Represents distributed/remote atoms colleciton.
コード例 #1
ファイル: GameServer.cs プロジェクト: demiurghg/FusionEngine
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of this class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Game"></param>
		public GameServer ( Game game ) : base(game)
			content = new ContentManager(game);
			atoms	= new AtomCollection();
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="map"></param>
		void ServerTaskFunc ( string map, string postCommand )
			var netConfig		=	new NetPeerConfiguration(Game.GameID);
			netConfig.Port		=	Game.Network.Port;
			netConfig.MaximumConnections	=	32;
			netConfig.UnreliableSizeBehaviour = NetUnreliableSizeBehaviour.NormalFragmentation;
			if (Debugger.IsAttached) {
				netConfig.ConnectionTimeout		=	float.MaxValue;	
				Log.Message("SV: Debugger is attached: ConnectionTimeout = {0} sec", netConfig.ConnectionTimeout);

			netConfig.EnableMessageType( NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval );
			netConfig.EnableMessageType( NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryRequest );
			netConfig.EnableMessageType( NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryResponse );
			netConfig.EnableMessageType( NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionLatencyUpdated );

			var server		=	new NetServer( netConfig );
			notifications	=	new Queue<string>();

			Log.Message("SV: Start: {0} {1}", map, postCommand);

			var snapshotQueue	=	new SnapshotQueue(32);
			var serverFrames	=	0L;

			//var accumulatedElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(0);
			//var maxElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
			//var previousTicks = (long)0;

			//	configure & start server :
			try {


				//	start game specific stuff :
				atoms	=	new AtomCollection();
				LoadContent( map );

				//	invoke post-start command :
				if (postCommand!=null) {
					Game.Invoker.Push( postCommand );

				//	Timer and fixed timestep stuff :
				var accumulator	=	TimeSpan.Zero;
				var stopwatch	=	new Stopwatch();
				var currentTime	=	stopwatch.Elapsed;
				var time		=	stopwatch.Elapsed;

				//	server loop :
				while ( !killToken.IsCancellationRequested ) {

					var targetDelta	=	TimeSpan.FromTicks( (long)(10000000 / TargetFrameRate) );
					var newTime		=	stopwatch.Elapsed;
					var frameTime	=	newTime - currentTime;
					currentTime		=	newTime;

					accumulator +=	 frameTime;

					if ( accumulator < targetDelta ) {
						goto _retryTick;

					while ( accumulator > targetDelta ) {

						//var svTime = new GameTime( time, targetDelta );
						var svTime = new GameTime( serverFrames, time, targetDelta );

						//	Do actual server stuff :
						UpdateNetworkAndLogic( svTime, server, snapshotQueue );

						accumulator	-= targetDelta;
						time		+= targetDelta;

				foreach ( var conn in server.Connections ) {
					conn.Disconnect("Server disconnected");

			} catch ( Exception e ) {
				Log.PrintException( e, "Server error: {0}", e.Message );

				foreach ( var conn in server.Connections ) {
					conn.Disconnect(string.Format("Server error: {0}", e.Message));

			} finally {

				//	kill game specific stuff :
				//	try...catch???

				//	shutdown connection :
				server.Shutdown("Server shutdown");
				Log.Message("SV: Shutdown");

				notifications	=	null;

				killToken	=	null;
				serverTask	=	null;
				server		=	null;
				pings		=	null;