// is called on startup public override void Init() { RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 1); // IMPORTANT: You are supposed to use either one SetWindowSize() or VideoWall(). You can't use both. // It's possible to resize a window to fit on a video wall or display. // Here are some different variants how to use this functionality. Uncomment to test. //SetWindowSize(800, 600); SetWindowSize(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9 * 2, true, 0, 0); //SetWindowSize(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/9 * 2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, true, 0, 0); //SetWindowSize(640, 480, false, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 640/2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/2 - 480/2); // IMPORTANT: For video Walls or projector matrices it's possible to let the system do the magic by // giving it the number of monitors/projectors per axis and specify some border information. // This only works in pseudo-fullscreen mode a.k.a borderless fullscreen-window. //VideoWall(0, 0, true, false); // This is the old method. More than this could not be done directly in a project code(?) //Width = 640; //Height = 480; // Initialize an ui. _guiHandler = new GUIHandler(); _guiHandler.AttachToContext(RC); // Create a new element. GUIElement element = new GUIImage("Assets/image.png", 0, 0, -10, 320, 130); // Add the element to the gui. _guiHandler.Add(element); // Add something to render. _cube = new Cube(); _spcolor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC); _colorParam = _spcolor.GetShaderParam("color"); }
// is called on startup public override void Init() { //TestSerialize(); //TestDeserialize(); // GUI initialization _zVal = 500; _guiHandler = new GUIHandler(); _guiHandler.AttachToContext(RC); _guiFuseeLink = new GUIButton(6, 6, 157, 87); _guiFuseeLink.ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0); _guiFuseeLink.BorderColor = new float4(0, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1); _guiFuseeLink.BorderWidth = 0; _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonDown += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonDown; _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonEnter += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonEnter; _guiFuseeLink.OnGUIButtonLeave += _guiFuseeLink_OnGUIButtonLeave; _guiHandler.Add(_guiFuseeLink); _guiFuseeLogo = new GUIImage("Assets/FuseeLogo150.png", 10, 10, -5, 150, 80); _guiHandler.Add(_guiFuseeLogo); _guiLatoBlack = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Lato-Black.ttf", 14); _guiSubText = new GUIText("FUSEE 3D Scene Viewer", _guiLatoBlack, 100, 100); _guiSubText.TextColor = new float4(0.05f, 0.25f, 0.15f, 0.8f); _guiHandler.Add(_guiSubText); // Scene loading SceneContainer scene; var ser = new Serializer(); using (var file = File.OpenRead(@"Assets/Model.fus")) { scene = ser.Deserialize(file, null, typeof(SceneContainer)) as SceneContainer; } _sr = new SceneRenderer(scene, "Assets"); AdjustModelScaleOffset(); _guiSubText.Text = "FUSEE 3D Scene"; if (scene.Header.CreatedBy != null || scene.Header.CreationDate != null) { _guiSubText.Text += " created"; if (scene.Header.CreatedBy != null) { _guiSubText.Text += " by " + scene.Header.CreatedBy; } if (scene.Header.CreationDate != null) { _guiSubText.Text += " on " + scene.Header.CreationDate; } } _subtextWidth = GUIText.GetTextWidth(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack); _subtextHeight = GUIText.GetTextHeight(_guiSubText.Text, _guiLatoBlack); _sColor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC); RC.SetShader(_sColor); _colorParam = _sColor.GetShaderParam("color"); RC.SetShaderParam(_colorParam, new float4(1, 1, 1, 1)); RC.ClearColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1); }
// Konstruktor public GUIRender(RenderContext rc, BeeTheGame thisGame) { RC = rc; _game = thisGame; //GUIHandler an den Kontext anhaengen _guiHandler = new GUIHandler(); _guiHandler.AttachToContext(rc); //Bilder einbinden _guiImageDummy = new GUIImage("Assets/dummy.png", 0, 0, 0, 5, 5); _guiImageBarText = new GUIImage("Assets/nectarCollected.png", 10, 10, -1, 153, 23); _guiImageStartBack = new GUIImage("Assets/background.png", 0, 0, 0, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2); _guiImageGameHelp = new GUIImage("Assets/gameHelp.png", 0, 0, 0, System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2); _guiImageStartBee = new GUIImage("Assets/beePlaceholder.png", 200, 30, 1, 130, 118); _guiImageStartPlay = new GUIImage("Assets/play.png", (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 300/2), 0, 2, 300, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2); _guiImageHelpButton = new GUIImage("Assets/helpButton.png", 10, 10, 2, 41, 50); _guiImageHelpOne = new GUIImage("Assets/helpOne.png", 100, 10, 1, 300, 129); _guiImageHelpTwo = new GUIImage("Assets/helpTwo.png", 950, 20, 1, 300, 130); //Text _guiFontArial24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/arial.ttf", 16); _guiArial24 = new GUIText("Score: ", _guiFontArial24, 1200, 25); _guiArial24.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1); //Button _guiButtonPlay = new GUIButton((System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width/2 - 300/2), 0, 3, 300, (System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height/9)*2); _guiButtonPlay.ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0); _guiButtonPlay.BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1); _guiButtonPlay.BorderWidth = 0; _guiButtonHelp = new GUIButton(10, 10, 1, 50, 50); //Buttonfarbe setzen _guiButtonHelp.ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0); _guiButtonHelp.BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1); _guiButtonHelp.BorderWidth = 0; //an den Handler anhaengen _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageDummy); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageBarText); _guiImagePause = new GUIImage("Assets/gamePaused.png", 350, 40, 0, 500, 100); }
/// <summary> /// Attaches the object to a specific <see cref="RenderContext"/> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="rc">The <see cref="RenderContext"/> object to be used.</param> public void AttachToContext(RenderContext rc) { _rc = rc; _clearColor = rc.ClearColor; var imgData = _rc.CreateImage(_screenWidth, _screenHeight, "black"); _contentLTex = _rc.CreateTexture(imgData); _contentRTex = _rc.CreateTexture(imgData); // initialize shader and image switch (_activeMode) { case Stereo3DMode.Oculus: _guiLImage = new GUIImage(null, 0, 0, _screenWidth/2, _screenHeight); _guiLImage.AttachToContext(rc); _guiLImage.Refresh(); _guiRImage = new GUIImage(null, _screenWidth/2, 0, _screenWidth/2, _screenHeight); _guiRImage.AttachToContext(rc); _guiRImage.Refresh(); _shaderProgram = _rc.CreateShader(OculusVs, OculusPs); _shaderTexture = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("vTexture"); _lensCenterParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("LensCenter"); _screenCenterParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("ScreenCenter"); _scaleParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("Scale"); _scaleInParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("ScaleIn"); _hdmWarpParam = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("HmdWarpParam"); break; case Stereo3DMode.Anaglyph: _shaderProgram = _rc.CreateShader(AnaglyphVs, AnaglyphPs); _shaderTexture = _shaderProgram.GetShaderParam("vTexture"); _guiLImage = new GUIImage(null, 0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight); _guiLImage.AttachToContext(rc); _guiLImage.Refresh(); break; } }
public void addNectar(int _punktePos) { //Nektar Icons anzeigen wenn Punkte erhoeht werden _guiImageContainerArray[_punktePos-1] = new GUIImage("Assets/honeycombContainer.png", 155+(_punktePos*20), 10, 0, 20, 20); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageContainerArray[_punktePos-1]); }
public override void Init() { // is called on startup Width = 616; Height = 688; // GUIHandler _guiHandler = new GUIHandler(); _guiHandler.AttachToContext(RC); // font + text _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18); _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24); _guiText = new GUIText("Spot all seven differences!", _guiFontCabin24, 310, 35); _guiText.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1); _guiHandler.Add(_guiText); // image _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/spot_the_diff.png", 0, 0, -5, 600, 650); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImage); // buttons / rectangles _guiUDiffs = new GUIButton[7]; _guiBDiffs = new GUIButton[7]; _guiUDiffs[0] = new GUIButton(240, 3, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[0] = new GUIButton(240, 328, 40, 40); _guiUDiffs[1] = new GUIButton(3, 270, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[1] = new GUIButton(3, 595, 40, 40); _guiUDiffs[2] = new GUIButton(220, 255, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[2] = new GUIButton(220, 580, 40, 40); _guiUDiffs[3] = new GUIButton(325, 170, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[3] = new GUIButton(325, 495, 40, 40); _guiUDiffs[4] = new GUIButton(265, 110, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[4] = new GUIButton(265, 435, 40, 40); _guiUDiffs[5] = new GUIButton(490, 215, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[5] = new GUIButton(490, 540, 40, 40); _guiUDiffs[6] = new GUIButton(495, 280, 40, 40); _guiBDiffs[6] = new GUIButton(495, 605, 40, 40); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { _guiUDiffs[i].ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0); _guiBDiffs[i].ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0); _guiUDiffs[i].BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1); _guiBDiffs[i].BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1); _guiUDiffs[i].BorderWidth = 0; _guiBDiffs[i].BorderWidth = 0; _guiUDiffs[i].Tag = _guiBDiffs[i]; _guiBDiffs[i].Tag = _guiUDiffs[i]; _guiBDiffs[i].OnGUIButtonDown += OnDiffButtonDown; _guiUDiffs[i].OnGUIButtonDown += OnDiffButtonDown; _guiHandler.Add(_guiUDiffs[i]); _guiHandler.Add(_guiBDiffs[i]); } // panel _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("Menu", _guiFontCabin18, 10, 10, 150, 110); _guiHandler.Add(_guiPanel); // reset button _guiResetButton = new GUIButton("Reset", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 100, 25); _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _guiPanel.ChildElements.Add(_guiResetButton); // solve button _guiSolveButton = new GUIButton("Solve", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 100, 25); _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _guiPanel.ChildElements.Add(_guiSolveButton); }
public override void Init() { // Set ToonShaderEffect _shaderEffect.AttachToContext(RC); // Setup GUI // GUIHandler _guiHandler = new GUIHandler(); _guiHandler.AttachToContext(RC); // font + text _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18); _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24); _guiText = new GUIText("FUSEE Shader Demo", _guiFontCabin24, 30, Height - 30) { TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1) }; _guiHandler.Add(_guiText); // image _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/repbg.jpg", 0, 0, -5, Width, Height); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImage); _borderImage = new GUIImage("Assets/redbg.png", 0, 0, -4, 230, 32); //_guiHandler.Add(_borderImage); //* Menu1: Select Shader _panelSelectShader = new GUIPanel("Select Shader", _guiFontCabin24, 10, 10, 230, 230); _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_borderImage); _guiHandler.Add(_panelSelectShader); //** Possible Shader Buttons _btnDiffuseColorShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Color", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25); _btnTextureShader = new GUIButton("Texture Only", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25); _btnDiffuseTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25); _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Bump Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 130, 180, 25); _btnSpecularTexture = new GUIButton("Specular Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 160, 180, 25); _btnToon = new GUIButton("Toon", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 190, 180, 25); //*** Add Handlers _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnToon.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnToon.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnToon.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnToon.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; //**** Add Buttons to Panel _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_btnDiffuseColorShader); _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_btnTextureShader); _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_btnDiffuseTextureShader); _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader); _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_btnSpecularTexture); _panelSelectShader.ChildElements.Add(_btnToon); //* Menu3: Select Mesh _panelSelectMesh = new GUIPanel("Select Mesh", _guiFontCabin24, 270, 10, 230, 130); _panelSelectMesh.ChildElements.Add(_borderImage); _guiHandler.Add(_panelSelectMesh); //** Possible Meshes _btnCube = new GUIButton("Cube", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25); _btnSphere = new GUIButton("Sphere", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25); _btnTeapot = new GUIButton("Teapot", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25); _panelSelectMesh.ChildElements.Add(_btnCube); _panelSelectMesh.ChildElements.Add(_btnSphere); _panelSelectMesh.ChildElements.Add(_btnTeapot); //** Add handlers _btnCube.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnCube.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnCube.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnCube.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; //* Menu2: Light Settings _panelLightSettings = new GUIPanel("Light Settings", _guiFontCabin24, 530, 10, 230, 130); _panelLightSettings.ChildElements.Add(_borderImage); _guiHandler.Add(_panelLightSettings); //** Possible Light Settings _btnDirectionalLight = new GUIButton("Directional Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25); _btnPointLight = new GUIButton("Point Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25); _btnSpotLight = new GUIButton("Spot Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25); _panelLightSettings.ChildElements.Add(_btnDirectionalLight); _panelLightSettings.ChildElements.Add(_btnPointLight); _panelLightSettings.ChildElements.Add(_btnSpotLight); //*** Add Handlers _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown; _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp; _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter; _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave; // Setup 3D Scene // Load Images and Assign iTextures var imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateTexture.jpg"); var imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateNormal.jpg"); _texCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture); _texBumpCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture); imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthTexture.jpg"); imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthNormal.jpg"); _texSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture); _texBumpSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture); imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/porcelainTexture.png"); imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/normalRust.jpg"); _texTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture); _texBumpTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture); _currentTexture = _texCube; _currentBumpTexture = _texBumpCube; // Load Meshes _meshCube = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model"); _meshSphere = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Sphere.obj.model"); _meshTeapot = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model"); // Set current Mesh and Update GUI _currentMesh = _meshCube; _btnCube.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton; // Setup Shaderprograms and Update GUI _shaderDiffuseColor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC); _shaderDiffuseTexture = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC); _shaderTexture = MoreShaders.GetSkyboxShader(RC); _shaderDiffuseBumpTexture = MoreShaders.GetBumpDiffuseShader(RC); _shaderSpecularTexture = MoreShaders.GetSpecularShader(RC); _btnDiffuseColorShader.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton; _currentShader = _shaderDiffuseColor; RC.SetShader(_shaderDiffuseColor); // Setup ShaderParams _paramColor = _shaderDiffuseColor.GetShaderParam("color"); // Setup Light and Update GUI RC.SetLightActive(0, 1); RC.SetLightPosition(0, new float3(5.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f)); RC.SetLightAmbient(0, new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f)); RC.SetLightSpecular(0, new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f)); RC.SetLightDiffuse(0, new float4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f)); RC.SetLightDirection(0, new float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); RC.SetLightSpotAngle(0, 10); _btnDirectionalLight.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton; }
private void OnbtnHighscore(GUIButton sender, Fusee.Engine.MouseEventArgs mea) { PlayerDataDb[] playerData = new PlayerDataDb[5]; if (nameInput.Text.Length <= 0) { nameInput.Text = "Anonymous"; } playername = nameInput.Text; // _gameHandler.DbConnection.Insert(playername, _points, endlevel); //Übergebe Daten an DB _hsYpos = 50; //Schleifenvariable um die Einträge zeilenweise untereinander zu setzen // playerData = _gameHandler.DbConnection.ShowFirstFiveHighScore(); //Hole Daten von DB foreach (PlayerDataDb data in playerData) // Setze Strings aus Datenbank in Zeilen untereinander { _guiHandler.Add(new GUIText("Name: "+data.Name, _guiFontCabin12, 120, _hsYpos, -1, new float4(1, 1, 1, 1))); // oder highscoreHandler??? _guiHandler.Add(new GUIText(" Level: "+data.Level.ToString(), _guiFontCabin12, 120, _hsYpos, -1, new float4(1, 1, 1, 1))); // oder highscoreHandler??? _guiHandler.Add(new GUIText(" Points: "+data.Score.ToString(), _guiFontCabin12, 120, _hsYpos, -1, new float4(1, 1, 1, 1))); // oder highscoreHandler??? _hsYpos = _hsYpos + 20; } int _brettposition = 38; //Schleifenvariable um die Bretter zeilenweise untereinander zu setzen for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { _highscoreBretter[i] = new GUIImage("Assets/Holz.png", 115, _brettposition, -2, 300, 15); //Bretterbilder anlegen _guiHandler.Add(_highscoreBretter[i]); // oder highscoreHandler??? _brettposition = _brettposition + 20; } }
// Alle 10 Tomaten einmalig hinmalen public void DrawMunition() { int tomatoposition = 10; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var height = _rCanvas.Height; _guiImageTomato[i]=new GUIImage("Assets/tomateAmmoTexture.png", tomatoposition, height - 50, -1, 40, 40); _guiHandler.Add(_guiImageTomato[i]); tomatoposition = tomatoposition + 40; } }