void InterpolationTabCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) { try { foreach (object item in e.OldItems) { InterpolationTabUIObject iTabObject = item as InterpolationTabUIObject; // use the data access layer to delete the wrapped data object dataAccessLayer.DeleteInterpolationTab(iTabObject.GetDataObject()); } } catch (Exception ex) { App.Log.LogException(ex); if (PersistenceError != null) { PersistenceError(this, ex); } } } }
void InterpolationTabItemEndEdit(IEditableObject sender) { InterpolationTabUIObject iTabObject = sender as InterpolationTabUIObject; try { if (iTabObject.TankId == 0) { iTabObject.TankId = currTankId; } // use the data access layer to update the wrapped data object dataAccessLayer.UpdateInterpolationTab(iTabObject.GetDataObject()); } catch (Exception ex) { App.Log.LogException(ex); if (PersistenceError != null) { PersistenceError(this, ex); } } }