コード例 #1
        private static void InitializeUnitFields(UpdateFieldValueCollection updateCollection, Dictionary <int, int> valuesDictionary, ref int valueIndex, EUnitFields_Vanilla endField = EUnitFields_Vanilla.PLAYER_END)
            //subtract 1 from the length size because it's PlayerEnd
            for (int i = (int)EObjectFields.OBJECT_END; i < updateCollection.UpdateMask.Length && i < (int)endField; i++)
                //TODO: Blacklist these fields

                bool shouldWrite = VanillaToWotlkConverter.ConvertUpdateFieldsPlayer((EUnitFields_Vanilla)i, out int shiftAmount);

                //We need to track the index of nonwritten to wotlk, but written to the vanilla update block,
                //so that we may remove the byte chunk that represents the indicies
                if (updateCollection.UpdateMask[i])
                    if (shouldWrite)
                            //We store in a dictionary with the value so that it may be written
                            //TODO: Store only index so we can do quick memcpy to new values array in the future for perf
                            valuesDictionary.Add(i + shiftAmount, updateCollection.UpdateDiffValues.Reinterpret <int>(valueIndex * sizeof(int)));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to insert: i:{i}:{((EUnitFields_Vanilla)i).ToString()} [{i + shiftAmount}] [{((EUnitFields)(i + shiftAmount)).ToString()}] {updateCollection.UpdateDiffValues.Reinterpret<int>(valueIndex * sizeof(int))} into dictionary. \n\n Exception: {e.Message}", e);

                    //no matter what the value index should increase. Because
                    //otherwise it will get descyned from the new values
コード例 #2
        public static void Test_ConvertUnitFieldPlayer_Converts_All_Values([Range((int)EObjectFields_Vanilla.OBJECT_END, (int)EUnitFields_Vanilla.PLAYER_END - 1)] int fieldNumber)
            EUnitFields_Vanilla vanillaUnitField = (EUnitFields_Vanilla)fieldNumber;

            bool?result     = null;
            int  shiftValue = 0;

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => result = VanillaToWotlkConverter.ConvertUpdateFieldsPlayer(vanillaUnitField, out shiftValue), $"Field: {fieldNumber}:{vanillaUnitField}:{fieldNumber:X} is not converted.");
            int newFieldNumber = (shiftValue + fieldNumber);

            Assert.True(newFieldNumber >= (int)EObjectFields.OBJECT_END && newFieldNumber <= (int)EUnitFields.PLAYER_END);