public static void SaveInstanceData() { SaveApplicationSettings(ApplicationSettingsFilePath); if (TLocationDatabase.Modified) { TLocationDatabase.SaveFile(LocationsFilePath); } if (TCountry.IsModified()) { TCountry.SaveFile(CountriesFilePath); } if (GCStrings.gstr_Modified) { GCStrings.SaveStringsFile(StringsFilePath); } GCDisplaySettings.SaveDisplaySettingsFile(DisplaySettingsFilePath); GCFestivalBookCollection.SaveAllChangedFestivalBooks(ConfigurationFolderPath); if (TTimeZone.Modified) { TTimeZone.SaveFile(TimezonesFilePath); } }
public GCEarthData() { obs = 0; longitudeDeg = 0.0; latitudeDeg = 0.0; TimeZone = TTimeZone.GetDefaultTimeZone(); }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Format("{0}: {1} {2}: {3} {4}: {5}", GCStrings.getString(10), GCEarthData.GetTextLatitude(latitudeDeg), GCStrings.getString(11), GCEarthData.GetTextLongitude(longitudeDeg), GCStrings.Localized("Timezone"), TTimeZone.GetTimeZoneOffsetText(OffsetUtcHours))); }
public static TTimeZone GetDefaultTimeZone() { if (p_defaultTimezone == null) { p_defaultTimezone = new TTimeZone(); p_defaultTimezone.Name = "Undefined"; } return(p_defaultTimezone); }
public static void LoadInstanceData() { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; // initialization for AppDir initFolders(); // initialization of global strings GCStrings.LoadStringsFile(StringsFilePath); // inicializacia timezones TTimeZone.LoadFile(TimezonesFilePath); // inicializacia countries TCountry.LoadFile(CountriesFilePath); // inicializacia miest a kontinentov // lazy loading of data TLocationDatabase.FileName = LocationsFilePath; //CLocationList.OpenFile(); // inicializacia zobrazovanych nastaveni GCDisplaySettings.LoadDisplaySettingsFile(DisplaySettingsFilePath); // inicializacia custom events GCFestivalBookCollection.OpenFile(ConfigurationFolderPath); // looking for files *.recn GCConfigRatedManager.RefreshListFromDirectory(ConfigurationFolderPath); // initialization of global variables myLocation.EncodedString = GCLocation.DefaultEncodedString; recentLocations.Add(new GCLocation(myLocation)); LoadApplicationSettings(ApplicationSettingsFilePath); // refresh fasting style after loading user settings //GCFestivalBook.SetOldStyleFasting(GCDisplaySettings.Current.getValue(42)); // inicializacia tipov dna if (!File.Exists(TipsFilePath)) { File.WriteAllText(TipsFilePath,; } }
public static int LoadFile(string filePath) { TTimeZone pce; if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { File.WriteAllText(filePath, Properties.Resources.timezones2016); } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(filePath); TimeZoneList.Clear(); foreach (XmlElement e in doc.GetElementsByTagName("TimeZone")) { TTimeZone tz = new TTimeZone(); tz.LoadFromNode(e); TimeZoneList.Add(tz); } return(TimeZoneList.Count); }
public override GSCore ExecuteMessage(string token, GSCoreCollection args) { GSCore result = GSCore.Void; switch (token) { case "canDisplay": int disp = (int)args.getSafe(0).getIntegerValue(); bool b = (disp != 0 && (disp == -1 || GCDisplaySettings.Current.getValue(disp) != 0)); result = new GSBoolean(b); break; case "getDispValue": result = new GSNumber(GCDisplaySettings.Current.getValue((int)args.getSafe(0).getIntegerValue())); break; case "new": switch (args.getSafe(0).getStringValue()) { case "GregorianDateTime": result = new GregorianDateTime(); break; case "DateTime": result = new GSDateTime(); break; default: result = GSCore.Void; break; } break; case "calendarHeaderType": result = new GSNumber(GCDisplaySettings.Current.CalHeaderType); break; case "centerText": string text = args.getSafe(0).getStringValue(); int length = (int)args.getSafe(1).getIntegerValue(); string padStr = args.getSafe(2).getStringValue(); char padChar = padStr.Length > 0 ? padStr[0] : ' '; int half = (length - text.Length) / 2; if (half > 0) { result = new GSString(string.Format("{0} {1} {0}", "".PadLeft(half - 1, padChar), text)); } else { result = new GSString(text); } break; case "getTabPos": double d = args.getSafe(0).getDoubleValue(); result = new GSNumber(d * GCLayoutData.textSizeText / 24.0); break; case "getWeekdayName": result = new GSString(GCCalendar.GetWeekdayName((int)args.getSafe(0).getIntegerValue())); break; case "getTimezoneOffset": { string tzname = args.getSafe(0).getStringValue(); TTimeZone tzid = TTimeZone.FindTimeZoneByName(tzname); int tzoffset = tzid.OffsetMinutes; char sign = (tzoffset > 0) ? '+' : '-'; tzoffset = Math.Abs(tzoffset); result = new GSString(string.Format("{0}{1:00}{2:00}", sign, tzoffset / 60, Math.Abs(tzoffset) % 60)); } break; case "getTimezoneOffsetBias": { string tzname = args.getSafe(0).getStringValue(); TTimeZone tzid = TTimeZone.FindTimeZoneByName(tzname); int tzoffset = tzid.OffsetMinutes + tzid.BiasMinutes; char sign = (tzoffset > 0) ? '+' : '-'; tzoffset = Math.Abs(tzoffset); result = new GSString(string.Format("{0}{1:00}{2:00}", sign, tzoffset / 60, Math.Abs(tzoffset) % 60)); } break; case "getDaylightTimeStartDate": { GregorianDateTime vc = new GregorianDateTime(); string loc_timezoneId = args.getSafe(0).getStringValue(); int year = (int)args.getSafe(1).getIntegerValue(); TTimeZone tzid = TTimeZone.FindTimeZoneByName(loc_timezoneId); tzid.GetDaylightTimeStartDate(year, ref vc); result = vc; } break; case "getNormalTimeStartDate": { GregorianDateTime vc = new GregorianDateTime(); string loc_timezoneId = args.getSafe(0).getStringValue(); int year = (int)args.getSafe(1).getIntegerValue(); TTimeZone tzid = TTimeZone.FindTimeZoneByName(loc_timezoneId); tzid.GetNormalTimeStartDate(year, ref vc); result = vc; } break; default: result = base.ExecuteMessage(token, args); break; } return(result); }
// !!!!!!!! // when adding new properties, dont forget to modify EncodedString and DefaultEncodedString properties public GCLocation() { Title = string.Empty; Altitude = 6378.0; TimeZone = TTimeZone.GetDefaultTimeZone(); }
public GCLocation(GCLocation cl) { Title = string.Empty; TimeZone = TTimeZone.GetDefaultTimeZone(); Set(cl); }