protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { model = PageHelper.GetModel<BellCardDataModel>(pnlContent.Controls); string fromdate = this.txtFromDate.Text.Trim(); string todate = this.txtToDate.Text.Trim(); string sql = base.SqlDep; if (model != null) { if (this.chkHisFlag.Checked) { dt = bellCardQueryBll.GetBellCardDataForExport(model, sql, true, fromdate, todate); } else { dt = bellCardQueryBll.GetBellCardDataForExport(model, sql, false, fromdate, todate); } } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "nodataexport", "alert('" + Message.NoDataExport + "');", true); } else { List<BellCardDataModel> list = bellCardQueryBll.GetList(dt); string[] header = { ControlText.gvWorkNo, ControlText.gvLocalName, ControlText.gvDName, ControlText.gvCardTime, ControlText.gvCardTimeMM, ControlText.gvCardNo, ControlText.gvBellNo, ControlText.gvAddRess }; string[] properties = { "WorkNo", "LocalName", "DepName", "CardTime", "CardTimeMM", "CardNo", "BellNo", "AddRess" }; string filePath = MapPath("~/ExportFileTemp/") + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".xls"; NPOIHelper.ExportExcel(list, header, properties, 5000, filePath); PageHelper.ReturnHTTPStream(filePath, true); } }
private void Query() { int totalCount = 0; model = PageHelper.GetModel<BellCardDataModel>(pnlContent.Controls); string fromdate = this.txtFromDate.Text.Trim(); string todate = this.txtToDate.Text.Trim(); string sql = base.SqlDep; if (model != null) { if (this.chkHisFlag.Checked) { dt_global = bellCardQueryBll.GetBellCardData(model, sql, true, fromdate, todate, pager.CurrentPageIndex, pager.PageSize, out totalCount); } else { dt_global = bellCardQueryBll.GetBellCardData(model, sql, false, fromdate, todate, pager.CurrentPageIndex, pager.PageSize, out totalCount); } pager.RecordCount = totalCount; this.UltraWebGridBellCardQuery.DataSource = dt_global.DefaultView; this.UltraWebGridBellCardQuery.DataBind(); pager.TextAfterPageIndexBox = "/" + pager.PageCount.ToString(); } //string condition = ""; //string strTableName = "KQM_BELLCARDDATA"; //if (this.ProcessFlag.Value.ToLower().Equals("condition") || WindowOpen) //{ // if (!(base.CheckData(this.textBoxFromDate.Text.ToString(), "bfw.kqm_bellcard.carddate") && base.CheckData(this.textBoxToDate.Text, "bfw.kqm_bellcard.carddate")) || ((((this.ddlBellNo.SelectedValue.Length == 0) && (this.textBoxWorkNo.Text.Trim().Length == 0)) && (this.textBoxName.Text.Trim().Length == 0)) && !base.CheckData(this.textBoxWorkNo.Text.ToString(), "common.employeeno"))) // { // return; // } // if ((this.ddlBellNo.SelectedValue.Length == 0) && base.bPrivileged) // { // condition = condition + " AND exists (SELECT 1 FROM (" + base.sqlDep + ") e where e.DepCode=b.DCode)"; // } // if (this.textBoxWorkNo.Text.Trim().Length != 0) // { // condition = condition + " AND b.WorkNo = '" + this.textBoxWorkNo.Text.ToUpper().Trim() + "'"; // } // if (this.textBoxName.Text.Trim().Length != 0) // { // condition = condition + " AND b.LocalName like '" + this.textBoxName.Text.Trim() + "%'"; // } // if (((this.textBoxWorkNo.Text.Trim().Length == 0) && (this.textBoxName.Text.Trim().Length == 0)) && !base.CheckDateMonths(this.textBoxFromDate.Text.Trim(), this.textBoxToDate.Text.Trim())) // { // return; // } // if (this.ddlBellNo.SelectedValue != "") // { // condition = condition + " and a.BellNo ='" + this.ddlBellNo.SelectedValue + "'"; // } // condition = (condition + " AND a.CardTime >= to_date('" + DateTime.Parse(this.textBoxFromDate.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 00:00','yyyy/MM/dd hh24:mi') ") + " AND a.CardTime <= to_date('" + DateTime.Parse(this.textBoxToDate.Text.Trim()).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 23:59','yyyy/MM//dd hh24:mi') "; // if (this.CheckBoxHisFlag.Checked) // { // strTableName = "KQM_BELLCARDDATA_HIS"; // } // this.ViewState.Add("condition", condition); // this.ViewState.Add("TableName", strTableName); //} //else //{ // condition = Convert.ToString(this.ViewState["condition"]); // strTableName = Convert.ToString(this.ViewState["TableName"]); //} //base.SetForwardPage(forwarderType, ((WebNumericEdit)this.PageNavigator.FindControl("WebNumericEditCurrentpage")).Value.ToString()); //this.dataSet = ((ServiceLocator)this.Session["serviceLocator"]).GetKQMBellCardQuery().GetDataByCondition(strTableName, condition, Convert.ToInt32(this.Session["PageSize"]), ref this.forwarderPage, ref this.totalPage, ref this.totalRecodrs); //this.SetPageInfor(base.forwarderPage, base.totalPage, base.totalRecodrs); //this.DataUIBind(); //base.WriteMessage(0, base.GetResouseValue("common.message.trans.complete")); }