コード例 #1
        public ComputedFractalValues ReturnComputedFractalValues(RectangleInPlane fractalRectangleIn, int xMaxIn, int yMaxIn, IList <FractalColorValue> fractalColorValuesIn, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar fractalProgressIn)
            if (fractalColorValuesIn.Count < NumberOfColorUsed)
                throw new FractalObserverException("Fractal PythagorasTree needs more colors that are available in the input parameter fractalColorValuesIn!");

            ComputedFractalValues aComputedFractalValuesValues = new ComputedFractalValues();

            for (int aCurrentYPos = 0; aCurrentYPos < yMaxIn; aCurrentYPos++)
                fractalProgressIn.Value = (int)(100.0 * ((double)aCurrentYPos / (double)yMaxIn));

                for (int aCurrentXPos = 0; aCurrentXPos < xMaxIn; aCurrentXPos++)
                    int tempValue = 0;

                    ComplexNumber c = new ComplexNumber();

                    c.Re = fractalRectangleIn.StartX + Math.Abs(fractalRectangleIn.StartX - fractalRectangleIn.EndX) * ((double)aCurrentXPos / (double)xMaxIn);
                    c.Im = fractalRectangleIn.StartY + Math.Abs(fractalRectangleIn.StartY - fractalRectangleIn.EndY) * ((double)aCurrentYPos / (double)yMaxIn);

                    int n = 0;

                    myZValues[n].Re = 0.0;
                    myZValues[n].Im = 0.0;

                    // computation of value for function z2+c, if it converges (if it is bounded) the point is part of mandelbrot set

                        myZValues[n] = ComplexOperations.Add(Equation.ComplexFunctionValue(myZValues[n - 1]), c);
                    } while (((Math.Abs(myZValues[n].Re) < myMaximumValueForConvergation) && (Math.Abs(myZValues[n].Im) < myMaximumValueForConvergation)) && (n < (MaximumNumberOfIterations - 1)));

                    tempValue = n;

                    ComputedFractalValue aCFValue = new ComputedFractalValue();

                    FractalColorValue aFractalColorValue = ReturnColor(tempValue, fractalColorValuesIn);
                    aCFValue.ColorValue = aFractalColorValue;
                    aCFValue.AddComputedPoint(new System.Drawing.Point(aCurrentXPos, aCurrentYPos));
                    aCFValue.TypeOfShape = TypesOfShape.Point;
                    aCFValue.UsedTypeOfCoordinateSystem = TypesOfCoordinateSystem.Screen;


コード例 #2
        public ComputedFractalValues ReturnComputedFractalValues(RectangleInPlane fractalRectangleIn, int xMaxIn, int yMaxIn, IList <FractalColorValue> fractalColorValuesIn, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar fractalProgressIn)
            if (fractalColorValuesIn.Count < NumberOfColorUsed)
                throw new FractalObserverException("Fractal PythagorasTree needs more colors that are available in the input parameter fractalColorValuesIn!");

            ComputedFractalValues aComputedFractalValues = new ComputedFractalValues();

            aComputedFractalValues.ShallFillInterior = false;

            ComputedFractalValue aCFValue = new ComputedFractalValue();

            FractalColorValue aFractalColorValue = ReturnColor(fractalColorValuesIn);

            aCFValue.ColorValue  = aFractalColorValue;
            aCFValue.TypeOfShape = TypesOfShape.Lines;
            aCFValue.UsedTypeOfCoordinateSystem = TypesOfCoordinateSystem.Plane;

            PointInPlane aStartingPoint = new PointInPlane(myFractalArea.MinX, myFractalArea.MaxY);
            PointInPlane aEndingPoint   = new PointInPlane(myFractalArea.MaxX, myFractalArea.MaxY);

            const int aStartingIteration = 0;

            const double aAngle = Math.PI / 3.0; // angle of -60 degrees - equilateral triangle

            PointInPlane tempPointInPlane = RotateLine(aStartingPoint, aEndingPoint, aAngle);

            CreateNewCurveAndAddItToCFV(aEndingPoint, aStartingPoint, fractalColorValuesIn, ref aCFValue, aStartingIteration);

            CreateNewCurveAndAddItToCFV(aStartingPoint, tempPointInPlane, fractalColorValuesIn, ref aCFValue, aStartingIteration);

            CreateNewCurveAndAddItToCFV(tempPointInPlane, aEndingPoint, fractalColorValuesIn, ref aCFValue, aStartingIteration);


コード例 #3
        public ComputedFractalValues ReturnComputedFractalValues(RectangleInPlane fractalRectangleIn, int xMaxIn, int yMaxIn, IList <FractalColorValue> fractalColorValuesIn, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar fractalProgressIn)
            if (fractalColorValuesIn.Count < NumberOfColorUsed)
                throw new FractalObserverException("Fractal PythagorasTree needs more colors that are available in the input parameter fractalColorValuesIn!");

            ComputedFractalValues aComputedFractalValues = new ComputedFractalValues();

            aComputedFractalValues.ShallFillInterior = false;

            PointInPlane[] aStartingRectanglePoints = new PointInPlane[4];
            aStartingRectanglePoints[0] = new PointInPlane(myFractalArea.MinX, myFractalArea.MaxY);
            aStartingRectanglePoints[1] = new PointInPlane(myFractalArea.MaxX, myFractalArea.MaxY);
            aStartingRectanglePoints[2] = new PointInPlane(myFractalArea.MaxX, myFractalArea.MinY);
            aStartingRectanglePoints[3] = new PointInPlane(myFractalArea.MinX, myFractalArea.MinY);

            const int aStartingIteration = 0;

            CreateSquare(aStartingRectanglePoints, fractalColorValuesIn, ref aComputedFractalValues, aStartingIteration);

コード例 #4
 public PythagorasTree()
     myFractalArea = new RectangleInPlane(-0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
コード例 #5
        public ComputedFractalValues ReturnComputedFractalValues(RectangleInPlane fractalRectangleIn, int xMaxIn, int yMaxIn, IList <FractalColorValue> fractalColorValuesIn, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar fractalProgressIn)
            if (fractalColorValuesIn.Count < NumberOfColorUsed)
                throw new FractalObserverException("Fractal PythagorasTree needs more colors that are available in the input parameter fractalColorValuesIn!");

            ComputedFractalValues aComputedFractalValues = new ComputedFractalValues();


            for (int aCurrentYPos = 0; aCurrentYPos < yMaxIn; aCurrentYPos++)
                fractalProgressIn.Value = (int)(100.0 * ((double)aCurrentYPos / (double)yMaxIn));

                for (int aCurrentXPos = 0; aCurrentXPos < xMaxIn; aCurrentXPos++)
                    int tempRoot  = 0;
                    int tempValue = 0;

                    int n = 0;

                    // initial values
                    myZValues[n].Re = fractalRectangleIn.StartX + Math.Abs(fractalRectangleIn.StartX - fractalRectangleIn.EndX) * ((double)aCurrentXPos / (double)xMaxIn);
                    myZValues[n].Im = fractalRectangleIn.StartY + Math.Abs(fractalRectangleIn.StartY - fractalRectangleIn.EndY) * ((double)aCurrentYPos / (double)yMaxIn);

                    // computation of next values until the maximum iteration count or until the conditions are met
                        myZValues[n] = ComplexOperations.Substract(myZValues[n - 1], ComplexOperations.Divide(Equation.ComplexFunctionValue(myZValues[n - 1]), Equation.ComplexFunctionDerivativeValue(myZValues[n - 1])));
                    } while (((Math.Abs(myZValues[n].Re - myZValues[n - 1].Re) > myTreshold) || (Math.Abs(myZValues[n].Im - myZValues[n - 1].Im) > myTreshold)) && (n < (MaximumNumberOfIterations - 1)));

                    ComputedFractalValue aCFValue = null;
                    FractalColorValue    aFractalColorValue;

                    // if the solution did not converge to root, then return zero values
                    if (n >= (MaximumNumberOfIterations - 1) || double.IsNaN(myZValues[n].Re) || double.IsNaN(myZValues[n].Im))
                        aCFValue = new ComputedFractalValue();

                        aFractalColorValue  = ReturnColor(tempRoot, tempValue, fractalColorValuesIn);
                        aCFValue.ColorValue = aFractalColorValue;
                        aCFValue.AddComputedPoint(new System.Drawing.Point(aCurrentXPos, aCurrentYPos));
                        aCFValue.TypeOfShape = TypesOfShape.Point;
                        aCFValue.UsedTypeOfCoordinateSystem = TypesOfCoordinateSystem.Screen;



                    bool aNewRoot    = true;
                    int  aRootNumber = 0;

                    // find out if the root is new until now, or if the current root was found already
                    for (int i = 0; i < myZRoots.Count; i++)
                        if ((Math.Abs(myZRoots[i].Re - myZValues[n].Re) < myTreshold) && (Math.Abs(myZRoots[i].Im - myZValues[n].Im) < myTreshold))
                            aNewRoot    = false;
                            aRootNumber = i;

                    // if this root is new until now, add new item to myZRoots List
                    if (aNewRoot)
                        ComplexNumber aComplexRoot = new ComplexNumber();
                        aComplexRoot.Re = myZValues[n].Re;
                        aComplexRoot.Im = myZValues[n].Im;


                        aRootNumber = myZRoots.Count - 1;

                    // sets the computed values for this pixel to return structure and return it
                    tempValue = n;

                    if (aRootNumber == 0)
                        tempRoot = 1;
                    else if (aRootNumber == 1)
                        tempRoot = 2;
                    else if (aRootNumber == 2)
                        tempRoot = 3;
                        throw new FractalObserverException("Error occured during computation of fractal, wrong number of roots was found!");

                    // storing of output of computation
                    aCFValue = new ComputedFractalValue();

                    aFractalColorValue  = ReturnColor(tempRoot, tempValue, fractalColorValuesIn);
                    aCFValue.ColorValue = aFractalColorValue;
                    aCFValue.AddComputedPoint(new System.Drawing.Point(aCurrentXPos, aCurrentYPos));
                    aCFValue.TypeOfShape = TypesOfShape.Point;
                    aCFValue.UsedTypeOfCoordinateSystem = TypesOfCoordinateSystem.Screen;


コード例 #6
 public ScreenPlaneCoordinatesTransfornation(int screenWidthIn, int screenHeightIn, RectangleInPlane viewRectangleIn)
     ScreenWidth   = screenWidthIn;
     ScreenHeight  = screenHeightIn;
     ViewRectangle = viewRectangleIn;
コード例 #7
 public FractalObserverConfiguration()
     CurrentRectangle  = new RectangleInPlane();
     ZoomRectangle     = new RectangleInPlane();
     PreviousRectangle = new RectangleInPlane();
コード例 #8
 public GridInPlane(RectangleInPlane gridRectangleIn, double xSpacingIn, double ySpacingIn)
     GridRectangle = gridRectangleIn;
     XSpacing      = xSpacingIn;
     YSpacing      = ySpacingIn;
コード例 #9
 public KochSnowflake()
     myFractalArea = new RectangleInPlane(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);