public ErrorSurface(XmlNode nodError, Surface surf) : base(nodError) { _IsDefault = bool.Parse(nodError.SelectSingleNode("IsDefault").InnerText); Surf = surf; XmlNode nodMask = nodError.SelectSingleNode("Mask"); if (nodMask is XmlNode) { // Must be a regular mask with the same name if (ProjectManager.Project.Masks.Any(x => x is Masks.RegularMask && string.Compare(x.Name, nodMask.InnerText, true) == 0)) { Mask = ProjectManager.Project.Masks.First(x => string.Compare(x.Name, nodMask.InnerText, true) == 0) as Masks.RegularMask; } } // There might not be any error surface properties if the error raster was "specified" raster than calculated ErrorProperties = new Dictionary <string, ErrorSurfaceProperty>(); foreach (XmlNode nodProperty in nodError.SelectNodes("ErrorSurfaceProperties/ErrorSurfaceProperty")) { ErrorSurfaceProperty prop = new ErrorSurfaceProperty(nodProperty, surf); ErrorProperties[prop.Name] = prop; } }
public ErrorSurface(string name, FileInfo rasterPath, Surface surf, bool isDefault, ErrorSurfaceProperty errProperty) : base(name, rasterPath) { Surf = surf; _IsDefault = isDefault; ErrorProperties = new Dictionary <string, ErrorSurfaceProperty>(); if (errProperty != null) { ErrorProperties[errProperty.Name] = errProperty; } }