コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attaches the object to a specific <see cref="RenderContext"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rc">The <see cref="RenderContext"/> object to be used.</param>
        public void AttachToContext(RenderContext rc)
            _rc = rc;
            _clearColor = rc.ClearColor;

            var imgData = _rc.CreateImage(_screenWidth, _screenHeight, "black");
            _contentLTex = _rc.CreateTexture(imgData);
            _contentRTex = _rc.CreateTexture(imgData);

            // initialize shader and image
            switch (_activeMode)
                case Stereo3DMode.Oculus:
                    _guiLImage = new GUIImage(null, 0, 0, _screenWidth/2, _screenHeight);

                    _guiRImage = new GUIImage(null, _screenWidth/2, 0, _screenWidth/2, _screenHeight);

                    _shaderProgram = _rc.CreateShader(OculusVs, OculusPs);
                    _shaderTexture = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("vTexture");

                    _lensCenterParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("LensCenter");
                    _screenCenterParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("ScreenCenter");
                    _scaleParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("Scale");
                    _scaleInParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("ScaleIn");
                    _hdmWarpParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("HmdWarpParam");


                case Stereo3DMode.Anaglyph:
                    _shaderProgram = _rc.CreateShader(AnaglyphVs, AnaglyphPs);
                    _shaderTexture = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("vTexture");

                    _guiLImage = new GUIImage(null, 0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attaches this instance to a RenderContext. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rc">The Render Context to attach to.</param>
        /// <remarks>A ShaderEffect must be attached to a context before you can render geometry with it. The main
        /// task performed in this method is compiling the provided shader source code and uploading the shaders to
        /// the gpu under the provided RenderContext.</remarks>
        public void AttachToContext(RenderContext rc)
            if (rc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rc", "must pass a valid render context.");

            _rc = rc;
            int i=0, nPasses = _vertexShaderSrc.Length;

            try // to compile all the shaders
                for (i = 0; i < nPasses; i++)
                    _compiledShaders[i] = _rc.CreateShader(_vertexShaderSrc[i], _pixelShaderSrc[i]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while compiling shader for pass " + i, ex);

            // Enumerate all shader parameters of all passes and enlist them in lookup tables
            _parameters = new Dictionary<string, EffectParam>();
            _paramsPerPass = new List<List<EffectParam>>();
            for (i = 0; i < nPasses; i++)
                IEnumerable<ShaderParamInfo> paramList = _rc.GetShaderParamList(_compiledShaders[i]);
                _paramsPerPass.Add(new List<EffectParam>());
                foreach (var paramNew in paramList)
                    Object initValue;
                    if (_paramDecl.TryGetValue(paramNew.Name, out initValue))
                        // IsAssignableFrom the boxed initValue object will cause JSIL to give an answer based on the value of the contents
                        // If the type originally was float but contains an integral value (e.g. 3), JSIL.GetType() will return Integer...
                        // Thus for primitve types (float, int, ) we hack a check ourselves. For other types (float2, ..) IsAssignableFrom works well.

                        // ReSharper disable UseMethodIsInstanceOfType
                        // ReSharper disable OperatorIsCanBeUsed
                        var initValType = initValue.GetType();
                        if ( !( ( (paramNew.Type == typeof (int) || paramNew.Type == typeof (float))
                                  (initValType == typeof (int) || initValType == typeof (float) || initValType == typeof (double))
                            throw new Exception("Error preparing effect pass " + i + ". Shader parameter " + paramNew.Type.ToString() + " " + paramNew.Name +
                                                " was defined as " + initValType.ToString() + " " + paramNew.Name + " during initialization (different types).");
                        // ReSharper restore OperatorIsCanBeUsed
                        // ReSharper restore UseMethodIsInstanceOfType

                        // Parameter was declared by user and type is correct in shader - carry on.
                        EffectParam paramExisting;
                        if (_parameters.TryGetValue(paramNew.Name, out paramExisting))
                            // The parameter is already there from a previous pass.
                            if (paramExisting.Info.Size != paramNew.Size || paramExisting.Info.Type != paramNew.Type)
                                // This should never happen due to the previous error check. Check it anyway...
                                throw new Exception("Error preparing effect pass " + i + ". Shader parameter " +
                                                    paramNew.Name +
                                                    " already defined with a different type in effect pass " +
                            // List the current pass to use this shader parameter
                            paramExisting = new EffectParam()
                                    Info = paramNew,
                                    ShaderInxs = new List<int>(new int[] {i}),
                                    Value = initValue
                            _parameters.Add(paramNew.Name, paramExisting);