public void Initialize(params string[] args) { if (Initialized) { Debug.LogError("Game has already been initialized. This should not happen!"); return; } Initialized = true; // Console var consoleView = FindObjectOfType <ConsoleView>(); if (consoleView == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Failed to find a ConsoleView! The Console will be unavailable!"); } else { _console = new ConsoleController(); consoleView.SetConsole(_console); } // Relay gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MonoEventRelay>(); // State _stateManager = new StateManager(); _stateManager.Listener.StateChanged += Listener_StateChanged; // Scene Loader _sceneLoader = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <SceneLoader>(); // Zone _zoneManager = new ZoneManager <GameZone>(_sceneLoader); _zoneManager.Listener.ZoneChanged += Listener_ZoneChanged; // Allows the control of the game, such as level loading, resuming and pausing the game. _controller = new GameController(this, _stateManager, _zoneManager); // Audio Services.Provide(FindObjectOfType <AudioSystem>()); // Game Entities new GameEntityManager(this); // Rules _rules = new List <GameRule>(); // Game implementation OnInitialize(args); }
public void SetConsole(ConsoleController console) { Console = console; LogViewItem.gameObject.SetActive(false); InputField.text = ""; LogView.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, 0f); // Add callback for all Unity Debug Log events. Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded += OnLogMessageRecieved; View.SetActive(false); }
public LogInterceptor(ConsoleController console, ILogHandler fallback, Color logColor) { Console = console; LogColor = logColor; FallbackHandler = fallback; }
public DebugConsole() { Controller = new ConsoleController(); }
public void Init() { TestConsole = new Framework.ConsoleController(); }