public VoxelStruct[] doIt() { VoxelStruct[] vs = new VoxelStruct[list_.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vs.Length; ++i) { vs [i] = new VoxelStruct(); } for (int i = 0; i < vs_.count; ++i) { var data = vs_.getData(i); for (int j = 0; j < vs.Length; ++j) { if (list_ [j].contain(data.position)) { vs [j].addData(data); } /*//vs[j]*/ } } //for (int i = 0; i < vs.Length; ++i) { // vs [i].arrange(true); // } return(vs); }
public static void WriteToBinary(VoxelStruct vs, System.IO.BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write("VOX ".ToCharArray()); MagicaVoxel magic = new MagicaVoxel(vs); bw.Write((int)magic.version); if (magic.main != null) { bw.Write(; bw.Write((int)magic.main.size); bw.Write((int)magic.main.chunks); } if (magic.size != null) { bw.Write(; bw.Write((int)magic.size.size); bw.Write((int)magic.size.chunks); bw.Write((int); bw.Write((int); bw.Write((int); } if (magic.rgba != null && magic.rgba.palette != null) { int length = magic.rgba.palette.Length; bw.Write(; bw.Write((int)(length * 4)); bw.Write((int)magic.size.chunks); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { VectorInt4 c = magic.rgba.palette [i]; bw.Write((byte)(c.x)); bw.Write((byte)(c.y)); bw.Write((byte)(c.z)); bw.Write((byte)(c.w)); } } Point[] points = WritePoints(vs.datas, magic.rgba.palette); bw.Write("XYZI".ToCharArray()); bw.Write((int)(points.Length * 4) + 4); bw.Write((int)0); bw.Write((int)points.Length); for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { Point p = points[i]; bw.Write((byte)(p.x)); bw.Write((byte)(p.y)); bw.Write((byte)(p.z)); bw.Write((byte)(p.i)); } }
public VoxelStruct[] doIt() { VoxelStruct[] vs = new VoxelStruct[list_.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < vs.Length; ++i) { vs [i] = new VoxelStruct(); } for (int i = 0; i < vs_.datas.Count; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < vs.Length; ++j) { if (list_ [j].contain(vs_.datas[i].pos)) { vs [j].datas.Add(vs_.datas[i]); } /*//vs[j]*/ } } for (int i = 0; i < vs.Length; ++i) { vs [i].arrange(true); } return(vs); }
public static VoxelNormal Normal(VoxelStruct st) { VoxelNormal normal = new VoxelNormal(); VectorInt3 min = new VectorInt3(9999, 9999, 9999); VectorInt3 max = new VectorInt3(-9999, -9999, -9999); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas.Count; ++i) { VectorInt3 pos = st.datas [i].pos; min.x = Mathf.Min(pos.x, min.x); min.y = Mathf.Min(pos.y, min.y); min.z = Mathf.Min(pos.z, min.z); max.x = Mathf.Max(pos.x, max.x); max.y = Mathf.Max(pos.y, max.y); max.z = Mathf.Max(pos.z, max.z); } normal.vs = new VoxelStruct(); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas.Count; ++i) { VoxelData data = st.datas [i]; data.pos -= min; normal.vs.datas.Add(data); } normal.shifting = min; return(normal); }
public void addVoxel(VoxelStruct vs, VectorInt3 offset){ // Debug.Log (offset.x +","+ offset.y+","+ offset.z); Packed packed = new Packed (); packed.vs = vs; packed.offset = offset; list_.Add (packed); }
public Task buildTask(string name, VoxelStruct vs, GeometryResult cb) { VoxelGeometry.MeshData data = null; TaskPack tp = new TaskPack(delegate(){ vs.arrange(); string md5 = VoxelFormater.GetMd5(vs); data = this.LoadFromFile(GetKey(md5)); if (data == null) { return(buildData(vs, delegate(VoxelGeometry.MeshData result) { data = result; // Debug.Log(md5); this.SaveToFile(GetKey(md5), data); })); } return(new Task()); }); TaskManager.PushBack(tp, delegate { if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <VoxelMesh>() == null) { this.gameObject.AddComponent <VoxelMesh>(); } VoxelMesh mesh = VoxelGeometry.Draw(name, data, this.gameObject, this._material); mesh.vs = vs; cb(mesh); }); return(tp); }
static public BoundsInt CreateBounds(VoxelStruct st) { if (st == null || st.count == 0) { return(new BoundsInt()); } Vector3Int min = new Vector3Int(9999, 9999, 9999); Vector3Int max = new Vector3Int(-9999, -9999, -9999); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas_.Count; ++i) { Vector3Int pos = st.datas_ [i].position; min.x = Mathf.Min(pos.x, min.x); min.y = Mathf.Min(pos.y, min.y); min.z = Mathf.Min(pos.z, min.z); max.x = Mathf.Max(pos.x, max.x); max.y = Mathf.Max(pos.y, max.y); max.z = Mathf.Max(pos.z, max.z); } Vector3Int size = new Vector3Int(max.x - min.x + 1, max.y - min.y + 1, max.z - min.z + 1); Vector3Int center = new Vector3Int(size.x / 2, size.y / 2, size.z / 2); BoundsInt bounds = new BoundsInt(center, size); return(bounds); }
public static MeshFilter Struct2Filter(VoxelStruct vs) { var data = Struct2DataInCache(vs); var mesh = VoxelBuilder.Data2Mesh(data); var filter = VoxelBuilder.Mesh2Filter(mesh); return(filter); }
public MagicaVoxel(VoxelStruct vs, Main main, Size size, Rgba rgba, int version = 0) { this.structure_ = vs; this.main = main; this.size = size; this.rgba = rgba; this.version = version; }
public void addVoxel(VoxelStruct vs, VectorInt3 offset) { Packed packed = new Packed(); packed.vs = vs; packed.offset = offset; list_.Add(packed); }
private void readVoxFile(TextAsset voxFile) { vs_ = createStruct(voxFile); vs_.arrange(); this._md5 = VoxelFormater.GetMd5(vs_); this.data_ = createMeshData(this._md5); =; }
static public VoxelStruct Create(HashSet <VectorInt3> hs, Color color) { VoxelStruct vs = new VoxelStruct(); foreach (var data in hs) { vs.datas.Add(new VoxelData(data, color)); } return(vs); }
public void struct2Data(VoxelStruct vs, Action<VoxelMeshData> ret){ ret_ = delegate(VoxelProduct product) { ret (product.getMeshData ()); }; vs_ = vs; }
public VoxelMesh draw(string name, VoxelStruct vs, VoxelGeometry.MeshData data, GameObject obj = null) { if (obj == null) { obj = this.gameObject; } VoxelMesh mesh = VoxelGeometry.Draw(name, data, obj, this._material); mesh.vs = vs; return(mesh); }
public static VoxelMeshData Struct2DataInCache(VoxelStruct vs) { string md5 = MagicaVoxelFormater.GetMd5(vs); VoxelMeshData data = LoadFromCache(GetKey(md5)); if (data == null) { data = VoxelBuilder.Struct2Data(vs); SaveToCache(GetKey(md5), data); } return(data); }
public static VoxelStruct Unusual(VectorInt3 shifting, VoxelStruct st) { VoxelStruct ret = new VoxelStruct(); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas.Count; ++i) { VoxelData data = st.datas [i]; data.pos += shifting; ret.datas.Add(data); } return(ret); }
public static VoxelGeometry.MeshData BuildMeshData(VoxelStruct vs) { vs.arrange(); string md5 = VoxelFormater.GetMd5(vs); VoxelGeometry.MeshData data = LoadFromFile(GetKey(md5)); if (data == null) { data = CreateMeshData(vs); SaveToFile(GetKey(md5), data); } return(data); }
public VoxelMesh build(VoxelStruct vs, GameObject obj = null) { //VoxelData[] datas = vs.datas.ToArray (); if (obj == null) { obj = this.gameObject; } VoxelGeometry.MeshData data = BuildMeshData(vs); VoxelMesh mesh = VoxelGeometry.Draw("Mesh", data, obj, this._material); mesh.vs = vs; return(mesh); }
public VoxelStruct doIt() { this.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < list_.Count; ++i) { Packed p = this.list_ [i]; this.readIt(p); } VoxelStruct vs = new VoxelStruct(); vs.datas = this.getDatas(); return(vs); }
public override void read() { if (_voxFile != null) { Stream sw = new MemoryStream(_voxFile.bytes); System.IO.BinaryReader br = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sw); if (_model != null) { VoxelStruct vs = VoxelFormater.ReadFromMagicaVoxel(br); = vs.datas.ToArray(); _model.vs = vs; } } }
/* public VectorInt4[] getPalette(){ int size = Mathf.Max (palette_.Count, 256); VectorInt4[] palette = new VectorInt4[size]; int i = 0; foreach (Color c in palette_) { palette [i] = VoxelFormater.Color2Bytes (c); ++i; } return palette; } */ //public public VoxelStruct doIt(){ this.clear (); for (int i = 0; i < list_.Count; ++i) { Packed p = this.list_ [i]; this.readIt(p); } VoxelStruct vs = new VoxelStruct(); /* vs.main = new VoxelStruct.Main (); = "MAIN"; vs.main.size = 0; vs.size = new VoxelStruct.Size (); = "SIZE"; vs.size.size = 12; vs.size.chunks = 0; = new VectorInt3 (); = this.max_.x - this.min_.x +1; = this.max_.y - this.min_.y +1; = this.max_.z - this.min_.z +1; vs.rgba = new VoxelStruct.Rgba ();//list_ [0].vs.rgba; vs.rgba.palette = this.getPalette (); vs.rgba.size = vs.rgba.palette.Length * 4; = "RGBA"; vs.rgba.chunks = 0; /**/ vs.datas = this.getDatas (); vs.arrange (true); /* Debug.Log (vs.datas.Count); vs.version = 150; vs.main.chunks = 52 + vs.rgba.palette.Length *4 + vs.datas.Count *4; Debug.Log (vs.main.chunks); */ return vs; }
public VoxelStruct doIt() { this.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < list_.Count; ++i) { Packed p = this.list_ [i]; // Debug.Log ("p vs data is" + p.vs.datas.Count); // Debug.Break (); this.readIt(p); } VoxelStruct vs = new VoxelStruct(); vs.datas = this.getDatas(); return(vs); }
public static VoxelGeometry.MeshData CreateMeshData(VoxelStruct vs) { VoxelProduct product = new VoxelProduct(); VoxelData[] datas = vs.datas.ToArray(); Build.Run(new VoxelData2Point(datas), product); Build.Run(new VoxelSplitSmall(new VectorInt3(8, 8, 8)), product); Build.Run(new VoxelMeshBuild(), product); Build.Run(new VoxelRemoveSameVertices(), product); Build.Run(new VoxelRemoveFace(), product); var data = product.getMeshData(); return(data); }
public static VoxelGeometry.MeshData Struct2DataInCache(VoxelStruct vs) { return(VoxelBuilder.Struct2Data(vs)); /* * string md5 = MagicaVoxelFormater.GetMd5 (vs); * VoxelGeometry.MeshData data = VoxelDirectorFile.LoadFromFile (VoxelDirectorFile.GetKey(md5)); * * if(data == null){ * data = VoxelBuilder.Struct2Data (vs); * VoxelDirectorFile.SaveToFile (VoxelDirectorFile.GetKey(md5), data); * } * return data; */ }
static public GameObject CreateMesh(VoxelStruct vs, Transform parent, Material material, string name = "Voxel") { var data = VoxelBuilderHelper.Struct2DataInCache(vs); var mesh = VoxelBuilder.Data2Mesh(data); var filter = VoxelBuilder.Mesh2Filter(mesh); VoxelBuilder.FilterAddRenderer(filter, material); filter.transform.SetParent(parent); filter.transform.localEulerAngles =; filter.transform.localPosition =; filter.gameObject.layer = parent.gameObject.layer; = name; return(filter.gameObject); }
public Task buildData(VoxelStruct vs, MeshDataResult result) { VoxelProduct product = new VoxelProduct(); TaskList tl = new TaskList(); VoxelData[] datas = vs.datas.ToArray(); tl.push(TaskLog.Logger(Build.Task(new VoxelData2Point(datas), product), "d2p")); tl.push(TaskLog.Logger(Build.Task(new VoxelSplitSmall(new VectorInt3(8, 8, 8)), product), "vss")); tl.push(TaskLog.Logger(Build.Task(new VoxelMeshBuild(), product), "vmb")); //43% tl.push(TaskLog.Logger(Build.Task(new VoxelRemoveSameVertices(), product), "vrv")); tl.push(TaskLog.Logger(Build.Task(new VoxelRemoveFace(), product), "vrf")); //47% TaskManager.PushBack(tl, delegate { result(product.getMeshData()); }); return(tl); }
public static VoxelStruct Reversal(VoxelStruct st, int reversal) { if (reversal == 0) { return(st); } VectorInt3 min = new VectorInt3(9999, 9999, 9999); VectorInt3 max = new VectorInt3(-9999, -9999, -9999); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas.Count; ++i) { VectorInt3 pos = st.datas[i].pos; min.x = Mathf.Min(pos.x, min.x); min.y = Mathf.Min(pos.y, min.y); min.z = Mathf.Min(pos.z, min.z); max.x = Mathf.Max(pos.x, max.x); max.y = Mathf.Max(pos.y, max.y); max.z = Mathf.Max(pos.z, max.z); } VoxelStruct ret = new VoxelStruct(); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas.Count; ++i) { var data = st.datas[i]; VectorInt3 pos = data.pos; if ((reversal & (int)(ReversalAxis.XAxis)) != 0) { pos.x = max.x - pos.x - 1 + min.x; } if ((reversal & (int)(ReversalAxis.YAxis)) != 0) { pos.y = max.y - pos.y - 1 + min.y; } if ((reversal & (int)(ReversalAxis.ZAxis)) != 0) { pos.z = max.z - pos.z - 1 + min.z; } ret.datas.Add(new VoxelData(pos, data.color)); } return(ret); }
public static string GetMd5(VoxelStruct vs) { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); WriteToBinary(vs, binaryWriter); byte[] data = memoryStream.GetBuffer(); MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] result = md5.ComputeHash(data); string fileMD5 = ""; foreach (byte b in result) { fileMD5 += Convert.ToString(b, 16); } return(fileMD5); }
public static Task Struct2Data(VoxelStruct vs, Struct2DataReturn ret) { TaskList tl = new TaskList(); VoxelProduct product = new VoxelProduct(); VoxelData[] datas = vs.datas.ToArray(); tl.push(Build.Task(new VoxelData2Point(datas), product)); tl.push(Build.Task(new VoxelSplitSmall(new VectorInt3(8, 8, 8)), product)); tl.push(Build.Task(new VoxelMeshBuild(), product)); tl.push(Build.Task(new VoxelRemoveSameVertices(), product)); tl.push(Build.Task(new VoxelRemoveFace(), product)); tl.push(Build.Task(new VoxelRemoveSameVertices(), product)); TaskManager.PushBack(tl, delegate { ret(product.getMeshData()); }); return(tl); }
public static string GetMd5(VoxelStruct vs) { return(""); /* * MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (); * BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); * WriteToBinary (vs, binaryWriter); * byte[] data = memoryStream.GetBuffer(); * MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); * byte[] result = md5.ComputeHash(data); * string fileMD5 = ""; * foreach (byte b in result) * { * fileMD5 += Convert.ToString(b, 16); * }*/ //return fileMD5; }
public static GameObject Building(GameObject obj, System.IO.BinaryReader br, Material material, int reversal = 0) { MagicaVoxel magica = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br); VoxelStruct vs = VoxelStruct.Reversal(magica.vs, reversal); // VoxelBuilder.Reversal(magica.vs, reversal); var data = VoxelBuilder.Struct2Data(vs); // VoxelBuilderHelper.Struct2DataInCache (vs); var mesh = VoxelBuilder.Data2Mesh(data); var filter = VoxelBuilder.Mesh2Filter(mesh); VoxelBuilder.FilterAddRenderer(filter, material); filter.transform.SetParent(obj.transform); filter.transform.localEulerAngles =; filter.transform.localPosition = data.offset; filter.gameObject.layer = obj.layer; = "Voxel"; return(filter.gameObject); }
static public Bounds CreateBounds(VoxelStruct st) { VectorInt3 min = new VectorInt3(9999, 9999, 9999); VectorInt3 max = new VectorInt3(-9999, -9999, -9999); for (int i = 0; i < st.datas.Count; ++i) { VectorInt3 pos = st.datas [i].pos; min.x = Mathf.Min(pos.x, min.x); min.y = Mathf.Min(pos.y, min.y); min.z = Mathf.Min(pos.z, min.z); max.x = Mathf.Max(pos.x, max.x); max.y = Mathf.Max(pos.y, max.y); max.z = Mathf.Max(pos.z, max.z); } Vector3 size = new Vector3(max.x - min.x + 1, max.y - min.y + 1, max.z - min.z + 1); Bounds bounds = new Bounds(size / 2, size); return(bounds); }
public static VoxelStruct ReadFromMagicaVoxel(System.IO.BinaryReader br) { VoxelStruct vs = new VoxelStruct (); // check out for the file format used below // we're going to return a voxel chunk worth of data //ushort[] data = new ushort[32 * 128 * 32]; VectorInt4[] palette = null; Point[] points = null; string vox = new string(br.ReadChars(4)); if (vox != "VOX ") { Debug.Log (vox); return vs; } int version = br.ReadInt32(); vs.version = version; VectorInt3 box = new VectorInt3 (); bool subsample = false; while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length) { // each chunk has an ID, size and child chunks string name = new string(br.ReadChars(4)); int size = br.ReadInt32(); int chunks = br.ReadInt32(); // Debug.LogError (chunkName); // there are only 2 chunks we only care about, and they are SIZE and XYZI if(name == "MAIN"){ vs.main = new VoxelStruct.Main (); vs.main.size = size; = name; vs.main.chunks = chunks; } if (name == "SIZE") { box.x = br.ReadInt32(); box.y = br.ReadInt32(); box.z = br.ReadInt32(); vs.size = new VoxelStruct.Size (); vs.size.size = 12; = name; vs.size.chunks = chunks; = box; if (box.x > 32 || box.y > 32) { subsample = true; } br.ReadBytes(size - 4 * 3); } else if (name == "XYZI") { // XYZI contains n voxels int count = br.ReadInt32(); //int div = (subsample ? 2 : 1); // each voxel has x, y, z and color index values points = new Point[count]; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { points [i] = VoxelFormater.CreatePoint (br, subsample);//new Data (stream, subsample); } } else if (name == "RGBA") { int n = size / 4; palette = new VectorInt4[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { byte r = br.ReadByte(); byte g = br.ReadByte(); byte b = br.ReadByte(); byte a = br.ReadByte(); palette[i].x = r; palette[i].y = g; palette[i].z = b; palette[i].w = a; } vs.rgba = new VoxelStruct.Rgba (); vs.rgba.size = size; = name; vs.rgba.chunks = chunks; vs.rgba.palette = palette; } else { br.ReadBytes(size); // read any excess bytes } } vs.datas = CreateVoxelDatas(points, palette); return vs; }
public static void WriteToMagicaVoxel(VoxelStruct vs, System.IO.BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write ("VOX ".ToCharArray()); bw.Write ((int)vs.version); if (vs.main != null) { bw.Write ( ()); bw.Write ((int)vs.main.size); bw.Write ((int)vs.main.chunks); } if (vs.size != null) { bw.Write ( ()); bw.Write ((int)vs.size.size); bw.Write ((int)vs.size.chunks); bw.Write ((int); bw.Write ((int); bw.Write ((int); } if (vs.rgba != null && vs.rgba.palette != null) { int length = vs.rgba.palette.Length; bw.Write ( ()); bw.Write ((int)(length * 4)); bw.Write ((int)vs.size.chunks); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { VectorInt4 c = vs.rgba.palette [i]; bw.Write ((byte)(c.x)); bw.Write ((byte)(c.y)); bw.Write ((byte)(c.z)); bw.Write ((byte)(c.w)); } } Point[] points = CreatePoint (vs.datas, vs.rgba.palette); bw.Write ("XYZI".ToCharArray ()); bw.Write ((int)(points.Length * 4) + 4); bw.Write ((int)0); bw.Write ((int)points.Length); //Point[] points = CreatePoint (vs.datas, vs.rgba.palette); for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; ++i) { Point p = points[i]; bw.Write ((byte)(p.x)); bw.Write ((byte)(p.y)); bw.Write ((byte)(p.z)); bw.Write ((byte)(p.i)); } }