">data.value,data.userInfo</param> /// <param name="state">审批状态</param> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="count"></param> /// <returns></returns> public HttpResponseMessage QueryUp(dynamic data, int state, int page, int count) { int p = (page - 1) * count + 1; int c = page * count; JObject array = data.userInfo; string where = SQLWhere.UserSql(array); string sql = "select * from ( " + "select b.*,a.yh_state,a.yh_downid,a.yh_time, " + "row_number() over(order by a.yh_upid desc) as row from yinhuan_up a " + "left join yinhuan b on a.yh_no = b.yh_no " + "where a.yh_to_userup in (" + where + ") and a.yh_state=" + state + " " + ")temp " + "where row between " + p + " and " + c + ""; DataTable dt = help.Totable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { obj = new { code = 0, msg = "", data = ConvertToEntity <Entity.yinhuan_down> .Convert(dt) }; } else { obj = new { code = 1, msg = "没有查询到待审核数据信息" }; } return(Zh.Tool.Json.GetJson(obj)); }
/// <summary> /// 查询相关数据的数量 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">两个值 value 搜索关键词 userInfo 登录用户的信息 {}</param> /// <param name="types">标识 1为只查询个人的 否则查询下属的</param> /// <param name="yh_send_state">隐患处理的状态</param> /// <returns></returns> public int QueryCount(dynamic data, int types, int yh_send_state) { JObject array = data.userInfo; string value = data.value; string usersql = SQLWhere.UserSql(array); int us_id = Convert.ToInt32(array["us_id"]); string where = "where a.yh_id>0 "; if (value != "" && value != null) { where += " and a.yh_applicationName like '%" + value + "%' "; } if (types == 1) {//只查询我个人的信息 where += " and a.yh_user_from=" + us_id + " "; } else //查询我下属发布的信息 { where += " and (a.yh_user_from in (" + usersql + ") or a.yh_queren_user in (" + usersql + ") ) "; } where += " and a.yh_send_state=" + yh_send_state + " "; string sql = "select count(a.yh_id) from yinhuan a " + where + " "; return(Convert.ToInt32(help.FirstRow(sql))); }
/// <summary> /// 查询隐患信息 只限于查询已发布的和已完成的 也就是说send_state==1 或者==3 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">data里携带一个值value为用户检索的数据信息,userinfo用户的信息,是一个{}object类型</param> /// <returns></returns> public HttpResponseMessage QuerySend(dynamic data, int page, int count, int yh_send_state) { if (yh_send_state != 1 && yh_send_state != 3) { obj = new { code = 1, msg = "该接口只限于查询已发布和已完成的信息,对应值应该为1或3。" }; return(Zh.Tool.Json.GetJson(obj)); } int p = (page - 1) * count + 1; int c = page * count; JObject array = data.userInfo; string where = "where a.yh_id>0 "; //where +=" and"= SQLWhere.UserSql(array); string usersql = SQLWhere.UserSql(array); string value = data.value; if (value != "" && value != null) { where += " and a.yh_applicationName like '%" + value + "%' "; } where += " and (a.yh_user_from in (" + usersql + ") or a.yh_queren_user in (" + usersql + ") ) "; where += " and a.yh_send_state=" + yh_send_state + " "; string sql = "select * from( " + "select a.*,b.yh_to_userup,b.yh_state as state_up,b.yh_time as time_up, " + "c.yh_state as state_down,c.yh_time as time_down,c.yh_to_userdown, " + "row_number() over(order by yh_id desc) as row from yinhuan a " + "left join yinhuan_up b on a.yh_no = b.yh_no " + "left join yinhuan_down c on a.yh_no = c.yh_no " + "" + where + ") temp " + "where row between " + p + " and " + c + " "; DataTable dt = help.Totable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { obj = new { code = 0, msg = "成功读取数据", count = QueryCount(data, 2, yh_send_state), data = ConvertToEntity <Entity.yinhuan_down> .Convert(dt) }; } else { obj = new { code = 1, msg = "没有查询到相关数据信息" }; } return(Zh.Tool.Json.GetJson(obj)); }