public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, int srcLeft, int srcTop, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageFromSrcToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, matrix.Data, dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight, srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, colour, 1); }
public static extern uint ApplyColorMapping(FIBITMAP dib, RGBQUAD[] srccolors, RGBQUAD[] dstcolors, uint count, bool ignore_alpha, bool swap);
public static extern uint SwapColors(FIBITMAP dib, ref RGBQUAD color_a, ref RGBQUAD color_b, bool ignore_alpha);
public static unsafe extern bool SetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP dib, RGBQUAD[] bkcolor);
public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Rectangle dstRect, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero, dstRect.Left, dstRect.Top, dstRect.Width, dstRect.Height, colour, 1); }
public bool DrawColourRect(Rectangle rect, RGBQUAD colour, int lineWidth) { FIARECT fiaRect = new FIARECT(rect); return FreeImage.DrawColourRect(this.Dib, fiaRect, colour, lineWidth); }
internal static extern bool DrawImageToDst(FIBITMAP dst, FIBITMAP src, FIA_Matrix matrix, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, RGBQUAD colour, int retain_background);
public static extern FIBITMAP Composite(FIBITMAP fg, bool useFileBkg, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] RGBQUAD appBkColor, FIBITMAP bg);
public void FreeImage_SwapColors() { dib = iManager.GetBitmap(ImageType.Odd, ImageColorType.Type_08); Assert.IsFalse(dib.IsNull); RGBQUAD src = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(93, 119, 170)); RGBQUAD dst = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(90, 130, 148)); uint count = FreeImage.SwapColors(dib, ref src, ref dst, true); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); }
private bool MergeImages(string fileNameFormat, string outputDir, string prefix, int frameNum, string ext) { FreeImageBitmap combined = null; string fname = ""; bool supported = false; bool mergeSuccessful = true; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_UNKNOWN; FreeImageBitmap source = null; string mergedFile = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, prefix, frameNum, ext); string tempFile = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, prefix, frameNum, "_tmp" + ext); // Allocate a bitmap to store the final image fname = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, "slice_0_" + prefix, frameNum, ext); try { source = new FreeImageBitmap(fname); if (source != null) { type = source.ImageType; switch (type) { case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP: if (source.ColorDepth == 32 || source.ColorDepth == 24) supported = true; break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF: supported = true; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error opening slice file"); } if (supported == false) { Console.WriteLine("Image format not supported"); return false; } try { // Create a new image of the input file type and the correct size FIBITMAP newImage = FreeImage.AllocateT(type, Width, Height, source.ColorDepth, source.RedMask, source.BlueMask, source.GreenMask); FreeImage.SaveEx(newImage, tempFile); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref newImage); source.Dispose(); source = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); combined = new FreeImageBitmap(tempFile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error creating output file"); mergeSuccessful = false; } for (int i = 0; i < SlicesAcross * SlicesDown; i++) { // Load the image slice fname = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, "slice_" + i + "_" + prefix, frameNum, ext); FreeImageBitmap slice = new FreeImageBitmap(fname); int posX; int posY; if (SlicesDown > 1 && SlicesAcross > 1) { posX = i % SlicesAcross; posY = i / SlicesAcross; } else if (SlicesDown == 1) { posX = i; posY = 0; } else { posX = 0; posY = i; } // Calculate the image slice sizes and the row/column position double sizeV = (1.0 / SlicesDown) * Height; double sizeH = (1.0 / SlicesAcross) * Width; double overlapV = sizeV * (Overlap / 100.0); double overlapH = sizeH * (Overlap / 100.0); double realLeft = sizeH * posX; double left = realLeft - overlapH; double realTop = sizeV * posY; double top = realTop - overlapV; // Check the sizes are within limits and adjust left = Math.Max(0.0, left); top = Math.Max(0.0, top); try { switch (type) { case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP: if (slice.ColorDepth == 24) { for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<RGBTRIPLE> srcLine = (Scanline<RGBTRIPLE>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<RGBTRIPLE> destLine = (Scanline<RGBTRIPLE>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].rgbtRed, srcLine[x].rgbtGreen, srcLine[x].rgbtBlue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].rgbtRed, destLine[destX].rgbtGreen, destLine[destX].rgbtBlue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); RGBTRIPLE dest; dest.rgbtRed = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbtGreen = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbtBlue = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<RGBQUAD> srcLine = (Scanline<RGBQUAD>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<RGBQUAD> destLine = (Scanline<RGBQUAD>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].rgbRed, srcLine[x].rgbGreen, srcLine[x].rgbBlue, destLine[destX].rgbReserved); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].rgbRed, destLine[destX].rgbGreen, destLine[destX].rgbBlue, destLine[destX].rgbReserved); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); RGBQUAD dest = new RGBQUAD(); dest.rgbRed = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbGreen = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbBlue = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbReserved = destPixel.alpha > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGB16> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGB16>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGB16> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGB16>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGB16 dest = new FIRGB16(); = (ushort); = (ushort); = (ushort); destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGBA16> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGBA16>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGBA16> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGBA16>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, srcLine[x].alpha); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBA16 dest = new FIRGBA16(); = (ushort); = (ushort); = (ushort); dest.alpha = (ushort)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGBAF> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGBAF>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGBAF> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGBAF>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBAF dest = new FIRGBAF(); = (float); = (float); = (float); dest.alpha = (float)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGBF> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGBF>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGBF> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGBF>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBF dest = new FIRGBF(); = (float); = (float); = (float); destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; } slice.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error merging image files"); mergeSuccessful = false; } } try { if (mergeSuccessful) { combined.Save(mergedFile); combined.Dispose(); combined = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); File.Delete(tempFile); } else { Log += DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " Merging frame " + frameNum + " failed.\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error writing combined file"); mergeSuccessful = false; } return mergeSuccessful; }
private static extern uint SwapColorsWindows(FIBITMAP dib, ref RGBQUAD color_a, ref RGBQUAD color_b, bool ignore_alpha);
private static extern FIBITMAP CompositeWindows(FIBITMAP fg, bool useFileBkg, ref RGBQUAD appBkColor, FIBITMAP bg);
private static extern bool GetBackgroundColorWindows(FIBITMAP dib, out RGBQUAD bkcolor);
private static extern bool SetPixelColorWindows(FIBITMAP dib, uint x, uint y, ref RGBQUAD value);
private static extern bool GetPixelColorLinux(FIBITMAP dib, uint x, uint y, out RGBQUAD value);
public static extern FIBITMAP Composite(FIBITMAP fg, bool useFileBkg, RGBQUAD[] appBkColor, FIBITMAP bg);
public static extern bool SetPixelColor(FIBITMAP dib, uint x, uint y, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] RGBQUAD value);
private void FreeImage_ApplyColorMapping2(FIBITMAP dib) { Assert.IsFalse(dib.IsNull); Scanline<RGBQUAD> rgbqa = new Scanline<RGBQUAD>(dib, 0); RGBQUAD[] src = new RGBQUAD[1]; RGBQUAD[] dst = new RGBQUAD[1]; src[0] = rgbqa[0]; dst[0].Color = src[0].Color == Color.White ? Color.Thistle : Color.White; uint count = FreeImage.ApplyColorMapping(dib, src, dst, 1, true, false); // Memory Assert.That(count > 0); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); }
internal static extern bool DrawColourRect(FIBITMAP src, FIARECT rect, RGBQUAD colour, int line_width);
public void RGBQUAD() { RGBQUAD rgbq = new RGBQUAD(); Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbBlue); Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbGreen); Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbRed); Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbReserved); rgbq = new RGBQUAD(Color.Chartreuse); Assert.That(EqualColors(Color.Chartreuse, rgbq.Color)); rgbq = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(133, 83, 95, 173)); Assert.AreEqual(173, rgbq.rgbBlue); Assert.AreEqual(95, rgbq.rgbGreen); Assert.AreEqual(83, rgbq.rgbRed); Assert.AreEqual(133, rgbq.rgbReserved); rgbq.Color = Color.Crimson; Assert.That(EqualColors(Color.Crimson, rgbq.Color)); rgbq.Color = Color.MidnightBlue; Assert.That(EqualColors(Color.MidnightBlue, rgbq.Color)); rgbq.Color = Color.White; Assert.AreEqual(255, rgbq.rgbBlue); Assert.AreEqual(255, rgbq.rgbGreen); Assert.AreEqual(255, rgbq.rgbRed); Assert.AreEqual(255, rgbq.rgbReserved); rgbq.Color = Color.Black; Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbBlue); Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbGreen); Assert.AreEqual(0, rgbq.rgbRed); Assert.AreEqual(255, rgbq.rgbReserved); rgbq = Color.DarkGoldenrod; Color color = rgbq; Assert.That(EqualColors(Color.DarkGoldenrod, color)); }
public void AffineTransform(FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, RGBQUAD colour) { FIBITMAP tmp_dib = FreeImage.AffineTransform(this.Dib, (int) this.Width, (int) this.Height, matrix.Data, colour, 1); this.ReplaceDib(tmp_dib); }
public void FreeImage_GetUniqueColors() { Palette palette; // // 1bpp // dib = FreeImage.Allocate(10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); Assert.IsFalse(dib.IsNull); palette = new Palette(dib); palette[0] = Color.FromArgb(43, 255, 255, 255); palette[1] = Color.FromArgb(222, 0, 0, 0); Scanline<FI1BIT> sl1bit = new Scanline<FI1BIT>(dib, 0); for (int x = 0; x < sl1bit.Length; x++) { sl1bit[x] = 0; } Assert.AreEqual(1, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl1bit[5] = 1; Assert.AreEqual(2, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); palette[1] = Color.FromArgb(222, 255, 255, 255); Assert.AreEqual(1, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl1bit[5] = 0; Assert.AreEqual(1, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); // // 4bpp // dib = FreeImage.Allocate(10, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0); Assert.IsFalse(dib.IsNull); palette = new Palette(dib); palette[0] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(43, 255, 255, 255)); palette[1] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(222, 51, 2, 211)); palette[2] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(29, 25, 31, 52)); palette[3] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(173, 142, 61, 178)); palette[4] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(143, 41, 67, 199)); palette[5] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(2, 0, 2, 221)); Scanline<FI4BIT> sl4bit = new Scanline<FI4BIT>(dib, 0); for (int x = 0; x < sl4bit.Length; x++) { sl4bit[x] = 0; } Assert.AreEqual(1, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[1] = 1; Assert.AreEqual(2, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[2] = 1; Assert.AreEqual(2, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[3] = 2; Assert.AreEqual(3, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[4] = 3; Assert.AreEqual(4, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[5] = 4; Assert.AreEqual(5, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[6] = 5; Assert.AreEqual(6, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[7] = 6; Assert.AreEqual(7, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[8] = 7; Assert.AreEqual(7, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl4bit[9] = 7; Assert.AreEqual(7, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); // // 8bpp // dib = FreeImage.Allocate(10, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0); Assert.IsFalse(dib.IsNull); palette = new Palette(dib); palette[0] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(43, 255, 255, 255)); palette[1] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(222, 51, 2, 211)); palette[2] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(29, 25, 31, 52)); palette[3] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(173, 142, 61, 178)); palette[4] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(143, 41, 67, 199)); palette[5] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(2, 0, 2, 221)); Scanline<byte> sl8bit = new Scanline<byte>(dib, 0); for (int x = 0; x < sl8bit.Length; x++) { sl8bit[x] = 0; } Assert.AreEqual(1, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[1] = 1; Assert.AreEqual(2, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[2] = 2; Assert.AreEqual(3, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[3] = 3; Assert.AreEqual(4, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[4] = 4; Assert.AreEqual(5, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[5] = 6; Assert.AreEqual(6, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[5] = 7; Assert.AreEqual(6, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); sl8bit[5] = 8; Assert.AreEqual(6, FreeImage.GetUniqueColors(dib)); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); }
public bool DrawColourSolidRect(Rectangle rect, RGBQUAD colour) { FIARECT fiaRect = new FIARECT(rect); return FreeImage.DrawColourSolidRect(this.Dib, fiaRect, colour); }
public void MetadataTag() { FITAG tag; MetadataTag metaTag; Random rand = new Random(); dib = iManager.GetBitmap(ImageType.Metadata, ImageColorType.Type_01_Dither); Assert.IsFalse(dib.IsNull); Assert.That(FreeImage.GetMetadataCount(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL.FIMD_EXIF_MAIN, dib) > 0); FIMETADATA mData = FreeImage.FindFirstMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL.FIMD_EXIF_MAIN, dib, out tag); Assert.IsFalse(tag.IsNull); Assert.IsFalse(mData.IsNull); // // Constructors // metaTag = new MetadataTag(tag, dib); Assert.That(metaTag.Model == FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL.FIMD_EXIF_MAIN); metaTag = new MetadataTag(tag, FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL.FIMD_EXIF_MAIN); Assert.That(metaTag.Model == FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL.FIMD_EXIF_MAIN); // // Properties // metaTag.ID = ushort.MinValue; Assert.That(metaTag.ID == ushort.MinValue); metaTag.ID = ushort.MaxValue; Assert.That(metaTag.ID == ushort.MaxValue); metaTag.ID = ushort.MaxValue / 2; Assert.That(metaTag.ID == ushort.MaxValue / 2); metaTag.Description = ""; Assert.That(metaTag.Description == ""); metaTag.Description = "A"; Assert.That(metaTag.Description == "A"); metaTag.Description = "ABCDEFG"; Assert.That(metaTag.Description == "ABCDEFG"); metaTag.Key = ""; Assert.That(metaTag.Key == ""); metaTag.Key = "A"; Assert.That(metaTag.Key == "A"); metaTag.Key = "ABCDEFG"; Assert.That(metaTag.Key == "ABCDEFG"); // // SetValue // try { metaTag.SetValue(null, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_ASCII); Assert.Fail(); } catch { } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_ASCII // string testString = ""; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testString, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_ASCII)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((string)metaTag.Value).Length == 0); testString = "X"; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testString, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_ASCII)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((string)metaTag.Value).Length == testString.Length); Assert.That(((string)metaTag.Value) == testString); testString = "TEST-STRING"; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testString, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_ASCII)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((string)metaTag.Value).Length == testString.Length); Assert.That(((string)metaTag.Value) == testString); // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_BYTE // byte testByte; byte[] testByteArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(byte.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_BYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == byte.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(byte.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_BYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == byte.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testByte = (byte)rand.Next(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue); testByteArray = new byte[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testByteArray.Length; j++) testByteArray[j] = (byte)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testByte, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_BYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_BYTE); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testByte); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testByteArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_BYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == testByteArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testByteArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testByteArray.Length * 1); byte[] value = (byte[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testByteArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_DOUBLE // double testDouble; double[] testDoubleArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(double.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_DOUBLE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value)[0] == double.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(double.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_DOUBLE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value)[0] == double.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testDouble = (double)rand.NextDouble(); testDoubleArray = new double[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testDoubleArray.Length; j++) testDoubleArray[j] = rand.NextDouble(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testDouble, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_DOUBLE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 8); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_DOUBLE); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testDouble); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testDoubleArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_DOUBLE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((double[])metaTag.Value).Length == testDoubleArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testDoubleArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testDoubleArray.Length * 8); double[] value = (double[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testDoubleArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_FLOAT // float testfloat; float[] testFloatArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(float.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_FLOAT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value)[0] == float.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(float.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_FLOAT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value)[0] == float.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testfloat = (float)rand.NextDouble(); testFloatArray = new float[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testFloatArray.Length; j++) testFloatArray[j] = (float)rand.NextDouble(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testfloat, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_FLOAT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 4); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_FLOAT); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testfloat); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testFloatArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_FLOAT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((float[])metaTag.Value).Length == testFloatArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testFloatArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testFloatArray.Length * 4); float[] value = (float[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testFloatArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_IFD // uint testUint; uint[] testUintArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(uint.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_IFD)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value)[0] == uint.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(uint.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_IFD)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value)[0] == uint.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testUint = (uint)rand.NextDouble(); testUintArray = new uint[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testUintArray.Length; j++) testUintArray[j] = (uint)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testUint, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_IFD)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 4); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_IFD); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testUint); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testUintArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_IFD)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == testUintArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testUintArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testUintArray.Length * 4); uint[] value = (uint[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testUintArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_LONG // Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(uint.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_LONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value)[0] == uint.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(uint.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_LONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value)[0] == uint.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testUint = (uint)rand.NextDouble(); testUintArray = new uint[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testUintArray.Length; j++) testUintArray[j] = (uint)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testUint, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_LONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 4); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_LONG); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testUint); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testUintArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_LONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((uint[])metaTag.Value).Length == testUintArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testUintArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testUintArray.Length * 4); uint[] value = (uint[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testUintArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_NOTYPE // try { metaTag.SetValue(new object(), FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_NOTYPE); Assert.Fail(); } catch (NotSupportedException) { } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_PALETTE // RGBQUAD testRGBQUAD; RGBQUAD[] testRGBQUADArray; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testRGBQUAD = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(rand.Next())); testRGBQUADArray = new RGBQUAD[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testRGBQUADArray.Length; j++) testRGBQUADArray[j] = new RGBQUAD(Color.FromArgb(rand.Next())); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testRGBQUAD, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_PALETTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((RGBQUAD[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 4); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_PALETTE); Assert.That(((RGBQUAD[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testRGBQUAD); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testRGBQUADArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_PALETTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((RGBQUAD[])metaTag.Value).Length == testRGBQUADArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testRGBQUADArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testRGBQUADArray.Length * 4); RGBQUAD[] value = (RGBQUAD[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testRGBQUADArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_RATIONAL // FIURational testFIURational; FIURational[] testFIURationalArray; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testFIURational = new FIURational((uint)rand.Next(), (uint)rand.Next()); testFIURationalArray = new FIURational[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testFIURationalArray.Length; j++) testFIURationalArray[j] = new FIURational((uint)rand.Next(), (uint)rand.Next()); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testFIURational, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_RATIONAL)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((FIURational[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 8); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_RATIONAL); Assert.That(((FIURational[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testFIURational); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testFIURationalArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_RATIONAL)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((FIURational[])metaTag.Value).Length == testFIURationalArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testFIURationalArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testFIURationalArray.Length * 8); FIURational[] value = (FIURational[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testFIURationalArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SBYTE // sbyte testSByte; sbyte[] testSByteArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(sbyte.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SBYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == sbyte.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(sbyte.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SBYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == sbyte.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testSByte = (sbyte)rand.Next(sbyte.MinValue, sbyte.MaxValue); testSByteArray = new sbyte[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testSByteArray.Length; j++) testSByteArray[j] = (sbyte)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testSByte, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SBYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SBYTE); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testSByte); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testSByteArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SBYTE)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((sbyte[])metaTag.Value).Length == testSByteArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testSByteArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testSByteArray.Length * 1); sbyte[] value = (sbyte[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testSByteArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SHORT // ushort testUShort; ushort[] testUShortArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(ushort.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value)[0] == ushort.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(ushort.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value)[0] == ushort.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testUShort = (ushort)rand.Next(ushort.MinValue, sbyte.MaxValue); testUShortArray = new ushort[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testUShortArray.Length; j++) testUShortArray[j] = (ushort)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testUShort, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 2); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SHORT); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testUShort); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testUShortArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((ushort[])metaTag.Value).Length == testUShortArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testUShortArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testUShortArray.Length * 2); ushort[] value = (ushort[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testUShortArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SLONG // int testInt; int[] testIntArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(int.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SLONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value)[0] == int.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(int.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SLONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value)[0] == int.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testInt = (int)rand.NextDouble(); testIntArray = new int[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testIntArray.Length; j++) testIntArray[j] = rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testInt, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SLONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 4); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SLONG); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testInt); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testIntArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SLONG)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((int[])metaTag.Value).Length == testIntArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testIntArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testIntArray.Length * 4); int[] value = (int[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testIntArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SRATIONAL // FIRational testFIRational; FIRational[] testFIRationalArray; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testFIRational = new FIRational(rand.Next(), rand.Next()); testFIRationalArray = new FIRational[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testFIRationalArray.Length; j++) testFIRationalArray[j] = new FIRational(rand.Next(), rand.Next()); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testFIRational, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SRATIONAL)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((FIRational[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 8); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SRATIONAL); Assert.That(((FIRational[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testFIRational); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testFIRationalArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SRATIONAL)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((FIRational[])metaTag.Value).Length == testFIRationalArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testFIRationalArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testFIRationalArray.Length * 8); FIRational[] value = (FIRational[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testFIRationalArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SSHORT // short testShort; short[] testShortArray; Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(short.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SSHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value)[0] == short.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(short.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SSHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value)[0] == short.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testShort = (short)rand.Next(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue); testShortArray = new short[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testShortArray.Length; j++) testShortArray[j] = (short)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testShort, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SSHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 2); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SSHORT); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testShort); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testShortArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_SSHORT)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((short[])metaTag.Value).Length == testShortArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testShortArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testShortArray.Length * 2); short[] value = (short[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testShortArray[j] == value[j]); } // // FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_UNDEFINED // Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(byte.MinValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_UNDEFINED)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == byte.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(byte.MaxValue, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_UNDEFINED)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == byte.MaxValue); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testByte = (byte)rand.Next(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue); testByteArray = new byte[rand.Next(0, 31)]; for (int j = 0; j < testByteArray.Length; j++) testByteArray[j] = (byte)rand.Next(); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testByte, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_UNDEFINED)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == 1); Assert.That(metaTag.Type == FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_UNDEFINED); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value)[0] == testByte); Assert.IsTrue(metaTag.SetValue(testByteArray, FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE.FIDT_UNDEFINED)); Assert.IsNotNull(metaTag.Value); Assert.That(((byte[])metaTag.Value).Length == testByteArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Count == testByteArray.Length); Assert.That(metaTag.Length == testByteArray.Length * 1); byte[] value = (byte[])metaTag.Value; for (int j = 0; j < value.Length; j++) Assert.That(testByteArray[j] == value[j]); } FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); }
public void ApplyFilters(List<Schema.SkinFile.Attachment.Filter> filters) { if (dib.IsNull) return; foreach (Schema.SkinFile.Attachment.Filter filter in filters) { switch ( { case "invert": { /// /// TODO: Variable invertion using amount property /// FreeImage.AdjustColors(dib, 0, 0, 0, true); break; } case "colorOverlay": { try { /// /// TODO: Variable overlay using amount property /// RGBQUAD overlayColor = new RGBQUAD(), oldColor; overlayColor.uintValue = Convert.ToUInt32(filter.color, 16); //Console.WriteLine((double)filter.amount / 100); for (uint y = 0; y < FreeImage.GetHeight(dib); y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < FreeImage.GetWidth(dib); x++) { FreeImage.GetPixelColor(dib, x, y, out oldColor); overlayColor.rgbReserved = oldColor.rgbReserved; FreeImage.SetPixelColor(dib, x, y, ref overlayColor); } } } catch { } break; } } } }
public void FreeImage_Composite() { dib = iManager.GetBitmap(ImageType.Even, ImageColorType.Type_08_Greyscale_MinIsBlack); Assert.That(!dib.IsNull); RGBQUAD rgbq = new RGBQUAD(); FIBITMAP temp = FreeImage.Composite(dib, false, ref rgbq, new FIBITMAP()); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, temp); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref temp); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref dib); }
public static extern bool SetPixelColor(FIBITMAP dib, uint x, uint y, ref RGBQUAD value);
protected override object LoadBitmap(Stream s) { // init FreeImage FreeImage.Initialize(true); // copy data to FreeImage memory byte[] buf = new byte[s.Length]; s.Read(buf, 0, (int)s.Length); GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(buf, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr bufPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buf, 0); uint hmem = FreeImage.OpenMemory(bufPtr, buf.Length); gch.Free(); // copy FreeImage pixels to cairo image surface FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif = FreeImage.GetFileTypeFromMemory(hmem, buf.Length); uint fiBitmap = FreeImage.LoadFromMemory(fif, hmem, 0); uint width = FreeImage.GetWidth(fiBitmap); uint height = FreeImage.GetHeight(fiBitmap); uint bpp = FreeImage.GetBPP(fiBitmap); if (bpp != 32) { uint fiBitmap2 = FreeImage.ConvertTo32Bits(fiBitmap); FreeImage.Unload(fiBitmap); fiBitmap = fiBitmap2; } Int32[] imgSurfData = new Int32[width * height]; for (int y = (int)height - 1; y >= 0; y--) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { // get pixel color RGBQUAD rgb = new RGBQUAD(); FreeImage.GetPixelColor(fiBitmap, (uint)x, (uint)(height - 1 - y), rgb); byte[] pixColor = new byte[4]; pixColor[0] = rgb.rgbReserved; pixColor[1] = rgb.rgbRed; pixColor[2] = rgb.rgbGreen; pixColor[3] = rgb.rgbBlue; // premultiply alpha -> if (pixColor[0] != 255) { double a = pixColor[0] / 255.0; pixColor[1] = (byte)(pixColor[1] * a); pixColor[2] = (byte)(pixColor[2] * a); pixColor[3] = (byte)(pixColor[3] * a); } // convert pixColor to Int32 and put in data array if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { byte[] pixColor2 = new byte[4]; pixColor2[0] = pixColor[3]; pixColor2[1] = pixColor[2]; pixColor2[2] = pixColor[1]; pixColor2[3] = pixColor[0]; imgSurfData[x + y * width] = BitConverter.ToInt32(pixColor2, 0); } else imgSurfData[x + y * width] = BitConverter.ToInt32(pixColor, 0); } // free FreeImage memory FreeImage.CloseMemory(hmem); // DeInit FreeImage FreeImage.DeInitialize(); // pin databuffer until imgSurf is destroyed _gc_h_surface_data_buffer = GCHandle.Alloc(imgSurfData, GCHandleType.Pinned); // create ImageSurface from image data IntPtr dataPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(imgSurfData, 0); ImageSurface imgSurf = new ImageSurface(dataPtr, Format.Argb32, (int)width, (int)height, (int)width * 32 / 8); // return surface return imgSurf; }
internal static extern FIBITMAP AllocateExT(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type, int width, int height, int bpp, IntPtr color, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS options, RGBQUAD[] palette, uint red_mask, uint green_mask, uint blue_mask);
public byte[] GetPngData() { byte[] data = GetSurfaceData(); // check data format System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(surface.Format == Format.Argb32, "ERROR: surface.Format is not \"Argb32\"."); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(data.Length == Width * Height * 4, "ERROR: data is wrong length."); // init FreeImage FreeImage.Initialize(true); // load data into FreeImage uint fiBitmap = FreeImage.Allocate(Width, Height, 32, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF); for (int y = Height - 1; y >= 0; y--) for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { int idx = y * Width * 4 + x * 4; RGBQUAD rgb = new RGBQUAD(); rgb.rgbRed = data[idx + 2]; rgb.rgbGreen = data[idx + 1]; rgb.rgbBlue = data[idx]; rgb.rgbReserved = data[idx + 3]; FreeImage.SetPixelColor(fiBitmap, (uint)x, (uint)(Height - y - 1), rgb); } // copy FreeImage data to byte array uint hmem = FreeImage.OpenMemory(IntPtr.Zero, 0); FreeImage.SaveToMemory(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_PNG, fiBitmap, hmem, 0); FreeImage.Unload(fiBitmap); IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; int size_in_bytes = 0; FreeImage.AcquireMemory(hmem, ref ptr, ref size_in_bytes); byte[] pngData = new byte[size_in_bytes]; Marshal.Copy(ptr, pngData, 0, size_in_bytes); FreeImage.CloseMemory(hmem); // DeInit FreeImage FreeImage.DeInitialize(); return pngData; }
public static extern FIBITMAP ColorQuantizeEx(FIBITMAP dib, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE quantize, int PaletteSize, int ReserveSize, RGBQUAD[] ReservePalette);
public bool DrawColourSolidRect(FIARECT rect, RGBQUAD colour) { return(FreeImage.DrawColourSolidRect(this.Dib, rect, colour)); }
public static extern bool GetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP dib, out RGBQUAD bkcolor);
public bool DrawColourSolidRect(Rectangle rect, RGBQUAD colour) { FIARECT fiaRect = new FIARECT(rect); return(FreeImage.DrawColourSolidRect(this.Dib, fiaRect, colour)); }
public static extern bool SetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP dib, [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] RGBQUAD bkcolor);
public bool DrawColourRect(FIARECT rect, RGBQUAD colour, int lineWidth) { return(FreeImage.DrawColourRect(this.Dib, rect, colour, lineWidth)); }
internal static extern bool DrawColourSolidRect(FIBITMAP src, FIARECT rect, RGBQUAD colour);
public bool DrawColourRect(Rectangle rect, RGBQUAD colour, int lineWidth) { FIARECT fiaRect = new FIARECT(rect); return(FreeImage.DrawColourRect(this.Dib, fiaRect, colour, lineWidth)); }
internal static extern FIBITMAP AffineTransform(FIBITMAP src, int image_dst_width, int image_dst_height, FIA_Matrix matrix, RGBQUAD colour, int retain_background);
public FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap AffineTransform(int image_dst_width, int image_dst_height, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, RGBQUAD colour, int retainBackground) { FIBITMAP tmp_dib = FreeImage.AffineTransform(this.Dib, image_dst_width, image_dst_height, matrix.Data, colour, retainBackground); return(new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tmp_dib)); }
public FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap AffineTransform(int image_dst_width, int image_dst_height, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, RGBQUAD colour, int retainBackground) { FIBITMAP tmp_dib = FreeImage.AffineTransform(this.Dib, image_dst_width, image_dst_height, matrix.Data, colour, retainBackground); return new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tmp_dib); }
public void AffineTransform(FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, RGBQUAD colour) { FIBITMAP tmp_dib = FreeImage.AffineTransform(this.Dib, (int)this.Width, (int)this.Height, matrix.Data, colour, 1); this.ReplaceDib(tmp_dib); }
public bool DrawColourRect(FIARECT rect, RGBQUAD colour, int lineWidth) { return FreeImage.DrawColourRect(this.Dib, rect, colour, lineWidth); }
public bool DrawColourSolidRect(FIARECT rect, RGBQUAD colour) { return FreeImage.DrawColourSolidRect(this.Dib, rect, colour); }
public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, Point dstPoint, Size dstSize, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, FIA_Matrix.Zero, dstPoint.X, dstPoint.Y, dstSize.Width, dstSize.Height, colour, 1); }
public void DrawImage(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap dst, FreeImageAlgorithmsMatrix matrix, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, RGBQUAD colour) { FreeImage.DrawImageToDst(dst.Dib, this.Dib, matrix.Data, dstLeft, dstTop, dstWidth, dstHeight, colour, 1); }
public static unsafe RGBQUAD[] GetPaletteCopy(uint dib) { RGBQUAD[] rgbquadArray = new RGBQUAD[0x100]; if (GetBPP(dib) <= 8) { byte* rawPalette = (byte*) GetRawPalette(dib); for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { rgbquadArray[i] = new RGBQUAD(); rgbquadArray[i].rgbBlue = rawPalette[0]; rawPalette++; rgbquadArray[i].rgbGreen = rawPalette[0]; rawPalette++; rgbquadArray[i].rgbRed = rawPalette[0]; rawPalette++; rgbquadArray[i].rgbReserved = rawPalette[0]; rawPalette++; } } return rgbquadArray; }
public void Transform(Schema.SkinFile.Attachment.Transform trnsfrm) { if (dib.IsNull) return; if (FreeImage.GetWidth(dib) <= 1 || FreeImage.GetHeight(dib) <= 1) return; FREE_IMAGE_FILTER filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BSPLINE; if (trnsfrm.scaleFilter != null) switch (trnsfrm.scaleFilter.ToUpper()) { case "BOX": filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BOX; break; case "BICUBIC": filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BICUBIC; break; case "BILINEAR": filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR; break; case "BSPLINE": filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BSPLINE; break; case "CATMULLROM": filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_CATMULLROM; break; case "LANCZOS3": filter = FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_LANCZOS3; break; } RectangleF originalDimensions, rotationDimensions; GraphicsUnit pageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel; dib = FreeImage.Rescale(dib, (int)(FreeImage.GetWidth(dib) * trnsfrm.scaleX), (int)(FreeImage.GetHeight(dib) * trnsfrm.scaleY), filter); originalDimensions = FreeImage.GetBitmap(dib).GetBounds(ref pageUnit); RGBQUAD bgColor = new RGBQUAD(); bgColor.rgbRed = 0x00; bgColor.rgbGreen = 0x00; bgColor.rgbBlue = 0x00; bgColor.rgbReserved = 0x00; // TODO: вычесть из положения разницу между оригинальными размерами и размерами после поворота (по крайней мере сверху) //int size = (int)(trnsfrm.x > 0 ? trnsfrm.x : 0) + (int)(trnsfrm.y > 0 ? trnsfrm.y : 0); //trnsfrm.angle = -45; /* double cos = Math.Cos(-trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180), sin = Math.Sin(-trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180); Point[] points = new Point[4] { new Point((int)(originalDimensions.Width / 2), (int)(originalDimensions.Height / 2)), // top left //(int)(originalDimensions.Width / 2 * cos - originalDimensions.Height / 2 * sin), (int)(originalDimensions.Width / 2 * sin + originalDimensions.Height / 2 * cos)), new Point((int)(originalDimensions.Width / 2), (int)(-originalDimensions.Height / 2)), // top right new Point((int)(-originalDimensions.Width / 2), (int)(originalDimensions.Height / 2)), // bottom left new Point((int)(-originalDimensions.Width / 2), (int)(-originalDimensions.Height / 2)) // bottom right }; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { points[i].X = (int)(points[i].X * cos - points[i].Y * sin); points[i].Y = (int)(points[i].X * sin + points[i].Y * cos); } int maxRight = points[0].X, maxBottom = points[0].Y; for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { if (points[i].X > maxRight) maxRight = points[i].X; if (points[i].Y > maxBottom) maxBottom = points[i].Y; } Console.WriteLine(points[0]); Console.WriteLine(points[1]); Console.WriteLine(points[2]); Console.WriteLine(points[3]); Console.WriteLine(maxRight); Console.WriteLine(maxBottom); int rightOffset = (int)(maxRight - originalDimensions.Width / 2), bottomOffset = (int)(maxBottom - originalDimensions.Height / 2); Console.WriteLine(rightOffset); Console.WriteLine(bottomOffset); */ /* Console.WriteLine(originalDimensions); Console.WriteLine(originalDimensions.Width / 2 * Math.Cos(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180) - originalDimensions.Height / 2 * Math.Sin(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180)); Console.WriteLine(originalDimensions.Width / 2 * Math.Sin(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180) + originalDimensions.Height / 2 * Math.Cos(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180)); */ dib = FreeImage.Rotate<RGBQUAD>(dib, -trnsfrm.angle, bgColor); rotationDimensions = FreeImage.GetBitmap(dib).GetBounds(ref pageUnit); dib = FreeImage.EnlargeCanvas<RGBQUAD>(dib, 0, 0, (int)(trnsfrm.x > 0 ? trnsfrm.x : 0),// + rightOffset,//(int)(originalDimensions.Width / 2 * Math.Cos(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180) - originalDimensions.Height / 2 * Math.Sin(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180) - originalDimensions.Width / 2) + 2, (int)(trnsfrm.y > 0 ? trnsfrm.y : 0),// + bottomOffset,//(int)(originalDimensions.Width / 2 * Math.Sin(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180) + originalDimensions.Height / 2 * Math.Cos(trnsfrm.angle * Math.PI / 180)), bgColor, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS.FICO_RGBA ); //dib = FreeImage.RotateEx(dib, 0, trnsfrm.x, trnsfrm.y, 0, 0, true); //dib = FreeImage.Rotate<RGBQUAD>(dib, trnsfrm.angle, bgColor); //dib = FreeImage.RotateEx(dib, 0, trnsfrm.x, trnsfrm.y, originalDimensions.Width / 2, originalDimensions.Height / 2, true); dib = FreeImage.RotateEx(dib, 0, trnsfrm.x, trnsfrm.y, 0, 0, true); dib = FreeImage.EnlargeCanvas<RGBQUAD>(dib, (int)(rotationDimensions.Width - originalDimensions.Width) / -2, (int)(rotationDimensions.Height - originalDimensions.Height) / -2, 0, 0, bgColor, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS.FICO_RGBA ); //dib = FreeImage.RotateEx(dib, 0, trnsfrm.x - (rotationDimensions.Width - originalDimensions.Width) / 2, trnsfrm.y - (rotationDimensions.Height - originalDimensions.Height) / 2, 0, 0, true); //dib = FreeImage.RotateEx(dib, 0, trnsfrm.x, trnsfrm.y, 0, 0, true); }