コード例 #1
        private void calculateRiseSetMethodA(GPGregorianTime vct, GPLocationProvider ed, double DayHours, GPSun sun, double DG, double RAD)
            double time       = vct.getJulianLocalNoon() - 0.5 + DayHours / 360 - vct.getTimeZoneOffsetHours() / 24.0;
            double dLatitude  = ed.getLocation(time).GetLatitudeNorthPositive();
            double dLongitude = ed.getLocation(time).GetLongitudeEastPositive();
            //Debugger.Log(0,"",String.Format("{0}     {1} {2}\n", vct.getLongDateString(), dLatitude, dLongitude));
            // definition of event
            // eventdef = 0.0;
            // civil twilight eventdef = 0.10453;
            // nautical twilight eventdef = 0.20791;
            // astronomical twilight eventdef = 0.30902;
            // center of the sun on the horizont eventdef = 0.01454;
            double eventdef = 0.01454;

            double x = GPMath.tanDeg(dLatitude) * GPMath.tanDeg(sun.declination) + eventdef / (GPMath.cosDeg(dLatitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(sun.declination));

            if (x < -1.0 || x > 1.0)
                // initial values for the case
                // that no rise no set for that day
                sun.sunrise_deg = -360;
                sun.noon_deg    = -360;
                sun.sunset_deg  = -360;

            double hourAngle = GPMath.arcsinDeg(x);

            // time of sunrise
            sun.sunrise_deg = 90.0 - dLongitude - hourAngle + equationOfTime;
            // time of noon
            sun.noon_deg = 180.0 - dLongitude + equationOfTime;
            // time of sunset
            sun.sunset_deg = 270.0 - dLongitude + hourAngle + equationOfTime;
コード例 #2
        public void calculateCoordinatesMethodC(GPGregorianTime vct, double DayHours)
            double DG  = GPMath.pi / 180;
            double RAD = 180 / GPMath.pi;

            // mean ecliptic longitude of the sun
            double mel = SunGetMeanLong(vct.getYear(), vct.getMonth(), vct.getDay()) + (360 / 365.25) * DayHours / 360.0;
            // ecliptic longitude of perigee
            double elp = SunGetPerigee(vct.getYear(), vct.getMonth(), vct.getDay());

            // mean anomaly of the sun
            double M = mel - elp;

            // equation of center
            double C = 1.9148 * GPMath.sinDeg(M)
                       + 0.02 * GPMath.sinDeg(2 * M)
                       + 0.0003 * GPMath.sinDeg(3 * M);

            // ecliptic longitude of the sun
            double els = 0;

            eclipticalLongitude = els = mel + C;

            // declination of the sun
            declination = GPMath.arcsinDeg(0.397948 * GPMath.sinDeg(eclipticalLongitude));

            // right ascension of the sun
            rightAscession = els - RAD * Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(2 * els * DG), 23.2377 + Math.Cos(2 * DG * els));

            // equation of time
            equationOfTime = rightAscession - mel;
            //equationOfTime = GPAstroEngine.getEquationOfTime(julianDay, right_asc_deg);
            //Debugger.Log(0,"", String.Format("{1}: EoTdiff = {0}\n", vct.getShortDateString(), equationOfTime - (right_asc_deg - mel)));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on Chapter 39, Meeus and Chapter 10
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obs"></param>
        public void makeTopocentric(GPObserver obs)
            double       u, h, delta_alpha;
            double       rho_sin, rho_cos;
            const double b_a = 0.99664719;

            // geocentric position of observer on the earth surface
            // 10.1 - 10.3
            u       = GPMath.arctanDeg(b_a * b_a * GPMath.tanDeg(obs.GetLatitudeNorthPositive()));
            rho_sin = b_a * GPMath.sinDeg(u) + obs.GetAltitude() / 6378140.0 * GPMath.sinDeg(obs.GetLatitudeNorthPositive());
            rho_cos = GPMath.cosDeg(u) + obs.GetAltitude() / 6378140.0 * GPMath.cosDeg(obs.GetLatitudeNorthPositive());

            // equatorial horizontal paralax
            // 39.1
            this.parallax = GPMath.arcsinDeg(GPMath.sinDeg(8.794 / 3600) / (this.distanceFromEarth / GPAstroEngine.AU));

            // geocentric hour angle of the body
            h = apparent_sidereal_time - obs.GetLongitudeWestPositive() - right_ascession;

            // 39.2
            delta_alpha = GPMath.arctanDeg(
                (-rho_cos * GPMath.sinDeg(this.parallax) * GPMath.sinDeg(h)) /
                (GPMath.cosDeg(this.declination) - rho_cos * GPMath.sinDeg(this.parallax) * GPMath.cosDeg(h)));

            this.right_ascession += delta_alpha;
            this.declination      = GPMath.arctanDeg(
                ((GPMath.sinDeg(this.declination) - rho_sin * GPMath.sinDeg(this.parallax)) * GPMath.cosDeg(delta_alpha)) /
                (GPMath.cosDeg(this.declination) - rho_cos * GPMath.sinDeg(this.parallax) * GPMath.cosDeg(h)));
コード例 #4
        public static void calc_geocentric(ref double longitude, ref double latitude, ref double rektaszension, ref double declination, double date)
            double epsilon;      //: extended;
            double delta_phi;    //: extended;
            double alpha, delta; //: extended;

            calc_epsilon_phi(date, out delta_phi, out epsilon);
            longitude = GPMath.putIn360(longitude + delta_phi);

            alpha = GPMath.arctan2Deg(GPMath.sinDeg(longitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(epsilon) - GPMath.tanDeg(latitude) * GPMath.sinDeg(epsilon), GPMath.cosDeg(longitude));

            delta = GPMath.arcsinDeg(GPMath.sinDeg(latitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(epsilon) + GPMath.cosDeg(latitude) * GPMath.sinDeg(epsilon) * GPMath.sinDeg(longitude));

            rektaszension = alpha;
            declination   = delta;

            double xg, yg, zg;

            xg = GPMath.cosDeg(longitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(latitude);
            yg = GPMath.sinDeg(longitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(latitude);
            zg = GPMath.sinDeg(latitude);

            alpha = GPMath.arctan2Deg(yg * GPMath.cosDeg(epsilon) - zg * GPMath.sinDeg(epsilon), GPMath.cosDeg(longitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(latitude));
コード例 #5
        public void calculateCoordinatesMethodM(double julian)
            double DG  = GPMath.rads;
            double RAD = 180 / GPMath.pi;

            double t  = (julian - 2451545.0) / 36525;
            double t2 = t * t;
            double t3 = t2 * t;
            double t4 = t2 * t2;

            // mean ecliptic longitude of the sun
            double L0 = 280.4664567 + 36000.76982779 * t + 0.0003032028 * t2 + t3 / 49931000;

            // mean anomaly of the sun
            double M = 357.5291 + 35999.05030 * t - 0.0001559 * t2 - 0.00000048 * t3;

            L0             = GPMath.putIn360(L0);
            M              = GPMath.putIn360(M);
            sunMeanAnomaly = M;

            double C = (1.9146 - 0.004817 * t - 0.000014 * t2) * GPMath.sinDeg(M)
                       + (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) * GPMath.sinDeg(2 * M)
                       + 0.00029 * GPMath.sinDeg(3 * M);

            sunEquationCenter = C;

            // ecliptic longitude of the sun
            //double els = 0;
            eclipticalLongitude = GPMath.putIn360(L0 + C);

            double e           = 0.016708617 - 0.000042037 * t - 0.0000001236 * t2;
            double trueAnomaly = M + C;

//            double epsilon;
//            double deltaPhi;

//            GPAstroEngine.calc_epsilon_phi(julianDay, out deltaPhi, out epsilon);
//            = 23.4391 - 0.013 * t - t2/6101694;
            double omega    = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t;
            double lambda   = eclipticalLongitude - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * GPMath.sinDeg(omega);
            double epsilon0 = 23.4392911 - 0.01300416 * t - 1.638e-7 * t2;
            double epsilon1 = epsilon0 + 0.00256 * GPMath.cosDeg(omega);

            // right ascension of the sun
            this.rightAscession = RAD * Math.Atan2(GPMath.cosDeg(epsilon1) * GPMath.sinDeg(lambda), GPMath.cosDeg(lambda));
            this.rightAscession = GPMath.putIn360(rightAscession);

            // declination of the sun
            this.declination = GPMath.arcsinDeg(GPMath.sinDeg(epsilon1) * GPMath.sinDeg(lambda));

            // equation of time
            equationOfTime = GPAstroEngine.getEquationOfTime(julian, this.rightAscession);
コード例 #6
        private static double getCorrection(double D, double a1, double a2, double a3, double d1, double d2, double d3, double siderealTime, double h0, double longitude, double latitude, double m0, bool transit)
            double deltaM = 0;
            double PHI    = siderealTime + 360.985647 * m0;
            double n      = m0 + GPDynamicTime.GetDeltaT(D) / 86400;

            double alpha = GPAstroEngine.interpolation(a1, a2, a3, n);
            double delta = GPAstroEngine.interpolation(d1, d2, d3, n);

            double H = GPMath.putIn180(PHI - longitude - alpha);
            double h = 0;

            if (transit)
                deltaM = -H / 360;
                double sinH = GPMath.sinDeg(latitude) * GPMath.sinDeg(delta) + GPMath.cosDeg(latitude) * GPMath.cosDeg(delta) * GPMath.cosDeg(H);
                h      = GPMath.arcsinDeg(sinH);
                deltaM = (h - h0) / (360 * GPMath.cosDeg(delta) * GPMath.cosDeg(latitude) * GPMath.sinDeg(H));