private void btnCatalog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormCatalog frc = new FormCatalog(); frc.panelHeader.Hide(); frc.idCur = idCur; OpenChildForm(frc, sender); panelDownSepar.Visible = panelFormManage.Visible = false; }
private void mbtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (mtbxLogin.Text == "" || mtbxPass.Text == "") { return; } string txtfilter = String.Format("login = '******' and password = '******'", mtbxLogin.Text, mtbxPass.Text); bsUsers.Filter = txtfilter; if (bsUsers.Count == 0) { MaterialMessageBox.Show("Нет пользователя с указанным логином, и паролем!", "Внимание!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (mcbxRemember.Checked) { RegistryKey currentUserKey = Registry.CurrentUser; RegistryKey key = currentUserKey.CreateSubKey("GameSTARTER"); key.SetValue("login", mtbxLogin.Text); key.SetValue("password", mtbxPass.Text); key.Close(); } idUser = id_userLabel.Text; Hide(); if (roleLabel1.Text == "0") { FormCatalog frmCat = new FormCatalog(); frmCat.idCur = Convert.ToInt32(id_userLabel.Text); frmCat.ShowDialog(); } else { FormDevBoard frmDev = new FormDevBoard(); frmDev.idCur = Convert.ToInt32(id_userLabel.Text); frmDev.ShowDialog(); } Initiate(); try { Show(); } catch { } mtbxLogin.Clear(); mtbxPass.Clear(); mtbxLogin.Focus(); bsUsers.Filter = null; this.usersTableAdapter.Fill(gameStartDBDataSet.Users); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); string login = "", password = ""; string id = "", role = ""; try { RegistryKey currentUserKey = Registry.CurrentUser; RegistryKey key = currentUserKey.OpenSubKey("GameSTARTER"); login = key.GetValue("login").ToString(); password = key.GetValue("password").ToString(); key.Close(); } catch { Application.Run(new Form1()); } if (login != "" & password != "") { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Form1.txtcon); con.Open(); SqlCommand query1 = new SqlCommand( String.Format("select id_user, role from users where [login] = '{0}' and [password] = '{1}'", login, password), con); SqlDataReader read = query1.ExecuteReader(); while (read.Read()) { id = read["id_user"].ToString(); role = read["role"].ToString(); } con.Close(); if (id != "") { if (role == "0") { FormCatalog frmCat = new FormCatalog(); frmCat.idCur = Convert.ToInt32(id); Application.Run(frmCat); } else { FormDevBoard frmMain = new FormDevBoard(); frmMain.idCur = Convert.ToInt32(id); Application.Run(frmMain); } } } }