コード例 #1
        public List <ReportingPaperElements> GetItems(string MachineID, DateTime?From, DateTime?To, int ReportingPaper)
            List <ReportingPaperElements> lst = new List <ReportingPaperElements>();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MachineID) == true)
                ReportingPaperElements funnybasicinfo = new ReportingPaperElements();
                funnybasicinfo.AgentVersion        = "Fox SDC 950228180442";
                funnybasicinfo.BIOSBootType        = "Legacy";
                funnybasicinfo.LastUpdated         = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 19, 35, 21);
                funnybasicinfo.MachineID           = "8878FF7A-2506-4A63-B0F1-A0C28AFD6480";
                funnybasicinfo.MachineName         = "FOX-PC1-NT3";
                funnybasicinfo.OS                  = "Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5";
                funnybasicinfo.OSVersion           = "3.51.1057";
                funnybasicinfo.OSWin10Version      = "";
                funnybasicinfo.TotalPhysicalMemory = CommonUtilities.NiceSize(67108864);
                funnybasicinfo.UCID                = "F3489E4C92654D12A6EF6C4C2EAA4A5E";
                funnybasicinfo.VendorBIOS          = "Award BIOS 6";
                funnybasicinfo.VendorMake          = "Vulpes 486 PC";
                funnybasicinfo.ContractID          = "Company XXX Contract";

                lst.Add(new ReportingPaperElements());
                CopyBaseData(funnybasicinfo, lst[0]);
                lst[0].ID            = 10005;
                lst[0].ReportedDate  = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 18, 20, 54);
                lst[0].IconPicture   = Resources.Vulpes.ToBitmap();
                lst[0].StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture(ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Good);
                lst[0].Text          = "Reporting test ...\nNew line\n\nAnother line";

                lst.Add(new ReportingPaperElements());
                CopyBaseData(funnybasicinfo, lst[1]);
                lst[1].ID            = 10004;
                lst[1].ReportedDate  = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 18, 19, 12);
                lst[1].IconPicture   = Resources.EventLog.ToBitmap();
                lst[1].StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture(ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Info);
                lst[1].Text          = "The Event log service was started.";

                lst.Add(new ReportingPaperElements());
                CopyBaseData(funnybasicinfo, lst[2]);
                lst[2].ID            = 10003;
                lst[2].ReportedDate  = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 18, 15, 35);
                lst[2].IconPicture   = Resources.EventLog.ToBitmap();
                lst[2].StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture(ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Stop);
                lst[2].Text          = "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.";



            using (SQLLib sql = SQLTest.ConnectSQL("Fox SDC Server for Reporting"))
                if (sql == null)

                //Get some ComputerInfo
                SqlDataReader dr = sql.ExecSQLReader("select * from ComputerAccounts Where MachineID=@m",
                                                     new SQLParam("@m", MachineID));
                if (dr.HasRows == false)

                ReportingPaperElements basicinfo = new ReportingPaperElements();
                basicinfo.AgentVersion        = Convert.ToString(dr["AgentVersion"]);
                basicinfo.BIOSBootType        = Convert.ToString(dr["BIOSType"]);
                basicinfo.LastUpdated         = SQLLib.GetDTUTC(dr["LastUpdated"]);
                basicinfo.MachineID           = Convert.ToString(dr["MachineID"]);
                basicinfo.MachineName         = Convert.ToString(dr["ComputerName"]);
                basicinfo.OS                  = Convert.ToString(dr["OSName"]);
                basicinfo.OSVersion           = Convert.ToString(dr["OSVerMaj"]) + "." + Convert.ToString(dr["OSVerMin"]) + "." + Convert.ToString(dr["OSVerBuild"]);
                basicinfo.OSWin10Version      = Win10Version.GetWin10Version(basicinfo.OSVersion);
                basicinfo.TotalPhysicalMemory = CommonUtilities.NiceSize(Convert.ToInt64(dr["TotalPhysicalMemory"]));
                basicinfo.UCID                = Convert.ToString(dr["UCID"]);
                basicinfo.VendorBIOS          = Convert.ToString(dr["BIOS"]);
                basicinfo.VendorMake          = Convert.ToString(dr["ComputerModel"]);
                basicinfo.ContractID          = Convert.ToString(dr["ContractID"]);

                string          Query     = "";
                List <SQLParam> SQLParams = new List <SQLParam>();
                switch ((ReportingFlagsPaper)ReportingPaper)
                case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentAdmin:
                    Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc";
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentAdminReported));

                case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentClient:
                    Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc";
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentClientReported));

                case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportAdmin:
                    Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc";
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.AdminReported));

                case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportClient:
                    Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc";
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToClient));
                    SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.ClientReported));

                case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReReport:
                    if (From == null && To == null)
                        Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid order by Reported desc";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                    if (From != null && To == null)
                        Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid AND Reported>=@d1 order by Reported desc";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d1", From.Value));
                    if (From == null && To != null)
                        Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid AND Reported<=@d1 order by Reported desc";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d1", To.Value));
                    if (From != null && To != null)
                        Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and Reported between @d1 and @d2 order by Reported desc";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d1", From.Value));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d2", To.Value));


                List <Int64> ReportedIDs = new List <long>();

                dr = sql.ExecSQLReader(Query, SQLParams.ToArray());
                while (dr.Read())
                    ReportingPaperElements r = new ReportingPaperElements();
                    CopyBaseData(basicinfo, r);
                    r.ID            = Convert.ToInt64(dr["ID"]);
                    r.Flags         = Convert.ToInt64(dr["Flags"]);
                    r.ReportingType = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Type"]);
                    r.ReportedDate  = SQLLib.GetDTUTC(dr["Reported"]);
                    r.StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture((int)((r.Flags & (Int64)ReportingFlags.IconFlags) >> (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift));
                    IReportingExplain explain = ReportingProcessor.FindExplainer(r.ReportingType);
                    if (explain != null)
                        r.Text        = explain.Explain(Convert.ToString(dr["Data"]));
                        r.IconPicture = explain.GetIcon();
                        r.Text        = "Missing module for Type=" + r.ReportingType.ToString() + "; Text=" + Convert.ToString(dr["Data"]);
                        r.IconPicture = Resources.Nix.ToBitmap();

                if (ReportedIDs.Count > 0 && (ReportingFlagsPaper)ReportingPaper != ReportingFlagsPaper.ReReport)
                    string SQLIn = "";
                    foreach (Int64 i in ReportedIDs)
                        SQLIn += i.ToString() + ",";

                    if (SQLIn.EndsWith(",") == true)
                        SQLIn = SQLIn.Substring(0, SQLIn.Length - 1);

                    Query     = "";
                    SQLParams = new List <SQLParam>();

                    switch ((ReportingFlagsPaper)ReportingPaper)
                    case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentAdmin:
                        Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentAdminReported));

                    case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentClient:
                        Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentClientReported));

                    case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportAdmin:
                        Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.AdminReported));

                    case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportClient:
                        Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0";
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToClient));
                        SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.ClientReported));

                    sql.ExecSQLNQ(Query, SQLParams.ToArray());
コード例 #2
        static void MThread()
                using (SQLLib sql = SQLTest.ConnectSQL("Fox SDC Server for Maintenance", 0))
                    if (sql == null)
                        if (StopThread == true)

                        if (SettingsManager.Settings.KeepEventLogDays > 0)
                            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            Int64    res = Convert.ToInt64(sql.ExecSQLScalar(@"DECLARE @Deleted_Rows INT
                            DECLARE @Deleted_Rows_Total INT
                            SET @Deleted_Rows = 1
                            SET @Deleted_Rows_Total = 0

                            WHILE (@Deleted_Rows > 0)
                                delete top (10000) from EventLog where TimeGenerated<DATEADD(day, @d, getutcdate())
                                SET @Deleted_Rows = @@ROWCOUNT
                                SET @Deleted_Rows_Total = @Deleted_Rows_Total + @Deleted_Rows

                            Select @Deleted_Rows_Total",
                                                                             new SQLParam("@d", 0 - SettingsManager.Settings.KeepEventLogDays)));
                            Int64 secs = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - now).TotalSeconds);
                            FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Eventlog data Maintenance completed: " + res.ToString() + " entr" + (res == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + " deleted\nTime needed: " + secs + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s"), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                        if (SettingsManager.Settings.KeepNonPresentDisks > 0)
                            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            int      res = sql.ExecSQLNQ("delete from DiskData where DevicePresent!=1 AND LastUpdated<DATEADD(day, @d, getutcdate())",
                                                         new SQLParam("@d", 0 - SettingsManager.Settings.KeepNonPresentDisks));
                            Int64 secs = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - now).TotalSeconds);
                            FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Nonpresent disk data Maintenance completed: " + res.ToString() + " entr" + (res == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + " deleted\nTime needed: " + secs + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s"), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                        if (SettingsManager.Settings.KeepReports > 0)
                            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            int      res = sql.ExecSQLNQ("delete from Reporting where Reported<DATEADD(day, @d, getutcdate())",
                                                         new SQLParam("@d", 0 - SettingsManager.Settings.KeepReports));
                            Int64 secs = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - now).TotalSeconds);
                            FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Report Maintenance completed: " + res.ToString() + " entr" + (res == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + " deleted\nTime needed: " + secs + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s"), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                        if (SettingsManager.Settings.KeepBitlockerRK > 0)
                            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            int      res = sql.ExecSQLNQ("delete from BitlockerRK where Reported<DATEADD(day, @d, getutcdate())",
                                                         new SQLParam("@d", 0 - SettingsManager.Settings.KeepBitlockerRK));
                            Int64 secs = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - now).TotalSeconds);
                            FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Old BitlockerRK Maintenance completed: " + res.ToString() + " entr" + (res == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + " deleted\nTime needed: " + secs + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s"), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                        if (SettingsManager.Settings.KeepChatLogs > 0)
                            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                            int      res = sql.ExecSQLNQ("delete from Chats where DT<DATEADD(day, @d, getutcdate())",
                                                         new SQLParam("@d", 0 - SettingsManager.Settings.KeepChatLogs));
                            Int64 secs = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - now).TotalSeconds);
                            FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Old Chat Logs Maintenance completed: " + res.ToString() + " entr" + (res == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + " deleted\nTime needed: " + secs + " second" + (secs == 1 ? "" : "s"), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Cannot delete Eventlog data\n" + ee.ToString(), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error);

                if (StopThread == true)
            } while (StopThread == false);